Daily Racing Form Charts: Columbus, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-20


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d t - » * : v I! W, 0 1 1 s I i I i ■ • !- - .. j t ■ B I 0 a • 0 t 0 1 t • . f : . , 1 a i j ; : ! • I ! , ! , ■ , , I | . i t . COLUMBUS "WEEP* 0m°; K0I?AY APRIL »■ IMS. Reulah .ark 12 MB*. Se, .,„,, dav. Capitol City Kai ing Association. Spring meeting of M days. Woather clear. S-tewards. J A. Murphy and J. T. Ireland. Presiding - Judge. II. D Shepar.l .- As.s,K.ate Jud,. i„,|..,. . t . Stand,. Mailer . L. Dean. Racing Se.relarv. W R Norv.ll — . . , Raing Marte at 2 15 p. ,,.. Chicago time. 1:15 p. m. , Y indicates whip. S spurs 15 biukers F,g- taraMsVSa — -*- «-• 3 --• S horse S — — _ 00868 FmnHT RACS~r,1-2 Furlo1s- Ail 23. 1923-1:05 4-7-104. Purse 00. 4-yea--olds WJO90 and upward. Churning. Net value to winner 75: second. 5: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt ■ Str Fin jj J.keys Owners E.piiv. Rook. Strt „"1:- SoT"« IJ,.i"ruo°SHOK -11 ,UO * W ■ I S m a s t S I E ,?i l Aron n W !• !»» MM* W McCabe -1 - K Davis -"4 -1 1.1 i M 00HI5 P. MOOOT w ! Ill I 1 31 4n. k2- L Lee AY MeirT lit Z "!!-« ":I,SHU"ra,! "«« * 5 5 » * * J J»h"s»" Mrs V Wood sl." Oo"oS "VtiS1, " 4 53 T yiH lUy «"*- tSSS 00..00 HI BLACK VCK TUP TOP W8 107 I $ I * „ « A Yerrat J S Kindscher MMM ... ... . Ilm«. :24*s. :48i. 1:09*,. Track fast. .o.fh,,p"n$,,8„,ov!,"hor- •"■ ""**-$:!,M i,h""- *™ s,,"w: ■*-** $:: ■■ *"•■■ to IBlflKVSM. show" "OMZo,,l0,,o,R;,SIhot- " ,0° I U°- :!° ," "" S," W: " ,: bred.vMr o Rravl " " " " i",triu,■ 1,v Kni-ht •« *■* 9MMM traned by O. AY Fritz: drnin- liriv"* JOHN UluXluiu] H0SH0K TV 1"i"",es , S,:,rt " •" • *W* «»" ***. Maaai and third -! tegaa slowly, hut ra int.. the had at once and graluallv drew awai la win easmg up. l.IISORIO was always rlaa** to the leader and made a game r,ni,l, I M ODY raced M SHAFFKR into defeat ■„ the first h.-„f ,„., finished resolu.clv 1SI.A. K TOP dwelt at t le s.a , Overweight t avalier. 3 pounds. 00869 SE?h°ND„HACE35 1-2. Furlone*. April 23. 1923ZlTo5 ~73i047.~Purse 00. 4-yea7 y JPy olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 5; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , .... Str Fin Jockeys Owners F,,uiv Baak. StTt ~~ — 00461 QRRNADR m 5 107 5 6 « 4. M 1» F Moore J C 11a hi ■ 11 « mn o-i V.,11 2S£ WS10T 4 2 "•*" » 2« A Yerrat R li- s .»-",« 00:S57 MISS KMKRSO.V »• 5 110 « 3 T lh P 3 II HaV V Hallo 90-100 MaaSStaaiSw W ! 2 2 5 «». •* «l « P P*a« Piatt A Smyth* 550-DO 9-,,S8 "WW Wan IMjl I 11 21 G 6 L Lee C K Davison -50-KW ... .,. Tlme- :24. E4IK. 1:09Vs. Track fast. .l.;!i?,%"™"1 M-40 s,r:"-ht- *!"M» I":"■ ■• I-1* »■"«: In.le Yelo. ,.C0 place. 54.00 show : MisH Kmcrson. «-coa,lV J.t.OO show. ,oo K,»iv,,1,"t l » k"K irenade. 1120 to 100 straight. ."..50 to 100 place, 110 to Kr show Incl» Veto 180 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show: Miss Kmerson. 80 to 100 show wlnTI U ■»"" .,r..,!-,UiT. mUU",U l,v ■«*• twined by J. Crimmins: bred by Mr. James Batter ,°;t I ,,,"nutPS- ,Start K000 «n l sl«w- Won driving: se-ond and third the the same same. .RKNADK kkvhiKU. began slowly . and well was back until approaching the far turn from where he moved up on the outside and. wearing I NC1.K A Kit down, won in the last stride 1 he latter forced the earl, pace and. taking the lead after en.ering the stretch, stayed well in the final drive but c. ml , t w. hstand the winner. MISS KMKKSON showed mud, speed for the Vie firs, half and ra ed in. cad +*7tL?2and££r£l, SJir tisUti MANDY "as sh:,r,,,y I,in,"eJ uff - ■-rirst » " Overweights Miss Kmerson. 5 |M.unds: Yaneo. 3: Mandy. 1: Yirge, U-.. 008 70 THI?D RACaE" 12 TuTl™**- APril 23. 1923-1 OS/i-T-MOaSO* 4-yew-olda VVO • 1* nd "Pward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75: second. 5: third. 0. l""r Horses AWtlPSt i, ■, Str Fin Jockeys Owners K.„,iT Rook Strt SIm ,,VKnVvniCK W?J Fl E r * «" T Aron J "ayp- " 2?2.«fYi™ w,5 5 I ? " »-»l«] W Laaiaa Aldri.h *- Maaaa 990-100 M710«RRLANORR wa 6 102 2 1 p p 2. ai p c„wn AV A McRiaster ,s..10„ "°?fi SI5 ,OX w 9 109 4 4 6i 4» 5» 5« A Y-rrat Mrs V J D.tnlai. .80 ft 9.54-9 BRITISH LINKR w 8 107 7 7 41 G 6 6 II Carner K j I „ op.-r 1HT "ft C0044 WAR OARDRN w 10 110 3 G 7 Pull. u„ AY M.Mbe . f, , e 1 er MRmS ... ..,. Time. :24s. :48i. 1:09. Track fast. show- Frng;"*:: 40rX:w.,r°raI ni*k- *" S,r:"Sh,• *4 W ,,,a"-- $:! m M— ,""i ,: W-» "=••- IMi 1l»;",VlV.!",",-!;",.,k. ,,!,VaI ,,-",k- VM-" "! Mr:i=,,f. » »" ••• ■»«•. ••« t., KM show: Oneida BM t. to imi place. l.,0 lo 100 show: hrlanger. 70 to 100 show AYatts."11"" "" • D k t1mm ,:i"!""~- Marta Santa trained by J. Haves: bred by Mr ;. ArrvtlLMTT? ia,t,41fi. af PW -1 ?*2te: S,,rt 0,, :,n1 s,ow W"» ".lily: second and third armac. ROAAL DM K saved ground the on turns and. Maria* KRI.AVLKU in the *tretd. «..„ l.v . ». v".1:. l°NK,,I,-,V ""•— ""• •«*" rt-Hj "I outgamed KRLA N. ■ "„ ,ll0 , few trde , f, s",,•,1 " t",• s,r,•",,• i"-" ,ir",i-"" sre ;■ MAA prk,.;:"011 PROSPER ",,,:t "•"| th.r, for , mi , raced on tl ataMc for thr- enlire wav. losing mu. h -round KYI FOX f v r: " ! well. RRITISH LINKR lost much gnund on the first turn Overweight War larden, I paaaia. P0PRTH~RACEll5TRile. Ag7T77r92"5lToi.l05Te"S5 Wand ilftSTI 4 L 4year1Js and ward. Claimtng. BM value g winner 75 j ; sacond 5; Unrd. 14997gj. UP" Index Horses AWtlPSt jj »5 Str Fin Jocke „w,.-rs L.-.iv Baal Strt H9H92 ALBERT L w 1 1 110 I 2 » , -"linkif ...1V ,. v .- " 008.4THU SAPP w,l,5 2 J iu ,u ,. I, g JSk- K J U-ST" £2 «.., ,., Time. .23%. :48. l:01!s. Track fait. KandZZVSFwSZZwtZSJ:: mM "-1** ?:,s 1,1:"-- ?,i" ■ "■ "MP, *h, Mara, K.iuival.nt liking Albert I... S.50 |., 100 straight. 390 t.. Iihi place "00 to 100 show •, . s.,„ IM to MB 100 to lot. "I "P place. show: Ro. k ISoltom BM to MM show R I. Marshall." " S""k" """"" lA~htfwt- ]» ir "■» "r"» 9 C N. Freeman: bred fe, Mr. -he "me toALBBRT -.a-1/.1-™,? J ri.ed E ! "J""" I ST! :""1 ,,W- W"" lriVn-: "* « ■ "« turn "U fl isTadYutaaZjRPRlpVt SfSLT* "" •»£ rU"""- «" «• "*», of the „.. .,,,, £ lAalSral riSSlLTr TraiRSS BOTTOMiliS tiS2 losed a gap with a r,„h on th. out-ide ,n the s.rch ,Mll „„,.„,.,, !ly • " »«.«„ slowly, but b i.-fly. I.u. t„.d af,.-r racing well ,o the ,a, eighth ROMA .,u,t " S"1 ""■ *"" i: sS.n,,chcd BMfl Havana Klectri. . ,10. U7215 C, uuty T.m.-s. IU; OOSI I Dr MM, 109; MBM Dorothy Overweights Albert L.. 1 pa— I; John Joseph. I: Mitzi M.Jee. 1. 00872 ri.irUig Waairaig Ind.-i Horses 7. ~ AAYtllSt M U * i., * atr sir ln Fir. J"*keys T....L-..,.* Owners Kiuiv. Rook. Strt PM17**TRAPROR w 101 j 2 1*1 1-1 * is i= .. •„,,..„ 7T i~~ 0017.% L.TT..L MAXAORR .M| : |i *; .„ , , Mateat,. Jest" f J ?S2 Russell ., u, m 00399 PRIVATE SKTH w 112 7 J 5 -. M 4k . .• ,. i, 420-100 "l •*» L t.ro.ss . " K McC.wn 790-lfti CA.Idttioiial charts on tenth page. COLUMBUS Continued from third pace. 0O49»CHY JAR wIM I 51-1 2J 41 A Yerrat K P Klrod 1 450-1 0055 2 i ASl S BELLI w 105 2 1 fi1 4* :"•* 5 K Moore W J Kearns 10..0-100 ••623 AHlSTnTLK w 104 4 7 71 71 71 fi»k L Aron J J Heddennan 1920-100 00401 *xl. KPJIM* w m 1 I 4» fii P -. H Hay Mrs R J Howell 1230-1OI OOlOOiiKNTBY Ifdl I % S S V McCahe | Boyle 7ii0-10i Time. :84*. :48*. kM%. Track fast. certificates nranl Traproe. SO straight, .00 place. .00 show; Little Manager, . 00 place. 20 show: Private Seth. . SO -how. i:.|i talent hooking Traproe. 140 to 100 straight. .".0 |o 100 place, M to 100 show: Little Manager. 130 to 10O place. 110 to 100 show; Private Selh. 90 to 100 sliow. Winner Ill. f. ti.r Trapping-- Allele Boe. hy Eon trained hy It. Creech: bred by Mr. .. P. Kinnegan. Went to post :it 4:16. At | ost - minutes. Start good and hIow. Won easily: second and third driving TRAPROH -bowed I be most -peed throughout and was easing up at the end. LITTLE MAN-AiER met with much early interference, but closed up steadily in the stretch and finished fast. PIMVVTK SETH lost ground on th» turn for borne. Inn came again near the finish. CANDY JAR showed s| eed to the last eighth and tired. CENTBY ran poorly. Overweights Casus Belli. I pounds: AI Kripp. 2U. £fQPT* SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Aug. 7. 1924—1:13 — 3—109. Purse S700. 4-yearolds and up-WO 4 tl ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 15, second, 15: third, 0. lndeic Horses AWtPPSt |f ~ Sir Km Jockeys Owners liquiv. Book. Strt 4MM49 VARIATION w 5 103 1 1 2» 2§ 1*1 J Majestic .1 Hayes ISO-.OO OOS87MIOI.K CARD w 4 lit 3 4 ]•» 1* -■ I* A Yerrat M Cox 500-100 IMK!l8:EIlMON w 4 110 4 1 4» 4= 9 I. Aron B Creech 420-100 O0S«0 •!. RK OF C.Of.D « I 1H 5 .. ol ■ 4k 4 C Samson W H Tingle 1490-KM 00313- STAR OF KVK W 7 98 £ « ■ « 5* a"* P Cog in W Roper Jr 610-100 •..9974i KLI/ABKTH K. w 4 110 $ 7 1" :t 6- 61 J Johnson J Keller Nt-aW 00429 ORMI.OWKR « D 100 2 .. X 7s 7» 7« F Moore K J Looper 1 W0-100 mil ITII I P.OBBIA w 4 101 7 S 7"» S S * W Lamon F B Pohl 11 III Time. :23*. 48. 1:15. Track fast. f-2 .ertificales earned Variation. .00 straight, $::.00 place, . GO -how; Hole Iard, . M plac-e, t: 4t sliuw Kdiuon. S.i.OO Btatar. Kijnivalenl l««.kicis Variation. I.iO to 100 straight. s to 100 place, i.t to 100 show: Hole Card, 110 to 100 place. TO to 1O0 show. Kdmon. St to 100 show. Wiiiiht 15. in. BJ High NiKin Catalina. by Ben l.rush trained by J. Hayes: bred by Mr. James Iiatleri. Went •■ | o»t at 4 H. At |K st 1 minute Start goisl and -low. Won handily; second and third driving VAl!!ATIO raced in dose ijuarlers next to the inner rail to the last turn, then came through in the inside when entering Ihe stretch and. taking the lead, won going away. KDMON ran a good BMt and finished -..-e up KI.IZ A BKTH K tired. tOKNKl.OWKK rin a bad race. Overweight- Elizabeth K . S pounds: lornflower. 4. Delia ltobbia, 1. AAOr TEVF.NTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Aug. 28. 19S5— 1 5and— 5—103 ,. Purs© »0. 4-year-olds "vfO 4 ~W and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50. second, 100; third. 0 Index Horses AWtPPSt « i % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kqmv. Book. Strl ■ 00*19 iSPIRKA w :. 109 I 1 1" l« ll ll 1«| J Mill- Mrs.l Slephen.son K9-IM 00719 QKX. CAOOKMA w rt HO i 6 « 4 2 :■! - P Power H Uimmm IK 00KI9 P.KI.ARIO w 10 W0 :: 2 4 al 4" ::- I* P Cogan C N Freeman M 00814 M S H W I M I « :: * P 4i 4 C Sani-.n W M Lant 1IS0-1OH 00S19Si»N o; TKOMT m t M 7 7 7 7 7 7 :, W Iin-in V KoiM-r Jr Mt-MI 00811! r*HK rill.oNI.l, «raCM t 4 "1 V Z* 5* l»l H c.a.ner ■ J Looper Il.iMoil 00420 MKTSUX ■ ■■ HI 1 I ■"■ ,;i i1 * 7 * Ye-i it R Sh-pp -JJ-IW Time. :2S. :49H. 117. 1:45. 1:57. TTack faat. certificates .-.iriiei! Sp rca. U straight. $:; M place, .G0 show. Hen. adorna. .40 place. 00 -liow : P-lario. SJ tM» -li..« Kxiiii-abnt i.xknc Sprca. 100 to HH -trai-ht * to 1 M place, 3l to 100 show: lien. I adorna. :!70 to 100 plaie. lO-l ha 10O -bov l..-lario. .0 to 100 -Iio v. :i:ur I!, in. by Iri-li Exile Ncbrask.i las-, by Highland lid trained by ti A. I.atupard: bred by Mr. U 1 Alleni Wei.i M post at 5 IS l post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. sillKA took the |.-ad at once and. racing under slight restraint. led to the stretch and drew away in tlie la»t eighth. UKN IAIIOUNA slowly im|teiv«j his |mi-iIhih on li utside. but was li.inl r.dden at the • nd to ..utstaj MCI AHIO The latter raced on lh- outside all Ihe way and finished re-i Intel v. i.l.S It ran a good race. THE OM.ONKL h-st gn.und on the turns and tired badly lu the la-t half. Overweights -lien ladoina. 4 jiounil.-: Beiario, 3. : I 0U u ! a! n I ft] ,, I _ i- _l t 10 10 10 10 " H»| • " s h ,. = ~i • ~ ,y, Mi , M 0| m » »• " I » d

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926042001/drf1926042001_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1926042001_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800