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OAIUT RACING FORM HAVRE DE GRACE Copyright. 1928. by Daily Racing Porm Publishing Co. HAVRE DE GRACE. MD.. MONDAY. APRIL 19. 1926. 1 Mil- . Fifth ,1a v. Harford Agricultural and Itreeder* .Unocal ion. Spring meeting of l:; days. Weather clear. St.-w.mN. I! IV A.nkling. R. Waters and B. Rrown. Jr. Judges. II. J. Morris, Joseph M Lcnnaii and J. r. 1 timer. Matter, J. Milton. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Ra. nig starts :,t j;:;ii ,,. ,,, Cine. 1 ..SO |i. mi V indicates whip. S spurs IS lilinkers Fig U-vs in parentheses following the distance „r each race indicate date, track reco.d. age of horse and Welsh t carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. ilOfll FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. April 25. 1925— :53— 2— 110. Purse ,200. 2 year-olds. ™ vf _7V»A Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; th.rd. 00; fourth. 0. Indev Horses AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqiiiv. Odds Strt O0704 TOW HiiKX wn 11. 1 1 » p n J Hajben AY J Salmon J295-100 *MI-,H IM5XTKR w 114 12 « 3» l"k IJ II Kricks-n It w farter . § emtio. 007K.5 AMY A. w 107110 P »*M I KroKUe W K Sallee t.:245-10» 00742 UILI.IK K. wall] 4 .1 G* l |« C Robs. ,n AY Keating 270-100 TOItRKXCK w 107 s -8 !■ J 5J J Clial-nts P H KauU-rtner 385-100 Hlll»«X01IK KBCOXD w 110 n 10 i.s* sj f.jw smith PaatlaM Otallla 22S5-1UO O070.-, SI IKIt CAY w 111 « | «| 4J 7 W Harvey R Iarr § °°-- RIXTH D. nOIll 4 P 7- 8«* F dTMtl New Jersey Stable fi! 5-100 PMM OVKR LORD w 114 2 9 SJ 10» 9JJ Rutwell K I AYl.itnev 7250-100 IMU TOMMT PORTER wilt 5 13 ]2i1l« 10 I. Morris International Stable 1!*5-101 M?«4*RNCAMP w 105 | | q y »• |; Thpson R T Wilson t U-PIAN w 107 9 11 U 13 If P Smith s Raaa f KORKTOP W 110 7 || HI 11" IPS J Oallahn H Q Redwell 2O4O-100 TMutuel field, itotipled as W. I. Salmon and K. T. Wilson entry: |R. W. arter and It. Iarr entry Time. :23«s. :49, :55"i. Track fast. mutuels paid W. J. Salmon and It. T. Wilson entry. . IK straight. .3o place. $::."0 show: R. W. farter and It Iarr entry. 1. 70 place. 5.00 show; Amy A., field. 4.10 show. r |iiivalent Ixioking odds — W. J. Salmon and It. T. Wisnn entry. 115 to lO straight. 113 to 100 place. S5 t.. ion hhow; K. W. tarter and It. Iarr entry, .185 to 1O0 pla.e. ISO to 100 show; Amy A., field. 005 t.. IM show. Winner - h. -. by Huon Postgirl, by Seorge Smith trained by J. Pryce: bred by Mr. Walter J. Salmon . Wem to post at Mf. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third th- same POUT HORN set the early pace and. after being headed, came again in the stretch ami finishing fast, outgamed DKXTKK in the final drive. RF.XTKR move! up rapidly after entering the ftome str.-t.h. hut t red arter taking the lead at the eighth |M»st. AMY A. raced well and was outside of the leaders for the entire race. WII.I.IF. K. cloned a gap and tired TOBRRN4K was in a jam soon after the start and was taken up. KNCAM1 was crowded Iwick and was pulled up right after the start Scratched IKIK2H Captain Jack. Ill: 0O742 Fly Hawk. MS; 0070-5 Matilda P.., 94: MOM Sir l.arlev. 102: Tread. 110: Hathaway. SMI; long Joe. 114. Overweights Amy A.. 2-. j.ound.-: Willie K.. 1. AAttai * SECOND RACE— 3-4 Rile. April 21. 1926— 1:11 — 4—129. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds and d ""Ov»A** upward. Claim-ng. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 00: fourth, 0. I:idex Horses AWtlPSt 4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kouiv. Odds Slrt t - M7SS*RKD IKNNANT w 4 IK. 6 1 1» 1" 1= H W Alun.len Mrs B MfBfttMla 810-100 » llOV;:tAMSTi:i: w 4 111 5 4 41 f. pASMP Horn Joaquin Stabl* -45-10. * «07fi.Vl»RKAM || .KKRwb | 11". L 6 P| Ll V ?,- V Stott A C Hostwick 285-100 O07".", WAITS wn 4 lit 7 3 L"i : *■ 4- 41 W Harvev J» Winfrev L"t 5-1 0 : MMttHCOKCHRR wb 4 111 .: g ;,nk f C- 5» R M rim-lli Mrs A Swenkrt 77.-100 v I007K« »1.KATHK|:WOD w 5 10H 1 7 fc C-t 55 6«k IS Th|.son Mrs K J Bain 5C5-100 00408M UI.KAN w i 111 4 5 S S 7J 7* J Tamaro Mrs W J Howard 1225-100 I! W, »7:S44 l.».t:i;S wb I 112 S 3 71 7 8 8 K Smwo.l Mrs J Kook 4275-100 Time, .23*4. :48 i. 1*%. Track fast. mutuels paid ISed Pennant. .2t straight. .:W pla.e. .00 show: Canister. .80 place .80 0 ■how Dream Maker. .!H show. Kuuivalent Iwioking odds — Red Iennant. S10 to 100 straight. 2fi.-. to 100 place. 100 to 100 show Can-iat.r 1 1 140 to ion place. 40 to 100 rhow: Dream Maker. 4.5 to 100 show. Wiiinei Cli, g. by Icnnant America, by Voter trained by W. .. Wilson: bred by Mr. Thomas s C McDowell I Went to paal at :.:0O. At post 2 minutes. Start and slow Won easily: second and third «lning ItF.D IKXXAXT showed the most s|»eed from the stait under a suin-rior ride, raced DRKAM i I i MAKKR to defeat 111 the first half mile and drew away in the stretch to win easing up CANISTKIt ■ was hard ridden most of the way and outfinished the tiring DRKAM MAKKR. The latter saved g ound when entering the home stretch, where the leaders came wide. WATTS Miowed speed but quit 11 the • stretch. I KATHKRWOOD began slowly and was shuffled ba. k S-ratched 00O0«; 1 Rowlands Rcjuest. IS; 0O07O Mark Master, 115: t8 »;2• Harlan 110- 00807 Ca«-tilla. !- 1*4. - OOfi* THIRI »ACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 16. 1921— 1 06U— 3—108. Purme ,200. 3-yea.r-WOUO .. olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 00: fourth. 0. j Index Horses A WtlISI , U, Str Fill Jockeys Owners K |uiv. Odds St r t ■ MMW*PHAXTOM ran wb 106 :: I | 1J U 1" B Th pson It T Wilson t2oi-lo0 B $•• :ol.l»K. AM»Kltwl08 8 S RJ ".Mr, 2- A Hunt J W ISean 19"Ki-100 007«:t LANARK wb 110 12 1 6- 5= :5J 31 C Ralls J W Rosenthal 7225-100 I 00707 Sii w- 105 7 8 2 1"1 2i 4 J thalm-rs A Mounce 470-100 0 007K7"l:KST SHOT w 98. 9 4 R* 7» 6 a* W Munden K F Whitnev MMM a o«i7«6 CUFT wB m i 9 tt* 12 9 «J D Praa/tia O w i »e fi 45-ioo • 00707 MAIlYtiltAlK wb M 11 11 7 8* S» 7 AY Harvev New Jersey Stable 2105-100 0 •?Mti*CORKA w di 2 M 41 4" lakaakV Stott i AY Foreman t 007XH BRUSH BT wsb 110 4 7 5" t; 7» 91 F Collettl Sacra mo re Stable ir.5-100 007K7*CHAR1. -|K • 91 10 :: 1.: R 10- 10- J C Mtrsr J P Jone.s 3850-100 0 O0.-,-.4 l.KMNOS wb llrt H 2 P N| 12- 11. J Malawi AY J Salmon 1 t OO.VUSIKCIAI. AOOOUMTwMI 6 12 10i UJ 11 121 J Icvlan.l K K Hum 455-100 • MJ»ii-I!ki;kky sqvarkw Ml m 99- I:: n .1 MaUwr O ■ Paaa f . IMutuel field. Jt oupled as R. T. Wils„n and W. J. Salmon entry. Time. :24. :49S. 1:08S- Track fast. |S niuliiels paid R. T. AYils.ui and V. J Salmon entry. 10 straight. .31 place $::.; show : O.ilden Wan.l.ier. 5 70 place, f 10.00 sh m : Lanark. S1S.MI aWw. Baal »li al aaaftkks odds — r. t. Mttsaa and v. J. kakaaa ilii. ..".r. to 100 straight 110 to nut alacc . t;5 t,. UMi sh.,w «. dden Wanderer. 0X5 to lot place. J.tO to KM show: Lanark. 8:SO to MB show. Winner Fh. g. by Campfire Fantastic, hy Disguise trained bv J. Prvce; bred bv Mr Richard T Wlison I . Went to | al .: SO At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. AYon driving: second and third , Ike same PHANTOM F1RK raced into the lead at once, but was doing his lM-st all the way and had 1 to be hard ridden .it the end to withstand the challenge 01 OOLDBM AYANDKRER. The latter was a l.irwar.l ...ntcnler f-om the start, saved ground » hen entering the home stretch and finished fast LANARK worked his way up on the outside and made a fast finish. SOX was speedy but tired There i was home crowding soon after the start in which 1SKRKKLKY ■QUARK KPBCIAL ACCOUNT ind j IIAKI.I IK were taken up. Scratched- U7480 Rockov.r. 101: 007S0 Majub.i. 107: !K iSO Palmist. IRS: .i.V,8.5 Ijidy Bountiful 100 ; M«M Meridian Hill. P4 : 00744 Stony Man. MM; MMM Highwayman. 107. Overweights I, olden Wanderer. 1 |miiiiu1: I.est Shot. 1 -..: obra . IV*. 00S84 "222 2ff!£2? SSl ££**and• g".»xl» * g»-J Y*™" Br«e »—- p«"e vFVrC?VF .400. 3-yoar-olds. AUowances. Net value to winner ,000 second 50- third 00 : fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtlISt ■, ...Str Fin Jockeys Owners K-iuiv Odds Str t 00744 PUNJAB w 110 6 ?. 1*4 U l1 J Maib.,1 AY J Salmon 115-100 007KH HIST UP wb 112 4 2 212- M IJ H Kii ks n flaamai BUbtl 480-100 ! • MltttMOXTFSRRAT wb 112 14 HI 3= 3 F Coll.tti Sagan.or- Stabl- :lo-100 »7.S«7 WAR LORD wn 112 I .; tl 5" 4« 4« K Horvatli Otea Riddle Farm Sta I2W-H* I O053J FORK STAR w Ml 3 1 1; »* 5" i- J Fallahn If C, Re.lwell 1155-100 00763 TROFHLK MAKKR w 106 5 5 6 6 6 C J halmrd AY Carth GSOi.-pv. ! Time. :23*i. :47i. 1:14. Track fast. |t niiitiies paid Punjab. JL.Ill straight. . H place. ..:0 aftaw; Dust Ip 0o pli-e S- 70 ahaw Mont l.rrat. f2 M akaar. K |iiivaieut looking txlds - Punjab. 115 to 1O0 straight. 45 to KM place 15 to 100 show Dust Da 10O to loo pla.-.-. S la MM show; Montf-rrat . .» to 100 -how. Winner B. .. by Rrown Innc- 1! American Reality, bv Parte Itniin.-d bv J Prvce- bred .Air Walter J. Sal in. * * W.-nt to aaat at 4:0-5. At ; ost 1 minute. start good an 1 slow. AYon handilv: tacaal and i;,ir | driving. PUNJAB slowly and was badly outpaced for the first quarter, but came with -i rush •fter rounding the far turn and came very w id- w Ma entering the home stretch then raced into the 1-a.l aiii sraa away. Dl BT DP followed the earlv aafraaalll rtaarij until in the .tret.h where I.- naifl MONTPKRRAT and finished fast The latter set a fast pace and saved ground on the turns but tired WAR LORD could never get up. FORK STAR quit Scratched MI7W la Ferte. nil. alllandfta FIFTH ?A££— J 116 Mlles" *»*■ 18 I— 11% t II. Edgewood Handicap WOUtl Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winnei ,450. second 50 third 50. fourth. 0. Indei Horses AWtlISt , *, Str Fin lockcys 4wners Kquiv Odds Str t WIMOOUMDI SlIRK wb 4 117 C 4 51 « 144 1»» L Morns Sunny land Stable -PMOu OO04I IRINFK IIA.MI.KTwb i 115 :; 3 tl»k ti»k 7 aJ SJ K ISarnes- HOBMvtU MK-MI 00.533 WAR MAN VIM I 1 l«k l«k 1 •■ .:" t J CMUaara AV C Trover LJ, IM 000JH KALI!.. A W 4 111 4 6 7 7 fi" fii4" I. PlaStte W R Sallee 10s5-WO , 0004 1 IKVSl WB 5 108 1 i M ;i 4b h JH RaJla ,.. M K.,i,. . 1116-100 .00070 .AISRITRATIMN w 4 109 2 2 I 4 :: . iaft PA Hi Y Stott ,; V Korema,, MO-MO ! 00041 ili .LI.cASIKR wb 4 124 7 7 S* V 21 7 7 W 11.. • v- y T W 11 TSr.-n M-M8 , ■ Time. :24. !« %, I:M%, 1:41. 1 49i. Track fast. , MlBlla paM CaMM Spire. .80 straight. $., iu pla.e. MS :S0 show; Iriu.e Rami, t BIS r pa-e ::.» Maw; w..r Maa, ho -how , Baaivateal kllkllll sMl ..olden Spire. :;I0 t.. lou straight. 15.5 to 100 pla.e. 105 to 100 show Prince H.inlei. .5«Hl la I1** pla..-. SIS to 100 show: War Man. UK to IM show Wii.n.r I li .. by ...,l,|en ISroom Oloryiuaid. by Gfcrtfler trained bv R. A. Smith bred lv Mr I and Mrs. Y M. Jeffords 1. • | Went to |N.-t at I M. Al iM„t 1 minute. Start g.«.d and slow AYon driving; s.-end and third -the K„„e ..ol DK.N SlIRK was waited with until after round, iu 1..- far I11111 then moved up graduailv aul. in the -tret.h. taced into the |.-»,j. |,ut hai| to |M. ridden out to the end PRINCB IIVMIFT sraa l.a.iiy out pa .-d m the early running, bat dosed | gap in r.s.duie raaUaa when called on and tat aa and . AYAR MAN at the end. The latt-r set a ..,Khi Ia. ... ,,„, lva „,„..,, „„., 1| r_„.iu rORBCABTKB ,,,!.. i defeat and t,r-.| FORBFASTKR was r.dd.-i. arttk l«x.r judgment and ra aid to the leaders while round t lug the first turn and. despite his Ilea ry impost. r,,r, e,l the pace to the last turn then 1111I . Bcfatchai cMMllCaaaattar, 120. OOSfifa SIXH C1"1 l-W *ile»- Sept. 18. 1920— 1:44*,— 3— 138. Purse ,200. 3-year old. vvuvv and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPStj fcj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt Ooi-»*!,!;,N:N7„n-1 W71°3 ! »«•»*«• * n W Munden J H MMM 395-1.* -/•o.i, , , V ■"! X7 S 7 51 41 3»k |t|» II Howard W C Raines MS-MI 0I--II. !iks!.v:V w 5 108 5 8 9* 7i 5 4« 31 J Inland Mrs A R Lawsoa .15 100 1 2" -r.-. W41a3 3 -" lh *, :* ** V St"» W « trover 410-1-W -n u.,.; was 111 9 10 1**4 P n 51 J Josiah AY It Murray MMM a2aJt.r?2 vIIn-,r wb:! 92,, 4 4 5h W 7"s Ueb*rt J * R.hardsoB BtM-M -i,., iSl ..V. ww 1061 2 MP » 8n»8 P J Tamaro PR Kean 8065-100 •»ir ",NM,,N wb 4 104 I fi 7 8» 10-10 9» IS Thp*.n C Denny .875 10. •MMisn.;, SS w 7 113 7 1111 10-- 9u 9.10* J Chalmr.s A Rrusco t RM-W 1!K -W* £n ;" snk|t " n n CteRaaJ r, B Iruett t f.,„ir IMutuel field I, Time. :24»4. :50. 1:16. 1:43«5. 1:50S. Track fast. ,., 2 U,V-," ,!,,,,-Kli"t- »•« straight. .80 place. .00 show: Donarita. .! 0 place, show: Iwlisovui. ?.i.SO show. . Kquivalent lKmking ,h1,1s Flint. :.i.5 to 100 straight. 14 to 100 place. 100 to KX show; Donarita. MS to 10O place. 1.80 to 100 show; Rusovia. 0O to 100 show, r.utlerl"" n " ,y 1VM,:ts """J- • • King James trained hy P. K Fitzgerald: bred by Mr Jani-s Went to paal at 504. At irnst B minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third Hie sMll,e. MINI raced close up Ulllil after pas ing the half urle [fcist. then moved up on the outside and. lacing into the lead with a msh. held DONARITA safe all through the home stretch. The latter had a rough race while going to the first turn, where she was knocked about, then raced well, but tired al .". KoU"H. J" ■ V" ]""S ,■"""",, f" """f"1 KISOYIA. The latter was going fast at II ml. making and tfr"d "" *—*• ou paced. HOISSON and lACQCaBJ alternated in early ,-.■,. e S. rat. bed BM83 Ren Handly. S7. Overweights Sam Smith. :;i.. pounds: innamon. 1. 00867 SELENTH RACET1 i;1* MiIes- gRJ*. Ml IBM- l.M% mm. Pawa »aaaa. vvr«_»v»va olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 50; seconl. 00. third. 00- * fourth, 0. Index Horses AAVtIPXM, g % Str Fin Jockeys Owners K,-.iv. Odds Strt ■Mgf7»RODT OPARfJ wb fi 10s 7 4 1« V 1« 1 P]W Harvey PL Fuller 100 00,68«.-srK KNS w o IDS :i S 7 5 5- 3- pa " R lierce * K 1 l„vle lai 1.10 2SMrPH4HER,ERwai. l l "1 * 4i A" ■*« i h22U SStS W« S 7 9 81 V 5 D » «M - -" Manor Staid-. tSM-M nn..5«.u O-09-M.-niTvoVo m- WBS111 I - I 6J ««■ 6i p 6 V Stott W J Kramer MMM ".WvMVw W;T « 5 S= "2 S HPIl KdWrd-s B K Rryson HMN 0-90 :iV r «n 4 10S 10 9 10 10 10 10 8 J Walker H II Cooper BBMM n-?n ?..? vvm l ™» WB5 10K 4 6 3 31 4A 7 !W J Tamaro Mrs M B Mm 445-l.» 007.4 /amy wb I 10s 2 ::t ». ». 9J 10 a Mat TObaja RMMM to , , ., T,me. :2«i. :«H- I:15S. 1:43. 1:50V Track fast. *- u?~ $...80 /" r:"1 . „ ,,V ;";",,• *8 10 •trai-l,• 57»» I"»««-- HIO show: Giaj Rabies. 20 | show: Stevens. 0. SO show. •»l,t:,,"tm,7t,,.w,°k.n- ,Mlu S "T ,:"ar 1- :ar ° m »»r»i=hf- 1M to 100 pace. 10.5 to 100 show: Srav t.ables. 110 to 1IKI place. !B t„ loo show: Stevens. 440 to 100 show EdwardnnRr7sr.dle * i;"Ui" Maxim Melisande. by Disguis,. .trained by AY. onstantine: bn-d by Mr. driving"1 i.niilY8.,-i*iiM.:m- V • T"" . n,in,"tps S,art »«* »"" «l»w. AYon easily: second and third fin, £*. , ■ ARD raced into I lonR lead uuickly and easily kept it to .1 „.l. CRAY . U5I KS fn shed gamely after swerving out on the str. t.l, turn and outstayed STKVKNS ,n the final dnve 1 he latter tall RM» Mi r.mshed fast. MII.DRKD BBBBBB ran a good three quarter. Scratched OO.OS-Crand Rev. !5; 00124 lt..y Scout M Overweight Muriel 8., " jmunds.