Daily Racing Form Charts: Akron, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-23


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AKRON AKRON. OHIO. THURSDAY. APRIL 22. 1926.— Northampton Park 3 4 Mile. Second day. Akron Rac ing Association. Spring meeting of 10 days. Weather threatening. Presiding Steward, A. O. I-onard. Judges, S. S. Bender, K. C. Knehelkamp. P. C. Calliger and II. J. Kohl. Starter. W. Harris. Racing Secretary, E. C. Knehelkamp. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in Chicago time, 1 :.S0 p. in. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. AAQ 4 PT FIRST RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value WJJ-*0 to winner 00; second. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00!2 COTTMlKIt w 4 10S 5 4 5» $■ 4- | | A McDald Sunflower Stable »0-10f 00925 WAR IDOL wb 1 10fi 1 3 1" 1" 1" 2" W Rausser W J Alford 9M -100 00023«HN COXAWAYwn 4 108 7 S 41 2* 2 31 Q Morrow C, P Jenkins S1-100 00007*ACQi;iTTKD w 5 106 6 5 14 41 ?. 41 J Jeffries J Hulmer 1160-100 00924 BLACK AIU w 3 SO 4 2 2" V 5- f»3 H CallalCn Atkins and Lindsay 159O-100 00925 FOXTAIL wk 6 115 2 1 6 6 6 6 W Varley Mrs E Josiah 2560-100 95151 DRAFT wsB 7 110; :: Left at post K Booker J Hooker 870-100 Time. :25%. :51%. 1:10%. Track fast. *2 miiluels paid Cottager. .00 straight, ,450 place. .00 show; War Idol. .00 place, .80 show: Htm Conn way. ,441 show. Equivalent iMMiking . dds Colt.iger. ::80 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show-: War Idol. :S80 I • 100 pla -e. 40 to 100 show: Hun Conaway. 20 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Rock View -Clara At kin. by Sain trained by F. Bechtelheimer: bred by Mr. Arthur IS. Hancockl. Went to post at 2:33. At | ost 1 minute. Start good and slow Won easily: second and third driving. 4HrTTAJKR was i.ut| accd to the stretch, then came fa ■ t into the lead and won going away. WAR IDOI. set a good pace to the last eighth and tired. HUN CONAWAY raced well and finished close up. but tiring ACtJI 1TTED and ISKAtK AIR raced well. Overweights — Foxtail. 4 pounds: Draft, 2%. AAA A £* SECOND RACE — 5 12 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value UVt/-lU to winns. 00: second. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt •/« H STr Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00639MTAH wb 7 103 6 $ 1» I« lh 1 J Wltman .T Manley 1200-100 00752 CASSIUS wb •". 106 3 4 4* 3» 2J 2= S Trench.l H K Brown SCk Fm Sta 300-10 00560*LORD DARNLF.Y wb 4 106 1 1 2J 2» 3l W Rausser B Mock 180-100 00«i79 BKN1TA w 4 112 4 5 51 5» 4" 4 » H Clemts C K Hudson 510-100 00620 »J.i;i;KI wb ?. 102 2 2 3* 4 5- f.i J Dolin F J Hudson 460-100 00662 MAD FIRE w 4 108 I 6 6 6 6 6 W D-llow M J Daly 1010-100 Time. :95%. :51%, 1:11. Track fast. mtituels paid Utah. 6.00 straight. .89 place. .00 show; Cassius, .00 place. .80 show: Lird Daruley. .0t show. Kqiiivalent hixiking odds Utah. 1200 to 100 straight. 290 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show: Cassius. 150 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show: 1-ml Ihtrnley. It to 100 show. Winner Bik. g. bv Ogdeis Ilianlom. hy Star Shoot trained by C. Mauley: tired by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 2:58. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. UTAH showed the most speed and held CASSIUS safe through a long stretch drive. CAS-SIUS ran a game ra.-e. but tired right at the end. LBBB BARNI.KY also tired in the stretch. BF.MTA lost ground on the turns. JACCKR quit. S.ratcli.-.l last Friar. 108. Overweight IScnita. .I |tounds. AAA A rT THIRD RACE— 1-2 MUe. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; UUa4 4 second, 0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPISt i Str Fin Jockejs Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00447 DICK w 101 5 S 1* l1 U H Callahn H Mason 1370-100 00675 tSKTKS HOIE w 115 :! 5 3« 21 2- Q Mthews J A I arson., 100-100 00675 CAILINCICK w 111 2 1 2J 3! 3= A Anrson LI Stark 420-100 1 00*51 LSTIIKR WKIDF.L w 108 4 4 41 41 4 A McDald ONeal and Lindsay MMN1 MtnSATBOPOS w 105 1 :; a ." 5 W Rausser It Dillard 410-100 Time. :24%. :49%. Track fast. i intitueL paid Dick. 9.1: straight. Jf.tH pla e. .10 show: S»-ths Hope. $.!.2t place. .24 ■how; Caplinger. .40 show. Equivalent baaMssj odd— Di. -k. 1370 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place. 20 to 10t show: Si Ills lli.| e. CO to MM pla.-e. lO to HH ,le.w: aplinger. 20 to 100 show. Winner -Ch. g. hy Sir l.art.a Maili- Wildfire, by ISourlsin Beau trained by K. Haughton: ! re l liy ! Mr. 41. O. Herringl. Went to post at 3:28. At p st 1 minute Start go:xl and slow. Won easily; second and third. driving. DICK quickly raced into a long lead and held it well under light hand riding. SKTIUS HOIK b.gan slowly and closed a gap on the outside, then tired. CAPI.INCKK sh ned s|»eed. but loM ground in the stretch. OviTweighl Atrotos. 4 | . . ■: r.-1 ~ AAQ I 6 FOURTH RACE — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 30. 3-year-olds and upwaxd. Claiming. Net W«lf"iO value to winner 00: recond. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt 4 .. ST Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00081 iCIV CLAYTON wh 4 115 5 1 V 1 1- 1 H 7.an«ler p Dw .r 130-100 99779 KI.I.A MOOD w X 11". 16 6 4 I* 21 W Delb.w ■ 1» Slavin 480-100 1 00928 HOIALONC. Bf 4 115 6 I 2« 2s 2 3« A M D:il,l Sunflower Stable HMM 0in;8"Vl.-K. OUT w 6 112 3 4 41 5J 4 4" H Mtliews J A larsons 660-100 00503 BOCK JONKS m :• IK I 5 P 6 6 5» A Anrs.in J Barry 2910-KHi 00924 MAIMUNIDRS w .101 2 T. 3- .I" 5- 6 J Jeffries F o Hill lOlo-lOO Time. :25Vi. :50%. 1:17%. 1:25. Track fast. mutuels paid 04s "aytoii. *l X straight. $...40 place. .20 show: Ella Wood, .20 place. 80 aliow. llo|wlon»- CO show Equivalent IsHiking odd* luy layton. i.o to loo straight. 70 to 1O0 place. 10 to KM show: Llla Wood. 110 to 100 p!a«-c. 40 to 10 show; Hop.-ih.ug. M to UN show. W Micr IS g. li v I ight o m I. if.- Imprint, bf Knight of the Thistle trained bv I. IKvyer; bred by Mr R. :.f Tin I . Went t . ! ..,t at I 50. At |s«.t 1 minute Start g.M.d and sow. Won handily: second and third driv.ng COT I. AVION made the | ace easily Matter good rid -ng and ivo hol.l:ng the lead well at the end. El I A WOOD finished fast after eosing a big gap. IlOUAI.ONi; tired after racing closest to the list eighth. M AIMiiMIiKS wax racing close up when his saddle slipped. AAA |Q FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlrnirs. Purso 00 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value JJ*J~M:*J to winner 50 second. 00: third 0. Index Ilors. s AWtllSt , .. Strh.i .|ocke s Owners Eipiiv. Book. Str"! ©OBIKTUAFALt; Alt v. r. Ill 12 2 2 2 V C. MHlinis V O Hill Ml Ml 00r,20il"l CAN MllNwii I M2 :t 1 U M l1 r M Varley , |; Jeswop OD-MI 00594 "OLD BROADWAV ■ 4 U 2 4 4 :: • 4 :;■ » ;: Mi-Kwen H Q Rumago 4oD-lot , OOtitS JioLl»M AUK w 5 106 1 .". ~. :t ■ » W RatstatMr " Maul.lins 350-100 Time. 24%. :49%. 1:09%. Track faat. , mutuels paid— Trafalgar. .00 straight. .00 place: French Canadian. .40 place: no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds— Trafalgar, 200 to 100 straight, m 30 to 100 place; French Canadian, 30 to 100 place. Winner— Br. g. hy Rapid Water— Alberta n.. by Handspring trained by F. 0. Hill; bred by Mr. Ceorge W. J. Biam-ll. Went to poRt at 4:28. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. TRAFAUHR raced closest up outs de of FKRNtm CANADIAN and outfinished him in a long and hard stretch drive. FRENCH CANADIAN set a good pace next to the rail, but was tiring at the finish. OLD BROADWAY raced on the outside of COI.DMARK and outgamed him at the end. Scratched— 00287 Dr. Carl. 105. Overweight— Trafalgar, 3 pounds. tfinQn SIXTH RACE— 5 l-S Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-ye4u--olds and upward. Claiming. Net valtw vrJr4CF4ij? J to winner 00; second. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00558 KLIZA BROWN wn 4 106 5 1 U P 1* Il A. McDald Sunflower Stable 1080-100 00588 SALLY JONES w 4 105 2 3 4 3 3- 2l A Anrson S H Edwarits 1550-100 00650=QUOTA w 5 107 1 5 5 4= 41 $| H Zander II C Rumago 280-100 00928*LUiS wb 7 107 6 6 6« 6« 5- 4 J Jeffries P Jenkins 250 100 90685 RUNPRESERVE wb 4 105 7 2 2 2= 2 5 H CalUhn S S7keres 160-100 00928 SKK IT THROGHw I 107 4 4 3J 5 6 6= H Mthews C V Parsons MJ Ml 99492 ZERO w 5 1M: 3 7 7 7 7 7 W Dellow » Tuggle 6?0-100 Time. :85%. :50%, 1:10%. Track fast mutuels paid- Biza Brown. 3.01 straight, .tK place. .00 show; Sally Jones. 3 00 place. $..0tl show; Quota. $.S.2S slww. Equivalent Imoking odds— Eliza Brown. 1080 to 100 straight. :U!0 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Sallj Jones, 550 to 100 place. 150 to 100 show; Quota. 0O to 100 show. Winner— B. f, by Short tirass Vena Fair, bv Fair Play trained bv T. Be htellieinicr: bred bv Mr. Joseph Mairone. Went to post at 4:5«. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ELIZA BROWN showed the most speed and easily won all the way. SAI.I.Y JONKS raced well and finished fast. QUOTA was running fast at the end. I. COS was alwavs outpaced RUN-IRBSERVE quit. Overweights — Eliza Brown. 1 pound; Quota. 2; Zero. 1%. tfltf!Qeix~l SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value"** VVi7ul winner 00; second. 1926.sh; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt V« U % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00881 CHILE wb 6 107 3 2 P 1 » 1* D Q C Healy H E Brown 210-104 00386* PKTE FOY wb 7 102 6 6 5-5* 4 4« 21 F Kprson W J lford 1540-100 00678»ROOM MATE w 4 107 5 4 3* 2» 31 .T s| VV Rausser It Mock 420-100 00881 DAHINDA w 10 105 4 3 4 7.- V 2 4= A McDald O Tipp 700-100 00068 MY LADDIE w 9 10«« 2 5 fi 6 6 6 5» W Dellow K D Slavin S2O-10O 96896 LA KROSS w 10 MS 1 1 «■ M 5 6 I, pngton .1 VV Pinkham 450-100 Time. :25%. :5t%. 1:19%. 1:47%. Track faat. mutuels paid - Chile, .20 straight. .40 place. .40 show; Pete Fov. .20 place $.3 30 show Room Mate. .60 show. Equivalent booking odds — Chile. 210 to 100 straight. 170 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Pete Fov 300 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show: Room Mate. 30 to 100 show. Winner— B. g, by Dick Finnell— Starland. by Star Shoot trained by H. E Brown bred bv Messrs Murphy A Shropshire. Went to post at 5:27. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. CHllJC set a good pace all the way and won with his rider sitting still IETK FOY was outrun and raced wide on the turns, but finished fast. ROOM MATE ra.-ed Fuse up but tired in the stretch. DAHINDA raced into second place next to the inner rail but tired Scratched 40623 Marie Maxim. 107: 00925 Miss Em, 105. Overweights- -My laddie. 1% |iouuds; I»i Kross. 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926042301/drf1926042301_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1926042301_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800