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W. S. KILMER HORSES ♦ c Division of Eastern Turfmans Stable Reaches Churchill Downs. i H Trainer Galen Brown in Charge — No Derby Candidates Among Them — Rhinock Dissapoints. ll . n no DO I ISYII.I R. Ky.. April 22— The local fi t liorouglihred colony received a number of ei important additions when that portion of si the Willis Sharpe Kilmer stable intended lor a Kentucky spring- and summer campaign s was unloaded this morning at Churchill Dmm, coming from Relmont Park in the y can- of the internationally famous trainer, D Oaten Brown. The shipment comprised nine horses, of which all but one are two-year-olds, mostly the product of Mr. Kilmers Sun Briar Court Farm. Evidently the Kilmer stable will have no representation in this years Kentucky Derby, for Alldin. the stables Derby eligible, was not included in U the list. The horses all shipped well and ■ aside from a little car fever suffered by two s «f them were unloaded in good condition. i The only three-year-old in the consignment hi he is Assitiia. a bay filly by Assagai — Contes- ti sinia. The two-year-olds, which ;ire a fine tl looking band :ind are well advanced in then-training, are liberally entered in the Ken- p tuoky juvenile stakes. The list includes: n AUcar, Sui: Thor. Sun 1 emeur. Dolly Vii - k gini;i. Sun Hock. Sun Vive, Sebret and Hem- cl dote. In ,, Herodote is the colt that Mr. Kilmer im- u ported from Cermany last year. Oalen f Brow, in charge of the Kilmer stable, joined p, forces with the stable last year upon his g, r.-turn from Kurope. where he had been training horses for over fifteen years. Mr. Brow is a former Chieagoan. a IIIMIHA TRYINEO ABItlA[l y IJrown trained for Julius Flieschmann in o of France up to the time of that sportsmans a as death, and also handled a division of the n stable of A. K. Macomber. Mr. Drown has fe as his assistant, a young Scotchman named ], Ceorge Kisher. who arrived in this country j, last summer. n The Parkview Stables Kentucky Derby candidate Rhinock was given a workout at t one mile and an eighth at Churchill Downs t this morn i» being the first time any Derby — i ligiblc at UM tocal track had been called upon to go the increased disance The son of Prince Pal and Hose of Poses covered the ~ distance in 2:03%, which time lid not come a up to xpectations. He was paced for the 11 Prat mile by Royal Omar, the stables other I -erhy eligible, the pair running the mile in l :47%, racing close together with Rhinock laving a slight lead. and The track had lieen sprinkled overnight and was in much better condition than on the previous day on this account, it was b lieved that Rhinock would turn the mile in 1 :!.• r he ter. He is evidently not a work horse or In- is lacking in the dash and speed lb it characterised his efforts as a two-year-old for this morning he ran sluggish! and COUM MCt be extended. w at Only rcntlne work was demanded of the i be Other I erh candidates, and there was nothing out f the ordinary recorded. , My Colonel reeled off a mile in 1:1S. going to the half in :.r LV. Tamale Hick accomiianied by l,ee ». Cottier went three-quarters in 1:11%. Marengo went a half mile in Ah.- , Likmc. and Kosebec in the stable of Ed- ward Oebriaa went out together and worked " a half in n CAPTAI1 HVI. WORKS I AST. o aptain Hai showed the fastest work of f any horse en the track when he galloped a . half mile in the good time of A~. Kea- tucky Cardinal was galloped three-eighths . in ::;:» v.. * The eight horses belonging to the l.a Brea . Stable, which reached hen- Wednesday from Tijuana came in charge of former jockey Pill " Knapp. who took charge of the establishment January Z3 last. Knapp is no stranger to fllim hill Downs for he was here in the Sl spring of 1919, sad rode Vindex for Harry r Payne Whitney in the Kentucky Derby. The " of ear previous! in- piloted Exterminator to a victory in the Derby. Knapp has many " friends among the horsemen and ibis morn- ° ing he was Kept DUS renewing old acquaint- * ances. I1 l.ongworth snd the other horses that were b be b ft at New Orleans by trainer Jack Mcpherson on account of illness arrived at Churchill Downs this morning to rejoin the other division of the stable that has been her,- about a nook, Lsugwnrth, the that was scheduled to carry the dors of K A Fair-bairn in the Derby, and which was progressing famously in his training up to the time vs he was stricken with illness, arrived here s not much improved in health. " Trainer Jack McPherson. sfter esnnshnj the * retuctsnfly admitted thai be would s not be able to atari M the Derby. The colts ! illness has set him back in Ins training, and " e.en if he ii i.j fully recovered, there wouldnt ■ ! •• sufficient time before the race la which " . — n OesUasel as ■oroai sage it W. S. KILMER HORSES Continued from first p:ipc to hav. him fit and ready. Mcpherson had decided to ship seven of his stable to lexing-ton Saturday and these will include Muldoon, Rother. Sizzle, lidy Lynn. Trinket. Rut-tress and Upstart. Buttress is an intended starter in the Camden Handicap The good lilly Bignnnia. belonging to R. A. Fairbairn and which was retired a short time ago. has been bred to Paicines at CoL J. S. Wingert Taylors Sc Hand Farm. S. N. Holm. in returned this morning from Cleevland and reported that there is much interest in that city over the forthcoming running of the Derby. Judge Maurice Rer-non will head a party of twenty-five prominent citizens of Cleveland that will arrive in Louisville May 13 for the purpose of viewing the big race. Cecil Howard, former trainer of the stable, of S. N. Holman. has become affiliated with the G. F. Croissant stable as assistant trainer. The horses lelonging lo the Kcenelaml Stud were transferred by motor to the big barn recently vacated by the J. E. Widener stable. George Rarnes reported that Valleureuse had foaled a nice looking filly by United Verde at his Barnesdale Manor Farm. Part of the T. K. Mueller and I* n Johnson stables were transferred to Lexington today.