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OAIUTlXCING FORM §g|j?* CHARTS «| HAVRE DE GRACE - Copyright. 1926. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. HAVRE DE GRACE. HD.. THURSDAY. APRIL 22. 1926. - 1 Mil.- I Eighth .lay. Harford Agri ultural and Kr.-cdcrx Assoc at ion. Spring meeting of 13 days. Weather cloar. Stewards. II. IV Coukling. IS. Waters and G. Inn, Jr. Judges. II. J. Morris. Joseph M. I . -inian • nd J. 1". Turner. Starter. J. Milton. Racing Secretary. Joseph Mclennan. Racing starts at 2.:o p. m. Chicago time. 1 :.!0 p. m. t V indicates whip. S spurs. I! hi inker*. Figure* in parentheses following the distance of each race iti.l;i-.U.- date, track reco.d. age of horse and weight tarried. Mndcatcs apprenti. • ■ allowance. HAQQ1 FIRST RACE — 4 1-2 Furlongs. April 25. 1925 — :53— 2— 116. 1 Purse S1.2C0 2-year-olds. "UtfOl Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 00; fourth. 0. Ind-x Horses AWtlMSt , Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt OU5.-.I WAXHIVii TIMKS w 100 2 S !■* 2 P W Mun.len .1 W Hean 235-100 00704 SPARKLt; WATKK w 112 I 6 P P 2 F Colletti W.toilluwn Stable 420-100 HATHAWAY wb M 11 I 21 1» ?,i J Chalmrs PH Faulconer H0-H4I MI88: TIIKI1KSA JOAN* w 101 H 7 4" 4 4J J Callahn W Keating 5 : 10» BRBtt*LOONBY m BJ ! I fi 5". 5J M Wdwil R T Wilson |ffl»-aH «088! «Li .t; VIKW w 105 11 a* V P| 1! Thpson R T Wilson t 00417THRKK 1»S wb lO. 12 10 7 8 7; W Harvey Mrs WE Martin ftatS-M 4Mlll7*SI :NOLA m 97 1°. 9 D IM 8 O ltrassa S F Oillespie. I 0080 1 POBJCTOP W 108 10 11 10i » : - W Smith If Q Red well 4410-100 LITTLE VINfE w 1*1 8 U D*4P 10 H Howard W Keating 5 00761 LIKEKVTION wb 10S 6 8 IP 11- ll C Mi-rsn J Arthur I litisn smile w 112 :. I •: P m e smwo.i r»inlflwr Farm JtnMn r.700-100 0011i i.VRECAL w 111. 4 14 14 IT IS* .1 Hutwell Q K Edwards 108 MOO RED UOHT w 112 I 12 U| 14 14 K Renzetti tilencove Stable 12440 -100 tMtiluel field IConpled an R. T. Wilson entry; . Keating entry. Time. :23H. !■*%. :S5V Track fast. S2 mutueU paid -Wandering Times. straight, ..H» place. .90 show; Sparkling Water, . SO place. .21 show; Hathaway, $ 00 show. Equivalent Ixioking odds Wandering Times. 235 to 100 straight. 95 to 10ft place. 45 to 101 show: BjsWfcHtsf Water. 140 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Hathaway. 100 to 10O show. Winner— It. f. by Th.- Wanderer— Kriiin I.elle. bv Ort Wells trained bv J. P. Smith: bred !.y Mr. 1 W Ream Went to post at 2:28. At post 2 minutes. Start and slow. Won driving: seoond and third Man sjtiii.- WANRKKlNt. TIMKS began well and. setting and fore ng a fast pace, ran a good and game race and. under hard riding from the start, out earned SPAKKLINO WATKK in the final drive. KPARKLIM. WATKK saved ground on the stretch turn and finished fast. HATHAWAY wan on the outside of the leaders all the way and was forced u bit wide on the turn oat of the hack stretch, but finished fast and close up THKItKSA JOAN began slowlv and laced wide on all the turns. Scratched PBJ4R My Hawk. 107. t£fty SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 21. 1925— 1:11— 4—129. j Purse ,200. 4-year-olJs and ""*J*3Mt upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlMSt , M Str Kin Jockeys Owners K|tiiv. Odds Strt Ot»7R7 iMAHKI. C w4 112U 2 tj P| B 1* W Mun.len C iraffagini 470-10 MMI SCiHsCHER wb 4 11. II P B* 7 ! 2and It Mrinelli Mrn A Swenke 00-100 MaWt* M M I.KAN w 5 114 f, 1 6 5A 4J P V Stott Mrs W J Howard 1085-100 BHBM WATTS wsr 4 llfi It 3 S 7h 8 4"k tjty Harvey C P Winfrey r?85-100 00765STT MISS 1.1Z/1K* T 10 4 9* 93 a* F J H 1ierc- K J Boyle 2K45-10. 01811 Kl-: oNKIl.K II wr 5 101 ;: 8 2 I* .t fij B Thpson C Ferraro |!24." -100 4074:$ iNTKACT v.b 4 HI 7 :. 5 4h 6i 7 J Hutwell K W Whitney 2»" -100 0»78i1*Ml..v KOSKHAI.K wo 112 1 7 4-ik SA |l Sl .1 OHrien .f V Lewis 1115-109 MTURAMIOW w 4 llu I « Ink 1i. r 0"k .1 rhalmrs W J Doh-Tty t 0070«* 1I1TK MARSH wb 4 10.. | 11 11 11 11 101 J Taman. J Karrell 9185-100 OOHOHTKI.AN! wn • M 4 9 10" 10- 10- M J Mann W K Martin 1S140-100 -.Mntucl field Time. 24. :49o. ltV%. TTack fast. mutucls pa d tab •l C. 1.40 straight. 20 pla e. |4L4M show: Scorcher. place. .".0 show . Maclean. ..H» show. Klitivalent attakaaa odds-Mal«l . 470 to 100 straight. Llo t lott place. ISO to MM show: Scorcher. BM to 100 place, 22". to loo show; Maclean. 240 to 100 show. Winner I! f. by Light Brigade — Hindoo Rose, by Hindoo trained by J. H. Buscher: bred by Mr. Johnson V amdeii. Went to post at :: ol. At |Mist 4 minutes. Start good ami slow. Won driving: second and third the sain- MAltKI. Iw-gan from the mside and. rating to the leaders with a rush, forced BAItltOW along at a fist |»ace and. taking the lead, hed it resolutely ;n the final drive. SCOKCIIKlt closed a big gap ami finished gamely, hut just lasted long enough to outfiuish MAtI.KAN. The latter raced close ti| from Map star STIHT MISS 1.1ZZIK. off slowly and crowded back, closed an immense gap and. f uish tig fa-t. w Mild have won in a few more strides. l.AltltOW set a fast [nice and was eased up when he tired. MISS KOSKItAI.K was on the insi,|,. .in, I was taken ii| after passing the half-mile |N st. S.rat.hed 0O74 : 1 J. hnny Campbell. Ill: 00786" Car I ton. 11.1: tH 8«2 I atherwood. Ill: 0O780 Well taaafer, no oveiweighis Contract, 1 pound; White kfarvh. 2-.. AHQQ° THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 16. 1921— 1 : 05 4 —3— 108. Purse ,200. 3-year-Vf"tJa30 olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlMSt , % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt «tl2.»:t sWKKI-NKT wb 102 11 .". 2 1* 1» 1 O Rrassa Seagram Stable 4*J 5-100 008117 il-IIHKl.AM" wllO :: fi 5»k 7 k 9 ■ Haines H r Bsdwell 490-100 MStH IHMSH BY wsB 108 10 1 2» 2. ? *!" F Colletti Sagamore Stablo 1l»-100 008it COBRA w lftO : 4 41 5 51 4"* .1 allahn Q W Foreman 420-10.1 9958.-1 LADT BOONT1VUL w 102 8 7 7" 4" P - .1 Chalmrs T II Bernhardt 1170-100 008i.t C1.IFK wb 112A 1 9 9- B 9 P K Smwod C, W Leo S710-100 SHJI BYWAY wn 111 7 I 6 8"k 71 7- B Mrinelli Mrs A Swenke 2715-100 »»7»0SWKKT 1NVKK wb 97 4 R 8h 9 8" SJW Mun.len B K Bryson 150-100 OOSOrioBLlQlK wb 97 9 2 a* 2»k 411 Bj » Brown CH Pierco |BJaVM MSBI*COMRT wb 111 2 11 11 11 11 10" l Walls J H Shea 1815-100 l7Slt*M LV SAItLK w 104 ft l«i W W 10 11 K Horvath Foxcatcher Farm Stable | tMutuel field. Time. M%. :48". 1:08%. Track fast. paid Sweep Net. i.t.70 straight. 1.00 place. S .flO show: Foreland. $.*i.ri0 place. .20 ilion Kriish P.y. PtM show. Kguivaleiil Ixioking odds Sweep Net. 4.*i8r. to 100 straight. 14S0 to Kkl place, 1080 to 100 show; Foreland. 175 to 10O place. 110 to KM show: Brush Ity. HI to IOO show. Winner It. f. b Swe«|» — Nettie K., by St. Martin trained by V. J. Bonohne; bred by Messrs. C.orham llms.i. Went to |M st at 3:35. At isist :; minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving SWKKI KT showed fine apawi from the start and. racing ol.l.luiK and BRUSH BY into defeat, drew away into a long lead after entering the home stretch, hut was tiring at the end and was ridden out to withstand KOKKI.A NDS challenge. The latter came through on the inside in the stretch and finished last and gaining. BRUSH BY. ran a good race, hut tired in the last sixteenth. OKI.HjKK showed the most early s|teed and quit. I.AUY BOlNTIKLl. raced wide all the way. SWKET INVKR was always far ha. k. Scratched 4MM*3"4 olden Wanderer. 108; 00780 Mijuha. 105: 0O8yi Lewis, 110; J8":;3 Powder, 114. Overweight liff. 1U pounds. AAQQ A FOURTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. April 25. 1925— : 53— 2— 116. Admiration Purse. Purse ""v!J «! "»: ,200. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Not value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 00: fourth. 0. Index Horse-, AWtlMSt , Str Kin Jockeys Owners K.piir. Odds Strt 00810 BKATKHK NOYKS will 11 1» 1* 1* J Clialmrs P H Faulconer 1L5-IO0 tSCAT W 112 S3 5» 4 2* W Smith H P Whitney tH5-100 00861 -DKXTKH w 112 4 4 2"k B 3A H Kri. ksn B W Carter 755-10. 00785 OfJAPA w lori 7 5 V 2"k 4- F Colletti Hamilton Farm Stablo 455-100 CAPTAIN KKTTLK w 112 2 2 41 f.« 5* I. McAtee H I Whitney I 00800 DUBLIN snow wn lit 5 r, ok ;i ij Batwafl w A it. a.l BBa Ml MATH w 112 ft 7 7 7 7 J Tamaro M J Yemen 1145 100 t *-nt out in entries as S at. JConpled as H. P. Whitney entry. Time. :23V». :48. :54*i- Track fast. r..atri..- Noyes. .70 straight. .90 place. .:m sb.iv: H. P. Whitnev entry. .1MI place. .U show; Dexter, . SO show. I I -. 1 - ;■ ! -n t IsHiking .slds. Ileatri.-e Noyes. IJB to IOO straight. 441 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show: II P. Whitney entry . K. t.. 100 pla. .-. 15 to ICO show: Itextcr. 40 to 100 show. Winner 11 f. by Meridian Harvest Jueeu. by l*Mf o Hay trained by J. P. Jones; bred l.v Mr. Wi:i:am i.arthl. W.-nt to |«,st at 4 07 At post 1 minut.-s. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving BRATRtCR NOYKS set a fa-t Bare from the start and drew away into a go.Ml lead before the other* l- . t.. go n g wel and easily won all the way SCAT h.— in well and dropix-d ha. k. but finished fast and outvalued KKXTKK 111 the finil drive DBA IBB ra. -i-d well and saved ground when enterin-the home stretch CAITAIN KKITI.K ran ikxtI.v. MATH h-gan very slowly Overweight Dublin Show, 2 pounds. AAQQ FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. 18. 1920— 1.44 «5— 3— 138.1 Purse ,200. 3 -year -olds J vf l/Otl and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 00. fourth. 0. Index Horses AWMTSt1, .. Str Kin Jo. keys Owners K piiv Odds Strt OOK«i.*i* AltBITKATION w 4 lK 4 6 615 61 • 4* 1| V Stott O W Foreman HB-Mt 00865* BALBOA w 4 110 7 4 S* 3- ?» B» *• W Mini den S Most HMBJ 00812 I.IXCKAM WKft M I 1 1 5 3- B* 1*1 P Walls TT BJ TTslHTl I7S-M4I 00748 MODO WB 7 105 5 : 2i l| B 2J 4J J Callahn If O Betlwell 910-100 i • 00071 ilANCINO POOL w 5 114 :: 7 7 7 7 7 B*W Smith I L Hue- MBVBJti 440812 BYRON wb 5 112 I 2 B 4 B 5" C" H ks„ .1 11 sii -.1 HvB-M4 ! 00006, K Nlf.-, KKiJl" STwb 4 112 f. I 5» 5» 6" P 7 F listing., I |; W.itkm.-i HSJ-Bj* Time. :24«i. *9%. 114S. 1:41V», 1:48. Track fast. BBBttscta paid Arb tratiou. 0. P straight. »4 00 place. $.:.20 show; Palh-.a. ?2 Si pla .-. .40| sh -.w Hiarani 00 show. Krpii Talent Imh.kiiij odd* Arbitration. 40.". to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place. Oil to 100 show Haiboa 4» I" 100 place. 20 to loo show; Diagram. IOO to IOO show Winner It g. Bf I Itim.itiim B.-th Stanley. b t.oldeu M,„, trained bv »;. W CumplicU: bre l by Mr. Samuel Ross. Went to »ist at 4::S!t At [ l minute Start and slow Won driving; second and third th. bjsjm AltlilTRATION »a- fir I.h, k in the early runiiing hH movd up after rounding the far turn and. finishing with a rush through the stretch, won drawing clear BALBOA ansa under restraint until 011 the turn out of the back str.-U h. from where |,.- rai.d into the tests] after making I wide turn into th-home str.-t. •!,. hut tired at the end DIAGRAM showed the most early s|s-ed and finish.-.l gam.-ly but linug HOBO raced into the lead and tired DANCING PDOI lis. d a big gap from 1 ,»M»r lx ■lining S«rat. bed Hr7l7MJIue Hill. ION 0O7C7 1 Kaeura. 115 BBjWWM Man 112. OliQft 8IXTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Sept. 27. 1919,-1:50—5—126. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and vrvr*-y*-*Jf upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , || % Str Kin Jockeys Own.-rs Kpiiv. Odds Strt :Al!ll:s w 9 HW 4 4 PlPf* 2* I3 ■ Barnes HO Bed well 1S0-100 ! ««-wl.:UAY Ill K"NIKI* S"1 wb S 106 I 2 7" 6U 5» 4 2» J Clialmrs W It Kirkpatrick BMM II:.- *AI lrK w 7 Oi 10 7 P 1- I* l»k :t W Smith W ■ Martin 2035-100 U11I1- M"-,m ? SHKKKKw .1 91 5 5 3* Si «" P 4JS Hebert J M Huhbell Jr 20«J.-10r. II -o. . TST,K ws 6 101 6 6 5 B B*P|P W Mun.len 1! -a.-oni Minor Stable IBB-BB I -o t :, KATOK w 7 1IIK » 8 D" 0* ! " «• 6" B Iierce F J Boyle 12120-100 «oi HHOTHLY LoVKwb . 11.: S 1 10 8" 8* P 7 V Wallis t; K Pruett 870-100 II « •-. HAJAN,S WB 7 lit 0 1O 4J P*M 7 Si J Tamaro J F Besche. 44:50-100 II «.-. AX :HU wb 4 108 2 :: fij 7i" 7« !« !»» J Walker H 11 Coop, r 7:tX-100 "«».. HICKORY w 7 101 7 !» S»*10 M H 10 L Kdwrds J I* Watson 2555-100 ,., , Time. :24%. :50. 1:15«and. 1:43*4. 1:57. Track fast. *_ mu.u.-ls paid ;ray .ables. .-0 straightw$::.0O place. .70 show; Dernier Son. .00 place. .:H show; Paddle. show. Kouivalent -0 booking .Mldsv Oray iables. 180 to 100 straight. M to 100 place. ■ to lOI show: Der Mar Sou. t„ iM ,,,.„.,. 4r o 100 snow. Vndilw rn to ,,.,,, s|ltiw Winner 11. g. I,y AaslBVSjal Busy Ijidy. by Meddler ttrained by H. i. IM-dwell; bred by Mr. W. O. Parmer. Went to post at ■ 10. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily- second and th rd anving t.RA . GABLBB was saved cosest up until in the home stretch, then t.Mik the lead and won easmg „p DKRNIKK SOI was shuffled back when going to the first turn, but closed a big gap .uid mushed Tast after making a wide turn when entering the home stretch. IADDLK rail well but was much used in making the pace and tired. Mll.DUKD SHKRKK and MINTSTK K ran well. Scratched 0055.3 Tr y- Again. IBS. OOQ»7 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Riles. Sept. 27. 1919—1:50—5—126. Pursa ,200. 3-vearolds vrvr*Ly* * "»«» upwaxd. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlMSt •, |j % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kuiv. Odds Strt •CffgfRPBPYIA W5 108 P. I P pftPgP p w Muml.-n Mrs A K Lawaon 245-100 .895 RON AN A WB 5 106 4 2 5! .! P .! 2 It Peternel V F-nwuk .5X5-100 e-S .M NAHITA WB :! ST • 8 « 24 --" -" « H Howard S Albright 520-100 W* Ul 6 ■ 9* ** ►*»- 4* V s« »« ■ • RJM— tW-l.TO 00768 -2rMKKSI-AmK PLY LBfOHTON w 5 105 In ! 4»k 4»k P 4» P J Clialmrs J J Keener 1t;70-I00 " !?-iJ*J,MMV lmmvN wb T. 84 1 1 B PI PIP Ci. 0 Brown J B Beal IBM 1 m2;--l..V- r.rKIIN; wb 4 106 7 7 6 P|P P 7* C MeCrsn J Arthur 515 100 ««2i!A K- S w 3 87 5 10 8 8 9« 9-" 8h M McC.Kle B K Brvson !W70-1I. OOXhh SAM SMITH wb 5 107 2 4 7J 7. BJ P P W Smith P B K an Wi-100 00679CONSCBIPT w 5 111 8 0 10 10 1." 10 10 j Tamaro A Hullcoat 9640-100 -_ , T»m«. 24*. :49». l:14«s. 142. 1:56%. Track fast. *- mtituels paid Riisovia. .!M» straight. .20 pace. .80 show; Roxana. .10 place. .80 sImiw; IVmarita. .!H atesw. ,-f. C,l"iv:,I nt ""king oilds- Rusovia. 245 to 100 straight. 115 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show: Roxana. 1.0 to 100 place. BJ to 100 show; IKinarita. BJ to 100 show. Winner--4U. g. by Russley Nova Scotia, by St. Krusquin tmineil by K. J. Salt; breil iu England by Mr. K. f. Kairweatber. Went to post at 5:46. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Rl SOVIA began well and her rider got her clear of interference while going to the first turn and. pa-sing DON A RITA after iwssing the half mile |iost. drew away into a long lead BOXARA Ivmil!l.1VV,«1.TA " *" K,,•,,■|, an 1 "iitg-amed her at the end. DONARITA ran well, but fired. WIUhMIAHKh lK gan very slowly, but closed a big gap and finished fast. DlCKI.LNt; was shuffled hack directly after the start. Overweights— Muriel S.. 1 pound; Sam Smith, 1.