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]t "■ ty . • J 4-i~rl IxraPG 3-4 Mile. Kentmere Parse. 3-year-olds. Allow since*. April 21, 1925 ** ** ».v%««v j.jj | 129, Index. Course. DiBt Time. Track. Odds.Wt.St. %!. Str.Fin. Jockey. SUrted. Order of Finish. •DRESS PARADE, ch. c, S 115 By Man o War— Trasher. by Trap Rock. Trainer, G. Conway. Owner, Glen Riddle Farm Stable. Breeder. S. D. Riddle. 97279 Pirn 1140%ft 31 119 6 2 4*18* J Callahanl4 Canter m.BdbblingOver 12L».IMsplay 119 96167 Lrl 51 f 1 :06 ft 13-20 113 3 2 ft* l7 A Johnson ■ .Soldier 112.Sea K k ket 109. Blondin 112 95919 HdG 3-4 1:14%sl 1-2 llrj 1 1 1» 2s A -loh:. son 5 Blondin 110. Sweetlnver 117. SonAmi 110 95472 HdG 3 4 1:14 ft 3-4 110 1 3 l ll A JohnsonlO Welshot 1 12.Marengo 1 10. Nabisco 110 14825 Bel 51 t mc 1 :06%f t 6 U5 2 1 ft** ll A Johnson tf Nmiad 115.11nngOn 1 15,OuWing 115 94642 Bel 3-4 mc 1:13 sy 4 11616 2 2« 3* A Johnson 8 Siren 1 11. Nomad 1 14. Finish 111 90796 A iu 5-8 1:00 ft 20 112 7 7 8*1 8s A Johnson 8 Smaticus 115. Navigator 122.Fiddleks 115 90490 Bel 5 8 st :58 ft 18-5 114 9 1 2* 2 A Johnsonl.i FirstAid lOU.Flatlron 1 12.Paavo 1 12 89983 Bel 5 8 st :5S%ft 15 115 3 6 «| 6J A Johnsonl3 Federal 115.Applecros« 1 l5.l ronx 115 B9919 Bel 5-8 st :."9%sl 12 115 5 7"8I2A John.«onl4 Celidon HS.ScaUocket U5,GrandBey 115 •Nominated for Kentucky Derby. TRAFFIC, b. f. 3 100 By Broomstick — Traverse, by Tracery. Trainer. F. Hopkins. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 00891 H.deGce 3-4 113%fast 23-10 101 3 2 l* 2» W MunoVn 7 Apostle. Rapture. Welshot 00808 H.deGce 51 f 1 07%fast 16 103 5 3 l1 21 W Munden S Tylaud, Choc. Soldier. H.Stedmn 97495 Bowie 3-4 1:15 fast 91 108 6 6 2»« 2s L McAtee 8 Flechita, Ella M . Instructress 97440 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 7 1041 2 2 4J 6J J LeylandIO Ingrid. Teak. Flechita 97411 Bowie 61 f 1:22 slow 8 109 6 6 7*J 6i h McAtee 10 Centrifugal. Blackamoor, Araby 96836 Laurel 51 f 109%hvy 14-6 111 7 2 2«» 3si L McAtee 9 Welshot. Sea Rocket, Centrifugal 96632 Laurel 61 f 1 :09%fast 8-5 115 7 4 U lsl L McAtee 8 Ima Way. Idleness. The Cocooa CHOCOLATE SOLDIER, b. c, 3 112 By Trap Rock— March Past II.. by Marco. Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Owner. Sagamore Stable. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 00808 BIQ andlfl:07%ft 6 M8 2 2 3 3ll V CoIletti S Toyland 10S. Traffic 103.11. Ktedman 101 00746 HdG 3-4 1:12%ft 16f 85 10 10 11*111* J CallahanH Noah 121 .KxtraDry lOO.SenatorNorris 116 97309 Pun 3-4 1:13%ft 10 118 6 3 47 6* J CallahnlO WliatlllBo 118, Appleeross 1 15,Claptp 118 96742 1. 1 1 6ifl:08%sy 13 112 2 1 4!J 4s J Callahn « Flyleaf 107. SonAmi 10S. Toyland 108 96460 Lrl 61 f 1 :08%m 11-5 115 1 3 6,s 61S J Calahn 8 1aavo lOX.NatKvens lOS.FIyleaf 106J p-1 96167 Lrl 61 f 1:06 ft 71 112 2 1 2* 2 J Callahn 6 DressParade 113,SeaB ket 109, Blondin 112 96046 Lrl 61fl:07%ft 18 109 6 6 611 51* E Ambrse 7 Corvette 106. Macaw 112, Kuthenia 113 95623 HdG 3-4 l:13%ft fti 112 1 1 1 Is J Callahn 7 Warlxird 112,CupldiiCurse lOO.Blondin 112 95417 HdG 3-4 1:12%ft 7f 105 2 4 9MO1 J Callahnl5 Canter 122.0enuine 115, Macaw 118 94091 Sar 3-4 1:13%ft 12 108 3 2 6J 8" E Barnes 8 Blocklid 112,Navigator 124,M.Militre 118 •Nominated for Kentucky Derby. f XENOPHON. blkv 4. 3 105 By Wormleighton— Xenita. by Durbar. Trainer,, V Boden. Owner. P. F. Joyce. Breeder. H. Burgoyne. • 7486 B„wie 3-4 l:14-Vfast 21-3r 115 6 1 2 1" R Fisher 13 HappyArgo. Hike. Traveller RAPTURE, b. f. 3 107 By Chicle— Enchanting, by St. VictrU. , Trainer. F. Hopkins. Owner. H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. •0891 H led ce 3 4 1.13fast 23-10 109*7 .t I* 3J I. McAfee r Apostle. Traffic. Wclsbot 10581 li.iwirt 3-4 Llahvy 17-20 10N1 I 2 21 21 1. Mr A tee ■ Nat Evens. Aucilla. 4oilcii Mar . 4iOlo.% lS.,»i. 51 f 1:11 hvy S 106 8 I l*| 2:1 H Shillick S Tiinmara. llvcyStedinan. Toyld 95665 Aqueduct 5 I 58-0fast 6 112 6 3 4* 7T1 15 Brening ■ Iat.-iciaJ.. F.hCavell. Silrl.ane 95543 Aqueduct 5 -S 59-Vast 3 107 I 1 l1 lj B Brning 9 Marygrace, Herodiadc. Siren 95219 Aqueduct 5-8 59 fast 6 107 Ieft at post E Barnes 11 Sabine. Silverl.ane. St.GeneviCTe 93759 Saratoga 5-x LOOVsfast a 109 9 4 4« 3 J Maiben 10 Rutticnia. Sabine. Silver I.ane 93429 Saratoga 3-4 1:157thvy 18-5 112 Left at post. G Hudgtnsl3 Cinema, Asinia. Ruthenia CENTRIFUGAL, ch. f. 3 103 By Escoba— High Pass, by Ultimus. Trainer. W. Ournan. Owner. Flamingo Stable. Breeder. S. Ross. 00808 H.ieGVe 51 f 1 .Q7*Vast 41 lit 7 6 71*. 6i P Walls I Toy I and. Traffic. Cho TtcSoldier 00744 Hdetce 51 f 1:06 fast 12 10714 4 4« 4» A Lacaste | Tiiumara. Rock -Man. Harass 97540 Bowie 1 1 : 12~;fast 37 109 3 9 91S10*K WliamsIS High Star. Ingrid. Timmara 97517 Howie 61 f 1 :21Vjfast 41 110 4 2 21 2* B Brning Light View. Sea Rocket. Deviner 974*1 Bowie 61 f 1:20 fast 71 110 4 1 H 2- B Brning 9 Nomad. Fatal Dart. Hasquaise 97468 Bowie lkw|M 13f 93 9 15 15"li-»H Howrd.15 Karaaen. JoySmoke. Prin.Doreen 97411 Bowie 61 f 1:22 slow 15 112 1 1 1 1 H ThurberlO Blackamoor. Araby. ComrCshill 97367 Pimlico 3-t 1:15 mud 14-5 117 4 2 3=1 3* H Thurberll SenKo* ket. Blaekamr. Wardl-ord