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JOE BARTON PAY AFTER j YOU WIN J Here is one E1G OPPORTUNITY to get in on j the ground floor, as my connections have three big I rpecials — good things that will be unvered at | Loxington. The first special goes Monday. April 26th. This horse has had a special preparation ; for this particular race and I expect a good price, j I advise you not to miss any of my specials. Terms, the winnings ot a wager, to be wired to me after horfc has won. JOE BARTON PHOENIX HOTEL LEXINGTON. KY. MABEL C 1.40, Won This was the only one I gave yesterday WIRE MY SHARE — :— ANOTHER GOES TODAY I give only one a day and a good one. Xnese were the only hones I gave last week: Maid of India. 10 60. won: Montferrat. lost: Toyland. 3. £0. won: Mabel C. 8. .0. won; Montferrat. 9.20. won: Blue Hill, loit ; Lieutenant Farrell. . SO. won: Zeod. 7.20. won. I have given honest service for fifteen years. My terms are: Wire to help pay expenses and wire winnings of after horce win£. No other terms accepted. BIG SPECIAL TODAY— WIRE NOW E. FLETCHER JAMAICA. N. Y. KENTUCKY Track Information Opening Saturday I offer my fifteen years experience on Kentucky tracks to both large and small operators. TWO BEST BETS DAILY, direct from track for entire meeting, ten days, from docker of fifteen year* experience, for FIVE DOLLARS. Wire money and address via Westwn Union to Race Track. Lexington. Ky. No propositions considered. J. P. GNAU ■ I .0] DAILY WIRE I1! ■ ■ IOK SALE AT fi LL II ■*■ NEWSSTAND3 Kl OR WIRE .00 FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE YESTERDAYS DAILY WIRE: Sweep-Net, 3.70, Won WEDNESDAYS DALLY WIRE: Gymkhana, 4.00, Won This is the kind "SUPREME FLASH is putting over day after day. Whare else can you get this kind of ••INFORMATION"? Rush to your nearest newsstand, or call at this office at once. Remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph to: SUPREME PUB. CO. 799 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY WEEKLY RACING GUIDE A PICTORIAL OF THE TURF PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its merits as a publication that picks the winners. Its regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN 1 SELECTIONS. CLOCKERS SPECIALS. BEST WORKOUTS. TIMELY PICTURES. DAILY CODE SERVICE and other valuable data for race followers ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS FREE CODE SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY: HARVE DE GRACE — Judge -Breeze -Hay. WEEKLY RACING GLIDE 25 Cents a Copy DAILY RACING CHART, Inc. PI HLISHERS Kl East 32ml Street New York, N. Y. Coonr-an 6.60 won: Dream of the Valley. .60: Edward Gray. .60. were our winners | Wodncandday Ore Best. Next B -st and a Parlay to you by overnight mail. for 6 days. TURJ EXPERT. Temple Court Bldg., Chicago. 111. I . subscribe for Daily Racing Form Manhattan Turf Syndicate B, I. MALLORY. Pres. AX FREDERICKS. Official Trackman. BOBEBT BBON80N. Trackman. TERMS— 0.00 PAYS FOR TEN PARLAYS DOES THIS CONVINCE YOU? YESTERDAY S PART, AY: MABEL C 1.40, Won CAPTAIN BURNS 2.80, Won WEDNESDAYS PABLAY: Gumdrop 6.00, Won Gymkhana 4.00, Won TUESDAYS PABLAY: Maid of India 0.60, Won Blue Spectacles 7.10, Won MONDAYS PABLAY: Red Pennant 8.20, Won Flint $ 9.90, Won SATURDAY S PABLAY: Golden Billows 1.10, Won Toyland 9.20, Won And many other winners which space does not permit us to mention. DONT MISS OUR LIMIT PARLAY TODAY We have received exceptional good word on my double header today. Am advising you to rush your subscription at once: 0.00 for 10 days service. My information originates direct from real smart sources. We do not pertain to handle any guesswork or handicapping. Live, bona fide information only. Go to your nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph and wire 0.00 for ten winning days and be sure to receive the squarest deal that can be had, and also satisfactory service. We State Facts Only MANHATTAN TURF SYNDICATE 1431 Broadway New York City, N. Y. DONT YOU KNOW that there is such si thing as real information on Kentucky trarks? I dont mean gSMMfl or handicapping, but snre enough, honest to goodness information. Information is of two kinds, good and had. While worthless, the had really eosts a great deal more than the good, dne to the losses involved. The good is hard to get and you may have tried many mediums endeavoring to locate it. Although you know that certain parties are constantly anil continuously putting over winners and winning tremendous sums of money, yet they rarely advertise for elients and it is difficult to gain their confidence. Here is an opportunity for you to seetire winning informaton and at absolutely no cost to you, since it will be the layer who pays. When you get winning information and that is the Kind that I am in si position to send you there is no expense attached as you pay from your profits. I want nothing in advanee and I must make good every claim 1 make and send you winners before I can profit by our business relationship. Monday, April 26 at I.exiugton, there will he presented an opportunity for real sportsmen who can take advantage of winning information and who will give me their word not to divnlge the name of the horse to outside parties. I want only men who will appreciate the kind of information I eau furnish them and who will use it to our mutual advantage. If you join me in these transactions, you dont have to pay any attention to where the horse finished the last time ont or what jockey is riding, as I stand to lose a hundred times more than you on any operation that I may wire you. My terms, as a test of the value of real information, will be the winnings of a 0.00 bet for me, to be telegraphed me should the horse win Monday. There will be several others to follow, at Lexington, but no one will receive further word from me unless they have remitted for Mondays release. I would not think of furnishing this information for three times the amount that I am asking except as a "get acquainted" offer. After you have Keen results and have profited handsomely on your investments, it will then be time to talk about future terms. If you want to start the Kentucky season right by making a eonneetion with real information, wire me your promise to bet 0.00 for me Monday, together with your street address so that my wire will reach you promptly Monday morning, Time is short, so I would advise you not to write, but telegraph. JEROME ELLIS tOO KAYETTK HANK HlTI.IHNe l.EXINUTON, KY. 1 .ai—BBBBaaBBanBiiBBaiiBaBaiiBas J. SCOTT 8TBICTLY ONE H0B6E A DAY. .00 DAILY. My daily wire consists of ONE HOBSE each day. No tide or other unnecessary routine to go through; ■ just wire a bill and you receive a telegram at once. Each and every horse is to be 2-1 or better, or you receive another WIBE FBEE. Yesterdays Daily Wire Contained: ARBITRATION. 0.10. Won. Wednesdays Daily Wire Contained: TOPBOOT. 0.70. Won. Tuesdays Daily Wire Contained: PANOLA. .70. ran second. Mondays Daily Wire Contained: BED PENNANT. 8.20. Won. I dont claim to give 20 or 30 to 1 shots every day. My horses are all "live" ones and you get real I good odds. My average winners given has been larger than any informant doing business. KKIUAYS WIBE ONTAINS A MM SHOT Worth of any mans money. Wire at once. Use Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Address all wires to PEERLESS CO. DESK 303, CHILDS BLDG.. PARK BOW AND DUANE ST. NEW YORK CITT M.FRANK WILLIAMS THE ONLY AUTHOBIZED WIZARD CF THE FINAL WORD" 5.00 WEEKLY— YOU SHOULD MAKE 00.00 5.00 FOR 2 WEEKS— YOU SHOULD MAKE ,200.00 YESTERDAYS "FINAL WORD": Ruth S 8.00, Won Mabel C 1.40, Won WEDNESDAYS FINAL WOBD": Gumdrop 6.00, Won Gymkhana 4.00, Won TUESDAYS FINAL WOBD": Maid of India 0.60, Won Polly McWiggles. . $ 7.60, Won MONDAYS "FINAL WORD ": Red Pennant 8.20, Won Golden Spire $ 8.80, Won ■9* TODAY— "FINAL WORD" AT 10 A. M. *M Mr. Williams, of "FINAL WORD" fame, says: "Both of todays, like those of the previous days, am the TINAL WORD for a PLUNGE PLAY. Prices, judging from out of town play, should be 8 or 10-1." 1 Week Subscription Should Net You 00.00 2 Weeks Subscription Should Net You ,200.00 Wire subscriptions by Western Union or Postal. If in doubt, write to us for last weeks summary SUITE 406, 110 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK CITY N. ROGERS TURF WEEKLY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 36 CENTS TODAYS FBEE CODES: HAVRE DE GRACE— Asia-Cement-Tire HAVRE DE GBACE — Ttaly-Corn-Brick 00 Players Saturday. April 24. at Lexington, we shall send a perfect conditioned horse to the nost. We expert an easy win at big odds. If you will wager 0 straight for us, wire your name and street address now. MB. B. W. Apartment 5, Brittany Bldg. Cincinnati. Ohio