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"CLAIMING RACE" PROGRAM Beulah Park Card Given Over to Platers — Sincere First in Most Pretentious Offering. COLUMBUS, Ohio. April a.— The program at Reulah Park this afternoon was made Up of claiming races. The best field faced the barrier in the sixth race, in which .1. Kellers Sincere was the victor. After following the early leaders closely she went to the front in the last quarter and held on gamely in the final drive. Six Pence made a resolute challenge entering the stretch and forced Sincere to do her best in the final drive. Spirea had a big margin over the others. Yiburnum was jumped on during the running of this race and pulled up lame. Uain threatened early in the afternoon, but only a slight shower developed, which failed to affect the track. . Ii. Shafers Weathervane took the measure of her opponents handily in the opening race for two-year-olds at four and a half furlongs. Coming from behind on the outside in the final eighth the winner gradually wore down the leaders. In the second race Captain BUTUS scored a decisive victory. Jack Pot showed the most speed throughout in the running of the third race but was hard pressed at the finish to stall off I almetto. Ruth S scored a well earned victory in the fourth, moving up on the outside of the others duriiiK the run down the back stretch. Hole Card led the way throughout in the fifth race but was hard pressed near the end to hold Traproe safe.