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COLUMBUS C0LUHBUS. OHIO. THURSDAY. APRIL 22. 1926. Beul.ih Park 1-2 Mile. Fifth day Beulah P.-fe Jockey Club. Spring meeting of B days. Weather cloudy. Stewanls J. A. Murphy and J. T. Ireland. Presiding Judge. II. D. Shepnrd. Associate Judge. . Stands. Starter, I.. Dean. Racing Secretary, W. R. Norvell. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chi.ago time. 1:15 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs ■ blinkers Ki-- w7r*h7l ...rrTd SJSHTS, ""■ f,,isl-,n:v «* ,J, " «• »■«■■■»■ -ate. track riH-ord. age of horse and weight carried. *lndicates apprentice allowance. OOft8 FIRST RACE-4 1-2 Furlongs. April 25. 1925— :554-2-105J Purse 00. 2-year-olds. VTVr t»U»«_» Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horsea AWtPPSt V4 % Sir Kin J,K-keys Owners »i«iv. Book. Strt 00394 WKATHKBVANK w 102 S 4 4 4 17 W Um.m C B Shafer W-m 007S6» :oLIKN DUST w HI 7 S 21 2-1 2- J Ford JS W.t.o 3D-10M IU.7 NKSTlK w 109 I 2 PIBJ P L Aron Missouri Stablo -50-10 0014. SMILK AWHILE w 109 3 1 Ink fnk 4* w McCalie M Foster W-I00 00726 WOOD FAIRY will :: 5 5* P|P P Power I. Haym.m.l BBMBJ SKAHAI w 111 1 7 G 5- 61 J Connors M H Jordan tBR-W «„.. 00161 K1HKLAT w M 4 6 7 7 7 H Carner J Price IB1III Time. :24Vi. :49*i. :57V4. Track fast. hB certificates earned W« athervane. 0.40 straight. .H0 place. .40 show: Jolden Dust $::•; BastV, 80 show; Nestle. .40 show. Kquivalent laiokitig— Weathervane. 420 to KKI straight. 140 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show .olden Dust. 8i to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Nestle. 70 to 10O show. Winner B. f. by War Kame Afton Water, by Argregor trained by J. J. Dugan; bred by w Mr A King Macomher. Went to |H»st at 2:16. At |mst :: minutes. Start good and slow. Won drivin-- second and third the same. WKATHKRVANK moved up on the outside while rounding the turn for home and com ill" fast thrcugh the final eighth, headed KOLDRX DIST in the last few vanls and won drawin- char" I.OI.DKN DCST meed SMILK AWH1I.K into defeat and took the lead after entering the stretch but failed to withstand the winners challenge. NKSTI.K saved ground on Hie turn for home but was in close nuarters most of the last eighth. SMILK AWHII.K tired after setting .he early pn.-e. HOQQ SEC0H1 BACE— 5-8 Rile. Aug. 17. 1925—1:01—2—105. Purse 00. 3-yearolds and WJKW%3KF upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75: second. 5; third. 0. Indei Horses AWtPISt ,i « Str Kin J.K-keys Owners E.piiv. Itook. Strt 94270 .CAPTN BUKNSwb 15 110 3 5 4| 2J P 1» A Yorrat K Lyons BR 00868M». MOODY w 9 111" 1 1 .1. V 2-J 2J L I.e.- WMein ept-llk 90090MILLIK O. w 4 108 5 4 2h 3h n* :s 1 J Judy C N Freeman 480-1WI 00873 CASUS BKLLI w :. 107 4 2 B 4* 4J P H C.arner F J Kearna t»-IO0 00797 SKA MIMK w 9 113 -J 9 S 81 ;•! 5 J Connors M H Jordan 4WMOO 00896* •RKPBIKVK w 4 103 6 3 51 5J P 64 AV Umi.n C A Davis 8 -IOi °?i?i S1" S wb 7 115 7 6 6 PidPlJ Ford J A Gibson 1810-100 00898 ST QRRARD w 5 110 2 8 9 9 8 P W MeCabe F Bailey 2810-100 00910 NHVBRTHRLRW w 3 107 8 7 7- 7* 9 I L Aron Manzelia R Ketzel BRVBR Time. :2415. :49. 1:03. Track fast. certificates earned Captain Hums, 2.S0 straight. place. .00 show; P M.mmIv "O place. $..80 show; Millie C. .H show. ftjuivalent hooking— Captain lturns. 540 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place, 150 to 100 show P Moody. 310 to 100 place. !X to 10O show; Millie t;.. 100 to 100 show. Winner B. g. by Rockton Ravena. by lifford ttrained by J. S. Shafer: bred by Mr John Sanford Went to |iost at 2:47. At post 1 minute. Start g.iod and slow Won easily; second and third driving. CAITAIN RI RNS raced close up from the start and. taking the bad in the stretch drew away to win in a canter. P. MOODY saved ground on the turns and held MII.LIK R safe at the end Mil MB j. raced well. CASKS HELM set the early puce and quit. SKA MIMK closed up considciable ground. Overweight P. Moody. 1 Vi | ounds. OOQlll THm° RACE—5-8 Rile. An*. 17. 1925—1:01—2—105. Purse 00. 4-jexr-oldi and ld-VVtfriV ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 5; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , V. Str Km J.K-keys Owners Kquiv. Rook. Strt 00897JACK POT W7 112 « 4 P- 1 S1 1? J Judy C K Davison BMH t»lPPAUnmO WB7 112 5 5 412«.2 2 L Leo Mrs C S Lenii-ux 112.-10 00870 KVK FOX w 9 110 4 S CA 4h 3 Bj H C.arner Mrs A Dunl.ip l.KO-100 99847 STAR OIRL w 4 110 7 7 :i V 4J 4J P Power H Torriente. TnO-Wa 00897 LNTAKK wb 4 110 8 8 8 P| BJ 5J W M al,e C B ILv.tli RR.R41 00311 BRUM BUCK w 4 105 1 ?. 7J 8 8 6 L Aron L W Johnson STHVBJ 97285 SOCIAL TKA w 4 105 2 1 5J 7- 7 7 A Yerrat O Hen! 1550-10 97281 l-KANCES SHARP w 5 105 I 2 2J 5 fi 8 W Lamon Witt-man and Miller RB-HJ Time. :24*i, :48«i 1:02- Track fast. . P «-*-rlifi.-ates earned -Jack Iot. .00 straight. .20 place. .00 show; Palmetto. .00 place 1X1 show.: Kve Kox,_.S0 show. Kquivalent booking Jack Pot. 100 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show Palmetto "00 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Kve Kox. 140 to 100 show. . miwinn,r ll- ft »y First Chip Oracle Oould. by Register trained by C. R Davison bred by Mr S. Waring. Went to post at 3:16. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving second and third the same. JACK POT set a good pace all the way. but was doing his bt*st at the end to retain Ins advantage. PAI.MKTTO made a resolute challenge in the last quarter, although for.-cd to ri, .- .vide KK KOX saved ground on most of the turns and outfinished STAR GIRL The latter showed much early speed. I STARR was forced to work his vvav up on the outside Scratched OOSlDRcd Weed. 107: OOOll Baatda Han*. 105; BOH San San 10" Overweight Palmetto, I ixuimls. 00941 r0Ulrl3 KACE-31 Rile. Autr. 7. 1924-1 : lZ-3-109. Pa» BJBH «*«»*«lis »«i VFa-F-RR. upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 5; third. 0. ■"•"x ", rs-S AWtlMSt ■, I, sir Kin Jo, keys Owners Eq. v. Rook. Strt 00503 KITH S. w 5 109 | V Ll P|P j Judy W Farley soo rmtRRO MILL W5 109 I 6 7 6 2J 2» L Aron Q W Krit* -,,„ .M 0089»; VOORPLOR w I 105 I 5 fi 4h 4 W Lam.,:, W Raasf Jr I400-Ma BMt»*PORTRR KLLA wn 5 109 7 4 D D 3" J 4* W McCa!.. Mr, H D Cox U.-P 00819 SIR RALPH w 4 111 2 7 8 8 fi » Yerrat f C„x lfifiVtO 00912 RXPRRSSIVR wb 5 111 5 2 2 3 p 6 p |.„w.-rs l| Tllll1» BJMM . 00899, DIM Alt SWEET w 5 11.1 fi 1 4- 7 P 7 F. HtktsntM F Wood 200-1M 008»» BILLY IIKUSH wb 7 111 8 8 S-J H S 8 HOarne: Mrs O L Hoffman 4540-1W Time. :24. :494. 1:16. Track fast. certificates earned- Ruth S.. .IKJ straight. .40 place. ,211 show: Red Mill 00 ainra St CD show: oorflor. J.0.20 show. K.,i.ival.nt tNM.king- Ruth S. 8INJ to 100 straight. 320 to IOO place. SA to 100 show Red Mill 150 to IOO place. 80 to IOO show; Voorflor. 210 to 100 show VilMams,1Krosl! " " "" " " ,ialin,,a- *» 0»a%lHlsl Drained by W. Parley: hred by Messrs. • W,"t ..V-.n.T"- ** :4.H At IMS * ""•* s,:,rt a»4«l •"■ "l w. Won easily: second and third driving Rl III S. moved up steadily on the outside after rounding the far turn and. the lead „, the stret.h. held the race safe to the end. RKi Mill, was far back in the early running hut M tip 011 the outside in the stretch and finished fast TOOBPLOB dosed up ground and got up for tlnrd i";""." cviom* £££ ,,KrK,: KIIA *,"«-1 "" ""- "I I L« the first half, hut tired When chal lengcd. KXPRKSSIVK and BILLY P.R1 SII quit. BRIAR IIBBRI ran p.n.rly. 00942 "FT »f CE-3-4 Rile Auf. 7. 1924-1: 13-3-100. "peleOoTTyear-nlda and tt VWJ£W~±*d ward. CUiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. 11 X --""-* AWtPPSt % % Str Kin Jo. keys t wners Kguiv. Rook. Strt 00873 H. »LK CARD WI115 2 2 D DJ |l B* A Yerrat MC.x in .00872, TKA PROK w I 9H 4 3 B 2-J 2 2JH West B Creech naLsM 00873 KL1/.ADKTH K. w 4 110 3 1 6 5 4» 3J J Johnson J Keller iwlZ «"»»"•-■-» W3 1U0 1 4 4. B V » J Majestu Lewis and Hord-aux SS .Additional charts on tenth page. I COLUMBUS r Continued from third pare. 97*61 RF.D SKTH wb 4 110 5 5 .!•» 41 5 5 J Connors S H Kennedv MMN Time. :24V4. :**%. 1:15%. Track fast. certificates earned Hole Card, .60 straight, $..30 place. .20 show; Traproe, .00 place. .00 show; Elisabeth K.. 40 show. Hipiivalenl booking Hole Card. 130 to 100 Straight. 60 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show; Traproe. 80 to 100 place. .10 to 100 Khow; Klisaheth K.. 70 Jo 100 show. Winner II. g, by Horron Carreno by Lally trained by T. P. Williams: bred by Mr. John IS. Gorham. WVut to |m.Ht at 4:20. At post 4 minute*. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third tlui same. HOIK CAHI showed the most speed and won all the way. hut was hard pressed for a time to hold his lead. TKAIROH raced in closest pursuit and. coming on the outside in the stretch, was wearing the winner down at the end. KL1ZABKTI1 K. ran well and passed til. US in the last sixteenth. GLIB :;aved ground on the turns, but tired in the stretch. Scratched MU3 Follow Me. 101. Overweight Ued Seth, 3 pounds. OOQl SIXTH RACE— 1 116 Kilos. May 9. 1926— 1 49— 4—114 . Purse 00 4-year-olds and VVt/IO upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 15; second. 15; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi % *4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 00063 SINCKBK w 4 110 :: 3 3 31 1» ll ll J Johnson .1 Kellor 240-100 0034 8!SIX IKNCK w 6 112 I S 5 I 4 21 2 H West It Creech 230-1O tt»K74SlMKKA w r. 10»; 2 4 41 4n 3« 3- 3« W McCabe Mrs J Stephenson 250-:0fi 00453 FAIR KRKAK w 5 107J 5 1 1* 2i 2* 4" 4= H Jarner J Prico 1360-100 MM1 VI1MUNUM w 9 105 4 2 2 1 In a :". 5 A Yerrat W C Iessenden 480-100 Time. 25 :49%. 1:17. 1:43%. 1:50. Track fast. certificates earned Sincere, straight. * place. .60 show; Six Pence. .00 place, .60 Khow. Spirea. .2*1 show. FV|invalent hooking Sincere. 240 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Six Pence. 100 to 100 place. :!0 to 100 show: Spirea. 10 to 100 show. Winner- IS. f. by Royal II. Presentation, by Brtilus trained by M. S. Powell: bred by Mr. Jerome 1! Itespess. Went to | ost at 4:48. At | ost 2 minntes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. SI.NCKRK followed the early leaders closely and. racing into the lead after going the first three-quarters, held it to the finish. SIX PKNCF. passed SIIKKA and FAIR BREAK after rounding the far turn and forced the winuer to do her b-st all of the lust quarter. SIIKKA raced gamely and held the others safe at the end. FAIR ISRKAK tired from setting and forcing the early pace. VIBURNUM quit and pulled up lame. Overweights- Spirea. 2Vj pounds: Fair Break. 31/.. AAQ A A SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Aug. 9. 1994— 1 :46%— 7—107. Purse 00. 4-"VFJZFtctc year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Morses AWtlTSt K % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Rook. Strt HtN*iVUU0 w 10 107 | | 5 3 $«11" 1? J Judv r X Freeman 200-HK 00814 THK IKNIAN w •:. 112 5 5 U 21 Ij 2s 2» K Hihman J T Russell 320-10" OOHlSKKCOUl* w 6 102 4 I 4« 6= 5* XJ 3= W Umon M Torrienta 1480-100 OOS0I MY I.OKHAIKK w « 109 1 1 7 7 7 5 4s J Johnson J Renihan 2750-100 00560 GAIL FORI w 6 107 3 4 61 f i 41 6* 51 P Dowers C O Kindle 2500-10 4M1KI9 MOONBROOK wb 4 112 I I ■ V V 4" 6« L Aron ■ A Crecelius 980-100 00870 -ONKI DA w I 10" I T 4" M 1 7 A Yerrat Aldrich and Winans 210-100 Time. :25%. :49%, 1:17. 1:43%. 1:50%. Track fast. certificates earned ltelario. straight. .80 place, .40 show: The Fenian. .80 place. .80 ■how; Rtcoup. .40 show. Equivalent booking ISelario. 200 to 100 straight. 40 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; The Fenian. 40 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show: Recoup. 70 to 100 show. Winner B. g. by Sain Belle of Ashland, by Ornament trained by C N. Freeman: bred by Mr. Thomas . McDowell Went to imisI at 5:18. At post 1 minute. Start goisl and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BKI.ARIO slipped through next to the inner rail after going the first three-quarters and. taking the lead, held the rai-e safe through the last sixteenth. THE FENIAN led under stout restraint in the early running and raced MOON BROOK into defeat and raced gamely in the final drive. RECOUP finished fast im the inside. MY LORRAINE made up much ground. ONEIDA raced on the outside and tired badly. Scratched 00901 Illustrator. 102: 00912 Walter Dnnt. 107: 0081C Cromwell. 102. tlvcrwcights — Recoup. 2 pounds: My I/orraine. 4.