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CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE KY FRIDAY MAY 21 192S Churchill Downs 1 Mile Twelfth day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring meetng of 20 days Weather clear Stewards Cliailcs F Trice S C Nuckols T C Bradley and Klijah llngx Placing Judges W H Shilley N II McClelland and K B Webb Racing Secretary W II Shelley Clerk of Scales N II McClelland Starter W Hamilton Kaciig starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m AV indicates whip S spurs K blinkers Fig ares in parent hrsfs following the distance of each race indicate dale track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST EACE C 12 Furlongs Oct 17 192f 117 4 112 Purse 1200 4yearolds and upward Claiming Met value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 01505 GAFFXEY wn 4 103 4 1 3 41 2 1J S Cooper S X Holman 9390100 01681 = AM1R w 4 113 34 1J 1J 11 2 E Scobie S A Cowan 1730103 01708 HATS UP wn 5 113 5 10 71 5i 3 3 J H Burke W J Raybould 1110100 97054 RAMBLER wn 5 103 10 S S1 SJ 5J 4i W Garner P Coyne J2920100 0114 MY DESTINY w 4 10S 7 7 9 11 3 5 J McCoy M Andrews 850100 0113I HELN CARTER w 4 103 Sit 10 9 = S1 G S Steele C E Hamilton 340100 340100OlMSSPKLED OlMSSPKLED BUTV wn 4 100 14 C 5 3 = G 7J R Finerty W S Heaton 240100 01738 = XIMROD w 5 110 11 2 2i 24 4 S1 E Lcgcre P Stanton frlO100 01735 1CE vr 4 103 9 5 ffi 10 91 t Dubols J Lowo 2150100 01738 FIRE BOY ws 5 110 12 12 11 105 11 10 = L Canfield WL Brodio 1100100 01080 JOLLY BOY w 5 110 13 4h 71 71 11 D Xeal P P Wilson t 01577 PYX w 9 103 13 9 12 = I2Z 12 12 E Barnett W V Poison t 01283 1YORY wn 4 112 213 13 13 13 13 W Pool P C McAteo t 85535 EL CORRERO wn S 110 C 14 Pulled up R A Cthm S M Barnett t tMutui1 field Time 23 46 113 120 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Caffney 18980 straight U3SO place 4080 show Amir S1CGO place 1000 show Hats UpJlCO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking oddcv Kaffney 0300 to 100 straight 3000 to 100 place 2240 to 100 show Amir 30 to 100 place 400 to 100 show Hats Up MO to 100 show showAYinner AYinner Oh g by Jim laffner Dolly Higgins by Migraine trained by J R Schuster bred by Mr Charlton 1 Clay ClayAVent AVent to post at 204 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AYon easily second and third driving fJAFKXEY close up from the start lost much ground by racing wide into the stretch but finished fast and won goin away AMIK showing the most speed led by a good margin to the stretch but tireI in the last eighth HATS UP closed a big gap and was going fast at the end RAMBLER ran a good nice HKIEX CARTER made up ground ICE tired KL CORUEKO was pulled up after the Ktart KtartScratched Scratched O1708 Rradleys Toney 115 0170S Brunswick 113 00994 Lawless 110 01710 Hullo 102 01738 Charcoal 110 0173T Swidalwood 110 01098 Barrow 105 105Overweight Overweight Ivory pounds SECOND EACE 58 Mile JCay 20 1912 59 2 113 Purse 1200 2yearolds Kaid ens Colts and Geldings Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 J4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 0124 PHIL FOTO w 116 4 3 4l 3i 3 l t J Heupel J L Knight 01612 AVOLFY w 116 3 2 i is 2J M Garner P Coyno 01736 TIM GLEASON w 116 5 4 40164C J 21 3i H Kaiser O L Steele 0164C HERO w 116 6 6 52 5J 5i 4 = D Frogtto Southland Stable 01612 VERNON w 116 2 21 1 6 6 C 51 T Murray Audley Farm Stable Stable3J S70100 01578 LITTLE GUINEA w 116 7 5 3J 4 4 C H Lsford H P Headloy 2340103 VYTCH THE TIME w 11C 1 7 7 7 7 7 S Griffin Winchester Stable 3150100 3150100Time Time 23 47ri 101 Track fast 2 mtituels paid Phil Foto 1020 straight 340 place 5300 show Wolfy 2SO place 240 show Tim Oleason 540 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking oddr Ihil Fcto 410 to 100 straight 70 to 103 place 50 to 100 show Wolfy 40 to 100 place 20 to 1OO show Tim Clcason 170 to 100 show showWinner Winner B e by Tchad Beeswaw by Handsel trained by W Perkins bred by Mr A L Ferguson FergusonAYcut AYcut to itcst at 3C At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same PHIL FOTO lucky and racing gamely for the entire way moved up rapidly through the Ftrctch and headed AVOIFY in the last few strides WOLFY showing the most speed seemingly had the race won seventy yaids from the finish hut took a bad swerve when struck with the whip and barclv saved second il ce TIM fILEASOX showed much speed for a half mile before tiring HERO closed a gap YEKXOX raced wide on the turns LITTLE GUIXEA tired fi Qfkr THIED SACE 1 18 Miles Oct 20 1921 l49 i 4 119 Purse 1200 3yearolds V JO Vr 4 and upward Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt1 Ht i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 01 01013s 013s WIDGEON WB 7 103 9 2 1 1 1 = 21 1 S Steele T M Hubbard 01G47BRUNELL WB C 102 7 7 7s 4h y 2 E Benham J D Walker 01741 OPEN HAND wn 3 S7 S 6 5s 6 5 42 3 D Dubois Keoneland Stud 01735 REPEATER wn 9 107 C 5 3i 2 2s 3 31 3i 4i G Johnson F Swain 77010 7701001682BLUE 01082BLUE SPRITE vr 3 93 4 9 8s SJ G1 5 5 = L Fisher Audley Farm Stable 930100 0154C LIEUT RUST w 4 102 5 4 4 Sb 4 G 6s C Legnon Southland Stablo 590010J 01738 QUEEN AGNES w 4 KO 3 3 G 73 7s 7J 73 T Neal C B DaJley 3630100 0 01682 1 082 HUMORETTE w 97 1 S = 9 S = S4 S R Finerty W S Heaton 1840100 96807 C807 IMPOSSIBLE w 5 107 2 1 2 51 9s 9 9 J McCoy Tyler K Martin 8450103 845010391C81 91C81 DOUBLE STAR SGDO100Time w3 97101010 10 10 10 10 L Canfield G Watts Sons SGDO100 Time 24 49 114 141 155 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Widgeon 460 straight 300 place 240 show Brnnell 380 place 320 show OIKII Hand 540 show showEquivalent Equivalent Ixiokiiig odds Widgeon 130 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Brunei IO to 100 place 60 to 110 show Open Hand 170 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Star Shoot Wide Eyes by Hamburg trained by J M Ilubbard bred by Mr Mcntfort Jones JonesWent Went to post at 3OS At post 1 minute Start bad and slow Won driving second and third the same WIDGEON raced into a long lead in the first half but tired and suffered when BRUNELL Kwerved in the stretch but finished gamely and won in the last stride BRUNELL was forced back as ho was making his rush but took the lead then swerved sharply in the stretch and interfered with WIDGEON and seemed to Milk near the end OPEN HAND saved much ground on the stretch turn and finished well REPEATER tired near the end BLUE SPRITE was almost left and ran a good lace LIEIT RlST quit DOUBLE STAR wheeled at the start and was practically left leftScratchcd01772 Scratchcd01772 Sporty MiGee 107 01613 Chiva 102 01772 Black Grackie 97 97Overweight Overweight Queen Agnes 2 jtounds 01808 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile May 20 1912 59 2 113 Purse 1200 2ycarlds Claim ¬ ing Net value to winner 903 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt li J StrFin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 01685 GAY HALLIE w IOC 5 6 5 3 1 I4 E Benham C Nuckols 490100 01578 OOLDEX LAURA w 101 11 4 lh 22 2 G Philpot Chula Vista Stable 130100 01612 TEB HEE w 101 93 2i 2 3s 31 L CanfielJ W E Applegato IC30100 01685 CnOLlNE CnTEBw 106 11 31 4 4 4h M Skyrm Shady Brook F rm Sta 260100 26010001685L1LL1E 01685L1LL1E L w 103 85 6 = 6 5 5 It Finerty Ben Hur Stable 1740100 01685 MONTE ROSA w 98 C 8 71 51 C1 C = G Johnson H Ootn S820100 01683 DOCTOR BEX wn 111 710 S5 S1 7 74 J McCoy W L Brodie G740100 01612 SEALING WAX w 101 411 91 91 8s S J Ryan D McDade 92M100 01426 BLE OP WCHSTRw 101 2 2 10 10i l 9J V Moore Pickering Benslnger J8660100 HONEVKINS w 102 10 7 W 7 102 10 W Garner Kenton Farm Stable 5460100 5460100PEARLIES PEARLIES GIRLIE w 10S 39 11 11 11 11 J H Burke Mannion Bros f Mutuel field Time 23 47 101 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Oay Hullie 11SO straight 440 place 360 show Oolden Laura 320 place 260 show Tee Ilee 520 show showKquivalent Kquivalent lKXking odds Gay Hallie 490 to 100 straight 120 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Golden Laura 60 to 100 plain 30 to ICO show Tee Ilee 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by BonifacL Nell Wilder by Broomstick llraired by W Perkins bred by Mr C Nnckols NnckolsWent Went to post at 339 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving GAY I1ALLIK came swiftly through the stretch into the lend and drew far away in the last sixteenth GOLDEN LAUUA set a fast pace to the stretch but tired when challenged TEE IIEE ran a good race all the way and made a game finish CAKOLINE OA1STEU swerved out on the stretch turn and wan going well at the end MONTE ItOSA finished fast fastOverweights Overweights Sealing Was 1 pound Honeykins 4 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards May 30 1919 141 4 110 Alamo Purse 1800 Added 3yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 1350 second 34050 third 157 Index Horse AWtPPSt 14 i Str Fin Jockeys Eijuiv Odds Strt 01640 RECOLLECTION wn llli 4 1 11 1 I1 I1 1 M Garner Kohn Theisen 290100 01169 PERCUSSION w 10SJ 1 2 3l 3 3 21 2 E Legere A B Hancock 1SO100 1SO10001547BOTANIC 01547BOTANIC w 120 3 4 2 2s y 35 3 M Skyrm L Bloom 1SO100 1SO100OOU98 OOU98 LADY CAROLYJC v 102 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 J McCoy Huntings Richards iCM10 Time iCM10Time 24 48 112 139 144 Track fast 2 mutucls paid Illcollection 7 0 straight 42O place Percussion 320 place no show mutuels old oldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Recollection 200 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place Percussion CO to 100 place placeWinner Winner B c by Jim Gaffney Memories II by Bubelais trained by G V Barnes bred by Mr Jefferson Livingston LivingstonWent Went to pout at 400 At poet 1 minute Start bad and Mow Won handily second and third driving KECOLLEtTION had the best of the start arid jhowing the most si eed raced BOTANIC into defeat in the first threequarters and under hard ridiiuTfflknear the end held PKRlrSSIOX safes PERCUSSION also away well was allowed to drop back in tbefirsthalf mile but came fast when rid ¬ den hprd BOTANIC raced well but tired and swerved repeatedly LAU LAUstAHOLYN stAHOLYN was always outriw Scratched 01640 Khinock 120 Overweights Recollection 1 pounds Percussion 34 s flg G fk SIXTH RACE 34 Mile May 24 1921 111 6 128 Rialto Purse Furiel600 WIOIV yearolds and upward Fillies and Mares Allowances Net value to winner 120S ond 250 third 150 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys liiiiiv Odds Strt 01428LTTTLE VISITOR WB 4 110 6 2 1 11 1 J 1 E Legere J L Knight 90100 97204 LAKME w 3 102 2 3 2i 31 2i 2 J Ketleris B Cebrian 760100 01730 ROTHERMEL wn 4 110 10 S 71 5l 31 31 J H Burke J N Camden t4 100 01614 DX OF TMOROWw 3 102 54 5J 6 = 4 4 J McCoy B O Hickman 5290100 01713 PRINCESS PAN wB 3 102 7 C 4 2J 5 5 = E Benham Keenelaml Stud Stablo 1930100 01650 4760100017403MAYFA1R MISS MEISE w C 110 4 10 S1 7 7 f U Finerty H L Grain 4760100 017403MAYFA1R wn 3 102 8 7 6 41 6 7 = W Garner J N Camden t 01471 CHTMAS MNING w 3 102 15 11 10 S S Steele Parkview Stable 970100 01611 SUK BERRY w 3 103 311 91 8s 9 = S Griffin H Oots 7TO100 01471 LADY STONE W 3 IOJ 11 9 101 92 10 = 10 G Johnson R S Clark 4720100 91713 SOBROSE WB 3 102 9 1 3 U 11 11 D Dubois W H Snearly 6040100 t 6040100t Coupled as J N Camden entry entryTime Time 23 46 J 112 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Little Visitor 380 straight 300 place 240 show Lakme 80 place 420 show J N Camden entry 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent Iwoking odds Little Visitor 90 to 100 straight tO to 100 place 20 to 100 show Lakme 190 to 110 place 110 to 100 show J N Camden entry 4O to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Sweep Margaret Hastings by Hastings trained by W Perkins bred by Mr C Nuckols NuckolsWent Went to post at 43S At post fi minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving LITTLE VISITOR lucky and showing the most speed raced into the lead when called on and easily won all the way LAKME raced prominently all the way and made a game finish KOTHEItMEL began slowly and had to be raced wide on the turns but finished gamely DAWN OF TOMORROW came with a rush through the stretch PRINCESS PAN tired in the last eighth MAYFAIR quit LADY STONE and SOBROSE acted badly at the post and raced wide into the stretch stretchScratched Scratched Sara via 97 97Overweight Overweight Sue Berry 1 pound fj 0g f SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles May 24 1922 144 4 113 1300 Added 3yearolds JLOL J and upward Claiminr Net value to winner 1000 second 230 third 120 Index Horses AWtPPSt4 i Str Fin Jockeys EiHiv Odds Strt 01686s LANCER w 4 109 7 1 4 i 41 31 31 1 D Neal T Cooper 120100 01686 LONGCHAMPS WB 4 112 3 4 3 2 J 21 2i 2 E Scobie J T Looney 480100 48010001617M1DNIGHT 01617M1DNIGHT ROSE w 4 102 2 6 I1 15 1 1 H 3 W Garner Kohn Theisen 1220100 122010096738COCKNEY 96738COCKNEY w 5 104 1 7 6s 6 5 4 4s D Dubois Bloomfiehl Stable 57010 5701001613SMAC 01613SMAC OBOY vr 5 99 4 2 2 3 4 = 5 5 S Steele X McDade 40100 01737 DENIZEN w 4 101 5 5 5s 5 6 G G R Finerty B Gentry 970100 01708 CUP BEARER WB 4 109 6 3 7 7 7 7 7 L Fisher M Lowenstein 3050100 3050100Timo Timo 24 49 114 140 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Lancer 440 straight 300 place 260 show Ix ngchamps 560 place 400 show Midnight Rose 540 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lancer 120 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Longchamps 180 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Midnight Rose 170 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Sir Martin Miss Kearney by Planudes trained by W A Crawford bred y Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 514 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third tho same LANCER was ridden wide through the last quarter but came fast thixugh the stretch and got up to win in the last stride LONGCHAMPS was saved under restraint for the first half mile and came fast when ridden hard and only succumbed in the last stride MIDNIGHT ROSE showed the most speed to the last eighth and tired in the last few strides COCKNEY raced well and finished close up MAC OBOY quit quitScratched Scratched 01682Lady Von 8S 01613Payman 103 01647 Fantoche 108 01505 Bother 04 01504 Greystone 95