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TWO IN ONE ONEI I am a business Ban owner and editor of the magazine HOTELDOM HOTELDOMHave Have never had the pleasure of seeing a horse race and do not even pretend to know one horse from another Several years ago I formed a friend ¬ ship with a man who has made racing a lifes work Three or four times each year he writes me several days in advance to prepare for a certain date sending me the names of the horses and all details My obligation to my friend is more than I can afford at this time so inorder to live up to my agreemant have decided to put this information on the market for this double proposition propositionThe The first horse whose name is on file with the Racing Form starts Saturday May 22nd at Churchill Downs in a late race raceThe The second starts Monday at Aurora AuroraIt It is needless to say that I have never before advertised in the Racing Form and my only desire I is to be able to livo up to my obligation Consult Bradstreet or the National City Bank of New York as to my integrity Twenty five years at the address below Money will only be accepted by Western Union transfer transferTerms Terms are twelve dollars and fifty cents in advance and twelve dollars and fifty cents after both horses have won Both horses and riders tire on file with this paper paperSheldon Sheldon C Kniffin KniffinSeymour Seymour Building 503 Fifth Avenue AvenueNew New York City