Racing Dates 1926, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-22

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RACING DATES 1926 JAUREX Jockey Club Juarez Jnurpz Mex ¬ ico icoBeginning Beginning April 17 and continuing for 25 or more days Mtituels MtituelsLAGOON LAGOON PARK Utah Breeders and Racing Association Salt Luke City Utah UtahMay May 8 to May 31 20 days Mutuels MutuelsCHURCHILL CHURCHILL JockeyClub DOWNS Kentucky Jockey Club Louisville Ky May 8 to May 31 20 days Mutuels MutuelsAURORA AURORA Exposition Park Jockey Club ClubAurora Aurora 111 May 20 to June 19 27 days Certificates CertificatesBEL3IONT BEL3IONT PARK AVestcliester Racing As ¬ sociation L I X Y May 21 to June 12 20 days Oral OralMOUNT MOUNT ROYAL PARK Hack River Jockey Club Montreal Quc QucMay May 22 to May 29 7 days Mutuels MutuelsVICTORIA VICTORIA PARK Calgary Exhibition Co Calgary Alia AliaMay May 22 to May 29 7 days Mutuels MutuelsWOODBINE WOODBINE PARK Ontario Jockey Club ClubToronto Toronto Ont May 22 to May 23 7 days Mutuels MutuelsFAIRMOUNT FAIRMOUNT JockeyClub PARK Fairmount Jockey Club Collinsrillc III May 29 to July 5 32 days Certificates CertificatesTHORNCLIFFE THORNCLIFFE PARK Thnrncliffe Park Racing and Breeding Association To ¬ ronto Ont May 31 to June 7 7 days Mutuels MutuelsCALGARY CALGARY Chinook Jockey Club Calgary Alta AltaJune June 2 to June 9 7 days Mutuels MutuelsKEMPTON KEMPTON PARK Manitoba Jockey Club ClubMontreal Montreal Quc June 3 to June 10 7 days Mutuels MutuelsOMAHA OMAHA AkSarBcn Exposition Co Omaha OmahaNeb Neb June 3 to July 5 2S days Mutuels LATONIA Covington Kentucky Jockey Club Coving ton Kj June 3 to July 5 2S days Mutuels MutuelsLONG LONG BRANCH Metropolitan Racing Asso ¬ ciation of Canada Toronto Ont June 9 to June 1C 7 days Mutuels MutuelsHAMILTON HAMILTON Hamilton Jockey Club Hamil ¬ ton Ont OntJune June 9 to June 16 7 days Mutuels POLO PARK Winnipeg Jockey Club Wimil Wimilpeg peg Jinn June 12 to June 19 7 days Mutuels MutuelsDELORIMIER DELORIMIER DrivingClub P A R K Montreal Driving Club Montreal Quc June 12 to June 19 7 days Mutuels

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Local Identifier: drf1926052201_13_4
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