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JUAREZ SUMMARY Tirst Hace 58 Mile Horso Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowDanie Danie 101 U Whitacrc 540 300 280 280Chevalier Chevalier Ill J Schaefer 740 400 400Philippe Philippe Lugo 111 Hatton 360 360Time Time 101 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Travelling Star Lady Hardin Jack Healey and Forewarn ForewarnWent Went to post at 1130 At post 1 minute Second Kace 34 Mile ITorsc Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowSalt Salt Shot las L Xeal 520 300 240 240Monopoly Monopoly 108 D Fowler 3CO 260 260Tom Tom Brooks 111 B Maskrid 40 40Time Time 115 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Dr Tubbs Cork Little Bum and Trippawa I Went to post at 258 At post 10 minutes Third Eaco 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsHorse Horse Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowFrank Frank Sumpter 112UCochran CCO 400 320 Shasta Sol 108 B Maskrid 1160 i60 i60Crimp Crimp Bar 102 5 Collins 2040 2040Time Time 56 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Wikiup Papoose Fort Gibson Ben Valet Baby Doll and C O Doren I AVent to post at 339 At post 2 minute I Fourth Kace 58 Mile Horse Wt Jockey Strt Place Show Showfiolden fiolden Maiden 98 C Yates 4SO 380 340 Archie Aleranr lllBTaylor 1400 740 740Manniesito Manniesito lai O Collins 1100 1100Time Time 101 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Cascade James Xeely Princess Ahmed Lawrence Gleniar and Fairy Itose Went to post at 400 At post 1 minute For remainder of results at Juarez call telephones Wabash 5187 and 5188 or Harrison 2087 The omitted results will likewise appear in the follow ¬ ing1 days edition of Daily Racing Form FormFollowing Following is a summary of the last three races at Juarez Mexico Thursday ThursdayFifth Fifth Race 78 Mile Milenor nor e Wt Jockey Strt Plnco Shoir ShoirJay Jay Itoberts 111 L Ncil 1240 701 300 300Peter Peter Pierson 10 L WhVrc 420 380 380Dustman Dustman 112 K Carpenter 3SO 3SOTimo Timo 130 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Montihile Ponzi Kay Kinetic Texas Hanger Whipsaw and Dorthy Pop PopWent Went to post at 43i At post 3 minutes Sixth Race 78 Mile MileHorse Horse Wt Jnckev Strt Place Show ShowPearl Pearl Madeline 104 C Yates 000 460 320 320Quash Quash 112 D Hum 15SO C40 C40Coutidor Coutidor 09 L Whltacrc 300 300Time Time 127 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Sunbow Stage Star Marcella Boy and Lierre LierreWent Went to post at 510 At post 1 minute Seventh Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsHorse Horse Wt Jockey Strt Place Show Hapsburg Miss 10S BDohue1340 400 360 Marse John ll AV Mclntyru 280 260 260Full Full Moon 112 K Cochran 000 000Time Time 108 Track fast fastAlso Also ran My Gracie John D The Nephew and Miss Patton PattonWent Went to j ost at 542 At post 5 minutes