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JUAREZ ENTRIES ENTRIESRacing Racing starts at 213 p m Chicago time 415 Juarez Kile and an Eighth Track TrackHorse Horse Wt Horse Vt VtFirst First Kace 34 Kile KilePurse Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 4 1914 1C9 G llo lloTrippawa Trippawa 106 Salt Shot IDS IDSJohnnie Johnnie Dear 108 Tom Itrooks Ill IllDoctor Doctor Tubbs Ill IJtlle Hum 108 108Cork Cork 108 Archie Alexander 10S 10SCanvasback Canvasback Ill IllSecond Second Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsPutso Putso 400 3yearold and upward Claiming Track record Jan 21 1917 537i 5 111 111Lady Lady Hardin 109 Vested Rights Ill IllForewarn Forewarn Ill Granny Lee 109 109Shady Shady Itrook Ill St Peter Ill IllIaywood Iaywood Ill IllThird Third Bace 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 21 1917 537i 5 111 111Little Little Hope 100 King Jack 100 100Maurice Maurice Mulcahy 10S W P Montgomery 111 111Uipwig Uipwig 108 Davie L Mills Ill IllPretty Pretty Kill 100 Neg 10S 10STowtons Towtons Gem 98 Dr Hall Ill IllLittle Little Buck 103 Dode Adams 112 112My My Gracie 11G 11GFourth Fourth Kace 58 Kile KilePurse Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 10 1913 57i 3 120 120Itapid Itapid Traveller 109 Cascade 109 109Tolicha Tolicha 97 Virginia Dare II 103 103Pigmy Pigmy 93 Bittern 107 Dartaway 107 Louie Fallon 105 105Glenzar Glenzar 107 Chevalier 109 Fifth Bace 58 Kile KilePurse Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claimin Track record Feb 10 1915 57ij 5 1201 1201McMurphy McMurphy 109 C O Doren 109 109Baby Baby Doll 99 Pat Carter 113 113Aggie Aggie A 91 Ask Jessie 107 107Shasta Shasta Sol 101 Luke Martin 103 103Fairy Fairy Hose 99 99Sixth Sixth Sace 34 Kile KilePurse Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 4 1914 109 G 115 115Marse Marse John 110 Kunpride 110 110Full Full Moon 105 Mayo B 93 93Gracious Gracious 87 Wahkena 104 104Ballynew Ballynew 103 Good Time 103 103Stage Stage Star 1O4 Tubby A 108 108Kosefield Kosefield 103 FouroFive 100 100The The Nephew 110 Km ma G 92 Seventh Bace 1 18 Kites KitesPurse Purse 00 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 13 1911 131 3 113 113Gloom Gloom Girl 107 Buells Meteor 10G 10GDoc Doc McMahon 109 Starlane 103 103Supervisor Supervisor 101 Lierre 109 109Jolly Jolly Cephas 103 Yibra 10 Quash 110 110Eighth Eighth Bice 78 Kile KilePurse Purse 400 3vearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 1 1914 l ii 3 118 118Peter Peter Pierson 108 Kicliaril V 10 Little Keb 9S Lilliputian 102 102Lorena Lorena L 102 Whipsaw 109 109Monopoly Monopoly 10G Montdale 10