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YESTERDAY I GAVE GAVESARMATICUS SARMATICUS 201 Won WonTHURSDAYS THURSDAYS HORSE LOST LOSTWEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY I GAVE GAVEGOLDEN GOLDEN LYNN 2220 Woa WoaTUESDAY TUESDAY I GAVE GAVECAMILLA CAMILLA 61 Won WonMONDAY MONDAY I GAVE GAVEBROOKWOOD BROOKWOOD 51 Won WonX X Am Promised Another Big BigWINNER WINNER TODAY TODAYAT AT KENTUCKY KENTUCKYTERMS TERMS Wire 500 with your address and winnings of 1000 on each horse No other terms accepted as the expense pre ¬ paratory to securing these good onss is enor ¬ mous mousC C KELLY KELLYJamaica Jamaica New York I Give One a Day And One Only