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AURORA AURORA ILL FRIDAY MAT 21 1926 Exposition Park 1 llilc Second day Exposition Park Jockey Club Spring meeting of T7 days Weather cloudy Stewards II Nathanson M N Macfirlau and C F Henry Placing Judges R A Leigh F Dunme and A E Klaiichard Starter II Morrissey Racing Secretary C F Henry Lacing starts at 21 p m Chicago daylisht savins time AV indicates whip S spurs It blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date tract record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance f t rTQQ FIRST RACE 34 Mile June 23 1925 112 3 108 Purse 800 4yearolds and up FO ward Clainxne Net value to winner 550 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 I Index Horses 14 i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Boot Strt 00912GUS R w 4 115 7 1 Il I1 1s H J Domick W M Grant 880100 01335 CHEREBU w 4 113 57 2 2l 2J 2J J Roberts AV Kenney 1750 10 00487oETTEE WB 5 113 3 4 71 4l 4 3s L Pichon M A Nasli 21010 96939 ILLUSIONIST w 6 110 9 6 GI 5i 5l 4 A Yerrat J G Grasson 63SOKHT 00736 FREECUTTER WSB 11 110 S 10 9 9J Gi 5 R Creese II C McConnell 270100 01370 MILLIE G w 4 110 4 3 4i 3i 31 61 J Judy J Hayes 32101 00876 C T WTHTONw 4 111 6 S 51 6J 71 7 D HmcwM T V Buckley 760100 01345 DATTON WB 7 115 15 10 10 10 S t A Dellow G F Barber 1030100 01412 151010001213LOTTO SQUIRE McMTERSw 5 115 10 9 SJ 81 8 9 C E Allen Illinois Stable 1510100 01213LOTTO w 4 110 2 2 31 7 91 10 C Jackson P J Furmann 1520100 1520100Time Time 24 49 115 Track fast 2 certificates earned Gus R 1900 straight 940 place 500 show Chercbu 2120 place 800 show Settee 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Gus R 8SO to 100 straight 370 to 100 place ISO to 100 show Chcrebu 960 to 100 place 300 to 100 show Settee 40 to 100 show Winner showWinner Ch g by Omar Khayyam Chemulpo bv Ken Stronie trained by W II Grant bred by Mr Arthur It Hancock HancockWent Went to post at 215 At post 13 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same GUS R showed the most speed throughout but was tiring and driving hard at the end to retain his slight advantage CUEREBU was always in closest pursuit and finishing gamely was wear ¬ ing the leader down SETTEE shuffled back early closed up considerable ground and easily took third place ILLUSIONIST ran a fairly good race FREECUTTER finished gamely MILLIE G saved ground on the eighthScratched stretch turn but tired in the last eighth Scratched 01470 Royal Princess 110 01444 Erlanger 110 01207 Solomons Kilts 115 OOS21 Lumber Jack 115 93362Industrious 115 4t PTQQ SECOND RACE 34 Mile Tune 23 1925 112 3 103 Purse 800 4yearolds and up VJL 4 7 7 ward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 150 third 75 fourth 525 Index Horses i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Boot Strt 00427 = KERRY GIRL w 5 105 1 2 1 = 1 1 1 W Crowell T G McDonnell 01140 MAY PROSPER w C 110 7 5 71 71 4h jh J Judy C Freeman 01414 CHILE WSB G 110 3 4 401284THOMAS 3 3 3 3 C Healy H E Brown Stable 01284THOMAS PIATT w 4 115 3 3 25 2J 2f 4 F Merimee Hisle Bros 01031 DEMIJOHN WB G 115 5 8 9 8l 10 5 A Yerrat F J Boyle BoyleGi 01657 SANDY H w 9 115 4 5 5OHIO Gi 6 7 GI JI Garner J R K AVallto AVallto8l OHIO NIVLAG w 5 113 6 9 901C53 8l 5f 6 7 J Roberts J Koora Koora4S 01C53 BLACK SAND w 4 110 10 1 4S 4 5i 8 G Young C B Shafer 01148CHTNUT GIRL ws 5 105 910 10 10 S 9 D Smith W M Lavoie 340100 01377 FUROR WB 5 113 S 7 5 9s 9 10 G Morrow F W GeU 3810100 3810100Time Time 23 i 48 115 Track fast 2 certificates earned Kerry Girl 880 straight 600 place 4SO show May Prosper 920 place 520 show Chile 520 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Kerry Girl 340 to 100 straight 200 to 100 place 140 to 100 show May Prosper 360 to 100 place 160 to 100 show Chile ICO to 100 show showWinner Winner B m by Mont dOr II Wingold bv Bryn Mawr trained by R Milby bred by Mr Joseph E Widener WidenerWent Went to post at 247 At post 1 minute Start good nnd slow Won easily second and third driving KERRY GIRL raced into the lead quickly and easily maintained her advantage all the way MAY PROSPER gradually improved her position on the back stretch and finished fast and gamely CHILE showed speed and ontgamed the tiring THOMAS PIATT through the last sixteenth The latter raced well to the last eighth DEMIJOHN finished well wellScratched Scratched 01447GaIusha 115 01593 Black Top 115 01447Necklace 110 017C4 Miss Aji 110 00750 Pompous 115 ff Gflf THIRD EACE 5 12 Furious Sept 22 1925 l05ys 4 112 Purse 1000 3yearolds vfJLO W and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth S25 Index Horses y4 y Str Fin Jockeys Eqniv Book Strt 01454 HARRY B WB 9 117 1 1 8 41 4 1 W Taylor Four Oaks Stk Fm Sta 4SO100 00803 WHIFF ws 5 107 10 4 31 2 21 2 R Creese H C McConnell ISOlOO 01286 SMOKY DAY w 3 102 8 3 1J 1 11 Si L Pichon T P Feeley 950100 01205 ONLY STAR w 3 104 9 G 2 3l 31 4 C E Allen S T Baxter 4SW100 01281 GILMORE WB 3 107 3 5 4 51 5i 5 J OBrien A Gassenhoimer 1SSO10U 00904 KILAUEA WB 6 117 G 7 51 61 G G1 V Wallis G E Pruett SOlOO 95544 MY MARY w 4 107 7 8 7 81 S 7 L Welman J M McCarthy 33GO10 33GO1001165TOP 01165TOP LADY w 3 98 2 2 6 7 7 8 H Hutton T H Bernhardt SIO100 01 175 MARY CONNORS w 3 102 5 9 9s 91 V 91 J Majestic T P Welsh S30WO S30WO01329CAVALRY 01329CAVALRY w 3 102 4 10 10 10 10 10 W Watson J Schreiner 1170100 1170100Time Time 23 47 107 Track fast 2 certificates earned Harry B 1100 straight 420 place 300 show Whiff 320 place 00 show Smoky Day 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Harry B 480 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Whiff 60 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Smoky Pay 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Jim Gaffney Flying Frances by Planudes trained by S F Tarian bred by Mr D W Scott ScottWent Went to post at 310 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same HARRY B closed a gap early and coming fast on the outside through the stretch got ui to win in the last stride WHIFF followed the winner closely and only tired right at the end SMOKY DAY set a fast pace but tired in the last sixteenth ONLY STAR ran a creditable race raceScratched Scratched 00371 Kosman 117 01C11 Our Buddy 117 97979 Parnell Lad 117 01207 Firth of Forth 107 00485 Rosamond 112 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 22 1925 140 3 110 Purse 1000 3yearolds Claim ing Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt t Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt 01438GREEN BLAZES w 107 7 3 4l S 2J Il I1 H Hutton J Reynolds 01440 SKIVESDALK w 112 3 7 7 7 4 3 2 R Creese A M Jacobus 01210GREEN WOODS w 104 G 4 2 4 5 5 3 P Cogan Sanola Stock Fm Sta SiiMOO 01453COLUMBIA II w 10G 22 lh 1 = 1 3 4J C Rails Glencove Stable 00100 01584 HAPPY BIRTHDAY w 111 1 1 3 2 3l 4 5 C Millaney J Nechamkin 2150100 01011 OUTLAWED w 109 4 5 5s 5S CJ G1 6 C E Allen B Eerman 1970100 96772 TAZE WELL w 10G 5 G 6 GJ 7 7 7 D Smith Derby Stable 4220100 4220100Time Time 24 49 114 J 142 J Track fast 2 certificates earned Green Blazes 500 straight 300 place 2CO show Skivesdale 2CO place 280 Bhow Green Woods 40 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Green Blazes ISO to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Skivesdale 30 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Green Woods 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner Itr f by Blazes Emerald Gem by McGee trained by W J Howard bred by Mr Joshua S Cosden CosdenWent Went to post at 337 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving GREEN BLAZES moved up rapidly while rounding the stretch turn and racing into the lead when an eighth out held the race safe to the end SKIVESDALE was badly crowded back on the first turn then closed an immense gap and possibly was best GREKN WOODS came again in the final eighth and finished gamely COLUMBIA II saved much ground on the first turn and set a fast pace but tired HAPPY BIRTHDAY ran well to the stretch ft OSkO FIFTH RACE 34 Mile June 23 1925 112 3 108 Fleetwood Handicap Purse VrJOUMf 1200 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt i V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Book Strt Roberts Sanola Stock Farm Sta 370100 01286 THDER SHOWER w 3 102 S3 2l 2 11 2 L Pichon Mrs T J Resin 1000100 10001000106J 0106J ST MISS LIZZIEwB 5 105 3 7 71 Gi 5l 31 A Yerrat F J Boyle GW100 GW10001218JMDAY 01218JMDAY MRNINO WB 7 116 1 1 41 4 4 41 W Delow Haughton Moran 7SO100 01766 CHESTERBROOK w 7 106 7 5 5 5 GJ 5 W Charles A W Simerl 1310100 01543 FLOY LILLIE w 4 107 6 6 G 7 1 Gh D Smith W M Cain 3510100 01556 DIZZY BLONDE WB 3 107 5 3 11 1 31 7 W Anrson Gwynn Oak Stable 130100 01218 SILK SOX W710G28 888 8 H Zander Oklahoma Stable 3030100 3030100Time Time 23 48 113 Track fast 2 certificates earned Sanola 940 straight 500 place 520 show Thunder Shower 740 place 3GO show Strut Miss Lizzie 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Sauola 370 to 100 straight 150 to 100 place ICO to 100 show Thunder Shower 270 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Strut Miss Lizzie 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner B m by Sain Anola by Semprouius trained by T J Shannon bred by Mr George J Long LongWent Went to post at 401 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SANOLA worked her way up on the inside to the stretch and taking the lead finished gamely and outstayed THUNDER SHOWER in the final drive THUNDER SHOWER raced in closest pursuit of the early leader and took the lead when an eighth out but tired slightly in the final drive STRDT MISS LIZZIE l egan slowly but closed a big gap and finished fastest of all MONDAY MORNING saved ground on all the turns and had no mishaps DIZZY BLONDE set a fast pace but quit badly in the last eighth and can do much better betterScratched Scratched 01707 Brownie Smile 105 A f Q AQ SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 22 1925 140 3 110 Purse 1000 3yearold and up VJLOvFO ward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 ludex Horse AWtPPStli M i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt w G 114 4 4 21 2 21 2 1 J Judy C N Freeman w 3 102 2 8 S1 7J 7 31 2J C Rails Detroit Stable 01031 INVICTUS WB 5 112 8 5 3 Il l i I 3 R Mozer II Z Jenkina 01450MOLINERO Jenkina01450MOLINERO w S 106 1 2 3 41 41 4 D Smith A J Molera 99522 FRAZER WH 3 102 5 6 61 G 5n 61 51 L Pichon Dearborn Stable 01 624 VICTOR M w 5 10S G 1 4 6 G G G C Healy C S Wilson 00490 JOHN FINN WB 7 115 9 7 5 4 3H 7 7 R Creese C It Trotter 96847 YANKEE BOV w S 108 7 9 9 9 9 8l 8 P Copan J Q Grceaon 91096KING B TB 7 111 3 3 71 81 8 9 9 M Jolly P A Bornero 0330100 Time 0330100Time 24i 49 116 144 Track fast 2 certificates earned Alltert L 9SO straight 740 place 420 show Ceo Dever 13 60 place 700 show In rictus 360 show Equivalent booking Albert L 390 to 100 straight 270 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Ceo Derer 580 to 100 place 250 to 100 show Inviftus 80 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Smoke House Lightfoot by Fair Play trained by O N Freeman bred by Mr R P Marshall Went to P st at 12G At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third he thirdhe same ALBERT L moved up rapidly midway of thu stretch and after passing INVICTUS barely lasted to outfinish GEO DEVEU OKO DEVEU closed up fast and gamely on the outside through the stretch and finished wearing the winner down INVICTUS took the lead while rounding the far turn but tired in the last sixteenth MOLINERO raced prominently and gamely JOHN FINN showitl early speed but tired Scrat h lOIT1i High Card 10O OOlUW Missouri Boy 107 01417 Zucca 95 Overweight King It 4 Mjiinds Continued on AURORA AURORAContinued Continued from third page SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards June 11 1925 144 6 111 Purse 1000 Sycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses vi Str Fin Jockeys Kiuiv Book Strt 01488 = MEUCimO v 7 117 2 2 2 1 I R Mozer Mrs J Eainton 320100 00936 INVIGORATOR w 7 111 1 3 Cl G3 3l 3 = 2i A Ycrrat F J Boyle 1010100 101010001454ROMPING 01454ROMPING LAD wn 4 109 9 1 Ill1 21 2J 3e C Healy Haughton Moran 130lOG 01335 CHEKU LEADER v 12 103 S 4 4 5 J 51 l 4s T McElroy Lone Star Stable 990103 01231 LONDON SMOKE wn 117 7 C 5 4i 4 = CJ C Rails Ross Short 10SO10D 10SO10DOI768 OI768 DUSTPROOF wu 6 103 310 S S S 71 G D Smith B F McClain 530100 01177 WAlKEAG w 12 112 10 7 7 7l 7l C1 7s J Judy C N Freeman IDO100 01413 TtLE wn C 100 4 C 3 3 C S5 S H Zander A B Jessop 2730100 007K1BOONEVILLE WSK 9 109 3 9 10 10 10 10 J R Creese Wolverine Stable ZOIO 09067 FA IRLIGHT v 5 107 S 95 9s 94 Si 10 P Cogan W V Casey 2710103 2710103Time Time 24H 49 116 143 147 Track fast 2 certificates earned Merriitio 84O straight 40 place 480 show Invigorator 880 iilnco 640 show Kompiiig Lad 000 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Met cut io 320 to 100 straight 170 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Invigorator 340 to 10 place 220 to 100 liow Romping Lad 200 t 100 show showWinner Winner Oh h hy Friar Rock Mercadel 113 The Commoner trained by J Baicton bred bj Mr John K Madden MaddenWent Went to ost at 4r 4 At post 1 minute Start good anil slow Von driving second anil third the some MERCUTIO close up from the start took the lead on the stretch turn and kept it bat was doing his best at Hit end to out finish INVKORATOR The latter finshed gamely on the outside through the last sixteenth ROMPING LAI set a fast early pace and stayed gamely in the final drive although tiring outpacedScratched TlLE showed early speed and tired badly The others were always outpaced Scratched O1448 My lliddy 104