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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesWOODBINE WOODBINE PARK SATURDAY MAY 22 22WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 980S7 IS FIRST IXDEX OF 1926 01 ISC IS FIRST IXDEX OF MAY MAYItaiiiiK ItaiiiiK starts at 230 p in Chicago tiine 130 Superior mud runner X flood mud runner jFair mud runner M Maiden Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made Akron King Edward Aqueduct Lagoon Aurora Latonia Belmont Park Laurel Blue Bonnets Lexington Blue Grass Lex Colored Fair FairLong Bowie Long Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights HeightsMarlboro Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg Marlboro Clarksburg Miami Columbus Mobile Colwood Park Mount Royal Coney Island Niagara Falls Connaught Park ParkDado Orlando Dado Park Omaha Delorimier Park ParkDevonshire Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico Dorval Raceland Dufferin Park Rono Empire Salt Lake Erlanger Saratoga Fair Grounds Tampa Fairnnuril Park Tanf Tanforan oran Fort Erie Thistledown Hamilton Thornclif f e Havre de Grace GraceHavana Tijuana Havana Timoaium Hawthorne Toledo Hcntington United Hunts Jamaica Wheeling Jefferson Park Willows Park Juarez Windsor Kempton Park Woodbine Kenil worth Youngstown Woodbine Park Mile Track First Race 34 Mile Trial Plate Handicap 1500 Aliled 3yrarolls and upward Track record Sept 27 1922 111 TS 5 117 117Todays Todays TodaysAWtTlan AWtTlan Mr Pcpp 10 Mia 111 112 4 1150740 IHcit 4 IldC 107 111 5 109X735 Mothers SonM 1 Pim 107 113 113Lieutenant Lieutenant II S Pim 10D 112 112naffMiian G 105 725 725Jin naffMiian 7 Pim 112 114 Jin t 112X720 Clenister II 12 4 100j720 Wilderness 11 Jam 120 113 113Token fi 112X715 Token 13 Pim 115 115 115Arno 3 9S715 9S715i Arno G Win 112 112 112Hot i 4 110 710 Hot IVppiTJMia 1091113 t 9X710 9X710i ThihtlLwKHl 3T5J 100 112 i 4 IOS 710 Kings ItaiiMjni 5 9C367 Cliloris 9 Will 93 11G 7 107X7CO 107X7CO0158S 0158S Sport Koval 11 Sar IOS 113 5 3 95X700 95X700Second Second Race About 2 Miles lleltT Skcltr Ktfp lerhasf 000 Added 4yearolds and upxvard Claiming 01233 Hrrrianl 1 7 MS 73 739562B 9562B HHsdelil C K 14S7 I 89772 = Irish Jig M 4 S 141 7 01397 Koi Craig 2 10 14472 95871 lUKking Hone 5 M Mr 715 7159115S3 9115S3 Pecrant X 9 144X710 144X710C4352 C4352 Ammunition 7 11 M4X705 M4X705Third Third Race 12 Mile Coodwood Plait 1500 Added 2yiarolls Maidens Foaled in inCanada Canada Track record May HI 1921 4S 2 115 01478 KVIT Mon 112 700 700FleurdeLis FleurdeLis 112 Arrant Jale 112 Gay Parisian 112 Perlapides 115 Listerine 112 Meenin 112 Collarvictoria 112 Lady McNeill 112 Lazibones 112 Easier Sight 112 112Miss Miss Content 112 Attica I IFourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles MilesSixty Sixty seventh Running Kings Plate 10000 added and 50 Guineas gift of King KingGeorge George V 3ycarolds and upward Foaled raised and owned ownedin in Canada Allowances Track record May 24 1922 151 1 109 95691 HAPL1TH 10 93231 QuartzSinter 7 3 117X740 96365 Heretrix 1G 3 112 735 95691 Phanariot 14 3 117 730 95989 Attack 9 3 112X730 112X73095925s 95925s Davenport 2 3 117 730 96365 Atwood M 4 3 11 92732 lien Hnr M G 3 11 95746 Cloth Hall M 8 Vdl 112 159 95874 Night Off M 17 79234 Southern Glow GlowM M IS 4 122 720 95993 Itebus M 15NF 89 200s 5 123 715 95873 Hucklelicrrv M 5 3 112 710 96365 Ifs and And 12 3 112 705 95571 Siberian M 3 4 127 700 96288 Just in Fun 11 3 112 700 700Oh Oh See 1 3 107 Taurus 13 3 112 Fifth Race 58 Mile Twentysecond Running Victoria Stakes 5000 Added 2yearolls Allowances Track record June 2 1906 100 2 99 Torrence lGJam 117 59 111 735 Polante 10 Tij 123 100 122 730 Handclasp 3 Pim 112 101 101Landlord 111 725 Landlord 13 114 720 Over Lord 1 Pim 112 101 101Sun 114 715 Sun Lynn 4 114 715 Willie K 7 Jam IOS 100 114X710 Maid of Orleans 8 114 710 Fly Hank M 9 109 710 Jopagan M 12 112 705 War Gold M 17 Wandering Times 111 700 Jam 113 102 111X700 01230 Colored Cal 15 15lam lam 109 100 100ITpsctta 111 700 ITpsctta 2 109 Sir Harry 5 112 1 Sana liar 14 109 Sixth Race 34 Mile Carleton Claiming Purse 1200 Added 3yearolds and up ward Track record Sept 27 1922 111 5 117 00787 Care Free 10 KG 111 112 S 119X730 01590s Triumph 9 Pim 107 l14 i C 117X725 01099s Cave Woman 1 Wdb US 114 5 114X720 01403 Tanihelm 5 Lrl 110 llGi 3 101X715 01590 Foreland 4 Pim 110 114 3 109X715 00863 Uerklfv S iiar 2 Mia 101 113 3 10G710 01327 IllsrkMiiitli 121am 120 11G 11G9S923 4 117X710 9S923 Links 11 G 114X710 89178 Knsile M G i 99 705 968C7 Lisab 3 Wdb 102 l15s 3 104X700 96286 Veiiizelus 7 Tbf 115 117 117z z 7 IMXOO 97314 Harp of Prophecy 8 Thf 103 11515 11515Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesKarri Karri Plate Plateir ir 0 adll 3ytJirolds and upward Claiming Track record May 27 1922 145 4 115 01587 UedsJonc 3 AVin 107 l4Gf 7 10CX730 01552 War Man GTIif 109 147 G 122X725 01552 Pixula 4 Mia 104 148 4 111X720 01573 = Blue Hill 5 Utl 112 l4Gs 5 124X715 01589 Martingale 7 JP 103 14G G 115X710 01498 Rowlands He Heiliiest iliiest 10 7P 102 145 4 114 710 00614 Villager S Pim 9S 147 4 111X710 89879 Ihitxliprat M 9 5 119 705 97471 Altissim 11 Mia 111 14C 5 110X705 01034 Ityron 1 HdC 112 14Vtz 5 110 700 01432 FleetwtKxl 2 Aqii 100 14S 4 109 700