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FIELD FOR EPSOM DERBY DERBYLONDON LONDON England May 21 There are twentyfour prospective starters in this years Epsom Derby the list comprising the follow ¬ ing the rider being included includedApple Apple Sammy Jellis Artist Glow James Bicarbonate G Richards Booklet R Jones Buckaway Captain Blood Steve Donaghue Colorado Weston Comedy King Ferryman Coronach Childs Finglas Archibald Friarwile Wells Gainor Pryor Gay Lothario Thwaites Harpagon E Elliott Hope J Leach Lex Beary Macanudo Lane Masked Ruler Esling Pantera Wragg Phanarite Smirke Rose Hearty W Rease ley Review Order H Beaseley South bourne Dempsey Swift and Sure Bren nan