Omaha Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-19

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OMAHA ENTRIES The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In case* where record was made on other than a fast or pood track, abbreviations show track conditions. 98087 IS FIRST I*IEX OF 1926. 02186 IS FIKST INDEX OF JUXE Probabilities: Weather clear- track fast. Rat-in? starts at 1:11 p. m. Chicago time. 3 151. © Superior impl runner. x Good mud runner. :.: Kriir mud runner. M Maidens • Apprentice ■ llownn.e. The following nM.reviations nre nsed to designate tmcka nt which time records shown in entries were made Akron Akn Aqueduct Aqu Aurora Aur Belmont Park Bel Bluo Bonnets B.B Blue Grass B.O Powie Bow Brooklyn Bkn Churchill Downs CD Clarksburg Cla Columbus Col Col wood Park Clw Coney Island C.I Connaught Park C.P Dnde Park D.P Delorimier Park. . . Del Devonshire Dev Dorval Dor Dufferin Park Duf Empire Emp Erlanger Ert Fair Oroundt F.O 1 airniount Park....F.P Fort Erie F.E Hamilton Ham Havre de Grace . .HdG Havanz. Hav Hawthorne Haw Huntington Htn Jamaica Jam Jeffei=on Paik J.P Juarez Jua V-r-toi. T»nrk V p Kenilworh Ken Ring Edward X.E Lagoon Laj Latonia Eat Laurel Lrl Lexington Lex Lex. Colored Fair LF Long Branch l.B Maple Heights MH Marlboro Mar Miami Mia Mobile Mob Mount Royal M.R Niagara Falls N.F Orlando Orl Omaha Oma Phoenix Phx Pimlico Pirn Raceland Rac Reno Rno anda.t Lake S.L Saratoga, Sar Tampa Tarn Tanforan Tap Thistledown Tdr Thorncliffe Thf Tijuara EiJ Timomum Ti Toledo Tol United Hunts TT.H Wheeling Vhe Willows Park W.P Wirdfor Win Woodbine Wdb Youngstown Vgn Omaha Mile Track. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse .K .! year-ohs :in l upward. Claiming. Tra.k record: May ::i. HT1I 1 tTijj I 1ST Todays IM. Hor«e. Wt. Bee A.Wi mm 02747: •r.s.ent 3 .Oma 10:; 1:08 I 97v72r 0?050 Times lp. 14ma 107 1:07:. 5 101x710 f02685; James B. Brow n. U liar 107 1:10s .7 111x715 02917 Joe Aft 8 ..Hav 109 1:07% 8 10.- X710 02931- Rock of Ages !» Hav 102 1:07% • 99x705 02603 I.alefull. 4 5 111. Tiki 02745 My Grade. OM.R 111 1:08 11 IOC «0r, 02980 Hegular Ctrl. 11 Oma 5rfi 1 0S-:, f. 970695 031C4 •Kuil Moon 1 Hav MS LOSS 8 91 .090 03102 Mattk See Ml. 2 7 102 .000 02855 Ask Jessie. ."...J.P 110 1:08% 10 91090 03056 linnvn Trout. 7.. Tdn 10Ol:W!i 4 97690 01455 Little Km m:: Mt, in 3 87. 690 02366 Dust Brush. 12.. Om:i 100 1 :08% 4 100 .CO-.i Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Fursc »!P 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Tra.k record: May 31. 1924— 1 :05 ; — 0---H7. 1 026«5 Big Sapp. 3 Oma 107 1:07% I HI -725 03064 Stamp. 7 Tij lot 107% 7 MBX2M 03055- .olden Bed. 9. Tij 111 1:07% 11 100X715 02979 .laco. B Tij lis 1:07% 10 1050710 02985 •Voorflor. 13 . llav 107 1 OS % 4 100-70:. 02:93 ■Safft Lean .Mi. I 3 90. .700 73G95 Ring. 1 10 101. fir. 03104 I-ady Barrett. 14 Oma 110 1:09 4 100.. 09.7 0C103 •TI.. Nephew. 2Jua 115 1:07-.-. 9 100 - 010 02980 ZaWiariah Ml. 4 7 MB. .CM 02981 •Malthus. 0 . .Oma 115 1 :0S .. IM..6M 03102 Shasta Sol. 10 Tij 92 107V . h M 02858 .Menace. 11 ..Oma 110 l:09%s 5 99-090 03056 "Daniel It. Anthony Jr. iM, n.Oma 111 1:09% 0 90. .090 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 0.i. I year -elds anil upward. Haiiuing. .Track record: June 3. MSI l;ll%— 103.1 02921i Publisher. 10.M.H 97 1:11 4 11." . 725 02920- yiieen Catherine. 12 Tij 10.7 1:12% S 112x720 01665 Cornflower. 1 5 113-7;:. 02610 I la rem e. 3. ..Haw 110 1:12 5 115X710 02S21 Ramble. 2 D.P 103 1:12% 4 10s.. 7a*. 01531J Rivieia. 4 Tij 110 1:13 4 K.O 7m 03068 Swectgrass. 5 Tij 99 1:13.-, 4 10s 095 02611 Judge I.-jor. • J.p loo 1:13% s ila iM 02981= t n.-le Seth. 70ma 101 1:14 4 MIXSM 02921 Viola Burton. 8.. C.P 109 1:14 T. 110. OS.-, 02921- Gls sl... 9 IP IM l:M 4 li:t 085 027SG" K.-le. tali. . 11 IIP 104 1:13 0 111.. 085 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Purse 00. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 20. 1924 — l:3V-5--106. 03060 Ruddy 4 Oma 100 1:41 t 112X723 030571 Martin U, ■ 5 112. .TM 02923 Whipt-aw. 10 Jua 110 1:43% 5 112X715 03055 *Red Arrow. 1.1... I 1 H» 710 02C«2- •Pineor-st. ti Oma 109 1:43 S 1 10 • 705 02923 Ini-tinau. 3 ...Tij 111 1:45% 5 U2X2M 02608 V, mkI;.. Montgom- iry. li Tij 110 1:61! 14 IS 112-09:. 71141- Martin Thorpe. 8. 9112..C95 03103 Sea Beach. 1 ... 13 111 090 02919 .lohmo Ot onuell, L 8 112X690 02619 *Itffl Alone M, 0 4 102X690 01376* Tom Saunders. 7. 10 112X090 03057 Bobbie Urown |l, U 7 112. 09ii Fifth Raco — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Omaha Handicap. Purse ,500 .".-year-olds and i.pward. .Track record Sept. 22. 1924— 1 44— 3—99. 04058 POI.VO. 5 ..M .11 101 1:4 S I MSX723 02983" T.rilliaut. 11 .Mia 103 l:6B% 4 111 .715 02983 LtaKte. I Tij 98 1:42V, 7 105x710 02611 lUnda: s Royal. 4 5 109.. 705 1.01630 Priu.-e Tii Tii. 10 Tij 111 1:44 C 110x700 02983 Ko. 1 .Tij 101 1 :44tand 5 105x095 01534 Nose Kive. I ..Tij 10i 1:44 7 100x095 02983- Captain Donan. 2 Rac 101 l:47i 4 101x690 02797 All Over. 0 ..Tij 101 1:43 S 7 U0X6M 03053 Kli.ker. 7 Tij 93 1:44 5 MXOM 0279C 1 . hi labie. | UaT 101 l:44i 5 100. .090 Sixth Hare— 1 3-16 Miles. Purse $ :01. 3-year-olds end upward. Claim;np. lIYa.k record: Sept. 21. 19J4 IM% — 4 101. » 026881 Ollie Palmer. 1... 9 107725 02984 Wonder Ijght. 2.. 4 lt»S . 720 02919 Men-e. 3 5 105 715 02660 Colonel Wagner. 4 i.V 104 2:04 5 105 710 02796 Molh Cephas. 5... 9 111v7a5 027M Y.hra. 7 K.U »» 2:14li 4 IM 70 1 02860 Marella ltoy. 8.. 8 110.095 02856 "IVna Bajr, 0 7 90 090 Seventh Race — 1 Mile. Purse 1926.sh0. 4 year -olds anil upward. Claiming. .Track record: Sept. 20 1924 1 :3S 5 100 02922- Kethleheni Steel. 10 J.P 104 1:43% 6105.725 02366 •i.lenn. 4 Oma 114 1 42*;, 10 I MX 720 02022 • lOnia 102 1:44 7 105 715 02919 •S:leti.c. .1 ...tuna 110 1:4.5% K 10J7KI 87768 Contnot. I 8 112. .705 02066 I.ronsloii. 6 . . .Tij 111 1:41% X 112. .700 05M1 Old Pep. 12 13 107 r.9 00910 Row field. 11 M 107..695 09103 Hess Welch. 5 ... S 10.5X680 06102 Crumnnall, 7 12 112. .090 03106 Klower, 8 112A«90 03107 •8te e, -j Aur 101 l:47%s i 110,-,«»0

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Local Identifier: drf1926061901_21_2
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