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QAIUY" RACING FORM AQUEDUCT Copyriglit. 192C. by Daily Racing Form Publishing: Co. HEW YORK. N. Y.. FRIDAY. JUNE 18. 1926. Aqueduct 1 14 Miles. 51 Foot. Fifth day. Queens iHinty J,.ckoy Cafe, Spring mooting of 20 days. Weather clear. Steward Representing the National Steeplechase and Hunts Association, F. S. Von Stade. Stewards of Mooting. ;. II. F.ull, G. A. toehran and YV. S. Vosbnrgh. Judges, B. C. Smith and C. Cornehlsen. Starter. Mars ussidy. Racing Secretary, F. Rehberger. Ra .ng starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. rVQ/r7CT FIRST DIVISION— 6 1-2 Furlonirs. Sept. 25, 1922— 1:17%— 4— 121. Purre ,000. 3-year-UuU 4 O olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Y* Ys Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 01462 REPRISAL wb 8 125 11 1» 1 1* ll A Collins F Bambara 3 16-5 13-5 6-5 3-5 02649 SON NY w 4 112 2 2 6 * 51 41 2» K Horv"thA C Bostwick 6 10 8 I 8-5 02640 THOS. LYNN wb 3 111 14 9 3» 3i 2J 3» H YVakoffJ Leider 15 20 15 6 3 ©271 1 "SCORCHER wb 4 121 6 12 12« 6" 51 4» A JohnsonMrs A Swenke 2 16-5 3 6-5 3-5 02764 UPTON w 3 110 11 6 7* 7 f l 5 E KummerW J Both 15 20 12 5 21 01733 PARK HIIiL wb 6 119 13 8 8l 81 81 6 E Barnes Mrs J Johnson 50 50 50 20 10 02254 iRIBAlTINA w 31K 3 3 41 2"* 71 7 H ThurberM Field 6 7 5 2 1 02537TAFFY GIRL w I 106 I 11 10» 10 10 8h J ChalmVsH S Hollis 20 20 15 6 3 »7149~"m"H fMANDER w 6 119 9 7 11 9" 91 91 J McCabe T Samo 30 30 20 8 4 02019 MISS NANTLRA wb 5 111 7 5 2» 4" 3» 10* G Arnold I B Humphreys 23 20 20 8 4 01896 CAMILLA wb 3 109J 5 10 91 12» 12» IP Ei McDottSwingralong- Sta 10 15 12 5 21 02711 IN MARRONE II. w 4 119 4 4 5*111 ll1 121 H Richds P S P RandolphlO 12 12 5 21 02711 HARR1SII wsb 5 119 10 13 13» 13» 131 13h T Burns J V Richardson 30 30 30 12 6 02711 REACH MAID wsb 4 112 B 14 14 14 14 14 P CatroneMrs M Tault 30 50 40 15 8 Time, :23 /5. :47, 1:14%, 1:21%. Track fast. Winner— Br. g, by Ilelmet— Bachelor Girl, by Broomstick trained by M. F. Sheedy. bred by Mr. Charlton A. lay. YY.nt to post at 2:32. At post S minutes. Start straggling and slow. Won easily; second and third driving REPRISAL, away fast and clear of interference, set a good pace all the way. but was ridden out to the end. SONNY was forced back shortly after the start, but worked his way up on the inside and fi:ii-hed fast. THOS. LYNN rared close up all the way. but was tiring at the end. SCORCHER. ■ way in a tingle, dosed an immense gap. IFTON raced well throughout. PARK HILL had no mis haps HAIUUSII and BKACII MA1I were as good as left. Scratched 01571 116: MM Hair Dresser. 102: 02711 Cork Elm, 114: 02254 Gael. 102. Overweights -tpton. i pounds: Taffy Girl. 1; Camilla, 3Vj. 0°ifl7ft SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. June 25. 1921—1:36—4—127. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and Ovf 4 Vf upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second, 00; third, 00. Ind.x Horses AWtPPSt i Ya. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 02216 MONTFERRAT wb I 112 7 4 lh 1= l1 11 1» C Turner Sapamore Sta 15 15 15 6 I Ol 704 -SEPOY w I 109 6 2 43 3s 21 21 21 L Pator L H Rowe 8 8 G 2 1 0270:*HARDWOOD wb 3 112 1 6 6 61 41 3* 31 E Rarnes G D YVidener 2 13-5 21 4-5 2-5 Kill ZIKKR wb 4 107 2 1 2 1 2 3nk 4i 4 A MtensnW R Coe 6 6 5 2 4-5 0248SROC CHAIB w 5 110 5 5 7" 41 5s 5 5J J CallahnO R Fleischmann2 2111-5 7-10 1-3 02575 NOMAD w I 107 3 3 C* 51 6» 6» 6J H ThurberM Field 10 15 15 5 21 96640,CKOSSKIRE wn 3 107 4 8 8 8 8 7« 7* J Maiben LogCabinSCdSt t5 8 8 3 7-5 01862 1RICEMAN wb 3 107 8 7 3h 7« 7 S 8 W HarveyLogCabinSf dSt t5 8 8 3 7-5 Coupled as Log Cabin Stud Stable entry. Time. :23. :47. 1:13%. 1:39%. Track fast. Winner— B. c. by Maboul — Constance dAntioche, by Phoenix trained by J. H. Stotler; bred in France by Count I.e Maroisl. Went to post at 3:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but CROSSFIRE. Won handily: second and third driving. MONTFKRRAT showed the most speed throughout, withstood chal-ItafjM from SEPOY and gamely hold him safe to the end. SEPOY raced forwardly throughout and moved up with a rush in the stretch, but was tiring at the end. HARDWOOD was cut off while rounding th- far turn, but came on the outside when entering the stretch and finished fast. ZLKEK ran well an.! had no mishaps. Scratched 02887 Osage. 114. Overweight — Sepoy. 2 pounds. THIRD RACE— A 1-2 Furlongs. April 16, 1908— :52— 2— 105. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. OOjf|F7P7 i v4 4 Fillies. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 00959 LANTASTIC w 111 13 8 61! 41 V J Maiben R T Wilson Jr 10 10 7 3 8-5 03027 ISTIRDY STELLAwb 113 7 2 4 2 * 2 F Stevens Wheatley Stable 8 8 8 3 8-5 02883 VICTRI.V w 119 8 1 2n* 31 3» T MoTagtJ P McGovern 5 8 8 3 8-5 02826 LADY BE GOOD w 106 6 4 U lh 4" G Arnold Greentree Sta 8 8 8 3 8-5 HIM EMBERS wb 111 10 10 31 7* 5» E Barnes G D Widener 4 6 5 21 6-3 02054 oLIVE DEXTER w 119 I 7 7h 61 6» P Sharpe J W Bean 6 7 31 8-5 4-5 02213 .DAFFODIL w 119 U 11 5» 51 7 G Ellis Everglade Sta 6 6 6 21 6-5 01831 oHARlSAN will 9 9 91 91 8» F Weiner G W Loft 4 8 7 3 8-5 BBTHK8DA w 112 12 12 13 13 91 R Carter S Ross 50 60 60 20 10 THORN BLOSSOM w 111 2 13 111 12 101 J ChalmrsH P Whitnev 20 30 30 12 6 MARONELLI will I 3 81 8111* G Fields J Livingston 30 30 30 12 6 02335 HEADWAY w 111 4 5 10= 10» 12» J CallahnD C Sands 39 30 30 12 6 01435 CINNA LEE w 112 1 6 12» lln*13 C Turner J E Griffith 20 20 20 S 4 Time. :54%. Track fast. Winner — B. f, by ILinnibal — Fantasque, by Disguise trained by T. J. Healey; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson i Went to post at 3:23. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. YYon easily; second and third driving. FANTASTIC steadily improved her position on the outside and. passing the leaders in the stret-h. was going away at the end. STIRDY STELLA was close up all the way. ran a good race and finished well. VICTUIX was close up throughout and outfinished LADY BE GOOD. The latter was tiring at the end. OI.IVE DEXTER raced on the inside all the way. DAFFODIL raced gamely. Overweight* — Bethosda. 1 pound: Ginna Lee, 1. FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. July 7, 1921—1:43—5 — 132. Hanover Handicap. ,500 0*ydF7Q OVF 4 O Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,270; second, 00; third, C0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 02762 CHERRY PIE wb C 119 4 3 41 41 41 lh 1" G Ellis Greentree Stable 21 2112-54-51-3 02824 I.ollil. AND w 4 118 6 16 51 52 51 2»k J CallahnJ S Cosden 5 6 4 8-5 4-5 02439 HARROVIAN w 6 112 3 5 2 » 21 2ok 2» 3* W Harvey Sewickley Sta 10 15 12 5 2 02086 SAN FORD w 4 122 1 6 3* 31 31 41 4" T McTagtRoso.lale Stable 2 11-5 2 7-10 1-4 02824 SON" OF JOHN w 4 117 5 I 5"* 6 6 6 51 G Fields J Livingston 5 6 6 2 4-5 02535 HIGH STAR wn 3 105 2 4 Is 1* l1 31 6 J Maiben LogCabir.StdSt 8 12 12 5 2 Time. :23%. :46%. 1:11%, 1:38%. 1:45%. Track fast. Winner B. g, by Chicle hoi ry Malotte, by Orlando trained by Y*. Powers; bred by Greentree Stat. lei. Went to post at 3:47. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same CHERRY* PIE. away well, followed the leaders under restraint and, coming on the outside when entering the stretch, finished fast and out gamed CLOCDLAND in the final strides. The latter t.loadi!y improved his position when called on and finished with a rush. HARROVIAN ran a good race nil the way. but was tiring at Ike end. SANFORD moved up fast on the inside, but tired near the end. SON OF JOHN had M mishaps. HIGH STAR set a fast pace to the stretch and quit. OATQ FIFTH KACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Sept. 25, 1922— 1 :17%— 4— 121. Purse ,000. 3-year-*JJ A t*J olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Ipdox Horses AYVtPPSt U U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 99545 "Eli K RICK HERw 9 114 10 4 **■ * 41 3h 1»1 A Lacaste Flamingo Fm St3 16-5 16-5 7-5 7-10 MTlltCOWPUNCHBB w 4 119 1 I 61 51 2 1 2* H ThurberH T Archibald 10 12 10 4 2 01584MISS FAYETTE w 3 100 7 9 lh p.J |t| 3»k j C MergrJ C Cremen 30 30 20 8 4 02537COOD ROY trSMW 6 3 1 + 61 4 E Barnes S Ross 10 30 20 S 4 02571 .THE SEER W I 111 I 8 7» 81 7h 5h p CatroneGnwichVirgeSt 15 15 15 6 3 02537,DELEGATE wb I 111 6 10 9» 10 81 6 C Taylor Everglade Sta 4 5 5 2 1 02947 SKIT wb 4 128 l 1 10 9h 9* 7* P Sharpe Swingalong Sta 10 1G 15 6 3 02441 -RLCEMONT wb I 119 | 2 4 61 51 8» A JohnsonMrs A Swenke 3 5 41 2 1 01894 VELERO w I 112 9 5 21 21 4h 9« C Turner Lilane Stable 20 30 30 12 6 02532 Rim KVEL WB 3 107 111 11 11 10 10 W Harvcj LogCabinSCdSt 20 20 20 8 4 02218*7.ERO HOCR wb4L6 S 7 81 71 L. rider. G Arnold H Mart "116-5 11-5 1 1-2 Disqualified. Time. :23%, :47%, 1:15. 1:22. Track fast. YV inner h. g. by The Manager -Caution, by Planudes trained by W. Durnan: bred by Mr Thomas C. McDowell. Went to post at 4:11. AI pest 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. EDDIE RK KENRAi HER steadily improved his position on the outside and. coming with a rush through the stretch, took the load and was going away at the end. COWPCNCHER raced prominently on the inside throughout, but swerved over slightly when rounding the stretch turn and interfered with ZERO HOCR. forcing the latter to stumble, for which he was disqualified. MISS FAYETTE ; Showed the most iarl.v speed, saved pvsjai where possible and finished well. OOOD BOY raced forwardly throughout. Km KVEL wu- kaorked nit of contention on the far turn. Scratched «MB Wildlane. lit; CCS73 Nero, 111; 02218 Lombardo, V0; J4473 Dolomite 119- 01.357 Kinau. MS: H2254 Vie. MS. Overweight; — Jood Boy, 1 -_. pounds: Delegate. 2; Yelero, 3. A* A6A 3LXTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 25. 1921—1:36—4—127. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claim-V«j"o" mg. Net value ti winner 00; second 00; third, 00. Ind.x Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S~ H82»i LIHoI.lHO wb 113 l | jh 3b .lh 3» 1» J Mail, n C A HartweU 8 8 5 2 1 02885 ANACONDA w 110 4 1 1 1 1» 1«J 11 2* P Wcinor Mrs A Brown I 5 41 2 1 02945 LINGARD wn 110 7 8 4 51 5 4 3" H Ri. lids Oak Ridge Sta 4 5 4 2 01944 HIGHWAYMAN wb 113 6 5 61 2» 21 31 4» G Fields S Flaherty 12 12 6 2J 7-5 0282.r »lIELL CAT w 103 9 11 7i 81 6» 61 5l G Arnold Greentree Sta 15 20 15 6 3 0225» BYWAY wb 110 2 4 3 4 41 71 6» J ChalnVrsMrs A Swenke 8 12 12 5 i 02825 OLYMPIC wb 110 3 3 l::« 111 8J 81 7» H Long C Frank 10 13 10 4 | 02764 •BlTTERClT wu Ml 11 13 U| 9» 7 51 81 K HorvathC, E Edwards 20 30 30 12 6 ! Ct5SSHICHBRIDGE wb 113 *. 6 91 71 9» 9« 91 L Fator D Opponheim 15 20 12 5 ■ 02764 TIFF wb 110 8 7 8l 121 12* 11 10h I. M DottC Klohs 10 12 13 6 M 02258 THOMAS PAINE w 12 : » 6h 10« 10h n« D MAffeB and R Stable 20 30 25 10 5 •MM I "HALITE w 113 IS 10 12 10 B* 121 l2h E Barnes J P Mrljovern 30 30 25 10 5 I 02171 TEA BALL w 11:: it f4 14 14 14 14 13l A S. hu gerH O Bowns 3 I I 6-5 3-5 •lMS*TOM TltiKIt wu 10S 12 9 10 13 13« 13 14 1 powers W J Roth 30 30 25 10 5 Time. :23%. 46H. L13, 1:40. Track fast. Winii.-r I". .. by Rodger- Ioumnikalani, by Harvester trained by S. .ludge; bred by Mr. A. W. Cart-r. tnsste*. to |m..i at 4 4». At | ost .". minutes. Start goo.1 and slow. YVon easily: second and third driving l.lllol.llio close up from the Mart, raced into the load in the stretch and won easing up. NA ONIIA. f-j. tious at the lK st, was away nell and showed the most speed, to the last eighth, then I tired. LINOARD finished with a rush. HIGHWAYMAN ran well, but was tiring at the end. HELL CAT raced gamely. TEA BALL began in a tangle and was as good as left. Scratched 02X85 Afton. 118: 02945 Espanol. 113. Overweight -Thomas Paine. l"-j pounds. AQASOl/ SEVENTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. Sept. 23. 1922— .57%— 2— 107. Purse ,000. 2-year-VOVOV /2 olds. Maidens. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % .i Str Fin J wkeys Owners O II 0 P S •MMaNORTH*RM PASS wb IIS 10 I 51 41 1"» G Fields Oak Ridge Sta 4 5 41 2 1 02950 TIPSTAFF wb US 12 8 61 5s 2h L Pator Rancocas Sta 5 8 8 2 8-5 02651 •"MIRAFKL w 118 8 3 31 lh 3 p YVeiner M E Johnston 3 4 11-5 6-5 3-5 01 188-ARROGANT w 118 4 1 U 2»k 4h G Ellis Greentree Sta 4 5 4 8-5 4-5 01864 FRIEDJOF NANSENw 118 7 4 2» 3"" 5» T McTagtLogCabinStdSt 30 30 30 12 6 02651 BROYVN BCD w 118 11 9 41 6 6 J CallahnP Johnson 8 10 8 3 8-5 02888 BUM FORWARD w 118 2 7 7"kl0« 71 E AmbrseW S Kilmer *15 20 20 8 4 02713 HORICON w 118 9 11 81 7» 81 D McAffeJ E Ma lden 20 30 30 12 6 02713 SUBLIME wb 118 3 2 4t 91 9 R Carter D Gideon I 4 21 6-5 3-5 SUN AFFINITY W 115 6 12 11s 11» 101 F HstingsW S Kilmer U" 20 20 8 4 02068 VAGABOND KING wb 118 5 6 10l 8h 11 A SchugerMirasol Stable 20 30 30 12 6 GENRAL WAYNE w 118 13 10 12» 13»12« C Turner J S Herkness 30 30 30 12 6 LIMBERLEGS wb 118 1 13 13 13 13 P Sharpe P H Langner 30 50 50 20 10 tCoupIed as YV. S. Kilmer entry. Time, 1:00%. Track fast. Winner — Cb. c, by North Star III. — Bantry Pass, by Sea King trained by J. Loftus; bred by Oak Ridge Stable i. Went to post at 5:07. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow.- YVon driving: second and third the same. NORTHERN PASS steadily improved her position on the outside and. coming with a rush through the stretch, took the lead and held it gamely in the final drive. TIPSTAFF began slowly and finished fastest of all. MIRAFEL passed ARROGANT when an eighth from home, but tired at the end. ARROGANT showed the most early speed and tired. FRIEDJOF NANSEN was in close quarters when entering the elbow. -■