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Honest, Bona Fide, Reliable Information j J _■_■■_______-__________■___-_■■ COL RICHARD MITCHELL llllJliUf] Purveyor of Sensational Turf Information la I Wjm ■ ■ Lw I ■[■ III H II H I ■ TERMS AND CONDITIONS; ONE HCRSE A DAY EOR SIX DAYS FOR THE NOMINAL SUM OF 510— J| I Lw TB I I __LH K.__L I I ™t __ ■ FOR 0 JJ THE COLONEL PUT OVER SIXTEEN weekly book. 35 cents, at all newsstands CONSECUTIVE WINNERS AND IS daily specials, ?i.oo; occasionals, | a winner GOING STRONGER THAN EVER N£W WEEKLY BOOK OUT WAS I RIGHT? YOU CAN WAGER YOUR LAST ROCK-BOTTOM DOLLAR I WAS. AND ONCE And ri*ht here - another FAMOUS AGAIN MY CLIENTS BOMBABDED THEIR BOOKMAKERS BANK ROLLS, FOR THEY WERE __.__.____ __ __ _, _» . ___ _ —_ . -, - ■* -»---»• 00 FREE CODE TODAY L AT ONI A Nexus — Chicago - - Lagoon - Parch -Lease I nOKI I nOK 1 I 0011 I OOK Never mind his past races— TODAY is the DAY he is scheduled to GO FOB ALL THE MONEY. UWIN.. —VJVJn. _V/V/n. I_vyrv. Under NO consideration whatever allow this one to get away from you — should win as easily as _, Last Saturdays 00 Free Code ******* **** J • «f*_.vrvr - - WX* vv*w I TOLD YOU SO— SEE WHAT I HAD YESTERDAY. YESTERDAYS ONE HORSE: w m ~ I _ ~ I ~ I — _. __ __ __ W W «■» PERCUSSION 2.00, Won D,— jJ.lKr H__£ Aft A/_-%»-_ And this is not all bv any means of what I intend to do in the future. Mr. Player. I am not! ■ Iff ■ m ■ 1 1 1 %/ ~ AIM II I ~ II I If If I I Ml started yet. and when I get started my following will keep their bookmakers" bank rolls on the run. j A IVVMMUl T Mj J ~~ • T ~ W W mTmXM And if you want to win. and your bookmaker owes you anything, a better opportunity never was pre- mjr J — sented to you than the Colonels information, and by using my information your bank rolls will swell, Also NOTE— Tha SECOND SPECIAL from the bottom on PAGE 3. COLUMN 2. goes today as we instead of shrink. | are saying in remarks. This is SMABT INFO, so rush right now and GET the NEW WEEKLY, only PLENTY OF MONEY TO BE MADE — PLENTY OF MONEY TO BE MADE TODAY. For I HAVE 36 cents at all newsstands. A HORSE that I am going to release today that should win and pay tha limit, yes — 0.00 TO .00 IS WHAT IS EXPECTED TODAY I""9"! V B I I _| ■■ I And every player should take advantage of it as it is going to be one of the biggest transactions _— I ■ _■! *mmmwr ———I ■— — ■ ~ ™ kJmmMr mnmmwM mmW that I have ever handled. Bush your subscription fee at once. My previous transactions, and notice the caliber of my information: A • A _* • | ttr w l|T LADY BRAXTKD THURSDAYS ONE HORSE: 3.90, on * A_faill ■ ©***-* 91 ▼• ODCCial •jrw.**** W rvwH Oil™ It ** WaS **** WEDNESDAY 8 ONE HORSE: _ _ aa SHASTA BITTE 4.60, Won W~| _ fl - /! J ii _ WWW 111 :: ::;: =z;=-::::=::: ;;;: :: Port Star, XI .00, Won FRIDAYS ONE HORSE: X XORE ASTER 2.20, W«i WE SURE ABE KNOCKING EM OVER EYEBY DAY THURSDAYS ONE HORSE: __ _ "»"" MEMO,lT w__«-t, «._-■, "?**" Fridays " Double ■ ■ • « Header ■ i on .a Specials: * SENATOR XORRIS 1.80, Won If vou desire this service, if out of town wire ten dollars by Western Union or Postal Telegraph, cr •mm mm - - mr w /■# #J |J Jf WWW M M I if in city, come up to my office, open 930 a. m. to 4 p. m. |lf| l/i/vlmyt IJ? |l* . I %af %af ■ ■ IM/ /W% RICHARD MITCHELL, Room 1218, 1480 Broadway, New York City j[ff LlCOllll D. Jl«« J X OOU If Oil LEE HANLEYSincerely, 7.80! Won ™ PRAISINand the MASTER CL0CKER t0 the SKIES from C0A8T SPECIAL TERMS!-NOTICE!-SPECIAL TERMS! to coIIt.-0*0™ 39*- 5.00 FOR 15 PARLAYS -~«g | rT¥" _%, *L JTfl Room 316, 117 North Dearborn Street Chicago, III. H %. _F _i _J _r"__v W Jl YESTERDAYS PARLAY: — " — -™- - ™ -" »*mJmmW REALIZE 3.80, Won ,, yoohoo ;;;;;;;;;;;.: . . . . * 8.20, won Special — 2nd Race Latonia THURSDAYS PARLAY: • * MIGHTY 3.20, Won ?SGEE :::::: :" !: : : :::: :::::: : :S: K2„ A jUiaSUing tOlt /lit ! ** TUESDAYS PARLAY: MAq_.| . p., 0 00 Won that has been ESPECIALLY PREPPED for this race. ATOSSA - $ 9.20, Won m Jj W | |- cobweb mondaysparlay: iS°n loclav Is tne Llav * *v •»** v BATTLE ON 8.60, Won v"w a * Each and every one of the above horses are legitimate winners. Here is th9 CHANCE youve been looking- for and right here let me IMPRESS upon you that THIS IS SMART INFORMATION. Rush right now to your newsdealer and ask for the ,50 TO „ WIN PARLAY TODAY DAILY MASTER CLOCKER RELEASED TO OUT OF TOWN AND CITY SURSCRIRERS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS tjj PRINCIPAL CITIES. MAILED 2 WEEKS, No Subscribe today for these two re- Two winners today. Bona fide informat.on. guesswork. A/ldress: 44Q g Dearborn Bt. CHICAGO leases. Do not miss this big limit win parlay under any consideration. Parlay released to all out of . . town ar.a cty subscribers. No waiting, no delay. Bargain Offer: Both Occasional and Special mailed 1 week for 0 DAD, iV Dc| cAcrn m FVFRYRODY I DETROIT— For Sale Only at | CHICAGO— FOR SALE I V-» t- v i_rx oww r nKLft T RtLtHOtU Triangle Newsstand. . Griswold and Lafayette Blvd. | NEWSSTANDS. . Corners of Madison and Clark Sts. Family Theatre Newsstand Cadillac Sq. NEWSSTAND . .Wilson Ave. "L" Station, „__ — — — — —m — — — — « | evenings Riihsrnbe to th s office Receive a fair and square deal. Fifteen dollars 5.00 pays for fifteen ST. LOUIS— Wm. Laser. 711 Market St. DRUG STORE Randolph and Clark Sts. -J-— - i0.inE. t,a,iav does not count. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. If in city, call in ST. LOUIS— Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington St. HIGH BALL NEWSSTAND. . .Quincy and State Sts. !«.r««n n if out out oi of town town, remit ream ■ 5.00 via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Office open 9 a. m. to OMAHA. Neb.— Myer Coien. 1411 Farnum St. TURF SHOP 74 W. Van Buren person, CLEVELAND. O.— O. Schroeder. 212 E. Superior St. NEWSSTAND 47th St. and Indiana Ave. rcUAMI INDIANAPOLIS— Marcus, N. E., cor. Illinois and POST OFFICE NEWS— 84 W. Madison St. -21A 117 M/rttt noarhnrn Citr«aa+ Chiracrn III CV D««.« i ROOm 3TO, 11/ IMOrtil UearOOrn street, III. LEE HANLEY, UniCagO, Market. BRUNOS and MIKE S— Newsstand. State and Van — HAMILTON, O.— Halperin. 339i High St. Buren. " " TOLEDO. O. — St. Clair News, front old Post Office. ! AND AT ALL OTHER NEWSSTANDS __________ — - 111 A M T r~ n KANSAS CITY— Foster, 6 East Ninth St. EVANSTON— Tyers Newsstand, Third and Main 11/ 1/ T?Ki V WAN I t U MILWAUKEE— Reid News 304 Sycamore St. Sts. WLLR.L I AKK0N O-SwarU Newsstand. ! AURORA AND ELGIN_At Lisbergs Newsshops. A few liable people, business or professional. _ _ _ to form permanent connections with me in handling — ~~* ~" ~— ~~*~— ~™ ~ ~ — — »— i— — — _ _ i ». — — — — , Tm A ||Rl/ m I I M a§ §4 bona iidc mforniation. the source of which lias jY/llJl VJ VJkJ lUili shown its superior value beyond a doubt. If you WW A j IT W*f WT # V M | | W can approxcte a permanent and sure income on J J ■■ MM If J _ ■ if Km llfl Ma I A TICTORIAL OF THE TURF Emall investments, then phone Hay market 629G for W% l» W jj M* W !■ Ilfl !• Wm, k E W_ /" ---- - -_*f»-_ »"v» =_tt_ ___*__?5r-_: h. harrison SELECTIONS. CLOCKERS SPECIALS. BEST 1331 w. ADAMS ST. CHICAGO ILL EAIILE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. NEW YORK CITT WORKOUTS. TIMELY PICTURES. DAILY CODE SERVICE and other valuable data for race followeis. - ON SALE AT ATT. LEADING NEWSSTANDS -_———————————-----———————————————- FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY: --, |-p _-,--,. mw 1 • ¥¥T 11* 1 ~TT | F1__SHiH 1X01111112 21S HQVISCU I UOlClQd THE SECRET OF BEATING THE RACES. If f FORT ERIE— Start*r-S addle Haj a bookiet 0f real inside information. I W J ffTflflfrf T f _ r«I_Tr i"! Tiraf1 by a r«tired turf speculator. No charge. Sim- j WttKLY RAllNli Mwt ft_TLVigA5ga- K as this office never guesses or substitutes 25 Cents a Copy , 1 daily racing chart, ,nc. sxtsu .isssss ."iS "H AB W Y TR ANQ A f HON" Tlin A V U, East MM M-Neu Vora, N. Hgg H? 11/11% f C I 1 Uilll j/lL I lUll 1 fUR I - - Subscription, 00.00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. DAILY RACING GUIDE—THE PINK SHEET-FIRST ON THE The last si* "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS" all won. None of them STREET WITH ENTRIES, PAST PERFORMANCES SELECTIONS, cially prepared for this event and comes from the same reliable source COMMENTS, ETC., ETC. PRICE, 10 CENTS, AT YOUR NEWS- ZRSSTS __£_ "HARVEY TRANSACTI0NS-" DEALER— BUY IT ON YOUR WAY HOME. I telephones: circle 2591.2592-2593-5749-1434-1435