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| AURORA TURF NOTES j AURORA, HI., June IS Mrs. A. R. Smith claimed Floy I.illie out of the second event from W. M. Cain for $ 1.500. The Illinois Stable purchased King B. from F. A. Bernero and Monastery from A. Pelle-teti under private terms yesterday. For the closing day at Aurora the Imposition Park Jockey Club has provided a card which arri-s n purse less than .0i 0 for each of the races carded. During the twenty ncrea racing dajra at this meeting at no time was it id cessary that an extra race he put n. as all of the COaUata arranged by the official* stood up and were Hooded with sufficient application* for entry. M. N". who has officiated as steward at this mceiing. departs for l evon-sbire Park tomorrow night to take up his • duties in an official capacity at that point.