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OAIIjr RACING FORM AQUEDUCT Copyright. 192G. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. NEW YORK. N. Y.. SATURDAY. JUNE 19. 1926.- Aqueduct 1 1 4 Miles. .".1 Feet. Sixth day. Oueens tV.uiity Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 20 days. Weather clear. Steward Representing the National Steeplechase and Hunts Association. F. S. Von Stade. Stewards of Sleeting. ;. II. Hull, G. A. Cochran and W. S. Vosburgh. Judges, E. C. Smith and C Coriichlsen. Starter. Mars Racing Secretary, F. Rehberger. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs. 15 blinkers. Figures in following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and ■weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. AQ1 QT FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Sopt. 28. 1922— :57%— 2— 107. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Vdlul Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner S7C0; second, 00; third, 00. Index Morses AWtPPSt || Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C V S 03027 MROOMONEY wb 112 7 1 2J Is l1 F Weiner Page Stable 21 3 13-5 1 1-2 02826 IKHBI.E ON wb 122 10 7 3* 2» 24 H RichrdsMrs W M Jfords8 10 8 3 8-5 02335 KHKS END w 110 5 3 1" 3l 3" D McAffeJ E Madden 5 6 18-5 7-5 7-10 02883 AR8ACTD w 112 8 4 5" 4«1 4h G Ellis Greentree Stable 15 15 12 5 21 02883 NEGOTIATOR wb 112 1?, 8 8 61 5» J CallahanK E Hitt 6 8 8 3 8-5 02484 SHOPLIFTER w 114 3 2 10» 81 6» H Long- J Cloonan 6 10 8 3 8-5 02213 CHAR A w 108 9 5 41 5 7»» K HorvthB B Stable 15 15 15 6 | 02883 PTO BELLO GOLDwb 118 11 9 9" 71 8» T McTagtW A Read 8 10 8 3 8-5 01639 REALIZATION wb 114 4 6 61 12* 9* F Sharpe Swingalong Sta tl» 20 20 8 4 99828 BENNY RUBEN w 115 12 11 111 9 10* E AmbrseB O I,ewis 15 20 20 8 4 02826 KAY ANDERSON w 109 2 15 12 10 111 F CatroneH Black 30 30 30 12 6 01860 ROYAL HIGHNESS w 112 1 10 7l llh 12» L McDottSwingalong Sta tl5 20 20 8 4 •9272 JOAN* SHIRLEY w 111 6 13 135 13« 131 R Hoade F A Herold 30 60 60 20 10 ANNA HARRIS w 112 14 14 141 14* 14 1 R Carter EtmnHillS T F 10 15 15 6 3 02578 IS BAT SO w 112 ■ 13 15 15 15 E Barnes E Arlington 30 30 CO 12 6 tCoupled as Swingalong Stable entry. Time, 1:01%. Track fast. AVinner B. c. by Rroomstick — -Money Mart, by All Gold trained by M. Hirsch; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Wool to post at 2:3C. At post 1 minnte. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BROOMONEY raced into the lead when called on and easily held DOUBLE ON safe at the end. The latter raced close up all the way and finished gamely. ROPES END showed the most early speed and tir.d in the stretch. ARSACH raced well. CHARA showed speed. NEGOTIATOR and SHOP-Umi finished well. Scratched 02t»7fi = I iinmore. 118: 02SS3 Funny Bunny. 112; 0243S Easy Money, 118; Ka Kee, 112. Overweights — Ropes End. 1 pound; Porto Bello Gold, 2; Realization, 2. AQ"| OC SECOND RACE— About 2 Miles. Selling Steeplechase. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds and Vt_P JL OO upward. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses A Wt I P St 4 8 12 18 Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 C P S 02822. AMSTEIXO w 9 112 4 5 41 4 2 Ink 1» R LcasterJ Mandia 3 5 18-5 7-5 7-10 02822-CO.NNIEBERT w 7 142 6 9 3 2 1 2* 2* W MrstersGreentree Stable 8-5 S-5 6-5 1-2 1-4 02946-HRY DATTNER w 6 141 3 10 6h 3" 4« 3* 3« L Veitch Mrs H Dattner 21 41 4 8-5 4-5 02946" KANGAROO wb 4 134 2 4 2J 7» 5* 4» 4« G Smoot R Parr 10 12 10 4 2 02533 ST. LAWRENCE wb C 142 8 1 1* D 3« 5" 5™ B KleegerW V Dwyer t8 10 8 3 8-5 02822 l.K MARSOCIN w 12 141 1 6 81 9» 810 61 6" W McNairW V Dwyer fS 10 8 3 8-0 02822 CORT JEST R III.w 4 139 !l 8 10 10 9 7 7 G Hardy W A Read J30 30 30 12 6 02822 VOX POPCLI II. wb 10 144 7 7 9» 5 6« P.up. L Cheyne H W Maxwell 8 10 10 4 8-5 . 02822 MVNDON MOUNT w 6 141 10 3 5» 6« 7" P.up. A WliamsH R A West 20 30 20 8 4 02822 SPEEDY PRINCE w 4 131 5 2 7» 8* L. rider. T MorganW A Read JC0 M 30 12 6 tCoupled as W. V. Dwyer entry; W. A. Read entry. Time. 4:13%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. g, by Ogden— Amstel, by Potomac trained by J. J. McDonald; bred bv Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 2:58. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. AMSTEI.I.O jumped well and raced close up from the start and met with slight interference at the twelfth jump, then passed CONNIEBERT when called on and won going away. CONN1EBERT jumped well and ran a good race. HENRY DATTNER also raced well and had no mishaps KANGAROO showed improvement. COURT JESTER jumped poorly. SPEEDY PRINCE lost his rider i»t the eleventh jump and VOX POPULI II. and MYNDON MOUNT were pulled up at the eleventh. S. rat. lied 84577 Out and Gone, 136. Overweight — Court Jester III.. 5 pounds. tfQ-g QQ THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Sept. 25. 1922 :57% 2 107. Thirty-Sixth Running HUDSON VUlOv STAKES. ,500 Added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,925; second 00: third, 00. Index Ilors-s AWtPP St i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 02759, WICHMOUNT wb 115 4 1 1» l1 ll L McAtee H P Whitney f2 11-5 11-5 4-5 1-3 02188-SAXoN w 116 5 2 3»t 2s 2J T McTagtGreentree Sta tH 21 8-5 3-5 1-4 02950 REVOLVER wb 110 6 5 7» 5» 3h L Fator Glen Riddle Sta 8 15 15 5 21 02888 iCANTANKEROUS w 115 3 3 6 32 4 G Ellis Greentree Sta J21 2-1 8-5 3-5 1-4 02 761 DRACON1S w 15 8 4 2« 4" h* J Maiben G A Cochran 5 7 6 2 1 02574M ASTING m 115 7 7 4i 6» 6»1 R Carter A C Bostwick 10 15 15 6 3 02761 A IT ERG LOW w 125 2 I 8 71 7* E Barnes H P Whitney f2 11-5 11-5 4-5 1-3 PRIDE w 114 1 8 5 8 8 A JohnsonA H Morris 5 7 6 2 4-5 tt • upled as II. P. Whitney entry; JGreentree Stable entry. Time, 1:00%. Track fast. Winner- B. c. by Broomstick — Princess Pandora, by Peter Pan trained by J. Rowe; bred by Mr. ! ! Harry Payne Whitney. Went to |»ost at 3:27. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. WI HMOCNT set a fast pace all the way and, racing into a safe lead, outfinished SAXON. The latter was a forward contender throughout and finished resolutely. REVOLVER closed a gap and fiui-hcl feat. ANTANKEEOCS ran well. DRACONIS tired. Scratched 02761 Thrace. 12.".. Overweights Saxon, 1 pound: False Pride, 4. 0Q"| | A FOXTRTH RACE— 1 Mile. Twenty-First Running QTTEENS COUNTY HANDICAP. . COO Oi"4" Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,150; second, ,000- third 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt U -U % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 02948MA«AW wb 3 110 5 1 1 ll ll ll V L McAtee H P Whitney 11-5 2111-5 1 1-° 02824 NAVIGATOR wii :: 100 4 4 3s 2h 3 3 2S P Fisher Greentree Sta t° 8 7 3 7-5 02884 iNEDANA wb 4 114 2 3 5s 4 i 45 2» 3» L Fator Rancocas Sta 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 02824 SINGLE FOOT w 4 117 | 2 41 51 6° 41 4 C Turner J E Griffith 4 41 4 8-5 4-5 02824 BUM PAL wb 5 102 1. 6 7» 8 51 5» 51 J CallahnL Rosenberg 10 12 12 5 2 02652 MIRADOR wb 4 100 7 7 6» 6!1 8 7 6* A MtensnW Ziegler Jr 30 30 30 10 G 02155:SENALADo wb 4 116 6 8 8 71 7l 8 71 J Maiben R T Wilson Jr 3 4 4 8-5 7-10 02155 QUATRAIN w t 111 S 5 2* 3* 2" 61 8 G Ellis Greentree Sta t6 8 7 3 7-5 tCoupled as Greentree Stable entry. Time. :23. :46. 1:10%, 1:37. Track fast. Winner — B. c. by Peter Pan— Polly Flinders, by Burgomaster trained by J. Rowe: bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to post at :. :." 7. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MACAW set a great pace all the way and, racing into a safe lead, was easing up at the end. NAVIGATOR raced prominently throughout and finished gamely. NEDANA ran well, but was forced back after going the first quarter and met with interference in the stretch. SINGLE FOOT ran a good race all the way. MIRADOR was outpaced and so was SENALADO. QC ATM AIM ran a fast three-quarters. Scrat. bed— 02824" Dangerous. 110. Ovei weight Mirador. 31... ix.unds. AOI J1 riTTK RACE— 1 Mile. June 25. 1921—1:36-4—127. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and Vr«_» M.~X M. upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C 1 S~~ 02885 AHMET VB S M 11 ? 2 2 i 1* V F Weiner C Ruxton 4 4 11-5 1 1-- MM7**MARGT ST L. w I 107 2 2 1» D ll 2* 2* P Fisher F Classen 4 4 18-5 7-5 M 03029 LADY RAGI.AN «SM 6 6 5 4» 41 31 3 E AmbrseB G Lewis 10 10 10 4 I 03029 EXCHEQUER WlIM I 5 3b 3"» 3 4 4» J CallahnJ A Coburn 6 6 4J 8-5 7-10 02764 RKl.I-HRl/.ONIA w -i 112 3 4 6« 5* 6» 5» 5» L McAtee Mrs A Swenko 7-5i;-5"J l l-- 03031 DICNIKY wb I 10J 1 | 41 6« 6» «» 6« A MtensnS Ross bJ 15 15 6 t 02764 OOOLAOH BOT VtlM 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 A Collins W Hogan 10 10 S 3 8-5 Time. :23%. :47%, 1:13. 1:39%. Track fast. Winner R. c, by Ormondale— Kitten, by Plaudit trained by C. Buxton; bred by Mr John E Madden i. Went to post at 4:23. At | 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second a-id third i j driving. AM MET follow. -d I lie pacemaker, under restraint, to the stretch, then raced into the lead when .ailed, and w..n in a canter. MARGARET ST. L was away well and set a fast pace but tired In the stretch. I.ADY RAGLAN finished gamely. EXCHEQUER saved ground where possible BR] PHK1ZOMA was always oiitp.ic. .1 DIGNITY ran well for a time. Scratched •»-_M.-.2iDelhi It. y. 122: 02*0. Afton, 112; 0257.1 Nero. 109. 02145 Commissioner Cihill 107; 89MB WaM.-mar. 107: 1926.sh828 Ro.l.-o. 117. Ovrrw --lits ahiniet. 1 p.iuil: I Raglan. 1; Coolagb Boy. 3. AQ1 /O SIXTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Sept. 25, 1922— 1:17%— 4— 121. Purse ,000. 3-year-vFO -l-jta olds ajid upward. Maidons. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. Indev Horses AWtPlSt i; Jf Str Fin Jock« ys O.vners O II C P S 02653I.RI XRRRoo.M wh 11" :• 5 fl 2h 1«J 1* J Maiben W J Salircn M l:-, D-l 4-0 1 -J 02653-.iri»Ici.L vvn :; lli 4 3 31 1J -2J 2 T M.Ti.gtl.ogCal.inSCIst 2 r:-5 S-5 t-5 1-4 01944- WASHAKIE W S 11" I 4 -1 C 51 3« F Sb.u p ■ W A Wolln:;l„ 5 o G • 92895 Wool, WORTH «SU I 8 D 3J :;! 41 J CallairnH K Bliss ;. f,o 50 20 10 02653 AI.I.KV OOP wb I 110 14 1 2 51 41 5 S G Kllis Gre -ntne Sta II 11 U i "1 02653 A 1. 1. DIN wu | Hf :: U 8l S1 6" 61 E Ambi VoW I Kilmer :.; 12 P 4 | 02653 SHAN N SHORE WB S 115 7 6 5* 71 S1 P C Turner Short Grs Sta 10 13 li 6 3 02885 KMC WB :: II ". 1 2 10 10 !J 8» L Fator L Rosenberg 20 20 20 8 4 02653 LEHIGH VALLEY w :: 111 2 12 11J llh 1 " 9" J ChalmrsR F Joyce 10 15 15 6 3 96863 ESTEEM wb 3 IIS 10 7 12 12$ 111 10 . R Carter H Dunlap 20 20 15 6 3 FI-oRAl, KING w :: 11", 1; 13 11 1:; 12 11s J Shanks j NUholson 50 60 M 20 ]. 02947 PLAY TAG wu | IK, ; 9 Gl 4 71 123 R HavandAscot Stable 100 100 60 40 20 93009 WAR-HIP wu I Itfji 15 11 I4: U* 13» E OHrienW M 50 60 60 2i 10 03031 RITOl.A wu 111 12 It 15 15 14 141 J Longo I, Uat.rl.urv 50 60 60 20 10 SUNNY I.oVE %mi 1 111 11 M 7 M 15 15 V HstingsW S Kilmer ft IS I I 2 ICoiipb-d as W. S. K.I111-: entrj. Timo. 83. :47. 1:13. l:f0*/5. Track fast. Winner II. c, by Broomstick Iauoply, by P.t.r Pan trained by T. J. Il.aby: hred by Mr Walter J. MbmsI Went 1.1 post at 4:4*. At post 3 miiiut. s Start g xxl and slow. Won easily; secoa.l and third driving I.KIA RltltODM followed the leaders under restraint to the stretch, then raced into the lead1 •When railed on, and wou •-•asing up. JUDICIAL, away fast, raced iuto the lead, but tired when the1 1 winner challenged. WASHAKIE finished with a rush. WOOLWORTH showed the most early speed. SHANNON SHORE and LEHIGH VALLEY met with interference. ALLDIN finished well. Scratched— 99950Simpler. 115: 026.53 Bluefish, 115: 07144 Great Hopes, 115; 02949 Salta, 115; Ml Janesso. 110; 028.S.5 Kilter. 115. Overweights— Judicial. 1 pound; Sunny Iove. 1.