untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1927-04-16


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1 WEEKLY BOOK — 35 OHti at all newsstands. DAILY SPECIALS — OCCASIONALS . New Weekly Out And right here ia the ripest 00 FREE CODE MAVRE: B UFFALO - PETARD -HEDGE-FLO RA- That yon ever uw — primed and rooked for this rare and Al Gem says they expect him to PAY 10-1 on him today an rush right now to your newsdealer and aak for the WEEKLY MASTER CLOCK BR. X, rents at all newsstands. REMEMBER, IT GAVE LAST WEEKS LONGSHOTB: Queen Bessie. 0.50, Won Ed Pendleton, 8.60, Won Bessie Gershell, 630, Won Sun Forward, 1.00, Won Duckling, 4.10, Won no hy all means he SIltB and get the NEW WBBKLY. Today Special— 5th Havre romes to me extremely strong, says Al Jern and I KNOW they are going to het. Uet this one aure, rush right now to vour newsdealer and ask for the MASTKR CLOCKBK DAILY 1 at all newsstands. Todays Occasional ia ripe and ready for this effort and I was told to GO the LIMIT. Dont miss this one, for sale at all newastands, only . Daily Master Clocker AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TERMS: ; sent 2 weeks. $». BARGAIN OT-rBR: Both and SPECIALS sent 1 week, 0. —ADDRESS— 440 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. ""DETROIT — For sale only at: TRIANGLE NEWSSTAND— Griswold and Lafayette. FAMILY THEATRE NEWSSTAND— Cadillac Sq. Other Cities — For Sale: ST. LOOTS— Wan. Laser 711 Market St. ST. LOUTS— Foster Book Co 410 Washington St. TURF WEEKLY [f 35 cents per copy. 10 weeks ALl FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS s#IWbV| New Weekly Out TODAYS ,000 FREE CODE: MARYLAND — Omaha -Wood -Brick In bands of a shrewd trainer who lias this rarer ready for his best effort. The priee will Itv exceptionally good, at least lO-l. so rush to your nearest newsssland and get the new weekly, .15 rents and REMEMBER LAST SATlRDAYS FREE CODE: GRAND BEY .00, Won I*st Weeks Book Winners: QUEEN BESSIE 0.60. Won BATTLE SHOT 4.60. Won POLANTE 0.00. Won KATHLEEN CROSBY $ 9.60. Won WAR MAN $ 9.00, Won AND A BATCH OP OTHER WINNERS Laat Saturdays Confidential Special: MORDLNE .20, Won Previous Saturdays Confidential Speeial: FORECASTER .60. Won CONFIDENTIAL SPECIAL GOES TODAY 15-1 snot is what this racer should be today. The big rhief. Clorker N. Rogers, assisted by rlorker Fred Hockley, who has been at Havre de Grace sinre the closing of Miami, advise this sleeper comes from delusive connections who have reserved this sleeper for their opening day special. Terms for this special. $."». For big guarantee, see Clocker N. Rogers Turf Weekly ipage U. ROGERS PUB. CO. 1672 Broadway, Room 302 New York City BILLY KELLYS Code Book No. 2936 KELLYS CODE FOR SATURDAY: Havre— Bud -19 -20-22-13-6-15-23-21. BeuJuth— Lud-16-11-16-23-9-22-1-10. A new book with new code published every Thursday. Price, one dollar. Sold by your dealer or direct from WM. BURKE KELLY 21 EAST 3RD STREET CINCINNATI. OHIO WANTED 100 Players I will know the day that the "big hoys" are betting on such horses as Deputy. Kodeo. Boster. Taylor Hay and others of same class. If you will bet .01 for me on first and .00 on each one after, write CLAY A. MOORE, Grove City, Ohiol asm Rnwsssl BssssssssmmV WEEKLY RACING GUIDES Two Daily Code Services The Turk World-! "anions Long Shot Specialist nn.l Watson "Duck" Watson, well known ami successful liaiulirapprr. The two arc releasing- two specials each, every day. FREE to Weekly Kaclng Guide renders. The Turks Releases for Saturday : HAVRE DE GRACE Seven -Judge -Tamper In great shape Six - Colors - Stake This looks like the spot Watsons Releases for Saturday : HAVRE DE GRACE Five- Lawn-Timer Should repeat One - Trainer- Timer Has the class FOR CODE. IIUY ISSUE OF APRIL 9 Weekly Racing Guide World* Greatest Raring Weekly 2i Cents at All Newsstands READ CAREFULLY WHAT I HAVE TO SAY Many people passed up great opportunities by taking things too easy and not investing their good money in right spots. I am itositive that you dont like to invent your money for the sport only. I am in a position to advise yon of the financial side of this fine sport. As I devote my entire time and energy around the track. I am thoroughly acquainted with every- inside move. But I want you to leave yourself entirely in my hands and also be on the square with me and live up to our agreements. If you deride to accept my proposition, wire me immediately your name and correct address and also that you faithfully promise to cover me with a 0 straight play after you collect from your bookmaker. And I w ill wire you on TUESDAY, APRIL 19 the horse. This horse goes at Havre de Crare and is rare-fully prepared beeause these people seldom miss CHARLES GRACE BILTMORE HOTEL BALTIMORE, MD. Havre de Grace WITH BCRKE going strong and only started. WATCH US NOW Have final word on "F, " goes Saturday, opening day. rain or shine. Terms: Remain winnings 0 straight ticket, remitted by wire, my expense. Remit ten 01 dollars by wire, in advance, as evidence of good faith, and deduct same when forwarding winnings afterwards. Horse must win or 0 deposit doesnt go. Dont waste my time and yours if you fail to forward the necessary ten. Positively no propositions considered. JOHN J. BURKE 717 ST. PAUL STREET BALTIMORE, MD. !! AGAIN !! Two Grand XXX Specials AT HAVRE Ml GRACE MONDAY. April 18. and WEDNESDAY. April 20 ALSO A GRAND SPECIAL AT LEXINGTON OPENING HAY SATURDAY, April 23. The real thing in information. My terms: Send me the winnings of a $.". straight het. for each winner after you collect. 1 raunot gain if you lose. Wire your correct name and address at onee. JOK BERNARD 26 W. 7tk ST. NEWPORT, KY. TODAYS FREE CODE: Maryland : Party -Pumps -Love-Paint-Cream Published weekly -35 cents per copy FtiR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NEW GUIDE OUT HAR LANDS: STAR PADDOCK FREE CODE: HAVRE DE GRACE— FLU8H-24-6 For cipher code on this probable 10 1 shot, see page L Liberty Turf Guide i. HARLANDS LAST SATURDAY STAR PADDOCK FREE CODE— MORDINE, .20, WON DAISY AND LUCY TODAYS FREE CODE: Havre — Party -Pumps-Love-Paint-Cream. QUEEN BESSIE. 0.60, Won. 12 others. 1160. 1167 all live newsstand.-, 3!i rents, or mailed 3 weeks. . Sperial 137. THE TURF REPORTER, 22 W. Quincy St. EsUb. 1904, Chicago. 111. Grig inator and oldest publication in existence. ®, PERCENTAGE KING h£Sw ; CONSOLIDATED COPYRIGHTED Six outstaodiog plays each week DIRECT FROM THE TRACK Positively the only combination of Men that has ever given all the Percentage to the Players instead of the Bookmakers before releasing the horse to the client, as described below. Each play seat out by us is based on the following definite knowledge: HANDICAPPING— When our own expert handicappers figure the horse the fastest in the race, and stands out the strongest of any other race. CLOCK ERS — And our own dockers report the horse is at his best. INSIDE INFORMATION — Having advice from our inside men that the horse is in the race to win the purse shows he is ready and trying. DISTANCE — If the horse has the proper distance to prove his best efforts, as some horses never win only at a certain distance. TRACK CONDITIONS — And the track conditions are satisfactory for his best performance, as each horse favors a special track. WEIGHT— If the horse is not overweighted and has about the weight that he carries when he wins his races. JOCKEY — And must have a jockey that has a record of winning many races, and must be thoroughly capable of handling his mount. When we have the COMBINED PERCENTAGE on all the above points we place the percentage on the players side instead of on the bookmakers side, before we send out the play. No guess work, but definite knowledge of all the facts secured from the track from our own combination of men on the ground. Players who desire honest, dependable information will be convinced with one weeks subscription including six horses. Not necessarily having a play every day, if we should have two plays the same day, all our clients will receive both. TERMS — OCR TERMS are 0.00 for six horses, payable in advance. Wire address and money by Western Union or Postal Telegraph ONLY and code will be sent immediately. NO PROPOSITIONS CONSIDERED. To protect the price at the track, we POSITIVELY will not accept any subscribers from the track where we are obtaining our information. Make all remittances to C. J. WEEKS, 808 St. PanI Street, Baltimore, Md. ymwm press "GREATEST RACING AND FINANCIAL WEEKLY IN AMERICA" 145 West Forty-Fifth Street, New York City Price 15 Cents A BIG EIGHT-PAGE RACING PAPER NOW IN ITS THIRD YEAR On sale everywhere in America Greatest success ever scored by a racing weekly FREE ! Big Havre de Grace Advertised Special FREE TODAY STUPENDOUS PUBLICITY STUNT J CAN YOU USE SOME NEW MONEY TODAY? I The racing editor of the New York Press on the gronnd in person at Havre de Grace which opena its gates this afternoon, has dug out a horse which goes for the big money today and which HARKING ACCIDENT, should run away from his field and hide. nere. without question is one of the FASTEST HORSES, in his class! on the North American continent prepped with especial care to win this event along ubout 3 p. m. The racing editor of the New York Press saw this horse with a big black skinned boy aboard, turn the fastest work of the morning excepting Crusader and Seapa Flow. Tbun-dav. It was the final prep for todays event. It was the steadying up for this afternoons plunge, lockers and spring even muffed this one. it was before they were astir. The horse was awakened out of a sound sleep to have the final workout slammed under his belt. And boy! The way he did it! NAME OF THIS CYCLONE GIVEN OUT FREE The connections expect to CLEAN UP with this trick today. As an inducement extraordinary to secure new readers of the New York Press, the .-ir.ulatioii department, in conjunction with the racing department, is sending out FRKE OF CHARGE this morning the name of this •Havre Cyclone" to everybody sending, bringing or wiring in 0 for one rears subscription to the New York Press. "Greatest racing and financial weekly printed in the English language " If you have a drop of sporting blood coursing through the old veins, if vou ever indulge a sporting wager on Hawk. Hound or Horse. DO NOT LET THE "HAVRE CYCLONR" PASS TOT TOIHY Hurry out this very minute to the nearest Western Union telegraph office and wire 0 to the order of J. HAYNES. Racing Editor of the New York Press. 145 Weat 45th St. New York City mid the "yclone- will go forward to you by wire IMMEDIATELY. Never mind vour past experience, •lse where! - HERE 8 A SPOT TO GET THE GRAVY TODAY ITS WORTH A PLUNGE BET, STRAIGHT ONLY! Try ui once and see how smart we are. Some Recent J. Haynes Track Wires: Wednesday, April 13— MARK MASTER, .60, Won; MARINER. .00. Won Tuesday. April 18— KATHLEEN CROSBY. .60. Won; MARTHA WASHINGTON. .40, Won Monday. April 11— SON RAJAH. .70, Won; TTPPERABY MARY, 0.30, Won HARVEY AMES, Inc. EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT »2d ST. NEW YORK CITY NOTICE! TODAYS "Harvey Transaction" Opening day At Havre de Grace, is a matter in which we have more than a passing interest. Early subscription is strongly advised. Deal directly with this office. Subscription, 00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. Telephones: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593, 5749, 1434. 1435

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927041601/drf1927041601_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1927041601_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800