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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXm. NUMBEB. 104 Knlerrtl ns HTond rl:iss matter, April 2. 18JH1. at the |MMit office at .liicago. Illinois, under Act of Man-h 3. 1879. W. J. McMurray, Publisher and General Manager Mail.v lmriiiK Winter Months. Paily Ricept Sunday Balance of the Tear. A daily reflection of the American »nrf by telegrapli. DAILY RACIN" FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL 157-139 EAST 32nd ST., NEW YORK CITY. H. Y 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO, ONT. 30and-iO7 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LA. 20.4 2016 MIAMI COURT, N. W. MIAMI. FLA. nuntn ***- haruison. For business nnd circnlntion parposea only. Tins telephone lias no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot he need to communicate with theio. SritSl KII-riON BT PI KST-CLASS MAIL.: May to November, inclusive .00 per month December to April, inclusive per month IAVAHMi IN ADVANCH. U.KCK NITMKEKS UY MAIU 15 CENTS EACH. To be considered nnd answered, all qnerlea to Daily Konn mo«t be aent over the full name and with the addreaa of writer. The names am. ■d.ln-ax.-s are subject to a local and foreign directory lc*t. 10083 is first index of 1927