untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1927-04-16


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£ i | J | * j I i i i j j j j ] j j ] ] j i : I j j j i i i : : j ; i i ! j ; I ; i i i | American 1 j Racing I Manual I I for 1927 I I NOW ON SALE ll This book has been for a score of years gp 1 The Standard Statistical B 1 Work on American 1 m Racing! 1 tm Each year it has been improved by the addition of j|| M new and valuable features while all of the important |p matter which has characterized previous issues has been retained. The 1927 volume has been gp p Completely Revised and j New Features Added 0 Wi in order to make it the |p M Handiest Ready 0 m Reference Book jj on turf subjects which has ever been offered to tht ||| 1 American public. The jj Handicapping Tables p and Instructions If which were such a popular feature of the 1926 vol- Wand ume have been completely revised and brought up ip to date to conform with new track speeds developed |p I during last years racing. All who found the handi- ||j capping charts of help last year will want to obtain |ij the revised figures in order to adapt the method tt ip this years racing. p m A Comprehensive ■ p Index ■ p p makes the AMEEICAN RACING MANUAL FOE 1927 M |H extremely handy for quick reference. Whatevei bit s of turf information you may wish to find without lp laborious research is at your finger tips if you hav* ||f lp a copy of this book before you. |p 0 Rush Your Order Now % m, Paper .50 P PRICES [-Special .00 jl g | De Luxe .50 4 If ordered by mail, ten cents must be added to these |p lp prices to cover the cost of registration. To be sure §P ||| of obtaining the binding which you desire, it would |p |p be advisable to send your order at once. The at- |p tached order blank is for your convenience. |p p CUT OK* UBUB CUT OPr IllCltJI m Paper .60 m 4k PRICESBYMAIL J Special .10 | m [ De Luxe .60 m 1 ORDER BLANK 1 DALLY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO, |fj 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. jjf Enclosed find $ for which send me a copy |p P of the AMERICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1927 in ll P Paper m 0, Special V binding. |p % De Luxe H m NAME Wl STREET AND NO M Please print name and address plainly. ||j I P. 0. AND STATE jj

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927041601/drf1927041601_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1927041601_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800