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Key: H— Breezing. D— Drivin*;. £— Easily. H— Handily. O— All ont. I— Eased up. 113 AUE0EA AURORA, TIT., April 23. — Following are the workouts over the local track today : Right on Time :52%b 73 Babblin- 1 :01V.h 5-8 MILE. Soldier II :51%b 59 I r. Tanner I*ff b 86 Gondolier :49%h The Abbot :55 b 10 Tolvo 1 :04«*.d 84 My Biddy :.»2I/ib M MILK. Mart Bunch :51*r,b 1-2 MILE. Plag of Truce. .. 1 :12"».h 62 Polycarp :49"t,h 70 Bosh 1 :01%h 62 Slow Time 1 :12"t,b HAVRE DE GRACE HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., April 23.— Following are the workouts over the local tra.k today : Weather clear ; track heavy — 3-8 MILK. Joe Adams :51%d 108 Gold Coin 1:17 d Cossack :37 e SS Lavestela :50%d 104 Half Pint 1:21 d First Hour :39 h 107 Meridian Hill :52 h 110 Ivy 1:23 e 108 Golden Rule :39 b 111 1riceman :53 d 111 Kathleen Crosby. 1:19 e Ka Kee :37 d 109 Son Ami :52 d 105 Lewis 1:20 d 111 La Morte :41 h 79 Talladega :54 h 101 Masquerado 1:24 h 105 Midinette :41 b 109 Witchery :55 b 111 Sandpile 1:25 d 109 Nimrod :42 b 89 Watehola :50%d 109 Snuffy 1:22 h 113 Okay :39 d 110 Sir Harry 1:22 d Rougette :3S d 5-8 MILE. Ill Topboot 1 :2o h 1-2 MILE. Forever and Ever 1 :06 h 106 Back rope :51 d 105 Flora M 1:09 h "-8 MILE. Ill Body Guard :51%d 3-4 MILE. 105 Arno 1:30 h 110 Beau Galant :55 e 109 Bill Block 1:21 h Aoshell 1:30 h 111 Captain Martin... :53 e 109 Bigheart l:23~andd 1 MILK. 88 Chef dOeuvre . . . :53 d 105 Commissioner ...1:23 d 111 Dr. OMara 1 :4S h 110 Dubric :53 d 107 Cockney 1:20 h 106 Nat Evens 1:51 h 110 Display :52 b 111 Column 1:23 h 112 Tillie 1 :.".l d 107 Ed Pendleton :55 b 99 Flagship 1:25 h Typecutter 1:52 d 111 Jacques :52%d 109 Golden Volt 1:17 d 108 Wayfair 1 :4S b BELMONT PARK NEW YORK, N. T.. April 23. — Training gallops on the local tracks to were as follows: Weather cloudy: track muddy — 1-2 MILE. S-4 MILE. 109 Scat l:l«h Donnez Moi :54 b 109 Circlet 1:20 h 1 MILE. 106 Florence :52*ib 111 Chance Play 1:21 b 111 Adamas 1:4K h Melmor :49 h 109 Fire Opal 1:22 h 108 Carloman 1:48 h 101 SociaJ. Mug :54 b 106 Golden Pennant. -l:16%h 110 Colorful l:*M%k Sans Terre :54 b 61 Hijo l:16%h 109 Cross Fire 1:51 b 111 Junetta 1:16 h 111 Deviner 1:51 h 5-8 MILE. Kinburn l:20%b 111 Faddy IrM k BlackMaria 1:06 b 109 Korean 1:20 b 109 High Star 1:51 b Polyangle 1:06 b 111 Ominous l:18*sb 11 • Needle Gun 1:44 h 109 Roi Des Mtgnesl:08 h 111 Premier l:18%b 111 Our General 1:4!« b 110 Star Drift l:03«4h 109 Polymel l:19*ib 111 Sarazen l:44*«,b 111 Sir Stuart l:05%h Raphia 1:18 b 111 Son of John 1.50 b Son of Battle 1:08 h 109 Reine Rideau 1:21 h 109 Sonata l:45.h Selene 1:06 b 109 Sandhills l:20%b 111 Teheran 1:51 b LEXINGTON. LEXINGTON, Ky., April 23. — Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear : track fast — 3-8 MILE. Pretty Dusty :49%h Irresponsible 1 :20b Charles Bergin... :38%b 110 Red Leather :52%b Jack Nagcl l:21"%b Chatter Drum :37 h 112 Rothwell :53 b 112 J. G .I enny 1 :16«sh 111 Erins Bride :39 b Rixey :50* sh 112 Kum Kalessi 1 :14,d Fire Proof :37V»h 88 Respond :49%h 51 Love Child 1 :15"sh 90 Isostasy :37M;h See Sag :51%h Lemnescae l:17*,h Kentucky Ace... :34%d .70 Trydor :50%b Iepanto 1 :16"r.b Lila G :3.".%d 88 Valley Light :51%b Macks Baby 1:16 h Love Like :3S"ib Walking Home. . . :53 h 110 Massey l:17-h Iees K :37 4h 5-8 MILE. Noreaster 1:14 d Miss Chiniquy :37 h 112 Bash ford 1:04 h 111 Ortlieb 1:16 d Moset :3R"ib Breast Plate 1:04 b 111 Peggy Cook l:21"».b Nauset :38h 5S Don Diego 1:06 b 60 Pan i Roma 1 :l..h Orman :39 b 62 Fretwell 1 :02%b Preference 1 :15"r.h 86 Scotland Girl :37 4h 336 Jabaldon 1:06 b Red Banner 1 :17"*.b Sixty :36%h Hot Spot l:04Vsb 112 Sue Barkfr 1 :16V.h 111 Tchad Flyer :37V5h Judge Caverly. . .1 :06b Schoarship 1:M%8! Wisdom :37"*,h Kanawha 1:05 h 110 Turquoise l:lS%k ldge l:04Vsb Tim tlleason 1:19 h 1-2 MILE. Ill Mike McLuke 1 :02"sh 112 Cncle AI 1 :lf, h 112 Antiquarian :51"jb 111 Oh Susanna 1 :02%h 112 Vole 1 :18"».h 335 Aurous :53 b 111 Sturgis 1:02 h 39 TATeiser 1 : 22 C. 1 Andry :50 h Theo. Red 1 :06%b Yachtsman . .1 :l.VVh A. T. Renne :50"*h 306 Warfield 1 :06%b j MIIf: 111 Big Sweep :53 b , , " «.„ A « «_ - 112 Angleplane 1 :43 h Bobbv Miles M%k 8-4 MILE. Cecelia Grob :54 b Annihilator 1:16 d A|la,re 1 :44-.h 88 Comrade :52 b 110 Broad Axe 1 :17%h 1, ln Button 1 :41 d Day Trap y :52h 110 Bob Johnston 1 :17%h 8 Black G rack le 1:46 Ii Dry Nation :52Vfch Algoline 1 :18%h Bewithus l:41.d Damosel :52"sb S7 Banbury Cross. ..1:18 h Barablas 1:41%«1 46 Dr. Jiggs :51 b Barbara 1 :16%b m General Haldemnl :41Sb Guillotine :50 h 110 Canterbury 1 :18«Ah 111 Hydmniel 1 :40"».h Gold Mint :51 h 110 Chesterbrook 1 :15%d 112 Longport 1 :45*sh Joseph Sabbath.. :51 h Cloudburst l*lS%i 111 Iady Carolyn 1:43 h Little Cook :49 b Choice 1 :15%h Peekaboo 1 :45 tb 31 I.ady Lynn :50 h Dukedom 1 :18%b Pompano 1 :56~»h Little Taussig :51%b 110 Fair Wind l:14%d President 1 :42 *,h Lady Fanshawe. . :51M;h Forbearance ....l:16%h larco 1 :44*.t» 111 F. J. Carr :54 h tneral Clinton . .1 :16% 111 Stars and St: i|*s . 1 :46V,. 1 Pellegrino :51 h Inspector C 1:18 h 111 Watch It 1 :47*»,b Continued on twentieth page. LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS Key: B— Breezing. 1— Driving. E— Ensilj. If — Handily. O— All out. IT— Eased up. ■$ _____ _ . f Continued from pase seventeen. CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE. Ky., April 23. — Todays training gallops here included the following: M MLB. Ouibbler ~-t%h llandyrock I :lt%k 62 Big Bill Thompson :36Vsh lortstar Sl%_ King Basil 1:20 b Gold Stamp :::8%h Royal Play —-ffck 1 1J Nairliee- 1 ;19 b 43 My Son 36 4h Saleslady :4J b Russel Cave 1 :19b 90 Poor Boy Jt%- Speedwell :51-V,h 111 Sun Altos 1 :lf%b 111 Roycre fter :39-~l 5-S .MILK. Ill Torn Nash 1:21 b 33 Sincerely :38%b 52 Edna Glenn 1 :04%i Wolfy I:lt%k 1-2 MII.K. 56 Harry Phillips. . .1 :07 I. Attica :4!t.-,h it Juniors Nurse... 1:07 b 1 MII.K. Be Fair :4! b Midnight Rose. . . 1 :04:Vf,h Backbone 1:51 Vah Clarence- l.e- Bus.. M%4 Susan Rebecca ... 1 :01 % el Captain Fox 1 :4S h Exile- :" l:V.b War Bath 1 :0: ~b Was O 1:4?%- Fusicer :." 2~b 3-1 MII.E. Eric 1 :47%h IIS German :50%h Cirvenna 1:19 b ,12!i Mary 1:46 b Marshall NVy :51b Crookwork 1 :1!»-V,h Minervus l:lti5h Norw. st -r l.b Dawn of Tomorwl :19 b 2 Royal Julian 1 :42Vbh M Be rridge- :56 b U Fairy Man 1 :18-~,b Sun Star 1:44% Queene.f Allah... :50h frank J. Riley ... 1 :21 b Token 1 :.r.D_b