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* OAIUT RACING FORM • : — AURORA * AtTRORA ILL.. SATURDAY. APRIL 23. 1927.— Exposition Park 1 Mile*. Third day. Exposition Ta.k Jockey club. Spring meeting of 35 days. Weather cloudy. Steward*. M. Nathaniion. C. Iand Trimble and C. F. Henry. Placing Judges. It. A. Leigh. F. Dunne and . ». t a in pan. Starter, 11. Morrissey. Harm;- Secretary. C. F. Henry. Racing starts at 2:10 p. m. Chicago time. 2:15 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs. 15 blinkers. Figures in pa en theses following the distance of cadi race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. -fl OErCQ FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Cup o Tea. June 23, 1925—1.12—3—108. Purse ,000. 4-J.MtJv year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiiuiv. Book. Strt 1251 I V 1 1 . AM DMJUUWw 4IB 24 3« 11 Is l4 ■ Hicks Harder and Ware 350-100 12512 :c AS WELCH xv 4 115 12 l" 33 ** 21 R Zcchini Sanola Stk Im Sta 230-100 12512*1 I HI. KB w 4 110 7 7 8 71 4 30. L McCIair H It Tevis 7-0 100 UMIaX C1D W I 110 3 8 41 4- 31 41 I, Hoggs ■ ■ Watson 1300-100 • 7961 IAKAHKR xvb 9 115 4 6 f.l 6* 7- 9 I. Wilson W J OBrien 7:50-100 09162 N Ki» W 5 113 g 5 ■ 5* 61 C" H Long II G Goelitz 3230-100 llX6.VPo| RYAN" VtW :, l 9 8 8 710 A Pi-grass M Sanders 1800-100 10."i!t."i ADVENTURESS xv 7 110 G 3 1* 2* 9 ■ C ■ Allen O L Foster 400-100 Time. :28. 1:00%. 1:34%. Track heavy. ?2 certificates, earned— William Big-ins. .OO straight. .80 place, .00 show: as Welch, .20 pla ... .0o show: Curler. $.i SO show. Equivalent iKMiking William Biggins. .".CO to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show: Cas Welch. M lo loo place, m to 100 show: Curler, 90 to 100 show. Winner - h. g. I.y I * llii — Attentive, by Alan-a-Dale trained by W. Ware; bred by Mr. Thomas Piatt i W iiner entered to lie claimed for SHOO. WENT 10 POST— 2:18. AT POST— 1 minute. Start gooi and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. WILLIAM BIGGINS raced ADYENTIRESS into exhaust on in the first half mile and. taking a long lead hi tin- stretch, won as his rider pleased. CAS WELCH was in the deepest going in the early running and fell back, but came again near the end. TRI.ER was forced to race wide throughout and finished gamely. EI. CIB ran a good race, but could never threaten the leaders. ADVENTTRESS foned the pa. e for ihe first half mile and tired badly. -| OK_3|| SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Cup o Tea. June 23. 1925—1:12—3—108. Purse ,000. 4-XaaOOv year-olds and upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index l!i rs.s AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockey* Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 125I2 *C T WOltTHXw .". 110 4 6 41 2- 11 l»k L McCIair S Corbet 100-100 UHtBUaO BRANCH xv 4 110 3 3 9 6* 4J 9 J Bollero 1» L Keiffer 1070-100 12.5 13 "JAGGER xvn 4 110 I 4 3 1 3- 3- 3i V Petersn F J Hudson 340-100 12223SERYIToR wu 10 HO C 2 21 lh 21 4l W Stmper Mrs W J Hayes 860-100 UWANXA H. wb 3 110 15 1" 52 5" 51 W Crowell J 1 McDonnell 11:50-100 ©I05.VBELARIO w 11 115 2 1 5« 41 CJ 9 J Judy C N Freeman 1090-100 V870X ANMERODE wu 4 115 7 7 7 7 7 7 L Wilson K L oumani 1980-100 Time. :28. 1:00%. 1:33%. Track heavy. -rl Testes earned— C. T. Worthington, .00 straight. $:;.00 place, .40 show; Siigo Branch, HI place. .20 show: Jagger. .40 show. Equivalent hooking— C. T. Worthington. 100 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Sligo Branch. 300 to 100 pla e. 00 to 100 show: Jagger. 20 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Everest — Top All. by Top ..illant i trained by S. Gorbet: bred by Messrs. A. E. Hundlev and Soul. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:43. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. C. T. WORTHINGTON raced in the liest going and had to race wide on the turns, hut raced into the lead, then barely lasted to win. SLIGO BHANCI1, also in the liest going, came fast and gamely, and was uoing fastest at the end. .1 AGGER raced through the deepest going from the start and ran • good effort. SERVITOR showed some early speed, and took the lead, but tired in the stretch. ANNA II. set the early pace, but tired badly after going three-eighths. Scratched 125.S43Myrrh. 115. 0er«eight Anna H.. 5 pounds. "I • CkaQ"l THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Cup o Tea. June 23. 1925—1:12—3—108. Purso ,000. 4-XcMOOI year-olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth. 5. Index AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 12535 MONASTERY wn 9 110 2 4 2J Ill1 1* J Bollero Joliet Stable 100-100 12511 ROCKING xv- I 110 12 V 2* 21 21 J Judy C N Freeman .".50-100 10911 MISS I.VNi: w 5 110 8 1 9 5 31 3« A Prgrass M Sanders 1360-100 125I3 • o iKILOR xvs I 110 7 5 4= 31 4i 4: J Gordon W Uoper 450-100 inOiflMTlMMI xvu G 110 4 8 71 6» 71 5* W Crowell J iuarino 1800-100 IIIMJUK HIM xvb 4 115 5 7 8 8 8 G« S Holecko K ■ Major 3:580-100 1251 1 "CLEAR VIEW wh 5 110 6 6 3s 41 5J 71 A C.orski L A Hobson 1940-100 11560 RICHELIEU xvu 10 115 3 3 GO 7i 6J 8 C Sanchez W A Baumgartner 920-100 Time. :27«i. 1:00. 1:33%. Track hoavy. .ertif.cates earned Monastery, .00 straight. 20 place, .80 show: Rocking. . CO place. 20 ■hou Miss Ijllle. 00 show. liinivaleiit booking -Monastery, 100 to 100 straight. CO to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Booking. 130 to 100 place, CO to 100 show: Miss I.ane. ISO to 100 show. Winner — Br. g. by Friar Rock— Okitau. by Planudes trained by T. M. Boyle; bred by Mr. J. EL Madden. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:09. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: se ond and third driving. MONASTKltY. after being restrained in the early running, and being kept in the liest part of the track, ra.ed into the lead when hard ridden and held ROCKING safe through the last sixteenth. BOCK-INi, showed Hie most early speed, but was in the deep going and tired in the last eighth. MISS I.ANE was going fast in the stretch, when she suddenly swerved into the deeiier going and tired. VOOKFl.OK had m mishaps. HITUl MP ra.-ed gamely all the way. CLEAR flKW |uit badly. "I 9£LbR9 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Cup o Tea, June 23, 1925 — 1:12 — 3 — 108. Purse ,000. JLOOI 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00. second, 00; third, 5; fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiuiv Book. Strt 1 2.3:54 WISH OCT wb 7 115 8 and . 31 41 43 l1 W McCube J A Parsons 440-10 lMS4*WOODLAKM xvn 7 110 5 7 8 8 Gi 21 V Petersn II 7. Jenkins 220 100 12*73 PROCBBU8 wb 7 113 2 1 4; 2- 51 3- A lrgrass Cr E Pruett 1140-100 0877:5 I.AU LUCK w 5 115 4 6 5J 51 2h 4J J Judy C N Freeman 1170 100, 1211:5 LAtiOON xv G 105 14 6- 6 8 .". J Gordon W lioper 730-100 I |sWlt*VAXl8H*Q P.OV wb 7 110 3 I l| 2 li ti1 M Hyun S H Edwards 2850-100: lMII*KHOOLANS wb 5 115 7 3 71 71 7 7* K /.echini C tlraffagnini 290-H» | ! 0798* SIK IX Mcli ALL»w S 115 6 8 2 ll 31 8 T Price M Willie 2110 -100 Time. .28%. :59%. 1:36%. Track heavy. certificates earned- Wise tiuy. 0.80 straight. .80 place. $.80 show; Woodlake. .00 place, .2«l show: Proceeds. .2l show. F.Mmalcnt l«Miking- Wise ;uy. 440 to 100 straight. 140 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show; Woodiake, 80 to 100 place. CO to 100 show; Proceeds, 110 to 100 show. . 111.TT B. J,. !•»• Sager Lady Keeveeua. by Harvey Barbor trained by J. A. Parsons; bred by Mr It. Allmant. W.iner entered to be claimed for 00. WINT TO POST— 3:33. AT POST — 1 minute. .•start ;- «hI and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. WISE «.l"Y. racing in the U-st going, was outrun to the stretch, but. closing up gamely in the fin;.| e.;li!i and passing the leaders, won going away. WOODLAKE was far back in the early running and . I. sin_ a big gap in the stretch, finished with a rush. PROCEEDS was taken all over the track in the ,.i-t going, but made a game finish. BAB I.ItK saved much ground on the turns, but suffered from 111 the heaviest part of the track. SIR JOHN M.-IMIN IAI.D showed early speed and raced j Into t!..- but iu;t in the last i|uarter. VANISHING BOY alto quit. S. rat. bed ISSaSL «.. Bickel. IM. -g nrnQ FIFTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Rachel Potter. Sept. 22. 1925— 1:03%— 4— 112. Purse lDOt ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner $.00; second. 00; third. 5. fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Ecjuiv. Book. Strt 125I6MPMKI: Willi 3 5 51 31 Ill* C K Allen R L Baker 200-100 I 1*51 4K ITLAWKD wsn 4 103 5 7 f.« 610 5J 2"k W Stmper B Herman 810 100 ! I*l«7 1 OOLL BCHOOLRw S 107 2 1 luk 41 21 3i I » l.yncli J J Greeley 520-100 1*«H1 I ISilII.r. w 4 111 4 4 * 5* 31 4« II Long Miss I. Hardy 14GO-100J i ItSMSMOKY DAT xv 4 103 G 6 31 lk 41 8» leteisn Star Stable 190-100; I • 8727 IM. TOKA xv 4 111 13 4 6 G= J Judy C N 1-ieeman 2110-100 1*910 iVVAl.HY wn 4 108 7 2 7 7 7 7 II West C K l.enuhin 1590-100 Time. 27%. :59%. 1:24%. Track heavy. certificates earned -I pdike. 00 straight. . 00 place. .00 show; Outlawed. place. . CO show Colonel Schooler. .40 show. i:.|iiialcut iHH.kini; I pdike. 200 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Outlawed. Ml to I"! pla.e. s to 100 show; Colonel Schooler. 70 to 100 show. Winner li. g. by Rapid Water lc-.iria. by Sanders trained by E. Trotter; bred by Estate of Mr «. V J. Bisscll.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:57. AT POST — 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily second and third driving. I 1IHKK »:is saved for three eighths, then came with a rush when reaching the stretch and. taking the lead, drew away in the last sixteenth to win in a canter. OUTLAWED began slowly, but came fast and gauieli hi the stretch and. finishing with a rush, headed COLONEL St Hon LEU in tt.c Ust few stride, t UKINKI. MCMOOUEK showed the most early s| eed. but tired badly ia the s-wnty: yards OISI IPI.E Iwgan tiring in the last sixteenth. SMOKY BAY raced into the lead in the first quart.r. but gave way when challenged in the stretch. COL. TOKA was done after go. us a half mile. » rat.l:.-.! MB Patmre!. 103. Overweight ob.liel Schooler. 1 Jioiind. ■IQC/J | SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Cross How, May 31. 1926— 1 45%— 3— 101. I Snowbird1 : J.MtU"T Handicap. 000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value tj winner ,400; second. 00: third. 50. Index Horses A Wt PPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners ■ssjir. Book. Strt I2S27 -BAI.ISO.V w I 114 2 1 1* 1« !«• V* I** G ■ Allen Gentilly Stable 40-100 MMIlMlol.liKN MAC wsn 4 109 3 2 2** 2» 21* 2* 2»» I. Wbifcre Mrs J H Buscher 250-HW 1SI.32 M:BIAN w 7 110 1 3 3 3 3 3 I J lullea Mrs I. M Holmes 7 JO 100 Time. :29. 102. 1 33%. 2 07%. 2:17. Track heavy. tl certificate earned Balboa. *2 HO straight, uo place or show «ertif nates s«dd. Lu.vateiK luuking Ballnta. 40 to 100 straight. W hilt i li g. t.y Ballot steal 1 la line, by Sweep drained by A. I., t.aal bred by Mr. .. II. Clayl. WENT TO POST— 4:28. AT POST— 1 minute. tun sovd aud »iow. Vi wn , mcuuU and third driving. , I5AI.BOA took the lead at once and. drawing far away, won in a eauter. GOLDEN MAC was ridden wide for three-quarters and only slightly urged at any stage. ARABIAN was far back for the eutirt tri« . Scratched— 125151 Iron Mat* II., 116. Overweight — Arabian, 1 pound. " -| OCTjOer SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. Smiling Gus. June 9. 1926—1 :39%— 8— 103. Purss ,000. A *d «_P 9 fj 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, $; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Euuiv. Book. Strt 11961 PATH AX W 6 110 I 3 41 41 l1 1» 1» B Pershall Mrs H D Cox 220-100 IttlCBLUB TOKCII xv 4 109 3 5 5« 5» 3 2l 2,! C Hworth 1" Reuter 230-100 10C21*RIB GRASS xv 8 102 1 6 ff 6 6« 4* 3» J Bollero A Brusra S40-1Q0 12517 LBVOY xv G 107 6 1 Is l1 21 3* 4°k A Prgrass Mrs F Farrar filO-100 IJHLTHH WIRE xv 3 103 2 7 7 7 7 61 5» V Petersn B Herman li560-100 lS304,RiI RIG» xv 4 111 7 2 34 21 V 5| 6« R Zcchini J V Buffington 940-109 121033*HIGH PRINCE w7 110 4 4 * 3 5s 7 7 I. McCIair C Irby 940 100 Time. :27%, :56%. 1:30. 2:04%. Track heavy. S2 certifcates earned Pathan. straight. 40 place, .20 show; Bine Torch. 40 place. .20 •how; Rib Crass. .00 show. Equivalent booking-Pathan. 220 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 60 to 100 Bhow; Blue Torch. 70 to 100 place, CO to 100 show; Rib Crass. 100 to 100 show. Win ne i — B. g. by Short Crass- Elfinhart. by Plaudit trained by H. D. Cox; bred by Mr. Walter M. Jeffords. Winner entered to lie claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:57. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PATHAN saved much ground on the last turn by racing close to the inner rail and. taking a long lead, held the race safe through the stretch, but had to be shaken ::p near the end. 151. IK TOUCH, far back for a half mile, moved up fast in the last quarter and finished gamely. RIB OUASS came from far hack in the last quarter and was going well at the end. LEVOY began tiring after showiug the most speed for three-quarters. RODRIGO and llliill PRINCE were exhausted before three-eiglitlis had been run. Overweight — The Wire, 1 pound.