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WORKOUTS r Kcj: II— Breezing. D— Driving. E— Easily. H— Handily. O— All oat. U— Eased a*. 116 AURORA ATRORA. III., April Mb— Todays training gallops here were as follows : Weather clear ; track heavy — 3-8 MILK. 73 Mereutio :45=sb 90 Keegan :57%b US Adventuress :42V5h Play Hour :47%B 114 Nose Dive :59%b Alexina :47*f,b Senator Seth :42 1 Newt :57b Circuit :43%b S6 Super King :45 b 114 Running Fox 1:00 D 86 I»evon :39Vsb 35 Tanist :42*4h Hob Hoy :59%b Date of Ridgway :49 b Wong Hok :42%b 114 Stoneage :59 b 5s Dorothy Adams. :4s%h 1-2 MILK. 91 Florence Mills :44%h 111 Halboa :57V*h »-8 MILE. 111 Glib :47%b 111 Carom £§%• Kmancipatioin . . .1 :17 b Hidden Jewel :47 b Head Gear :5S%b 88 Healist 1:19 h Devon showed a clever work. Carom is fit and ready. Florence Mills could have worked faster. Wong Bok worked handily. LEXINGTON. LEXINGTON", Ky.. April 26. — Todays, training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast — 3-8 MILK. 113 Miss Chiniquy :49 h 113 Lady Fanshawe. .1 :18 b Refraction :?Sh 113 Trydor :50=* h 114 Longworth 1:17 b Delegate :31* b 113 Bobby Miles :50 h 114 Caractus l:21%b K Seventeen Sixty.. 47%h Lemniscate :49Vsh 113 Bash ford 1 :16%h 113 Pani Homa :37 b 113 Damcsel :50 h 114 Immortal 1 :16%b 60 Storm Maiden :37«r,b 114 Choice :52 b 113 Bob Johnston 1 :16%h Charlie Bergin... :36l*h Guapa :4!t*ih 113 Cloudburst 1:18 b Chatson :36Vjd Old Joe St%fc 114 Rayon 1 :19%b 110 Archibad :38%b 114 Infatuation 482r.h Peter Prim 1 :22-*,b Hock Slide :38h 114 Winging :48%d Fire Chief 1 :14%d 112 Mary Jane 3K%a 113 Guillotine :523tb Annihilator 1 :14%d Macks Baby :39:b 5-8 MILK. Pocky Cliff 1 :19%b 112 Mary Helen :3S 1. 113 Peggy Cook 1 :03h 113 Broad Axe 1 :17%h Draymont :3S b 110 Charger 1 h 112 Percussion 1 :17%h 113 "hatter Drum... :37 h llj Tim Gieason 1:04 h 113 Don Diego 1:23 b Black Flyer :37 h 111 Krick 1:0311 115 Fair Wind 1:13 d 112 Percentage JHfch Uss K ....l:04%b 113 Mike McLuke 1 :14%d Dear Inez :38b Fireproof 1 :04b 113 Weiser 1 :23%b Malcolm :38aandb 113 Lepanto 1 :02%b 83 Mix-Up 1:31 b 113 Cenal Haldeman. :35 d 113 General Clinton.. .1 :02%b 1 MILK. Aeirema :37 h 112 Moms Boy 1 :02%h 113 Pompano 1:48 b Hed Ace :353j;d I ady Stone 1 :06%b 111 Nine Sixty 1:43 h 12 Banner :35%d Explosion 1 :05%b 113 President 1 :39%d 113 Sturgis :35*id 114 Hailstorm 1 :02*ib 113 Pareo 1 :43%h 1-2 MILK. Atrenne 1:03 h 112 Dimple Dunkie. . .1 :45Vsh 113 Theo. Red =53 91 Geo. Groom 1 :06%b 114 Billie Burke 1 :49%b M.illy Jane :52 b 112 George De Mar..l:05%b 111 Mr. Kirkwood 1:41 b Manwell :50*ih 113 Oh Susanna :59%h 113 Hydromel 1 :45%h Resolute :48 h 113 Breast Plate 1:01 h 113 Canterbury 1 :44%h Nedda :52 b 113 Inspector C 1 :03*sb Hamburg Lad 1 :45%h 112 Dingo :50 b 87 Massillon 1 :03%h 112 Lancer 1 :44%b Miss Miles :50 h S-4 MILK. Oseda 1:44 h Marzet :51*ib 114 Royal Highness. .1 :19 b Preference l:41%k 114 Thistle Boy :48%h 113 Rixey 1 :16%h 113 Scholarship 1 :43%h 112 Mimi :52b 113 Judge Caverly. . .1 :20 b 110 Wildwood 1:45 h President worked his standout mile under Fire Chief and Annihilator were in com- light weight, pany. Mr. Kirkwood went steadily throughout in Fair Wind was doing his best in an ex- a good move. cellcnt trial. Oh Susanna did an unusual speed test. together. HAVRE DE GRACE HAVRE DF GRACK, Md., April 26.- Todays training gallops here were as follows: Weather clear: track fast— hB8 MILK. 113 Dubric :5l75d 110 Mrs. Finley 1 :16%d 113 Bigheart :38d 112 Foregone :50%e 111 Poly 1 :14%d Clock Golf :37?fee 112 Gymkhana M%b 112 Pygmalion 1:16 d 11" Chink :38 d 115 Johnny Jewell :50 h 109 Pichonne 1 :16%h 109 Darby :37 h 112 Joy Smoke :51%b Plain Polly 1 :17%d Mi Declare :37Ssd 111 Night March :50 d 106 Spanish Castle. . .1 :17%d 109 Flying Al :36%h lllSkavar :49*4d 106 Tommy Foster. . .1 :17%d 106 Fair Anita :36 d 106 Star Mirth :50%d 115 Tillie 1:16 d 106 Fair I*irk :3«%d 87 St. Donard :51 h 105 Golden Billows... :3S e 114 Titter :49%h 1 MILK. 105 Indian Love Call :36h 5-8 MILK. 113 Arno 1 :44%d 107 Just :37%h 104 Canter 1:04 b 109 Afterglow 1:44 e 90 Lieutenant II :37=r,e 109 Ella M 1:05 h 111 Alletache 1 :46%e 107 IiPmnos :37 h 112 Fable 1 :02%d 114 Applecross 1 :43%d 113 Wayfair :37 h 111 Single Foot 1:03 h 114 Happy Birthday. .1 :48%b 1-2 MILK. 113 Superse le 1:04 h Hannah Rae 1:46 h 109 All Callao :49V1 S-4 MILK. 115 Jopagan 1:42 d Abul Faith :50 h 115 Corvette 1:16 h 113 Kathleen Crosby. 1 :44%h Boyish Bob :49 d 59 Candy Pig 1 :15%d 106 Millwick 1 :45%d 115 Bos ton ian :48 d 107 Doto 1:18 h 109 Whiskery 1:44 e US Beau of the West :50 d 114 Fddie Rkenbacr.l :17 d 1 1-4 MILKS. Bunton :50 d 110 Fred Wood 1:20 h 111 Montferrat 2:15 e Single Foot breezed under a strong pull. Bostonian had plenty of speed from the Afterglow and Whiskery worked easily to- barrier and looks fit and good. get her. Pygmalion and Corvette worked handily M out f err at was under restraint. JAMAICA NEW YORK. N. T.. April 26. — Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track fast — S-s MILK. 112 Cerulean :49%d 112 Don Bonero l:21%b 10t Avisack II :37Ssb 109 Costigan :53 *h 114 Flying Scud 1:19 b lit D*C : 36*1 Dublin Show :4SV,d Mosque 1 :14h Ml First Dance :3S h 108 Kvader :51 b 114 Price Hill 1 .18%h Mt Giant :36 d 114 Nice Child :4S%h Sting 1 :17b IM Hoot Mun :35%d 112 Resourceful :50*;b 110 Shannon Shore.. 1:17 h Lorelei :37*ih 115 Sky Flight :50 h 111 Theresa Joan 1 :19%b 111 My B«.v l-iiend.. M%4 M MILK. 112 Vagabond King..l:15%d old Ki.ka|»... :36 d Kxtreme 1:03 b 7-S MILK. 111 Pop I.Al :41 b 110 Gnome Girl 1:03 b 114 Cloudland 1:33 b 110 Ramoneur :37b 99 Hike 1 :06%b 1 MILK. S:: The Lure :35*t,d 114 Jack Dempsey . . .1 :02 h 109 New Hope 1:49 b 1-2 MILK. 3-4 MILK. 1 1-S MILKS. 111 Benny Rubin :Md 111 Colored Girl 1:20 b 112 War Flame l:56V5b Mosque worked cleverly. War Flame did a creditable trial. Kxtreme was not extended. Jack Dempsey showed good speed from the Vagabond King ran well. barrier. BELMONT PARK Weather cloudy: track fast — 3-s MILK. 110 tepte :522s IM Mothers Son 1 :00ts 108 Crystallite 3S% Gallahad :50 111 Nortnern Pass 1 :02*s Clandin :37=s 108 Guinea Hen ASH »tto I.M% 105 Delpliia :35a5 Hazard :50 Paige 1:06 Five oaks £7% 109 Maelstrom :48V, Stiff Shirt 1:06 Jack Witmer :::7 113 Needle Cun :4S;w, Walpole 1:06 Monte Carlo :::s Pared :M% IS Ovtiac :::S Phoene :51 3-4 MILK. IM Sonata :::«";; lit ITafMl Mug :48% 62 Aloi 1:17-3 I— Watkl—a ::•« 1M Teh. ran :49~ Arc. keek 1:18 1-2 Ml III . 113 Chance Play 1:25 Adjutant : n i-S MILK. I1T I. a— ill. 1:16*5 lo:: AraMa :5o 111 Bristol 1 :02"t. Clearance 1:16% Blue Sky :M% Dust Cloth 1 :04"S 110 Crystal Pennant . . 1 :14% ]»:: Botanic :48~; 102 I-iorian 1:04 lo.t Internal 1:17 111 PJaefc «url :49 42 Full Speed 1:03% -..tlwinui 1:17% 1 1 :: Colorful :4S% 4S I Told You 1:04 Mt Festival 1:16 111 Ielidon :49 Melmore 1:03 108 dun Royal 1:19 AQUEDUCT W.ather cloud ; track fast — 111 Myra M :35 8-S MILK. Mordine :36 7-8 MILK. Gallantry :36 CaptaU Devil :36 1-2 MILK. Bull Run 1:32 HI LdilU L «.. :36V* Zonite :49% Jennie McGinn 1:30