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# ♦ OAILY RACINO FORM • AURORA • i AURORA ILL.. TUESDAY. APRIL 26, 1927 —Exposition Park 1 Mil.. Fifth day. Exposition Park J». key Club. Spring meeting of 3.1 day*. Weather cloudy. . Stewards. M. Nathanson. C I.. Trimble and C. F. Henry. Daring Judges. It. A. I/eigh, V. Dunne , • nd CL C Canipau. Starter. H. Morrissey. Racing Secretary. C. F. Henry. Uacing starts at 2:15 p in. Chicago time. 2:1." p. m. I. W indicates whip. S spurs. It blinkers. Fig lire* in parent lieses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentiie allowance. -j 0£* J Q FIRST RACE— 3-4 ICile. Cup o Tea. June 23. 1925— 1:12— 3— 108. Purse ,000. 3-JLbTOttO year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third, 5: fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPrSt % h- St r Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Rook. Strt 12021 CP.ASIIA ws 4 106 2 4 ? V I* 1JA GorskI T Cheek MW-M 1SSSS POWKR m I HO 3 6 4h 34 24 2s J Judy C M Freeman 390-100 ISSI3 IHSHKE W I 102 4 8 $• 4* 34 3" V Petersn Star Stable 400-100 OH7 78 KENDALL, xv 7 109 6 3 14 54 W 4J W Stmper C W Hall 520-100 ItMl HEDSKIN xv 6 117 I 5 3"i 25 4 P A Prgrass T Gaughan 1:40-100 I 2391 TOILER xv 4 113 17 G3 G5 6* 6* D Fisher F J Boyle 5260-100 1 SMS NoKo xv :. 108 8 2 I 8 7: 7i: ■ Gelloni H Q C.oolitch 5190-100 12609 CAS WELCH" xv 4 108 7 1 l| 74 S S C ■ Allen Sanola Stock F*m Sta 6-0-100 Time. :25%. :53*5. 1:23. Track heavy. certificates earned Kasha. 5.S0 straight. 4. SO place, .60 show: Power, place. $.1.60 show. Ktishee. .00 show. Equivalent liooking— Pasha. 1600 to 100 straight. 040 to 100 place. 180 to 100 show: Power. 240 to 1". plai-e. SO to 100 show : Itushee. »0 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Royal II — Some Kid. by Itoanergea trained by T. Cheek: bred by Mr. W. ■ Paatwy. Jr. ». Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:17. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. KASHA overlook and passed KENDALL after going the first quarter and. drawing away into a good lead, held POWER afe at the end. The latter ra--ed in close quarters to the stretch, then passed 1!KI»SKIN and finished close up. RlSHEK was raced wide throughout, but finished fast and gamely. KKMiAI.I. set the early pace and seemingly fell back ,ut of any chance, but came again near the end. K1."1»SKIN showed s|M-ed. but xvas done in the stretch. Scratched--12610 Newt. 93; 12011 Neptune. 110: 1253S Settee. 103: 12561 Clear View, 100: 10874 Dusk. 110. •f nn |Q SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Cup o Tea. June 23. 1925—1:12—3—108. Purse ,000. 3-XO~K«7 year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 5; fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt K 2 St r Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Rook. Strt ■SSSa°OU BKO.MiWAYws .". 112 7 1 3 3Jl1 Is B Pershall Mrs H L Cox 770-100 i in:to c;i:i:i:k kkiar ■rSsaSS I i" l*| P 21 A Pi-grass j v iwis 620-100 ISSS3*J. G. BICKEL xv 5 105 4 3 24 21 3* 3* W Stmper P Musinger 610-100 12I.»3*TI:ANSFEH xvn 4 109 1 4 104 91 8s 41 P Hebert H Q Bed well J1400-100 11901 CLAPRR xv 4 114 9 11 91 10 93 r. C E Allen Mrs A R Smith 1100-100 12286 lMSOVLV xvn 6 114 11 8 P 8- 64 6 J Tamaro S Cr Sinclair 1360-100 ItMWJAGGER wit 4 107 6 6 7* 7 ~z " V Petersn P J Hudson 400-100 12562 BAD LOCK xv 5 110 2 2 ff G- 5J 8 J Judy C N Freeman 510-100 11493 In.NEI. SPEAGlEw 3 105J 5 9 81 5*1 10 9 W Crowell Swinehart Bros 11862 ccipVHIGHT xvn 10 108 I 7 44 45 4J 10» S Hicks P Miller 4360-100 ISS13 OOLDEN LYNN* w 0 112 8 10 11 11 11 11 ■ T Moore H J Derrick 760-100 t Field Time. 25"5. :54H. l:24*s. Track heavy. .-ertificates earned— Old Broadway. 7.40 straight. 40 place, .60 show: Greek Friar, .40 place. *:t.SO show: J. «;. Bickel. $."..40 show. Equivalent booking -Old Broadway. 770 to 100 straight. 220 to 100 place, 180 to 100 show: Greek Friar. 220 to 100 plan-. 90 to 100 show: J. . Bickel. 170 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Friar Rock — Berrills Choice, by lierrill trained by H. D. Cox; bred by Mr. J. II "esse ten. Winner entered to l e claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2.43. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ill Ii MtOADWAY raced close up under restraint for a half mile, then passed the leaders with a rush in the stretch and came away to xvin as his rider pleased. CREEK FRIAR showed the most early Hpeed. but lost ground on the tciins and. swerving in the stretch, was unable to withstand the winner. J B. Rlt KKL ran a good race, but barely outfinished The latter, far back in the early running, saved 11111. h ground on the turns and closed a big gap. CLAPPER also made up ground. JAGCEK raced poorly. KAI LICK and COPYRIGHT tired. S. rat. -bed 11477 Walter Bant. 103. «iver*cicht Colonel Sprague. 1 Vj pounds. -g *yftCC£ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Kile. Cup 0 Tea. June 23. 1925 — 1:12—3—10$. Purse ,000. 3-lODU year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00; third. 5; fourth. 5. lain Horses AWtPPSt % "A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Rook. Strt 12610 i iKTHMAV w 7 114 7 3 P 3 1- 1 A Pnrrass Strite and Valentine 1300-100 l*SH6 * " »NIK»LIER w S 105 1 2 U lh 3Z 2 V Petersn H H Chopin 610-1001 I II ft "in GC8 It xv 3 117 9 7 7 6. 24 3"k C E Allen W M Grant 360-100: ; |SMt*POKTm Kl.I.A xv r. 6 101 2 5 34 41 43 4* L Jenner V Stockwell 13:!0-100! I lilftftclnl.liMAUK xxsr. 6 109 10 9 9- 1- 64 51 B Pei-shall J Hill JS00 100 ItMtVAXUHIMQ BoYwn 7 106 8 8 84 9 74 6: M Ityan ■ H Kdwards 1370-100 ItMSIWUK OUT xvn 7 113 3 6 P1 8« 7- W McCabe J A Parsons 420-100 10565 NKSTI.K w 3 103 .". 4 21 2* 54 8* H West C ■ I-enahan 4650-100 ltCM*OLD TciM xxc 4 109 6 1 44 9" 930 9"» M Hum R I, Baker 720-100 l.5«0»*C T. WORTIINw 108 4 10 10 10 10 10 L McClair S Gorbet 470-100 Time. :25V5, :54S. 1:24. Track heavy. certificates earned Worthman. 8.00 straight. 1.00 place. .60 show; Gondolier, 80 place, *1 show: R.. 00 show. Equivalent booking Worthman. 1.300 to 100 straight. 480 to 100 place. .«0 to 100 show: Gondolier. 240 to 100 place. 1!I0 to 100 show : ins R.. 100 to 100 show. Winner — R. g. by Fireman— Eel. by Kenil worth trained by J. T. Strite; bred by Mr. E. M. Mark-ham I Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:09. AT POST — 1 minute. start good and slow for all but C. T. Worthington. Won easily: second and third driving. WORTHMAN. suddenly improved and close up from the start, raced into the lead after going I half mile, and held sway to the end to win as his rider pleased. IONDOI.IKR showed the most early speed, but was mired next to the inner rail when approaching the stretch and forced back, then came again at the end. M S It. saved much ground on the turns and closed a gap. PORTER ELLA had no mishaps. .IILOMARK raced well C T. WORTHINGTON was unprepared at the start and failed to leave with the- others. S-rat.hed 13500-81 :go Branch, 100: 12559 El Cid. 103; 09514 John P.. 108 Overweight Nestle. I |Hlinds. -g n/JSTi FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Rachel Potter. Sept. 22. 1925—1:05—4—112 Purse XirfDOi- ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third. 5; fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt , -j str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Kook. Strt MSM WIl.IltAKK w 7 108 2 1 24 " P U J Judy X K Tevis 420-100 12516 WAPciNcMA xvB % 111 I 4 5 P . 25 J Hillea Mr» I, M Holmes ::20-100 MM7*OAT HA1.1.1F. w 3 95 3 I 6 6 6 ::i P Hebert J McNamara .".30-1001 ! 1SIS5 PKTF.K L xv 3 107J 1 2 45 4 $» 4» D Lynch J J Creeley MW-1M l».iJ.r."MISS MISCHll.r xv 6 105 6 I 14 14 2J $■ W Sfmiier J I. Paul :»50-100 OH2 .!• MAKTHV ItcKjS xv 4 108 4 3 31 2: l"k 6 I. Aron Missouri Stable 3-.0-100 Time. :25. :53H. 1:09. 1:17. Track heavy. certificates earned Wildrake, 0.40 straight. .20 place. .80 show: Waponoca. 60 place. .60 show: i.av Hallie. .40 sliow. Rquivalent iKwiking Wildrake. 420 to 100 straight. 160 to 100 pla. e. 90 to 100 show: Waponoca. 130 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show; iay Hallie. 70 to 100 show. Winner It. g. by Sir John Johnson— Catherine Carson, by Ken Strome trained by J. II. Tevis: I. red by Mr II Itag-iiH. Winner entered to be claimed fir ,500. WENT TO POST — 3:33. AT POST — 1 minute. Start good and slow Won driving; second and third the same. V!i MiAKK away fast. ra. ed close up to the stretch, then challcaged WAIoNOCA. and. in ■ hard of ti.e stretch when the leaders were tiring, but was unable to outfinish the winner. CAT HAM. IK fin-lithed fastest of all on the outside, after closing a big gap. PETER I., raced well and only tired in the last few yards. MISS MISCHIEF showed the most early speed, but tired badly when reaching the ktrctch MARTHA ROOS ran well to the last eighth. S-rate bed cl22HOiFore I.ady. 103: ISM Strut Miss Lizzie. 108. Overweights Lay Hallie, 1 pound: Peter I... 3. -g Q£*rTQ FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Rachel Potter Sept. 22. 1925— 1 :05— 4— 112. Purse : JLJJ*3 ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner $"00 second. 00; I third. 5. fourth. 5. j Index Homes AWtPPSt 4 M Str Fin Jockcya Owners Equiv. Kook. Strt MTS4*THB ABBoT w J 103 4 7 P P l2 P V Peters ■ Battle Ax Stable M0-10a| li:t04 BAGKR xvn 7 113 3 1 6 P P 24 J Iillea Mrs I. M Holmes MO-MO I lOftTilciKA Itl SSi:i.L w 4 98 6 4 4: 4 4" 34 J Bollero A Brusca 4. .0 10. IfJJM lltlc; w I 104 I 5 54 P P 41 B Hicks C Craffagnini 2H-100 lS24»*c ;i:ri"VS!tl Uc; xv 4 105 3 6 7» 7» 7" R Patqin Nugent Bros L220-10.I 1S.163 cc,|. -j-i ik xv 4 113 7 3 .* 3 C J Judy C M rVMMI MO-jM 1MH M xKTINS CADOTWB 3 101 8 2 l« V -i 7* M Hum J I. I.L.ux 710 100 l*04tt: II XT S T. TIMi: w 4 108 1 S 8 S S S H Long Wiiicliester Stable .".70-100 Time, :2S%. :55. 1.09«i, l:17*i. Track heavy. certificates earned The Abbot, 2.20 straight. 60 place. .20 show; Eager. .00 place. $..20 show: Com Kn-wll. .10 show. Equivalent looking The Abbot. 510 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place. 110 to 10O show; Eager. 100 to 100 place. i0 to MM sIm.w: I ora Russell. 70 to 100 show. Winner I h g. by Theo look — Irisli Abbess, by iVIt .trained by C. O Ray; bred by Mr. Ldwjr.l F. Sill. ins 1 Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3 59. AT POST— 6 minutes. Start ctod and slow Won easili : second and third driving. THE AKKOT raced close up on the outside of the leaders for the first half mile and. rescinding quickly when .ailed cm. raced into the lead after entering Hie stretch and easily held s»ay to the end EX Kit was outrun to the stretch but. closing a gap qtncklv. finished fastesi of all OKA Itt SSKI.L m.-.-d . ioMe up and made a fast finish. PRBi showed improveineiit. ml.. TllKt tired l.adl.v. MAUlIVS 1 AlHlY raced 111I0 a long early lead in the f.rst half mile, but quit in Hie stretch. WHATS THE TIME le-gau sluggishly and raced i oorl/. Uk-i weight Martina Caddy, 2 pound*. i . , -d 0£JrT *y SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Cross Bow. May 31. 1926— 1:45%— 3—101 Purse 000. JLcWvltJlJl 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 5; fourth. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % -i *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Kook. Sir t lJOIft CAPTAIN AKAMS m 7 114 9 4 31 2h 14 P lh W McCabe S Waterman 390-100 12537 •INDIAN TALKSwii 4 112 6 I 4- i- 4» 2 2 V Petersn E A Creceliua 150-100 IMM*8BA QRatKN xv 5 102 7 7 V 14 2« 3» 3 " B Pershall Mrs H I Cox 600-100 1170.! :* LITTLE BLAZ10 w 4 109 3 5 9 6 6 7« 4« P Hebert J W Riley 1040-10l IMM*80N OP TROMPwsh 5 104 4 9 84 7l 7* 6l 54 J Gordon W Roper 1S20-100 ISSW*47I RI.KIl xv 4 109 8 6 5 P 51 54 6-*J Judy H B Tevis 1130-100 121 1 2 • YELLOW PINE wn 7 111 1 1 2 34 3J 4* 7* E T Moore Moseley and Toth 3130-100 11707*I K TANNKR w I 107 2 2 64 81 8s S« 8« H Jones J R Alexander 1120-100 12561 RKHKLIEU xxb 10 109 .". 8 7 9 9 9 9 C. Sanchez W A Baumgartner 2090-100 Time. :25-5. 55. l:27*i. 1:54%. 2:01. Track heavy. certificate* earned— Capta in Adams. .80 straight, .20 place. .60 show: Indian Tales. $."..60 place. .80 show: Sea Oreen. .00 show. Equivalent booking— Captain Adams. 390 to 100 straight. 160 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show; Indian, Tales. 80 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show: Sea llreen. 50 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. g. by Eseoba — Tardy, by Ixird Esterling trained by H. Warner; bred by Mr. J. II. Morrisl. Winner entered to lie claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:29. AT POST— 8 minutes. Start good and sow. Won driving; second and third the same. CAPTAIN ABAMS raced close up under restraint for three-quarters, then raced into the lead when enlerii-g the stretch, but began tiring in the last sixteenth and barely lasted to defeat INDIAN TALES. 1 he latter raced under restraint for the first half and. gaining rapidly, finished with a fine burst of speed midway of the stretch and barely failed to get up in the last twenty yards. SEA OREEN set the early pace and finished well, but tiring. LITTLE BLAZE closed a big gap. YELIAW PINE ran well for the f rst half mile. -i * £1EZ.A SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Cross Bow. May 31. 1926— 1:45—3— 101. Pursa J-£d9*J-m: ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third. 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt 1t Vj •% Str Fin Jockeys Owners I iuiv. Kook. Strt ISSlt**BAKB WOT w 5 109 3 2 6l 4h 41 2J 1"" V Petersn Strite and Valentine 320 100 12538-*POMPOVS w 7 107 7 8 3J 2J l»k 1- 2* W Crowell W taywno.l 580-100 12533 •SlPER KING xvn 6 109 1 4 71 8 54 34 3s I- McClair P O Anderson 220-100 12533 CLOWNKTTE xv 4 106 4 5 44 61 6 5 4h R Zcchini Mrs A Gu-sclorf 4010-100 12399* WHO KNOWS MExv 7 109 8 3 ll 14 2* 4= 5» D Lynch P J Boyle 640-100 12538*FA1RLIGHT xvn 6 104 2 18 T* 8 7= 6.4 W Stmper W V Casey 42:13-100 ItSSSHIGH CARD xvsr. 4 109 6 6 :". 5J 3 6J 7= S Holecko E E Sterrett 1310 100 12517*HALU wb 9 114 5 7 2" 3 I 7- 8 S W Dellow Lone Star Stable 520-100 Time. :27V5. :54%. 1:26%. 1:54%. 2:02. Track heavy. certificates earn.d— Karb Wire, ..40 straight. .60 place, .80 show; Pompous, .00 place. ?3.2 l show: Super King. .80 show. Equivalent hocking Karb Wire, 320 to 100 straight. 130 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show: Pompous. 150 to lim piace. 60 to 100 sJiow: Super King. 40 to 100 show. Winner- Ch. g. by Sir Martin Tangle, by Meddler trained by J. T. Strite: bred by Messrs. nitch-cock A Madden 1. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:55. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BARK WIRE raced close up under restraint to the turn for home. then, gaining steadily, wore POMPOCS down in the last eighth, and got up to outfinish him in the final few yards. POMPOIS raced into the lead after going the first half and held it well in the final drive to near the finish. SlPER KING was shuffled far back in the early running, but quickly closed a gap in the stretch. CLOWNETTE raced gamely. WHO KNOWS ME set the early pace and tired after going tie first half. HALL tired badly and was done after going three-quarters. Scratched— 12609 Nereid. 102.