Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1927-04-27


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Entries and Past Performances LEXINGTON | • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 * WliATIIKR liKiBi TKACK. FAST. Racing starts st S Ol 1 m. Chicago time. 3:00i. LexinTtoa 1 mile. First Ra?e— Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. IVirse JSOO .". year olds and upward. Claiming Tru-k record: Broadway Jones. Nov. 1.1. 1926 1 08«% 4 11.1. Todays Ini. Horse* Post Bos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han 12164= Jan.- C. 5 I.ex M 1:1-* 4 IMXtB 10*791 Je.lons. .1 ...l+x 107 liUVjh 4 110x720 0X9V Sea Mat, S 4 110x71:. 4W927 Heed. 1 S MB..1M 01959 Uuincc I.u.l ■ M. 12 ■ 11.-. 7a-, 1224J 1mm.»rial .«•. 11 .110.. .700 11529 F.dna Ma*. HI. Lex 104 1:14a 3 100 fi!»T. 12568 Bell Song. 6 8 110. .600 11314 Olin K.. 7 .1 10.-.. .690 12956 Banbor. Croats. 4. 4 110. .685 789J6 March On .Mi. 8. 6 115X68.-. 09157 Klsha I-cc iMi. SI U* 101 1 16h 4 115.685 S-cond Bare — 1-2 Mile. Purse $ *Xt 2 v»»r old*. Madi na. Colts and ..•! ! iiiH Allowances. Track record: General Ilaldctnan. April 27. 192G :47»-i 2 116. 12C15 II t MmUk 4 I-t 1 16 :.-i0 116. .72.". 125C9 lleli Spe*. 2Ui HO :51 4 116 720 11590 Firebug, s . Mia IM :5I 116. 71". 12509 Cat-on. ■ ...Lex 110 :5H* 116 .710 1.. athcr iMNta, 1 IM Tchadflyer. I IM Joseph Sabbath. 5 116 Joy Ball. 7 116 Ta rd Ra-w — 1 1-8 Mile*. Pnrse 4 year olds ami upward. Claiming. Tra.k rwonl: Bubbling over. May 5. 1926 1:49—3126. 09138* * httagong. 3 Mia 10ft 1:.VH3 7 111 725 125CS Dingo. 2 . . .L»x 102 1:M 6 114®72l 11S12 ".rand K ins. 7 Mia 109 ir.7«r,s 4 111 71.". 12.568 "Long, ham;.-0 J.P 107 1:51*4 I 105*710 126191 Stars and Stri|ics. .-. 4 110:-: 705 ires tojmmm. i IM H3 I4m% 7 inxm 12320= M.!a. k .rackie 4 Lat 103 US% ■ 116:700 Fourth Race— Futurity Course. 170 feet Iob than 3-4 mile;. Purs.- *s «o. 3 -year-olds ami upward. Fillies and Mar.— Claiming. Traek record: Boid.viy Jones. ov. i::. MM LOS*- -1—11.1 12565 »BOBBY. 5 ..lev 106 1:09*4 4 113x7.35 11767 "Pani Roma. 7 4 110 725 12038 NtaatJ Mary. 12 Lex 106 1:KV 6 110x720 09098 Ma.ks Baby. 4.. 3 105* 71.". | 12233- lover Club, t... 3 105X710 1226J •Tinui. 11 3 100. 705 06235 "Rum Kalessi. 10 3 100. .700 08065 ho:ce. 1 4 115*t95 10859 •I.ady l.ynn. !» I.ex 103 l:15-ih ■ 110X690 09081 .Sunny Hours Mi. 2 I.ex 115 l:14*-sy .1 IO • 6«C. 12671 I.adv Herbert. 6.. 3 105*685 12180 •Hetty It.. Ml. 8 3 100. C85 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Ashland Oaks. $::.JOO Added. .1- year-olds. Fillies. Traek record: Leonardo II. . April 25. 1921—1:42*4—3—103. 12251 T.illie Hurke. 6... 121.. 735 12571 Kriek. 10 121.. 730 125. 1 Mix I p. 7... 121X72T 12571 Bright Shawl. 5. 121.. 720 MMl1 Acirema. 2 121.. 715 12571 Mary Jane. 9 121 .710 12571 Mary Helen. 1.. 121X705 03052 Han.H Man.lv |M», 1 118X700 125-.1 Mil J Cliff. 4... 121.. 700 12571 Nedda Ml. 8 118. .701. S.xth Race — 1 Mile. Hotel Lafayette Handicap. Purse 00. 3 -year olds and upward. Track record : Ozana. May 11. 1911—1:37%— 5—108. 085O9; Boot to Hoot. !♦. C I 10S 1:37% 4 120*735 12570 lid Slip. 2 ..C.I 101 1.17% 5 116X730 11763 Beneficent. 5 L.F 95 1:37 4 107.. 725 12307 .en.-ral Haldetnan »; Lat 114 l:48V.m .1 102X720 09119- Bonaire. 1 .Lex 107 l:44%h I 101X715 12039 Almadel. S 5 1070710 12570- L-r.-ntace. 4 Ix 107 142%h 4 108x705 11612 Hel.ns Babe. I . Lex 121 1:40% 4 111x700 05697- Hydromel, 7 ... 3 101x700 Seventh Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Iurse »0. 3 -year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Leonard,. II . April S, 1921-1:42%— 3— l«l. 11493 *Wat.li It. 4 109 .725 C8332 Kren lil.ur.. :; Iit 91 1:45r.s 1120720 12616 r.n:mfiel«l. 5 I.at 112 l:4.1%m UandX715 12614 * ;al..i!don. 2 ...II 108 1:42 107.. 710 12619 Hkaa*, I I.at 111 l:44%M 106 705 12566 Mike Hall CM, 1 113.. 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927042701/drf1927042701_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1927042701_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800