Aurora, Daily Racing Form, 1927-04-27


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— 1 Entries and Past Performances AURORA * WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 • WEATUKR I.OIDY; TRACK HEAVY. ,4 . $ The figures under th? hcadin? ,,Rec." in the entries below rhov, th" best time of rrrh horse rt the distance sinca January 1, lDCC. no matt r where it finished. No time records arc shown for a bRten horsj OTer tny distance when hs is f iftce 1 lengths back of th? uinner. In cases whrre record was nude en other than a fast rr good track, abbreviation-, iko*- track conditions. i 10CK3 IS FIUST nil OF 1027. 122MI is FIRST 1MIKX OK AFKII. Rariag starts at 2:15 p. iii. 4liicago Daylight "■;.. ing Tiuie. G Superior mud runner, v, Good mud runner. :- Kst tnn:l runner. M Maiden. • Apprentice allowance. Tli fob.w iiic abbreviations are used to designate 1r:..-V* Hi whirl: time re«-ord» shown in entries tv re made: Akron Akn Lagoon Lag Aqueduct Aqu Lansdowne Park....L.P A-rora Aur Latonia. Lat Belmont Park Bel Laurel Lrl B ulah Park. Bm Lexington Lex Line Bonnets B.B Lex. Colored Fair.L.C.F Blue Giass B.G Lincoln Fields L.F Bo-.e Bow Long Branch L.B B .ghm-s? Park B.P Mapl3 Hsights M.H Brooklyn Bkn Msrlbiro Mar C nonV Park Chin Miami M;a r-chi!. Dowrs CD Mobil? Mob Clarksburg Cla Mount Rival M.R CIoroVis Col Niagara Fails N.F C- !wood Paik Clw Omah.. Omt Cr.ey Inland C.I 0 lando Orl Coniane-V.t Park C.P Peoria Peo r-riiw-o Par.-. . .. . Crd Phoenix Pin Dd- Park D.P Pim.ico Pirn 3 eo iraer Park ... Dl Polo Park P.P Icvr»n«hire Dev Pompano Pom Ba-ra.1 Dor Rac eland Rac D-i erin Park Dnf Reno Rno rmV-re Emp Rait Lake EL MMPi Erl Saratoga Bar T~ r Grounds T.G Tampa Tarn T .irmiuiit Park F.P Tanforan Tan r i I Erie F.E Thistledown Tdn Hamilton Ham Thorncliffe Thf IT-stngs Pa:k H.P Tijuana Tij Parana Hav limin:um Tim Havr- ric Giace . .. HdG Toledo Tol JawtVrne . Haw Unit»d Hunts U.H Hunt ngton Htn Washington Park . .W.P Jama ca Jam Wheeling Whe ,Tcffer»on Park J.P Whittier Park Wer Juarez Jua Willows Park Wil Krmpton Park K.P Windsor Win Renilworth Ken Woodbine Wdb King Edward K.E Youngstown Ygn Aurora 1 Mile. First Race— 4 1-2 Fui longs. Purse Jl.lKHi 3-year-oldft and upward. Claiming. Track re -ord : Rachel Potter. Sept. 22, 1920— 1 : 05% —4- 112. Todays tnl. HorseandPostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.lian. 12jC8 Polvcarp. 11 . Mia 11.1 1 07 6 108x721 125C2 Woodtate. 10 Tij 108 1 :09sy 7 108x720 12811 •Neptune. 14 Tam 110 1:07 6 108X711 j 12513 Fore .old. 17 llav 113 1:07% 4 108.. 710 I 12I8J Judge I aieT Mi. 1 Haw 90 1 07% 4 108 x 701 I 1261* Newt. 1.1 Hav 10:» 1 Oil1-, 3 10.1x700 I | 12512 Ant»|ut. I 1iHi 1IW1:I1 6 10WX69.1 ty.lSi l.ove Pirate. lORor 10711 :417V. i WHW | 12533 Soldier I.ird. 2 Tij 100 1 08%h I 101.. 4,90 | K258 Count Vista iHI. 4 Tij 101 1 OSs 3 100 .G!KI 11815 Hidd. n Jewel. 8 Tam 119 1 07% II Mi •• i 12561 •Clear View !i llav lOS 1:07% I K 8 ■ 090 12535 IVggj i . 12 M II 110 1 :OS 6 108 -690 12283 •itaii Salaam mi j I J.P MM 1 :i.3%h 4 108. .C81 lTandO Anns II . 0. Haw 111 1 d-"- I IflG. .68.1 l 12608 Bray Annie. 7Hav 104 l:M%k .1 103x08.1 1 I •9206 Air Castle. 13 F.P 111 l:12%h 1 108. .08.1 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Parse .00". 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Traek record : Rachel Potter. Sept. 22. 192.1 1 0.1%— + 112. 12512 Old Top. 14 Sem 109 1 06**. 7 108x725 12650 Porter 2 Tij .uO 1:07*5 6 103x720 12652 •Martini; Caddy. 3. J.P 107:i:4W % 3 100x715 11857= French Dol . 9Iom 100 1 :W 5 I Mi • IM 07393 Kl Astro. • Htn ll»7 1 OSS 7 IMXMS 12534 St Ni« holas.KTdn 10.1 1 :0h% 5 113x700 12559 Adventuress, lllav 107 1 07V. 7 108X095 12559 Kl Cid. 4....M.II H » 1:07s -r 108 • «•"• 12S19 OajTVagbt. 17 Sem 11.1 1:08 ] 113 ■ BSl.1 Ut-38 •OMBBBtV, 13 M .11 111 1 08 7 108. .01X1 05136 Ml Hest.natioli.lO C.I PKt 1:08*. 4 ll.ixuito 0£000: Haddi Wolf ITam 110 1 :08 % 8 108x6O.l 12512 •Infanti-. 7 J.P 107*1 11 I 108 681 12164 •Neer:li« lesv. 11.. Taiu 98 1 OS 4 108 . .681 11698 •Seirish iMi. 12... I 9.1. .68.1 12561 Hitrnmp. 11 6 113. .68.1 j I I I | | | i j l 1 I 11829 Allow? Lightning iM I, 16 3 10.1. 6S5 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,000. 3 year -olds and upward. Claiminjr. Traik record: Rachel Potter. Sept. 22. 192.1 1 :0.1-%-4 -112. 12534- »Tavern Talk. 6Tij 102 1:071* 3 100x72.", I 12512; Revolt. 11 K.K 104 IM% i 108x720: 12600 •Servitor. 14... J.P 107 1:07% 10 108x71.1 12561 •Voorfior. 4...iima 100 l:fls .1 108 710 12649 M. i. r.ickel. 2Hav 106 1 rOS .1 108x70.1 12511 War Salam. 17T.J M 1:07% I 103. .700 12533 *ltraedall ane. SMia 118 1:06 8 106x695 12108- t buries Whilniy.9 D.P 107 1:06 7 USXMS 12015 Sasha. 16 3 9.1. .695 12513 •Maimonides, 10... Oma 107 1 :0S% 4 108 6!0 05156 •Happy. 12 ...Tij 109 1:07 4 108.. 690 I 10437* • ast iff. 13.. S- in M 1 :07% I 100. t»0 09347 Sir I.atvnfai. 11. P 109 1:C8% 9 113. 681 12538 ireat Northern. I 6 113x68.1 12C0J Nereid. 1 J.P 113 1:08% 4 108.68.1 03521 *»ver Lord. 7.. F.E 116 1:11% 3 100. .681 08411 •tenlella M, 1.1. L.F 112 1:13% 3 9.1. .085 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse .0D0. 3-year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Cup o" Tea. June 23. 182.V-1:12 -•— 108. 12648 Redskin. 10 ..Tij 106 1:13 6 108x725 125C3 CoioiHl Schooler. 1.1 Haw 99 1:11 5 107 a 720 11817: »Myrtle Belle, 14. Mia 10.1 1:11% 5 102x715 12393 SI rut Miss Lizzie, 9 Hav IOC 1:12 6 107. .710 12563 Disciple. 3 ..Mia 97 1:12% 4 107a705 12514 Donna Santa. 4 . Hav 105 1:13 4 107 ■ 700 126103 •Bob Spaldiuc. 7. . J.P 109 1:14% 4 101 K 695 12151 Mary Contrary. 13 Tij 102 1 : 1.1% 6 104 . M : 12244 •Isanian. 16 ..F. ; 108 1:10% 6 10IC90 C8379 Polly Atwcll. 6 .. Tij 93 1:13% 4 07. .600 05666 Nervous Abie. 1 L.F 03 1:13% 4 107-690 12249 Snow Man. 2 F. ; 110 1:1.1% 4 114.68.1 12561 *Ask Him. 5 J.P 109 1:15% 4 97.. 685 12560 Anmerode. 8 Win 102 1:16 4 106.. 68.1 j 11820 pen tmar. 11 Aqu 113 1:14% 3 95.. 685 11350 Snow Maiden. 12 . .„ Tij 111 1:15% 6 107X685 12305 Jack Knight. 17 . F.P 104 1:15% 4 106 685 Fifth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. iene Oliver Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Rachel Potter. Sept. 22. 1920 1:05% — 4 — 112. 12332 HOOK KINDER. 1 Tij 114 1 .06% 4 1 14 X 725 12515 Sanola. 2 CD KM 1:0.1% I 112x71.1 12611J Theo. Fay, lOIIav 116 1:05% 5 114x710 11523 Take a Chance, 9 ilia 121 1:06% 4 117070.1 12515s Glenister II.. 8 Dor 116 1:08% 5 114*700 12515 Setli"s Hope. 7 Hav 99 1:07 I 99x695 08582 Ege, 4 Tij 100 1 :06% 7 101690 126113 Ilr. I-arralM-e. 3 J.P 110 1:09 4 109X6S.1 11854 Billy Baughn. .1 115 1:07% 3 102x685 12515 Pol ton. 6 ... Aur 107;1:22V,|, 4 117x685 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. Purse ,000. 3 year ol ls and upward. Claiming. Track n-cord: Smiling ius. June 9. 1926 1:39% 3-103. 12517 Letter Six. 1 Tij 97 1:42 4 111-725 Tij 117 1:40% 4 110.. 700 12565- lUue Torch. .1 I e 104 1:43% h 4 112x720 10948 Freya. 6 Sar 97 1:405 5 107X71.-, 12309= Marengo. 4 Dev 101 1:41 4 11.1. .710 12305 Reveilloii. 3 W.P 110 1:40% 5 110. .705 12514 Spanish Star. 2 Tij 117 1:40% 4 110.700 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Cross Bow. May 31. 1926 1 :45%— 3 — 101. 112559 William Diggins.6 F.P 107 1:50% 4 112:-:725 125161 uinsight. 4 Aur 110 1 :4i% 8 IISXTM 12612- Sweeptona. I J.P 108 1:48% ■ 105x711 12650 Wis. .uy. 7 D.P 11.1 1:48% 7 110x710 12303 hlii:g. 1 . J.F 100 1:50% 6 107*705 , 12613 TipiM-mr. 11 F.P 102 1:50% 3 98 ■ 700 i 12612 .reeii P.lares. 10 L.F 92 1:47% 4 10.1x695 12535 Tea Tray. 8 Haw 96 1:47% 5 106v« *i 11540 Running Fox. 2 M.H 111 1:48% I 117vti85 12516 Dorothy Adams. .1 Haw 101 1:48% 5 105x685 12236 1.4-xiugton Maid. 9 C.P 108 1:47% 0 112. .685

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Local Identifier: drf1927042701_4_1
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