Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-04

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jWORmilTS i Key: B — Breezing. I— Driving. E— Easily. II— Handily. O — All oat. U— Eased ■?. 123 AURORA AlltORA. 111.. May 3. — Todays training gallops her. in chide*! the following : Weather cloudy : track slow — 1-8 MII.E. 1-2 MILE. ! 2 Scoop :51%,b 115 Blue Torch :38 b 121 Banter :".2%.b 86 Tom T :53 b 91 Bob Spalding :40 b 84 Bolton :53 e 140 Volt :54 b Betty Star :39 b 117 Black on White.. :53%,b Bargain Day :37 b Billy Watts :49%,b M MILE. Cross Bow :r.7*h 120 Fair Ixttta :49%il 121 Emancipation ..1:07,1 MOM. Bob :37%,b 83 Flag Lieutenant . . :54 T.h 117 iilmore ISftHfcfe 79 Jim Bethel :39 b 121 Glib :51 d 62 I ady Braxted 1 :"«! b lathrop 37V,h Honeydeck :53 b 122 Meddling Seth 1 :07b 122 My Biddy :40 h 115 Halu :53%,b 118 Bat Calhoun 1 M%b 86 Sturdv Stella and?%• Jim Bridger :53 b 119 Radigny 1 :071»b 115 Sir Lawnfal :39 b 76 Lucy Kate :52 b 3-4 MII.E. 52 Southern Melody. :39 b 122 .Magic Wand :50 b S3 Forward Paa* 1 :29,b 59 Sandrae :41%b G9 Mollie Myhill A9%h Iete Foy 1:32 b 122 Seths Hope :41*.b Pollymara :49%,e 7-8 MII.E. Uncle Joe :40 b 113 Polvo :52V5b 120 Balboa 1:34 b Jim Bridger and Honeydeck worked to- Pollymara worked from the barrier. gether. Lathrop wo:ked handily. Bargain Day showed si»eed. LEXINGTON. LKXINOTON, Ky., May 3.— Todays workouts here included the following: Weather cloudy : track fast — 3-8 MILE. Rainfall :37%,b .".-8 MII.E. Ulm :38Vib 112 Red leather :36%h 120 Andry 1:03 h 121 Beggar Bov :39 b 120 Respond :38%,b 117 Big Sweep 1 :06» r.b Chatter Drum :36%d 112 Ragtime :39%,b 120 Comrade 1 :02h clutter :38 b 113 Sea Sag :39b 112 Florida Cold I M%h 117 Clover Club :37=*b 117 Sunny South M%t U* I •■Wl H»H 1 :t- ■ 121 Day Trap :39V,b Sweet Corn :39%b 121 Little Jennie 1 :05 *h 115 Dream Iadv 3*164 121 Typhoon :35 h 119 Manwell 1 :02%h 92 Dustv Marv :36%,h 119 Torrent :37*r,h 119 »rtlieb 1:04 h 114 Cera B :3G*r.b Vase :37%.b 121 Turquoise 1:04 h 122 ".olden Racket... :37 b 119 Valley Light :36-b 119 Wonderful One. .1:03 h IM 1 Davis :35%d 118 White Nose :tt%i 3-4 MII.E. 121 Inspector C :37=i,h Worthy :?,6%b 122 Aloma 1:16 h 122 Lancer :37 b 1-2 HUE. 122 Krick 1:18 h 120 leather Breeches :35«t,d 121 Anti piarian £t%» 119 Miss Miles l:lt%i La** Iaramour.. :38 b 119 Barbara £2%B 122 Mary Jane 1:20 b May Thorn £»%• Champ de Mars. . £»%■ llSOseda 1:16 h Martie Flvnn :35%,h Coast Cuard :50%.d 122 Peter Prim 1:18 h National Brick... :39h 119 Denny Cooney . . . :51 b 119 Quince Bud 1:21 b 116 Old Joe :36%.d IIS Longport :50V.h 121 Smiling Cus 1 :13%,d 121 Old Slip :39Vsh 119 P. J. Carr :50d 1 MII.E. 118 Palm Court :36 h 111 Red Crange :52 b Frankman 1:4. b 112 Padona :36V»h 113 Stars and Stripes :52b 116 General Clinton .. 1 :44%d 114 P T Barnum :36 h 120 Sabbattus Maid.. :52«*b 117 I ady Carolyn 1 :42%,h Penumbra .39 b 118 Thistle Cold :50h 119 Maggie Walters. .1 :48 h Quick Stick :38V£b 119 Warfield :50%,d 112 Two Pats 1:43 h Two Pats went a useful mile quite handily. Smiling Cus was lightly weighted and did Typhoon did a splendid speed trial. an excellent move. CHURCHILL DOWNS IXdISVlLLE. Ky.. May 3.— Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather cloudy : track fast — 3-8 MII.E. US Harry Phillips. . .1 :03*ih 7-8 MILE. 121 Crosse*. :36%h Ixretta Brooks. .1 :03Vsh 122 Sir Peter 1:32 h 120 Yeek Indian :36 h Orator 1:03 h 1 MILE. 117 Clarence Ix- Bus. :39%,b 117 Osmand 1 :0Hib 122 Big Bill Thompn.l :45 b 118 Canaan :37=*b 120Ponidge 1:04 b 121 Candy Blackbird. 1 :45 h 122 Kxile :39=St,b 112 Sport Trail 1:03 b 119 Cheval 1:52 b 90 Fire On :3».%.h 120 Woolridge 1 :03V5b 119 Candy Star 1 :44«-sb 120 Malvina B :36V.b 117 War Franc 1 :04%h 119 Dawn of Tbmrow.l :48%,b Macedon :39%,b 119 Kric 1 :44%h 121 Profiteer :37% b 3-4 MILE. 120 Flattery 1:46 h 120 Sui erfrank :37 b 119 Attica. 1:24 b 122 Flat Iron 1 :42%h 120 Brier Sacher 1:16 d 120 Fred Jr l:41%,h 1-2 MILE. Cappie l:17*j,h 119 Colden Sight. .. .1 :46H;h Azure :52 b Joy o Life 1:16 b 119 Kentky Cardinal. 1 :47?sb Agnes Call :52 b 120 Jimmie Quinn 1:17 h 119 Mary 0 1:45 b 120 Cloud Idolizer :50 b 120 King Basil 1:17 b 122 My Son 1:4.1 b 119 King Gorin II :50%b 119I»st lady 1:21 b 122 Minervus 1 :43%,h Lady Pennant.... :52 b 120 Nevermore 1 :15Vb 113 Midnight Rose. . .l:443jjh 57 Iidy Harriet :50=t,h 119 Nairbec 1 :18%,h 117 Royal S 1 :4925h 120 Montrose :50 b 119 lindar Peel 1 :17*h 1 19 Roy. rotter 1 :47%b 118 Magi C Lfcdtt :52%h 120ParolelI 1:18 h Simitar 1:47 h i-8 MII.E. 120 Sea Lion 1:17 B Vennie Day 1:4.1 h 117 Dynamo 1 :03%.h 120 Sunday clothes. .. 1 :17 B 11-4 MILES. 120 iNdans 1:03 b Senator Fiddler. . 1 :17 b US Candy Queen. . . .2 :1 1 h lit Maa Clenn 1 :03«-oh 119 Wolfy l:21%.b 121 Royal Julian 2:12 h Osmand is training again. Candy Queen breezed nicely. Fred Jr. was well in hanX Royal Julian is training well. PIMLICO PIMLICO, Md.. May 3. — Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather Hear : track fast — 3-8 MILE. 116 Titter £•%■ 11» Pa.rieia J l:14d 119 Arno :37%.h 109 AVnd ng Minstrel :S1%B 110 Saratoga Maje...l:22 h 112 Fly Book M%4 116 Whiskery •%■ 104 Sonny 1:19 h Flower Cirl :37 e 5-8. MII.E. 119 Toscanelli 1 :1S b 102 Hedge fence :39 e 117 Bulletin 1:05 b 103 Titina l:17d 111 I unj:er :37 d 116 Foregone 1.05 b 115 Irsa Major 1:23,1 120 Moses :38 h 93 Caffer 1 :07V 7-8 MII.E. 121 One Cent :36 d 119 Plain Polly 1:03 h IIS Aucilla 1:28 h 118 Skavar H%k 119 Pougette 1:03 h 1 MILE. 1-i MILE. 3-4 MII.E. Barleycorn 1:47 e If! Itaitlfl :497t,b 114 All Blue 1:19 h 121 Dr. t»Mara 1 :44St.h 116 Candy Pig :M i Autumn Bells.. ..1:21 h 120Klla M 1 :44h 115 Copey Boy :52 e 118 Dangerous Kitty. 1 :24 B 120* Colden Rule 1 :45ar,ii I»is Rinehart... :52 e 88 Frank Andrews. . 1 IS3-d Oriental Hoi e...l:50 e 117 Inlaid Oh 111 Fair Star 1:18 b Ruben 1 :45~e 106 Linen King :54 e lit, Fable 1:19 h 120 Thomasine 1:52 e 118 Mark Master :54 I 115 Cold Coin 1:18 h 11-8 MILES. Princess Doreen.. :51 h 115 I-iist Cent 1:21 h 119 Pandera 1:57 o 111 Reminder £t%fe I a. tarius 1 :15%d 122 Scapa Flow 1 :55*so 86 Selfish :50b 115 Pat Met lee 1:18 h Triton 1 :55-o Sc;ipa Flow and Triton were ridden out. Reminder and Whiskery worked under Dr. oMara worked handily. restraint together. Aucilla w. nt handily. Fair Star went bandily. Patricia J. was ridden out. Lactarius was ridden out. Ella M. was riud n out from th - barrier. JAMAICA NKW YORK. N. T.. May 3. — Todays training gallops here in luded the following: Weather clear : track fast — 3-K MILE. 120 Crand Bey 1:0.1 B 120 Charley Mack ...1:1S%B 110 Bridegroom SVb 121 Jolin IVel I4%B HSFircdog 1:22 I. 115 Metzies Buddy . M%b Ut Mf Boy Friend .. 1 *4%h 114 Frat Pin 1:21 h 1-2 MILK. 120 our Adele 1 Mil b 120 Cussi. Hain l:lS4il Camphor Ball ... :50%h 83 Prattle 1 :« 7-r.« 120 Khayyam Belle. 1:15 h Jl Dry Toast :..2 b 11V Philips First . . . 1 :0:.-,!i 116 Price Hill 1 :18.1 120 Hang On :56 b 121 Hoy 1 :i:44r.b 121 Shannon Shore .. 1 :19-*r.b 114 Justice F :52V.b 122 The Cossack 1:0411 Starbi ight 1:11 b 116 Pop I.r 11 :,IVJ 116 The Lure 1 :ii.V-.,b 120 Sting 1 :lsr,h 116 VagalH.nd King.. :49*t.h 118 Wild Aster 1 :04,h lit Tester 1 :1?%B 6-S MILE. Wonderland l:M b 117 Zuker 1:isl. IM Stack Bart 1:04 b 3-4 MII.E. 122 Cannae 1:05 b 120 Benny Bub in 1:17 b 1 1-s MILES. 121 QracC H 1 M ■ 121 Cerulean 1:19 b 116 l:ostoi,ian 1:14b Our Adele did a good trial handily. Benny Kubin «:i- w. II iti hand. Sting is training soundly. Khayyam Belle went well. Bostotiian worked splendidly unext.nded. Tester had an easy trial. BELMONT PARK Weather clear : track — 3-S MII.K. Kiggonair -.ZZi 121 Joe TIL. 1:16 Clade :36 Senalad.. :53 120 John Sp.f-.l 1:16% Humdinger :36 91 The Vintner :.r.9:V, 120 LoWkf Play 1 :1.r -%i Hatty Tatty :36 Watkins :522s lit Ollllwatti 1 !•"■-:, Herade :37 t-t MII.K. 115 Premie:- l:p» 121 Niniha :37 120 Chlum 1:03 116 Pop Bf II 1 :1S 120 Ominous :36 Dwims I»ay 1 :08 122 Pcnvhatan I:lt% ltt Iost Time :2S 119 Full Speed 1:05 102 Querns Polly 1 :18:v 118 Royal Charge :37 Honey CJirl II IM% 120 Kir Stuart 1:21 lit liecreation :37% 119 I Hope So 1:05 121 St. QMMVtrw 1:24 1-2 .MILK. 121 lioslyn 1:05 120 Silene 1 :lt;% 115 Ariel :48V, S-4MII.F. IIS Tigress 1:17 lit Atoi :515 120 Air Servi.e 1:21 117 Ton it » 1:17 115 Athel :53 1L2 Bumpkin l:lHi War I.t.rtl 1 :105 121 Adjutant :4% 122 Brown llud 1:15 1 MII.K. 121 Crystal Pennant. :50 120 Black Maria 1:M% 112 Be is d. liose 1:44 121 Ceiidon :48S ltt Oian.-e Play 1 :l4-o Brar.t.-inr 1 :41S 121 Fine Manners.... :.r 2 120 laptrap 1:21 "ora Ijee 1:53 122 Hat Brush :53 IL1 caporal II 1 :17s lit inlet 1 :44=v Ut Jack 0I.een :48-s 121 Clamor 1 :20?s 120 Faddy 1:44 Kirkover *1* ltt Ktliereal 1:17 119 Fire Opal 1:45 119 I.achen :48-s 121 ottpttM 1:23 «lraeme lt% Mica :M-s 120 Florian 1 :17=f, Ireen Hani 1:44. 115 Nassak :49:4i 120 Festival 1 :194r, 118 Highwayman 1:44%. 116 Outing :.r.5 111 Grief 1:18. 1 19 Maryland* r 1:41% Plena dTanville. :53 121 Hr.y Leg l:lt*« lit Qtiatnun 1:44%; 120 Pompey :49"r. 121 Hayward 117- 118 Saxon .,.130% 120 Quadrille :49:4, 121 Ingritl 1:21 123 Teher;tn 1:44 AQUEDUCT WVather dear; track fast — 3-S MII.K. US Graylings I at J :51% h 1-4 MII.E. A. P. Caaalc :tl h ltt Mattlai M i 118 Bull Raa I:lt%fe 113 Captain Martin... :::8%,h 121 Morl.ell. :51 l 5C, Bawi :.k1 1:23 ■ 1lanil.ino :M h" 121 Padraig :51%h 120 Millwi. 1 | :15%h lit t.allantry M%!k Sun Hawk :5PS1» 120 Thorn Btoaawa 1 IS b i?3 Prlrraiaa ■■■* Bhiraa :4o h 5-8 milk. 1 milk. 1-2 MILK. Gravita 1 :4Cv.h 119 Blue Hianiond :52 b tlalafinn 1:05 b 121 I olaii 1:42 h

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