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lvdC6 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Eddie Kickenbacher Jane 2 1923 112 112 Index Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey Started Order of finish FIREDOG b c 3 3F 102 By Under Fire Avis by Ballot BallotOwner Trainer F F Brant Owner F M Kelly Breeder R T Judy 13328 Jam 341134ft 12 105 11 8 S 73 J Hastie 14 BabyGar HOFtnSixty 125DRonero 120 13003 Jam 34 l13ft 6 107 10 9 10 10 i E Fewell 13 MmePrssee 109Bdpatc HSTnBlom 105 12762 Jam 34 114 gd 8 105 7 5 4 6si E Fewell 13 Lwood 122FrtnSxy HOTlieVintncr 119 12595 Jam 31 l13ft 12 lit 6 4 31 35 E Robbinsl2 TVintner 121GPeunt HSJSMosby 115 123G7 Bow 34 l15Vs l15Vsl l 35 110 4 7 8J1 6 E Robbing 8 Mariner 110 Cross Word 107 Pop Bell 114 11992 JP 34 lllift 68 107110 10 WIO18 E RobblnalO BirleyMC lOGSurciiliot lOGBestFrnd 106 DOMPLAISAHCE ch f 3 3Trainer 97 By Tiompe la Mort Flatter by Flatlands FlatlandsBporo Trainer T Quinlan Owner A Bporo Breeder J H Lewis 14270 See todays chart 13953 Thf 170146 ft 4110 9915 2 51 62 H Fisher 7 Jingle 102 Real Artist 107 Kinsman 102 13653 Wdb 34 l15 im 21 103 7 3 5 1 6T3 T Wilson 9 SgWater 10511yRubin lOSPatlnelad 108 13355 Jam 34 l14ft 12 1111 3 7 10 1 S5 A Collins 16 WhiskcyRun llSWinsme lllBRubin 112 13218 Jam 34115sl 10 10611 5 4 5 J Stevens 12 FgetMeNot 114Dchter HOShingLt 116 2646 HdG l70146ft 14 101 7 6 6 64 C Watfn 7 Long Joe 113 Onrieda 107 Madlyn 107 12526 HdG 34 117 sy 71f 105 1 8 8 8 D Dubois 13 Dr Hickman 113fhe Seer 113Gaffcr 113 12385 Bow 170 148 ol 71 100 6 3 31 4 D Dubois 8 TparyMy 112Ourieda lOCMcedesE 110 CAVE WOMAN ch m 6 109 By Spur Marion H by Disguise DisguiseOwner Trainer T Sullivan Owner Mrs T Sullivan Breeder J Butler 13985 Thf 34 l14V4ft 18 108 3 6 6 7 N Godfrey 11 ERickbhr 112SonAmi lluMorehead 111 12578 Beu 3 116 ft 61 109 2 3 34 441 H Gibson 9 Billiken lOGPollowMe lOliIIerbortus 111 12465 Beu 51 f 114 hy 75 109 1 3 5J 51 D Randall 9 NornStar 104Quanah I03SumerTime 10G 12223 JP 34 l14Hft 10 109 6 9 10 10 ° J Mazoue 11 Tom P 114 Lannie 109 Billy Welch 117 12060 JP 34 115 ft 12 109 6 2 21 15 D Emery 12 SinggCricket OGMisippi 114Hitruinp 100 SNIPER b g 3 3Trainer By War Cloud Rock Merry by Rock Sand Trainer J L Jamison i A G Weitz Breeder J E Widener 14110 Thf llSl59sy 81 6 6 6 F Mann 7 Fornovo 104PchcneeBeIIe 105Purity 113 13991 Thf 1 116 l47ft 14f 4 31 3 F Mann 10 Hamadan 109Candyniakcr lOOFlybook 109 13820 Wdb 1 116149 ft 14 1413703iWdb 1413703iWdb 9S 1 1 4 6s F Mann 8 Jeb lOGKingONeill II 114NthBrze 108 13703iWdb 1 l45sy 16 107 337 7 W Barr 9 NthBreeze HGDonetta llGSeaLady 113 13265 CD 61fl21sl 9 1061 4 9 5 5 G JohnsonlS Watchful 115 Kindred 110 BusyDay 103 11510 Hav 150 l42gd 6 100 3 4 3 31 W Watson 5 Ttluride lOSWt tTimc 93KingUavid 102 11427 Hav 150 l42 ft 76 103 7 6 6T1 5 C Hworth 7 Wch tlieTime 92Teluride HODonetta 100 11203 Hav 150 l42ft 65 113 5 3 41 5 C Hswrth 5 BtyElva 95SptKEditor 102TheWire 104 11159 Hav 1116 l46irt 21 101 7 4 43 1J C Hworth 8 SdoftUills 104MonsMeg 1130utled 104 QUEEN EMMA b f 4 4Trainer 108 By Gold Oak Assa Mango by Assagai AssagaiOwner Trainer M E Thompson Owner M E Thompson Breeder A W Carter Trustee 11870 Hav 1316200ft 6 105 5 7 7T 7 i R Heslein S Rcllfont 105The Ally 112 Yellow Pine 112 31688 Hav 1116 l47ft 6 105 4 2 2 2b R Heslein 8 WhoKwsMe lOSLagoon 10IHiKhSkip 110 11550 Hav 34 l13ft 12 106 12 12 8 J 64i J Morar 12 Mutiny 109 Whats the Time 114 Jof 107 11428 Hav 150 l44fft 5 100 10 4 2 2 H Jones 10 High Skip 110 The Ally 110 Xerlinc 101 11342 Hav 1 116 l45ft 12 101 6 4 7 S 3 H Jones S Future 100 CaptAdams 107 Milord 107 11266 Hav 1 116 l46ft 4 106 S 3 9 iH G Taylor 11 HomeRun lllBramton 1071erwPine 112 SUBTLE b m 5 103 By Huon Niobe by Uncle UncleTrainer Trainer C Manley Owner J B Key Breeder H P Headley 13283 Akn 61fl20ft 61 108 1 4 4 4 F Kiniry 9 GrpestonelOG LibtyXtnal 111 Nero 109 13208 Akn 7S l2Sga 14 107 323 = 41 F Kiniry 7 PureDee HOWstPoint lOArwUawk HI 13073 Akn 61 f 121 ft 12106 367 7 ° J Hula 11 PureDee 113LibertyNational llONero 113 09227 Bow 114l55ft 61 97 3 7 1010J A BulcroftlO Drumbeat lOSGrkFriar 105BtIeShot 98 08939 Pirn 34114 ft 116 105 2 11 10 2 S1 A BcrftJrl2 Marcellus 117 DserSiirnal lllGdBey 118 08526 MH 1 116 200 m 10 1051 2 6 6 6 1 K Wkman 7 Qtiinham 104BrassPand 104BallybelI 1071 1071082G31MH 082G31MH 170 148 ft 9 110 1 8 1 R Wkman 9 Perquet 107CaptAdams lOLQuinham 102 CAST BY b f 3 3Trainer 97 By Ely Cast Ashore by Wrack Trainer T J Donohuo Owner OwnerOG727 Mrs T J Donohue Breeder T J Donohus OG727 Mar ab 5S 101 ft 16 101 101OGG17 5 R Jackson 7 LaRineht ItOBfuIFIower lOTiSurvr 11 OGG17 Tim 34 l17ft 13 3D 31 G Taylor C ImaVamp HOLRiiuht lOSIinaloa 104 05378 Tim ab5S 102 Ed 14 100 10005S85 7i G Taylor 7 I Vamp 112 LRinehart 112BFIower 112 05S85 BB 34 116E 1 23 107 6 6 8 7C1 R Romelli 9 Signola 112 Cut Bush 110 Laziboncs 95 05631 Dor 58 l01ft 10 106 6 6 7 7 R Ranelli 7 LilIianL101GdenBrui 109Weathrrve 101 05490 Dor 61 f 111 hy 15 103 4 2 741 71S R Romelli 8 FlrdeLis lOSGoldenBloom HOEdaC 110 05287 CP 6Sl02ff 7 103 4 4 lh 1J R Ranelli G Wtliervane 104 LillianL 103Trashy 9J 05214 CP 51fl08ft 49 105 3 3I 2 43 5 i R Ronelli 7 GolnBloom 112 FlrdeLis 112 EdaC 115 I 04915 BB 51 f l08ft 61 102 4 3 6 1 8 ° T Wilson 8 GayParisn 105Spicity lOKoxyPter lOfi 51 f lOSft 110 100 10 9 10nOJ1 G Taylor 10 GBloom 110 BMcCabc 110 ISmilc 113 04330 CP 5S l02 ft 16 97 6 5 6 C19 G Taylor G Peeress 104 Detroit 111 Looney 107 BODANZKY b g 9 9Trainer 103 By Celt Nora Langhorno by Fatherless FatherlessM Trainer M Grubstein Ownjr M Grubstein Breeder H Hancock 08750MH Cl f l17hy SO 105 G 3 2 3i S Stretton 10 PlayHour 108 Flora 1JO San San 110 08441 MH 1 153 m m082G5 17 102 6 7 10HOl J DonsonlO Ranock 102 Redwood 102 Wida 10G 082G5 Akn 51 f l13sl 30 110 8 8 8J 61 E T Moore 8 OofSight 107SrIIelene 112FDatnien 107 08204 Akn 51 f 113 si 11 112 8 8 6s 663 E T MoorelO AuntDoda 100 Tulane 100 Rid Scth 109 08084 Akn 51 f lWAhy 61 113 4 4 3i 3s H Gibson 6 MackGarner lOSUcpricvc lOSlneblo 113 LAVANA FAIR br f 4 4Trainer 107 By For Fair Lavana by Dick Welles WellesT Trainer W Walsh Owner W T Trenholme Breeder A Glassco 12109 Hav 34113ft 1 105 3 7 651 Gal R Hcslein 8 GoldnBloom HSAndresito USZoya 95 11968 Hav 34 l12ft 5 103 5 7 61 5 = 5 R Heslein 7 TlicWire 9SAntonio 103RightOnTime 107 11868 Hav 34 l12ft 6 103 5 6 3 11 R Heslein 8 Rambler 102UollyDtmbar 105 SnyGirl 103 11747 Hav 150 l44ft 12 103 2 7 2 k 11 R HemslnlO Boy Scout 109 BudBud Wl Shindy 10G 11574 Hav 150 l43ft 5 102 2 6 5C1 5 2 R Hemsln 7 Duckling 94 Cappie 100 Boy Scout 110 11466 Hav 34 l18m 4 101 2 3 431 31 R Heslein G ByElvira 99WgTlirough lOOForetell 100 ROSE BEAUTY ch f 4 4Trainer 101 By Roselyon Beauty Spot by The Commoner Trainer J L Kennedy Owner Harbor Stable Breeder Riverdale Stable 13987 Thf 170 147 ft 23 103 1 5 713 7IS R Blkbrn 7 Sphericity 95 Lazihones 97 Hecate 103 13607 Wdb l7010 isy 19 115 6 4 3 31 E J ORrn G Tip cc 103Ifs and Ands llSAnincde 120 08677 Aur 34 114 ft 13 100 4 6 5 6i B Pershall 7 CClaridge J02BailLuck 1121ixiway 101 08409 Aur Cl f l09ft 5f 107 S 7 9 J 99 W Crowelll2 SileiitKing 112Kremlin 11215kFriday 107 07584 Tht 34 115 gd 62 9c 9 10 9110 = 1 J Walker 11 Nimnid 110 Soteria 9G Elemental 110 07326 Thf 34 l17hy 91 101 6 7 5 5ci L Feeney 8 OTrigr lOOKgsCourt 102FearNot 100 06989 Wdb 34 l14ft 62 96 10 11 101012 A BcrftJrll Vie 101 luvictus 117 Dolly Uunbar 107 GOLDEN BLOOM b f 3 3Trainer 102 By Golden Guinea Balloting by Ballot Trainer J A Parsons Owner J A Parsons Breeder W B Miller 14269 Sec todays chart 13272 Aur 34 117 si 1S6 104 11 12 10JIOJ B PershaI112 LovePirato lOSRocking llSFfsCoolc 103 12988 Aur 51 f l10gd 7 10U 3 7 6 551 B Pershallll CWitney llGJMronell HGPymara 10G 12109 Hav 34 l13 ft 4 91 2 3 2S I1 J Morir 8 Andrisito 113 Zoya 93 Star of ETC 102 11791 Hav 51 f l07ft 31 101 11 8 9 9Ji P Copan 11 ForeGohl 113 Jof 111 HughesGraham 11G 11685 Hav 51fl07tt 5 100 4 4 2 li P Co an 10 GolnLocks 105BlkUr lir LadyMoatc 93 11570 Hav 61 f 108 ft 4 92 1 2 2 i 1 J Morar 10 Porter Ella 103 Mishap 92 Sagamore 113 11471 Hav 34 117 hy 6 107 6 6 8 11011 J Pelaez 12 SunofAraby 107FirstDay 107Caplger 107