Breeding Registration, Daily Racing Form, 1927-06-09

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BREEDING REGISTRATION Following are the foals reported to the Breeding Registration Department of Daily Racing Form June 8 8ADELBERT ADELBERT STUD Hopkinsville Ky March 26 Chestnut colt by Donnacona Falconcttc Falconcttcby by Xcus April 2 Chestnut filly by Zeus Atonement by bySain Sain April 16 Bay filly by Spanish Prince II Crutches by Ballot May 12 Chestnut colt by Spanish Prince II Kitty Warfield by Plaudit May 2T CheKtnut colt by Zeus Miss Agnes by byMarathon Marathon MarathonBreeder Breeder of above foals M W Williams March 24 Bay filly by Johren Celtiva by Celt CeltBreeder Breeder of above foal Mrs Clyde Smith April 0 Bay filly by Zeus Doyle by Magneto Breeder of above foal W E Mathcws MathcwsDOE DOE CREEK RANCH Blackwell Okla May 9 Chestnut colt by Drastic Ugenia Graves Gravesby by Namtor May 14 Chestnut filly by Drastic Ilalesia by byMartinet Martinet MartinetBreeder Breeder of above foals Andy Williams Jr NEVADA STOCK FARM Reno Nevada May 17 Bay colt by Swcef Valley of the Moon Moonby by Friar Hock Breeder of above foal George Wlngfield WlngfieldOxford Oxford Kansas May 11 Bay colt by Drastic Galinda by byGalveston Galveston Breeder of above foal Martin Creek

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Local Identifier: drf1927060901_16_2
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