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WASHINGTON PARK HOXIEWCOD ILL WEDNESDAY JUNE 8 1927 Washington Park 1 18 Miles Seventh day Illinois Jockey Club Spring meeting of 26 days Weather clear Stewarts M Xatbanson J T Ireland and II II Sweitzer Judges J McLennan W S Sherwood and C V Henry Starter IT Morrissey Racing Secretary J McLennan Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time W indicates whip S spurs II blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse nd weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance raST RACE 34 Mile Banter July 30 1926 112 6 112 Purse 1200 3 yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Not value to winner 850 second 2CO third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockey Owners Equir Book Strt 1284 PETER L W 105 3 4 41 3i 11 I1 C McCrsn J J Greely tl855100 13253 FRK ANDREWS 113 4 2 1 1 21 2 L Morris E K Bryson 190100 19010013541MASCHERA 13541MASCHERA W 105 S3 G 5J 41 3 L Hardy P T Chinn 155100 15510013294IFOREIIEAD 13294IFOREIIEAD w 105 C 6 RJ 2h 4 R Jackson H G Bedwell 645100 13587 STEP IN w 110 2 1 4h 5 5 = E Pool F M Grabner 1440100 144010013912LIEirrT 13912LIEirrT SETH wn 1 01 10 7 3 6 G l 6 W Bowden I Peters 4515100 11183 ONUP w 110 5 3 S Si S 7i W Bogskl J Spencer 1485100 13594 ANNIE COUGHLTNw 95 7 5 10i 71 7 S J Bollero J J Coughlin 3720100 13759 MAYOR OKEEFEwn 105 9 11 7 9 95 9 J Majestic Mrs C J Brockmiller 8290100 0342C THE HANGMAN w 112 1 12 9 = 10l 10 = 10 M Fator Vf Fitch 13913JODICK w 117 12 9 12 11 = 11 11 ° K Doggett J W Sommers t t12746FOXY 12746FOXY JANE w 95 11 10 11 12 12 12 C Meyer Mrs R McGarvey S750100 S750100tField tField Time 24 49 116 Track good 2 certificates rarned Peter L field 3910 straight 030 place 4 CO show Frank Andrews 350 place J2GO show Maschera 340 show v vEquivalent Equivalent booking Peter L field 1855 to 100 straight 365 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Frank Andrews 75 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Masohora 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner Oh g by Peter Quince Lardella by Lackford trained by J J Greely bred by Miss K Rogers and Mr J N Camden Winner entered to be claimed for 1700 1700WENT WENT TO POST 200 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingPETER PETER L close up from the start finished gamely when ridden hard in the last sixteenth and won going away from FRANK ANDREWS The latter showed the most early speed and raced gamely through the stretch MASCHERA was raced wide on most of the turns and finished close up FORE ¬ HEAD saved much ground on the stretch turn but tired near the end STEP IN raced prominently lor most of the way AXXIB COUGHLIX made up ground groundSrratched Srratched 11178 Hawk Song 100 13SC2 Rionda 95 12858 Fifteen Sixty 95 1403C Sphere 110 14153 Tobie 102 SECOND KACE 58 Mile Henry Homer July 19 1920 1005 2 115 Purse 12CO 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Book Strt 13971 FAIR LARK w 112 5 4 Ch 3J 31 lh E Taplin H G Bedwell 13973 CROSS PLAY w 110 2 3 21 2H 2h 2 E Pool J S Taylor Taylorli 14 152s JOE ADAMS wn 113 It S S13973BILLY li U lh 3 L Morris E K Bryson BrysonC1 13973BILLY McCARNY wn 103 7 11 C1 51 41 41 L Hardy W A Baumgartner 14035 ROCKER w 115 S 10 1013973PANDECT S 7J 71 51 J Dillea Pueblo Stable 13973PANDECT w 110 1 1 11 = 9 8 Cl R Peternel Wild Roso Farm Stable 5S5100 13973 VOWED VENGNCEw 112 10 C 41 4h 5 71 A Prgrass H C McConnell 915100 13971 PUG w 112 9 5 3 G 61 S1 M Fator Wm Garth 4015100 14152 FIN1STERRE vf 115 6 9 912G07RUMPLSTILTSKIN f SI 9 91 C McCrsn Woodlawn Stable 3110100 311010012G07RUMPLSTIIrSKIN 12G07RUMPLSTILTSKIN vf 100 3 2 101 lli105 10 L Jenner Sanola Stock Fm Sta t 13973 EIGHTEEN SIXTY w 10S 4 47 7 9l 10l 11 = 11J W Bogski H P Gardner 2630100 2630100TEXAS TEXAS D iv 105 12 12 12 12 12 12 II Cooper Three Ds Stable t ttField tField Time 24 49 102 Track good 2 certificates earned Fair Lark 0340 straight 1580 place 790 show Cross Play 330 place 270 show Joe Adams S350 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Fair Lark 3070 to 100 straight C90 to 100 place 293 to 100 show Cross Play 65 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Joe Adaihs 75 to 100 show showWinner Winner It f by Fair Gain The Lark by Dick Welles trained by H G Bedwell bred by Mr H G Bedwell Winner entered to be claimed for 2700 2700WENT WENT TO POST 225 AT POST G minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameFAIR FAIR LAIIK skillfully ridden anil close up from the start responded gamely to hard riding near the end and oiitfinishcd CROSS PLAY The latter raced closest up from the start and also finished gamely under good riding JOE ADAMS raced into the lead immediately after the start and saved much ground on the turns but began tiring right at the cud BILLY McCAUNEY ran a good race 1UG quit quitScratched Scratched 14035 Mintwiki 113 13973 Madam Emelie 105 13333 Divot 113 14152 Kisehef Machcr 104 True Gal 105 THIRD RACE 78 Hile out of chute Bulletin July 19 1926 124 3 107 Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPlSt 1 V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Book Strt 13793 PANI ROMA w 4 10t 9 2 11 2 = 1i 1s 1J P Hebert Keeneland Stud Stable 470100 1140 10 ROCKY LANE wn 4 113 411 9 71 G1 D1 2 J Bollero La Brae Stable i 703100 14040 CHINK w 5 116 11 1 2 2 313 J Smith Mrs W J Howard 560100 56010013G85SPEEDOMETER 13G85SPEEDOMETER w 3 107 7 G 6 = 5 = 41 2 4 L Hardy Caibaric Hall 130100 130100140833RALL 140833RALL GEE wn 5107 3 4 5 h G 7 = 41 5 W Bowden J T Buckley 1495100 1495100139383TETON 139383TETON v 5 110 G 7 41 31 31 G1 G A Prgrass F S Page 2335100 23351001415G 1415G COEUR DE LION w 7 112 10 10 II5 S1 81 7 71 C E Allen Ascada Stable tl 3100 3100140JO 140JO MIKE McLUKE w 4 10S S 3 S 4 51 S S JJones Ieona Fjarm Stable 3125100 312510013770DIXIE 13770DIXIE SMITH WD G 111 21212 12 12 101 91 L Jenner P M Burch t 13597 SWOOP wn 4 112 5 5 10 91 91 10 C McCrsn J WLewis 3720100 13938 HEC wn 4 112 1 S 71 11 11 11 11 J Dillea Mrs L M Holmes t 03574 KING TUT wr G 10S 12 9 S = 10ilO1 12 12 F Maguirc W S Heaton S330100 S330100tFiild tFiild Time 23i 47 114V4 128 Track good 2 certificates earned Pani Koma 1110 straight 070 place 470 show Rocky Lane 080 place S5GO show Chink 470 show k Equivalent booking Pani Roma 470 to 100 straight 235 to 100 place 135 to 100 show Rocky Lane 240 to 100 place ISO to 100 show Chink 135 to 100 show showWinner Winner Blk f by Pagan Pan Donna Roma by Light Brigade trained by W S Rust bred by Messrs Kcene t Rouse Winner entered to be claimed for 3200 3200WENT WENT TO POST 253 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingPAX PAX I KOMA set the early pace then was under restraint until reaching the stretch turn where she raced into a good lead again and won going away ROCKY LAXE began slowly and had to work through a rough race but came fast through the stretch CIIIXK raced wide for the entire way but was tiring badly through the last sixteenth SPEEDOMETER tired after taking second place ami was always outrun BALL SEE began tiring in the last eighth TETOX ran fairly well COEUR DE UOX closed a big gap from a slow beginning beginningScratched Scratched 14083 Boom 110 OS88C5Kyrock 107 1149G Red Harvey 99 Ilec 5 pounds t i C I FOUHTH RACE 1 Milo out of chute Captain Hal July 17 1926 137 JL JLrJb rJb rJbd d 9 JL Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Ji 4 4 Str Fin Jockeys Equir Book Strt 1386G GEORGE DE MARw 5 104 5 5 5 4h 41 21 1 L Jenner Wild Rose Farm Stable 1015100 13544 TOKEN v4104 4 3 2s I1 11 11 2J L Hardy Green Briar Stable 930100 13262 COG WHEEL vr 4 109 1 4 31 5J 5 3 3 R Peternel Mrs A L Austin 970100 97010013942HOPELESS 13942HOPELESS W 7 114 3 2 1 31 31 41 4 F Maguire R L Ropers 45100 4510014087GOLDEN 14087GOLDEN MAC wsn 4 112 G 1 4 2 2l 51 5J J Bollero Mrs J H Buscher 2995100 13942 = CARTOON w 4 104 2 G G G G G G P Hebert Dearborn Stable 705100 705100Time Time 244 49 114H l405i Track good 2 certificates earned Oeorge De Mar 2230 straight 780 place 420 show Token 800 place 450 show Cogwheel 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking George DC Mar 1015 to 100 straight 290 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Token ZOO to 100 place 125 to 100 show Cogwheel 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Colonel Yennit Little Bit by Transvaal trained by A Zimmer bred by Mr Jerome It Kesppss Winner entered to be claimed for 5200 5200WENT WENT TO POST 320 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameUEOUCE UEOUCE DE MAR suddenly improved and well ridden came fast through the stretch after having raced wide on the turns and racing gamely to the end outfinished TOKEX in the last stride TOKEX ran a good race all the way and taking the lead on the back stretch held it to the last stride OOCWIIKKL Imked racing room on the back stretch but saved ground on the stretch turn and finished veil HOPELESS under jK or riding was surrounded just before reaching the stretch and gave way completely in the last eighth UOLDEX MAC quit badly in the last quarter CAKTOOX i FIFTH HAGS 1 lS Miles Paula Shay Aug 7 1926 152 G 104 lakeview Handicap Purse 2500 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1750 sec ¬ ond 450 third J200 fourth 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt i i i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Book Strt 13941 SMILING GUS wn 4 10 3 G G1 G1 2h lok 1 1 S Cooper C E Durnell i 14087 = liANTON we 4 llfi 4 4 4 3 3 2s 2J L Morris E R Moreliouso 14087IJEVON W 4 111 2 2 5 5j 51 3 3 J Kederis J J Greely 14156MRON MASK n W4 110 7 3 3i 2 1 41 4h A Pnrrass Mira Monte Stk Fm St 905100 132GO FLAGSHIP wn R 10G G 5 1J I1 4i 5 51 C McCrsn J J Boyle 4CO100 139 11 MAGIC AAND W G fX 1 1 21 4 G C G J Bollero Mrs C I xwrenco 595100 1 14087 ARABIAN wn 7 971 577 7 7 7 7 J Majestic Mrs L M Holmes 2175100 2175100Time Time 24H 50 l15i 141 154J Track good 2 certificates earned Smiling lus 2000 straight 1260 place GOO show Banton 170 place 401 show Devon 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Smiling Otis 1350 to 100 straight 530 to 100 place 200 to 100 show Banton 133 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Devon 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Itock Flint Slicve Bloom by Charles OMalley trained by O E Durnell bred in England by Mr II E Iteddlngtnn IteddlngtnnWENT WENT TO POST 345 AT POST 1 minute minuteSUtrt SUtrt good and slow Won ousily second and third driving drivingSMILIXC SMILIXC US moved up with a rush after going threequarters and taking the lead In the stretch drew away from BAXTOX in the last sixteenth BAXTOX was saved olosw up for threequarters then movrd iii fast in the stretch lint was outfinisbcd by the winner DEVOX dropped back in the Nearly running hut finished well IIIOX MASK II raced Into the lead but began tiring after reaching the ttntrli MAC1C WAX quit FIACS1IIP took a good lead but quit after going threequarters threequartersUicnvflsLl UicnvflsLl Arabian 1J inxjuda SIXTH RACE 1 Kilo out of chute Captain Hsl July 17 1926 1374 4 132 Purse 1200 Syearolda and upward OTalmliur Net valn to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt M KStrJln Jockeyi Equir Book Strt 505100 27010014157FORELAND 14088 MYTLE BELEwB 5 105 7 1 3 I1 1 1 2 L Hardy W R Padgett 270100 14157FORELAND w 4 112 4 5 4 3 3i 2 3 C E Allen M A Nasb 3yOlM 975100l976HIGHLD iiS48HUEY 3yOlMiiS48HUEY w5Hi 2 7 7 71 6 6 4 A Prffrass H C McConnell 975100 l976HIGHLD CHH5F w 4 105 1 S 1 2 1 2 3 5 1 R Doggett F 3 Page 5GO100 139753 RIOT w3 98 8 2 51 5 5 = 5 6 J Bollero Derby Stable 9SO100 14157 OLYMPIC WB 4 111 5 I 8 8 7 7 7 T McElroy R L Carter 3S70100 140 J4 FORETOLD w 3 102 3 6 6 6 8 8 8 M McGgle H G Bedwell 770100 770100Time Time 24 J 115 142S Track good 2 certificates earned My Destiny 1210 straight 630 place 380 show Myrtle Betfe 470 place 310 show Foreland 330 show Equivalent booking My Destiny 603 to 100 straight 215 t 100 place 90 to 100 show Myrtle Belle 135 to showWinner 100 place 55 to 100 show Foreland 65 to 100 show Winner Ch m by Manager Waite Mane Hyde by Handcuff trained by H Butler bred by Mr J W Fuller Winner entered to be claimed for 2200 WENT 2200WENT TO POST 411 AT POST 2 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same MY DESTIXY close up from the start came f st through the stretch and outfinished MYKTLB BELLE in the last stride The latter was made much use of in pacemaking for the first threequarters and was tiring fast at the end FORELAXP ran a good race and was going fast at the end HUEY came from far back in the last quarter HIGHLAND CHIEF began tiring badly In the l st quarter FORETOLD raced poorly Scratched 14154 Joe Junior 102 13D72 Tippenir 100 SEVENTH BACE 1 MHo out of chute Captain Hal July 17 1926 1375 132 Purse 1240 3yearolds and upward Claiming Hot value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equir Book Strt 13014 APPLECROSS WB 4 115 2 9 8 4 21 2J 1 J Leyland E K Bryson 405100 13975 SCAMPAWAY WB 4 112 9 2 7 8 1 4 31 2 J Kederis E H Von Roehra 900100 13974DOLLY BAY WB 4 110 8 1 1 1 1J 11 3 T McElroy Ixino Star Stable 235100 13867 TREASURER w S 108 7 3 9 9 5 4 4 L Hardy W R Padgett 200100 14088 GOLDEN SIGHT W 3 103 5 5 4h 3 61 51 51 M McGgle Mrs R Levino 2420100 13812 BE YOURSELF w 4 115 6 7 3 5 7 61 6 P Hebert E McCown 1055100 13914 LEISCH wn G 111 1 10 10 10 10 8 7J J Smith M Goodpaster 9330100 138G7 THE ROLL CALLw S 115 3 6 2 2 3 7 81 E Hward Tobias Gaughan 1350100 13976 WHS THE TIMJCwn 4 107 10 8 51 6 8 91 9 W Taylor Winchester Stablo 5005100 139 15 ADVENTURESS WB 7 108 4 4 6 7 9 10 10 L Taub A G Weissman 2505100 2505100Time Time 24 48i 114 142 Track good 2 certificates earned Applecross 1010 straight 1210 place 340 show Scampaway 910 place 430 show Dolly Bay 290 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Applecross 403 to 100 straight 505 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Scampaway 355 to 100 place 115 to 100 show Dolly Bay 45 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Donnacona Frances by Singleton trained by T Lynn bred by Mr T W Carnott Winner entered to be claimed for 2200 2200WENT WENT TO POST 438 AT POST 8 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameAPPLECROSS APPLECROSS was far back in the early running then closed a gap but appeared beaten when a sixteenth out then came again gamely near the end and won in the last stride SCAMPAWAY began slowly closed a big gap and made a fast and game finish DOLLY BAY showed the most early speed but began tiring in the stretch TREASURER closed a bis gap GOLDEX SIGHT raced well TH0 ROLL OALL dropped back after going a half mile mileScratched Scratched 13813 SQOW Man 105