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DAILY RACING FORM VOLTT1CE T lll MTOtBEB 160 Entered as secondclass matter April 2 1890 at tlio postoffice at Chicago lllluola under Act of MnriIi 3 1879 W J McMurrsy P blisier and General Haaacor TELEPHONE 2087 I1AUR1SON For business and circulation purposes only ThU telephone liai DO connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with them Daily Daring Winter Months MonthsDaily Daily Except Sunday Balance of the Tear TearA A daily reflection of tbe American turf by telegraph DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COTTBT CHICAGO ILI 157159 EAST 32nd ST NEW YORK CITY N Y 50 EICHJCOHD STREET EAST TORONTO ONT 305207 DECAT1TK STREET HEW ORLEANS LA 0142016 XIAJCI COURT V W KIAJa FLA SUItSCniPTION 11Y FIRSTCLASS MAIL MAILJlav Jlav to Xoremlier inclusive 100 per month monthLTciiiber monthl l LTciiiber to April inclusive 000 per month 1 AVA1ILR IN ADVANCB HACK NUMItERS KY JIA1U tr CENTS EACH 10083 is first index of 1927