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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesLATONIA LATONIA THURSDAY JUNE 9 9WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago daylight ving time 200 200Latonia Latonia 1 Mile MileFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1400 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 107Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind HorsePostPos Wt Rec AWtHan 14097 Helen T 9 Lat 112 11254 4108X725 13898 Accumulator OMia 110 113 4 113X720 09182 Gold Mint 11 Lat 115 116 3 10SX715 13587 Peach 10 CD 104114 3 103 710 71012C56 12C56 Lew Pope 2Hav 115 113 7 113 705 12069 Manipulator 3Hav 108 114 S 105 700 11503 Edna Glenn 4 Mia 112 112 3 103 695 14097 Handclasp lBow 99 113 3 103 C90 09163 Little Jimmy C Lat 98 113 6 113X690 06879 Julie Lane M 7 WP 107 l21h 3 105 C90 13896 Three Sixty 8Uav IOC 112 4 113X690 113X690Decond Decond Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 1400 2yearolds Maidens Colts and Geldings Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Wise Counsellor June 23 1923 59 2 110 14169 McKlm 7 Lat 10S 102 113 725 13897 Ginestra 4 CD 112 102 108 720 13189 Firebug 3 110 715 13837 Silent Jack lCD 115 104 103 710 14229 Joseph Sabbath 5 CD 109 102 108 705 13542 High Storm CCD 101 104 108 7CO 12747 Spanish Flyer 2 108 695 14167 Turn Over 8 110 690 690Third Third Race 1 18 Miles Purse 1400 4ycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Chilhowee Oct 14 1924 1 48 3 115 14099 Sea Drift 6 Lat 06 150 4 105X725 14168 Midnight Rose 9 CI 98 152 C 108X720 141681 Ixmgchamps 10 CI 102 151 B 110X715 14172 The Engineer 2 Mia 103 154 4 110X710 12025 Tippo Sahib CI 98 151 12 110X705 13500 Radio 12 JP 112 154 9 105 700 14172 Up She Goes 8Lat 96 157 4 105 095 14168 Watchful 3 JP 109 154 6 103X690 13915 Dr A Lowenthal 4 Aur 92 158 4 110 690 14099 Lady Lynn 1 Lat 83154 4100X685 14172 Wrack Ray 7 CI 114 153 6 110X685 14172 Edith Gibson 11 4 103X685 Fourth Race 58 Mile MileNorwood Norwood purse Purse 1500 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Wise Counsellor June 23 1923 59 2 110 110P97 P97 TORO 7 CD 112 100 112 735 13797 Cartago 3 CD 112 101 114 725 72514233s 14233s Gloria Aspin 2 CD 105 l01s 109 720 13797 Noble Wrack M MC C CD 116 101 109 715 14167 Fedonna M 4CD 115 102 109 710 14100 Bashful Beau M 1 112 705 705Charley Charley J S 5 109 Fifth Kace 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPolkaway Polkaway Farm Purse Purse 1800 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record recordMoms Moms Boy July 2 1926 141 3 106 14101 Hydromel 3 Lex 105 142 3 111X735 14094 Rolled Stocking 6 Lex 108 142 3 111 730 13934 Sir Peter 7 Lat 107 142 5 113X725 14170 Canaan 4 CD 105 144 3 105 720 14170 Birley M C 2 3 105 715 14171 Lancer 1 Lex 108 142 6 113 710 13502 Percussion 5 Lat 91 142 4 108X705 108X705Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Purse 1500 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordSun Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 14166 Bottom Dollar 5 Lat 105 112 105 725 13755 Florida Gold 6 Lat 111 112 112 720 13685 Piccadilly 8 Mia 98 111 113X715 14102 King Basil 2CD 111 113 118X710 14228 Sea Lion 12 Lat 112 114 112 705 13796 Mirafel 11 Lat 111 113 112X700 14102 Good Shepherd 9 Lat 106 113 109X695 14102 Port Star LCD 111 113 111 690 13850 McComas 3 FG 109 114 112X690 08862 Carrickfcrgus 4 Lat 100 116 110X683 13755 Big Bill Thomp ¬ son 7 Mia 109 112 116 685 14099 Azure 10 Lat 99 112 102685 102685Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1500 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordChilhowee Chilhowee Oct 0 1924 142 14103 Saar 1 Lat 107 145 5 113X7 13544 Battle Field OLex 103 147 5 113X720 14099 Chittagong 4 Mia 109 145 7 116X715 12186 Duckweed 5 CI 103 144 5 113710 14102 Christopher S 4 113X705 14232 Royal Sweep 2Lat 111 146 5 113X700 14166 Nettie Sweep 7 CI 101 146 4 108X695 14228 Captain Applejack ApplejackM M 3 CD 103 150 3 105 690