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BELMONT PARK PARKCopyright Copyright 1927 by Daily Racine Form Publishinr Company NEW YORK N Y WEDNESDAY JUNE 8 1927 Belmont Park 1 12 miles 6 14 feet Eighteenth lay Westchester Racing Association Spring meeting of 21 days Weather clear Stewards of meeting J E Widener R T Wilson and W S Vosburgh Steward Representing the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association A H Higginson Judges H C Smith and C Cor nehlsen Starter Mars Cassidy Kacing Secretary V E Schaumbnrg Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p mW indicates whip S spurs Bbllnkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse und wei M carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE I 12 Furlongs Widener Course Bostonian June 5 1926 51 117 Old Rose Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds Fillies Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owncra O H 0 P l 13905 05 TURKEYS NECK w 102 5 2 2k I1 I P GodwinMra J W Beau 5 6 5 2 L 13924 CLA1RDINE w 114 3 7 41 2 1 2 G Fields J N Levlne 211351351 12 13965 BOYISH BOB w 110 4 S 5 5 3 H Richds J P Jones 8 10 8 3 85 13533 TIN1TA w 110 25 6 61 4 D McAffeB Long 8 10 8 3 85 14148 BONNIEBELLB vr 107 6 1 1 4 5 E BenhamH P Whitney 6 6 6 21 65 65139G53NIKI 139G53NIKI w 107 10 3 3l 31 61 F Weiner J E Davis 10 12 10 4 2 13924 FOREST IMP w 110 7 8 81 8 71 E AmbrseK E Hltt 12 12 12 5 21 14077 6511180SWEET VIOLET B w 116 9 10 7l 71 S T Frey F J Bastone 5 8 G 21 65 11180SWEET POLLY w 113 1 9 9 9 91 p Walls H T Archibald 10 12 10 4 2 2DAISY DAISY BELLE w 107 11 4 11s 11 10 J CallahnMra C Morris 30 50 30 15 8 8BEDFORD BEDFORD LASSIE W 113 8 11 10 10s IV C Pinon A D Morton 50 60 60 20 10 10BEDFORD BEDFORD QUEEN w 107 12 12 12 12 12 F Reilly E Arlington 50 60 60 20 10 10Time Time 53 Track fast innerCh fastinnerCh f by The Turk Necken by Sir Archibald trained by K Patterson bred by Mr James W Bean Winner entered to be claimed for 3500 WENT 3500WENT TO POST 238 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameTURKEYS TURKEYS NECK raced closest up from the start stood a drive gamely and outgamed CLAIRDINH at the end The latter moved up fast when called on and finished well but tired In the final drive I50YISU BOB closed a gap resolutely on the outside TINITA raced well all the way BONNIEBELLS set the slowlyScratched early pace but tired in the stretch NIKI ran a good half VIOLET R began slowly Scratched 13924 Gladys Clark 107 13847 Girl Friend Ill Fay Shaw 107 SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Pnrse 1300 4yearolds and npward Steeplechase Selling Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses A Wt PP St 3 7 10 12 Fin Jockeys 139GGCONNIEBERT w 8 133 2 5lnk 1 1 1 1 F ThdykeGrecntree Stable 21 165 3 6535 13534 3PAGEBROOK w 9 136 9 6 5 3 41 2 24 MrJ DavlsDorwood Stable 20 20 20 S 4 14147 NEAPTIDE w 9 143 6 2 6 2 2h 3 3 E AlbrightWinburn Stable 15 20 15 6 3 13G78PERK1OMEN w 9 141 3 1 4 ° 6 5 4 4 ° W Hunt Mrs V Carlton 3 4 21 1 12 13965 65137G7 BRITANNIC w 9 141 8 7 9 7 6 5 5 C Smoot H W West Jr 47 6 21 65 137G7 = RUINE w 8 145 7 9 81 S 74 6 6 F Preeco Grosse Pointe St 10 15 15 6 3 13534 ST LAWRENCE w 7 141 5 4 31 4 8 7 T10 B Kleeger W V Dwyer 30 30 30 10 5 DINNA KEN w 10 144 1 10 10 9 9 8 8 J McGee Mrs J Ryan 30 30 30 10 5 12139G6 14147 BALLAST II w 6 142 4 8 7 5 3 FolL H Hunt Lrel Pk Sfd St3 3 1351 12 139G6 SMART SINNER vr 7 141 10 3 21 Lost rider C Pinon T O Moore 40 50 50 CO S STime Time 352 Track fast fastWinner Winner B m by Horron Palermo by Garry Herrmann trained by Y Powers bred yb Mr John B Gorham Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 302 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and fast Won easily second and third driving drivingCONNIEBERT CONNIEBERT set a good pace throughout jumped well and won under restraint PAGEUROOK was ridden wide from the start but moved up steadily on the final turn of the field and finished fast NEAPTIDE close up from the start made a challenge in the second turn of the field but was tiring at the end PEKKIOMEN raced well throughout BRITANNIC closed a big gap ST LAWRENCE tired BALLAST II fellat the eleventh jump and SMAUT SINNER unseated his rider at the sixth sixthOverweight Overweight Pagebrook 1 pound THIRD RACE 1 Mile Cherry Pie Sept 3 1923 135 3 113 Sysonby Handicap 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1265 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys O H C P 13847iCLOUDLAND 5 124 5 1 31 3J 2 I1 l i F CatroneF E Brown 211652171013 1403DBROWN BUD w 3 122 2 4 41 4l 31 3 1 2 J H Burke F Johnson 21 5 4 7512 14031 2PREMIER WB 3 115 1 5 5 5 5 4 3J H ThurberAknustI Stable 2 2 953514 14031 SON OF JOHN vr 5 116 4 2 11 I1 11 21 4 G Fields J Livingston 5 8 6 85 35 14031 AMBERJACK w 4 117 3 3 2J 2 4 i 5 5 D McAffeBelalr Sfd Sta 88831 88831Time Time 23 46 i 112 139 Track fast fastWinner Winner B h by Wrack Fairy Kay by Radium trained by F E Brown bred by Messrs A B Hancock and E F Simms SimmsWEIIT WEIIT TO POST 328 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingCLOUDLAND CLOUDLAND close up from the start raced into the lead when called on and after passing SON1 OF JOHN held BROWN BUD safe at the end BROWN BUD improved his position steadily responded to hard riding in the stretch and finished gamely PREMIER was unprepared at the start and moved up when called on then came wide when entering the stretch and finished gamely SON OF JOHN set a fast pace and raced AMBEUJACK into defeat then tired AMBERJACK ran weU and had no mishaps t A AEZ FOTJRTH RACE 1 3 8 Miles Man o War June 12 1920 214 3 126 Eleventh JL fr btJ Running COACHING CUTB AMERICAN OAKS 2500 Added 3yearolds Al ¬ lowances Net value to winner 15i75 and cup valued at 200 second 1000 third 500 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 14079NIMBA W HI 6 2 21 Il 11 1 1J H ThurberM Field 211352171014 21135217101414150FRILETTE 14150FRILETTE WB 117 5 5 7 7 41 3s 2 E AmbrseH P Whitney H 5 41 6514 65141400FLAMB1NO 1400FLAMB1NO W 111 1 1 5l 5 3s 2J 3 D McAffeP A Clark 45 1 1 13 out 12984 AROMAGNE w 114 4 6 61 61 2k 4 4 J CrgmileW S Kilmer 12 15 15 4 i 13792 = TERMAGANT Will 2 4 3 3 5 51 55 L Fator H P Wliitney t 5 4J G514 14079 BONNIE MAGINN W121 3 7 41 4 G G G = ° C FbtherP A Clark J45 1 1 l3out l3out14028SCIRCLET 14028SCIRCLET win 7 3 lk 1 1 7 W Kelsay O A Cochran 20 30 30 8 = 4 tCoupled as H P Whitney entry JP A Clark entry entryTime Time 24 49 114 140 207 219 Track fast fastWinner Winner B f by War Cloud Martha Snow by Sir Martin trained by G M Oaom bred by Mr Arthur B Hancock WENT TO POST 354 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same NIMBA forced the pace from the start and racing CIRCLET into defeat raced into a long lead and won under restraint FKILETTE was outrun for the first threequarters then worked her way up on the outside and finished fast FLAMBINO was rushed into third place after rounding the far turn and made a challenge in the stretch but tired at the end AROMAGNE moved up fast when called on but tired in the stretch TERMAGANT raced close up from the start but quit after going a mile BONNIE MAGINN had no mishaps CIRCLET tired and quit and was eased up upScratched Scratched 13852 Pandera 117 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Widener Course Distraction June 5 1927 56 2 125 Patchogue Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners 14151 = TNDIAN SCOUT vr US 11 1 l i Il 1 F ColIettiW R Coe 851152 4525 13894 IMPERATOR w 115 23 3 3 2 ° G Ellis Greentrce Stable 887 21 1 13797 OH SAY W 115 82 2 i 2 3 ° E Sande H P Whitney f2 H5 2 45 25 13894 JACK HIGGINS w 115 56 4 4 4 W ICnlsay G C Winfrey 10 12 5 2 1 11402fl 1402fl POLLYWOG w 115 10 7 6 51 5 D McAffeH P Whitney 2 115 2 45 25 14081 OTTO w 115 19 8 71 61 S Eiden A B Gordon 30 30 30 10 5 5GIVE GIVE AND TAKE vr 115 75 51 61 T1 E AmbrseK E Hltt 20 20 20 8 4 4FRED FRED PARKER w 115 12 10 9 9 S E RobbinsShort Grs Sfd 8 30 20 8 4 4139G9 139G9 TORTURE w 115 4 8 71 S1 9 L Fator J E Madden 6 12 12 5 21 13969 MASTER DAVID w 115 6 4 10 10 lOl C Rails Jadell Stable 20 30 30 10 5 13842 INTENSE w 112 3 11 11J II1 II2 S BullmanMrs T J Regan 50 60 GO 20 10 13969 TWENTY MINUTES w 115 912 12 12 12 J Heupel F J Buchanan 20 20 20 8 4 4STAR STAR SAPPHIRE w 115 13 13 13 13 13 W Banks W L Hernstadt 30 30 30 10 5 5tCoupled tCoupled as H P Whitney entry entryTime Time 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Campfire Better Believe by Helmet trained by W H Karrick bred by Mr Arthur B Hancock HancockWENT WENT TO POST 423 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingINDIAN INDIAN SCOUT took the lead at once and gamely held it to the end IMPERATOR finished reso ¬ lutely under hard riding and outgamed OH SAY at the end The latter raced prominently from the start and finished well JACK HIGGINS finished fast along the Inner rail POLLYWOG raced well throughout OTTO and GIVE AND TAKE ran fairly well wellOverweight Overweight 13797 Crasher 115 Of rT SIXTH RACK 75 MQo Rosoben Oct 16 1906 123 5 126 Wheatley Purse JLrlr Tb 4 Purse 1200 3ycarolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 900 seol ond 200 third 100 AWtPPSt U Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners u 11 u r 1 10303RUSKIir WB 4 113 2 12 12 S 5 4l 1 J McCoy Carlton Stable 3 5 41 85 45 45wn 1J028 HERODIAN wn 109 7 1 1 1 11 1i 2 F CollettiW R Coe 8 10 8 3 S5 S5W lsii8 PADKAlG W 113 5 4 3 4 4 ° 5 31 D McAffeMrs F II Smith 15 13 10 4 2 13582 BE FAHl WB 101 4 3 41 Sk 31 3 4 B Ray J E Widener t75 32 1310 25 14 14w 13 89 3s FAIRNESS w 1131 S 2 2 21 21 2 5 E Sando J E Widener t75 32 1310 25 14 14028 AT ATWATER WATER w 105 10511 11 9 6 6k 7 9J S1 C I L Simon B B Stablo 15 IS If fi G 3 t 07150 RETALIATE w 105 10 6 9 6 61 7 7 K HorvUiBud Fisher 50 GO GO 0 10 14031 CRYSTL PENNTwn 105 6 7 9s 9J 8 1 61 8 F Welncr Pineland Sta 30 30 30 10 5 IttMPLA PALINA w 103 3 8 T IO 1M 10 9 F CatroncBelalr Sfd Sta 3 G 5 21 210J5GI 0J5GI OUTER vr 105 1 11 llh 12 10i 11 101 E Fewell Hamton F m St M 20 20 8 4 14031 YOUNG PRINCE w 1081210 8 5 7 31 II G Fields J E Madden 12 12 10 4 2 05239 ESTEEM w4113 9 5 10 111 12 12 12 C F btherH P Dunlap 50 GO 60 20 10 tCoupled as J E Widener entry entryTime Time 23 47 112 125 Track fast Winner Ch c by Bridge of Earn Scararauccia by Spearmint trained by T H McCreery bred in England by Knockany Stud WENT TO POST 449 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameKUSKIN KUSKIN dwelt slightly at the start but worked his way up on the inside finished with a rush and wore HHUODIAN down In tin final strides The latter showed the most speed from the start withstood challenges from FAIRNESS and raced well to the end PADRAIG closp up all the way saved ground on the turns and finished well FAIRNESS was cut off by HERODIAN and forced back shortly after the start BE FAIR ran well all the way ATWATER worked his up on the outside outsideScratched Scratched 0 rllJudicial 117 it02fisHouston 109 14028Jnhn J William 117 13T3G Grippcmi naud 117 13891ChIum 100 13UC7 Joe Marrone HI 117 13JMW Weo Burn 109 99I3S Postuiaid 103 Overweights Esteem 0 pounds HerodUin 4 Fairness 1J La Talina 3 1ounj Prince 3