Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1927-06-09

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159 IIOMEWOOD 111 June 8 Todays train ¬ ing gallops here included the following followingWASHINGTON WASHINGTON PARK Weather clear track good 151 Ambitious 37b Jk Alexander 141 Capfn Donan 39b 121 Laddie Buck 153 Flagstaff 38 b 131 Mist 141 Guerdon 37b Mi Cmpanero Glrnsol 37b 150 Sun Sabeur 12 MILE 130 An cry Mood MoodAlynelte 53 h 151 La Mortc Alynelte 52b 157 May Morning Captivate 53b 157 Mollie Myhill lf 3 Caleb Hope 54h 157 P Wing II 82 Conway 51b 157 P Weidel II Five Sixty 52b 111 Queen Bessie Bessie50b 119 High Joy 50b 157 Itusliee 132 Lewis 53 h Sun Hussy 150 Ldy in Blue 52 U 68 MILE 142 Betty KlviralOCb 89 Erla Loe II 106 b 153 Blanc SeinBlOG b 140 Prevail l04b 132 Bosh lOSb 157 Porto de Orol07d 156 Cherkee Leel03b 151 Sun Altos l07u 34 MILE 143 Big Sweep 118 b 153 Kgscourt IIl20b 152 Dk Phantoml19b 154 Papa Blinks l19b l19bMi Mi Companero and Girasol went in com ¬ pany panyAngry Angry Mood and Lewis went handily to ¬ gether getherBig Big Sweep showed early speed speedAlynette Alynette and Sun Hussy breezed handily COLLINSVILLE 111 June 8 Todays training gallops here included the following followingFAIIIMOUNT FAIIIMOUNT PARK Weather clear track fast 144 Brn Sugar 38 b 155 Roxie Weidel 37h 155 Bombay 3G b 79 Royal Charlie 38 b 152 Betty Brning 38b 137 Sir Lawnfal 39b 39b157Bonl 157Bonl Vau 38 b 150 Soiree 36b 36bKlCliff KlCliff 37h Sister Joe 37h 157 Dancing 3G h 151 Teas Ready 37 d 157 Low Gear 3C b 12 MILE Bbie Miles 51 d 153 Mais Memry 157 Buzz Fuzz 53 b 122 Mae Piekens Brt Plume 54h 140 Patsy Jane Choc Soldier 54 b 154 R Gardner 158 Dr Glenn 50 h 154 S a Rocket 149 Fallen Leaf Leaf57Cilmore 51h 01 Sligo Branch Branch54b 57Cilmore 54b 329 Spring 154 Isabella 50h SSZefine 68 MILE 121 Coy 10 b 157 Rout Step 104 h 153 Freebooter 104 d 143 Rebeck l05h 158 Macedonian 105 h SweepNet l04b 150 Mont Rose 102 h 150 Wchg Hourl02d 34 MILE 120 Blue Torch 121 b 150 Moss For 11118 h 150 Drama l17d 154 Unane 117 b b122Grn 122Grn Blazesl19 h 153 Special 119 b 158 High Life l20b 151 The Captainl17h 1 MILE 154 Begonia l48b 150 Traveller 144 b 149 Jack Horganl43b 154 Talcqua 144 h 152 Little Bat 149 b 149 Thaddeui l45h ISOPrcs Doreenl42b 1 14 MILES 158 Clique 209 b bPrincess Princess Doreen just breezed all the way She looks better this year than ever before beforeTraveler Traveler was full of run runJack Jack Horgan and Thaddeus were in com ¬ pany panyClique Clique worked very impressively LiATONIA Ky June 8 Todays training gallops here included the following following1ATONIA 1ATONIA 1ATONIAWeather Weather clear track fast 130 Blue Darter 35h 151 McKim 30b 30b36b 157 Benedict Vow 36b 157 McComas 30b 30b3G 157 Boo 3G b 15GMirafel 34 h h35Jfh 144 Bray Bant 35Jfh Poison Oaks 38 b b3GVfh 157 BigBillThpsn 3GVfh 157 Radio 37b 37b37h 131 CharlieBergin 37h 143 Spot Light 38 b 149 KentuckyAce 35 h 157 Swing Mllie 35b 148 Lily Sue 35h 12 MILE MILE49h 148 Annie Laurie 49h 149 Maggie Wers 51 b b48h 157 Atlantic 48h Okolona 49b 49b48li 157 Cloudburst 48li 147 Queen Royal 49h 49h51h 149Cot 51h 151 Refraction 48h J57 California 49 h 150 Rainstorm 48h 48h49h 334 Da Vinci 49h 150 Runauelf 48 h h47d 150 Eric 47d 153 Saar 49b 49b50b 150 Fair Rowena 50b 155 The Third Pr 49 fc fc49b Governor Ptt 49b 157 Torrent 48h 48h50b 151 Kublai Khan 50b 151 Wild Mary 51b 51b51h 149 Kav 51h 157 Willet 49 h h49h 153 Matches 49h 58 MILE 130 Archibald l01h 151 Owena 101 fa 154 Clutter l04b 157 Orator lK2b 145 Chamitta 103 b 140 Policn Dayl02b Dayl02bDrastilla Drastilla l03b CO Qn of Shebal04b 157 Kdna Glenn l03b San Star l03b 149 Klizabetb 101 u 151 Sundrine l04b 149 Gabaldon l0ih 153 The Cyrenianl04b 151 Ly Fanshawel005sd 157 Turn On l05b l05b57Moultrle 57Moultrle lOJb 154 Wisdom l01h 34 MILE MILEHOChittagong HOChittagong 18 b 151 Kg Gorin IIl17b ISGCoohogan 15h 152 Pindar Peel 115 b 155 Crked Work 16h Itancho 118 b 157 Cyclops 17 b 148 Retort l14h 153 Frctwell 15b 157 Taylor Hay 117 h 150 Gold Stamp 17 d 150 Tempest 119 Ji 150 Imprl Eagle 10b Trt Official ll d 154 Jack Nagel 15 h 157 Tom Nash 110 h 78 MILE 157 Seals Waxl30d 1 MILE 151 Equity 152 b 150 Promg Tom 149 b 151 Fire On l41h 155 Three Sixty l50b 157 Manipulator 147 b 155 Wonderwcll 145 b 150 Nichelson l44b 1 14 MILES 154 Bdy Bauer 213h 213hFire Fire On went his good mile handily handilyBuddy Buddy Bauer was hard held first mile and allowed to step along the last quarter quarterMirafel Mirafel displayed extreme speed OTTAWA OnL June 8 Todays training gallops here included the following followingCONNAIKJHT CONNAIKJHT PARK Weather clear f track fast 38 MILE 145 Danger Signal SU c 155 Teal 38 d dCut Cut Bush 1J h Uranus 37b 12 MILE 137 Brevet 51 d 153 Olive Dexter 142 Carom 55 b 140 Peter Whiffle Whiffle51d 147 Kllza Jane 51d 131 Sol 148 Lactarius 51e 147 Sandhill 155 Nimrod 53 d Saguinay 157OTurk OO li 127 Woodlake 130 Heartache 103 h 153 Peerlesa 107 h Brotherhood l18h MGJanedith Bl20 h Eggnog 122 d Ranock 120 I 115 El Jcsmarl42 h 148 Play On 150 d 132 Jacques 147 d NEW YORK N Y June 8 Todays training gallops over the local courses in ¬ cluded the following followingBELMONT BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast 157Atoi 37 b Frat Girl 157 Bncky Harris 30h Odds On 150 Bisque 36h Polydor 154 Candy Hog 35d Periscope 14G Dicing 35d Terranova 154 Dangerous 36h 143 Triton 157 Festival 35d Wrackleen 143 Armada 48s 150 Giggle oRum 122 Adamas 53 b High Field Field50h 14 Aviation 50h 133 Kiev 154 Beau Geste 51b 105 Kind Man 155 Carlino 50 h 134 Landlord Circe 49h 146 Lower Five 120 Doto 47d 158 Mary Jane 150 Esplno 52 b 54 Overlooked 153 Feu Follet 49h 128 Pete Wrack 153 Flechita 48 h 158 Quibbler 153 Gamble 48h 157 Sandy 153 Grange 47d 155 Sunny Golden 156 Galahad 50b 150 Upper Crust 158 Cum drop 47d 157 Vocation Gerfalcon 50b 157Walpole 352 Canary Hopl02h 123 Green Hornl02Xh 151 Candy Pig 101 d 123 Manwell 103 b 154 Crystal Donol01 d 154 Salem 107 b bCarola Carola l02h 120 SUM Shirt 104 b 155 Caricature 103 b 152 Autumn BeIlsllGb 157 Laughing Lyl15h 157 Bristol 110 a 155 Mica l16b 157 Bunnyklns l19b 152 Ominous 121 b 155 Brown Study l17b 158 PillotU 117 b 154 Chance Play 119 h 157 Polycratcs l15h 154 Crusader 121 b 150 Skedaddle 117 b 158 Dorado 117 b 155 Seventh Sonl17b Sonl17b155Kawa 155Kawa l16b Tappy Ladlefl19b 150 Lanyard l16b 152 John Speed 130 b 157 Cheops 141 d 155 Athel l40b 152 Flyman 152 b 157 Corvette 149 b 157 House Boy l14b 158 Colorful l42h 150 Washakie l29h 1 MILE 157 Half Pint 144 b 153 Maelstrom l42h 157 Ilayward 144 b ISTTannlc l45b 153 Ingrid l44b 155 War Path 145 b 125 Jolly Roger l44b 1 12 MILES 157 Bols De Rose240 b 158 Chance Sbot234 h hJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MTTR 152 Bridegroom 36b 140 Eddie Ahearn 39b 153 BelphrlzonU 37Vfcb 12 MILE 157 Af ton 49h 155 Hang On 50b 157 Agnate 48s 157 Lord Broom 48h 156 Cellini 51 b 157 Shann Shore 49 d 150 Even Chance 51 b 157 Saratoga 48d 153 Ederle 48b 153 Yoshlml 55 b 157 Fraternity II 48h 58 MILE 159 Gussic Bain 107 b 157 Hoot Mon 101 h 34 MLLE 151 Golden Volt l13 d 154 Prattle l17b l17bHigh High Bridge 118 b 157 Rod Curl 122 b b154Mome 154Mome Pressel19h 156 Wild Aster l18b 1 MILE 157 Black Pepperl48 k 158 Metzs Buddyl44b 15ti Daiicu Kiult iib 155 Phidias 147 b 155 Forecaster 142 S 155 Rock Hawk l50b 158 Flying Scud l48b 158 Titan l45b 155 Irish Stewl50b Stewl50bFlying Flying Scud went evenly Hoot Mon is near his best form Forecaster was in hand all the way Golden Volt did a good trial from the barrier Titan was under restraint restraintAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MLLE 132 Bunty 38b 155 Huffy 39 b 158 P Bello Gold 37b Knapsack 30h 155 Deep Sea 38 b 157 Whiskey Run 38 b 12 MILE 151 Cockney 49b 150 TJie Freshmn 49h 150 La Ferte 54b 68 MILE 157 Irish Lord 103 b 154 Star Set l03h l03h132Midhour 132Midhour 103 d 34 MILE 132 Helene Hachl17 h 155 Morbelle l17b 152 Lc Voyant l18b 150 Touvoyou l21b 1 MLLE 154 Clear Skyl44d 151 Mustapha 142 b I 150 John S Mbyl49b

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Local Identifier: drf1927060901_16_1
Library of Congress Record: