Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1927-06-09


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LATONIA tATONIA KY WEDNESDAY JUNE 8 1927 Latonia 1 Mile Fourth day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring meeting of 31 days Weather clear Stewards C F Price S C Nnckols T C Bradley and E Hogg Placing Judges W H Shelley N H McClelland and E B Webb Starter W Hamilton Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 200 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile Son Flag June 20 1924 1094 3 107 Purse 1400 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 Index Horses Vt StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 14166 BABE 1C w 3 105 5 1 3 i 31 1 1 R Russell M Lowensteln 12 61 6 YACHTSMAN wn 3 110 4 8 71 4 31 2 D Connlly T M Bolts 13896 MILES PRIOR w 3 106 1 6 2 1 2 3k C Gneman J Randolph 13898 LADY HERBERT w 3 101 1 6 3 5 51 4 41 G Fowler Link Stable 13635 DESPARD WB G 112 32 8 7l 5 5 L McDott Cropearson Stable 12898 BON BON w 3 100 8 7 21 6s 6 C Walters W Stuevo 14097 MOUNT N CRESTwB 4 112 2 5 41 6 7 71 S Stretton J McKeon 08273MEDINA w G 1101 7 74 4 6 8 8 8 W Pool P Dolan Time 23H 47 4 l13ys Track fast 2 mutuels paid Babe K 1140 straight 580 place 420 show Yachtsman 320 place 260 show Miles Prior 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Babe K 470 to 100 straight 190 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Yatchs mau 60 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Miles Prior 180 to 100 sbow sbowWinner Winner Br f by Leonardo II Cri de Coeur by Fair Play trained by M Lowcnstcin bred by Mr Edward F Simms AVinner entered to be claimed for 2900 2900WENT WENT TO POST 200 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBABE BABE K away well but forced back due to lack of racing room on the far turn came through on the inside when entering the stretch and racing into a safe lead won easing np YATCHSMAN began slowly worked hia way up on the outside and after losing much ground on the stretch turn made a game finish MILES PRIOR close up from the start passed BOX BOX into the lead after going a half mile then ran out on the stretch turn and although finishing well could not withstand YACHTSMAN LADY HERBERT saved ground on the stretch turn DESPAED tired BOX BOX quit quitOverweights Overweights Miles Prior 1 pound Lady Herbert 1 Medina 3i g A OjGO SECOND RACE 58 Milo Wise Counsellor June 23 1923 59 2 110 Purse 1 400 JLTC rfxJO 2ycarolds Maidens Fillies Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 200 I ndex Horses A Wt PP St StrFin Jockeys Equlr Odds Strt 13361 ASPINWALL GIRL W 110 12 8 41 41 41 1 L McDott D Lehan 1190100 12185 MISS FURBELOW w 103 7 6 31 I1 I1 21 R Russell Audlcy Farm Stable 1370100 14098 = KITTY YANSEN w 103 1 1 I1 3i 21 3l W Lscher J T Weaver 220100 Continued on eighteenth page LATONIA LATONIAContinued Continued from twelfth page 13542 DIVORCEE w 10X 4 4 2 2 S 4 S Strctton StrcttonG Hamilton Farm Stable G30100 G30100M 13539 TRYDOR iv 10 2 3 G G G 5 C Walters Waltersff M Lowenstcin 1300100 1300100C 1295 1 l EXTESS w 110 11 7 ff G 5 G1 D ConnMly C B Dailey 2370100 2370100Foxcatcher 13499 QUILTING PARTY w 11 G 8 10 9 110 ° 91 7 K Hoffmn Foxcatcher Farm Stable t tH 12124 FLORIDA CASTLE W 110 f 5 7 7J 7i S1 S Griffin H G Smith 2650100 2650100J 13 4 05 LADY ROSABELLE w 110J 3 2 2EDITH 8 8s S 91 W Pool J D Doylo t tR EDITH GRAY vr 110110 12 12KENTEX 10 9 0 ° 10 W Lilley R C Frake G20100 G20100J KENTEX W 108 G 9 11 12 11 lll C Allen J T Clay 11150100 11150100G 14008 LOVELIKE WB 110 9 11 12 II3 12 12 N Barrett G Watts 3760100 tMutuel field Time 23i 48 101 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Aspinwall Girl 2180 straight 1200 place 400 show Miss Furbelow field 1340 place 280 show Kitty Yansen 2CO show showEquivalent Equivalent l ooking odds Aspinwall Girl 1190 to 100 straight 500 to 100 place 130 to 100 ihow Miss Furbelow field 170 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Kitty Yansen 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner Itr f by Aspinyall Beauty by Golden Maxim trained by D Lehan bred by Mr J Cranor Winner entered to be claimed for 2GOO 2GOOWENT WENT TO POST 229 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameASPINWALL ASPINWALL G1UL raced wide but close tip in the early rnnning then responded gamely to hard riding in the stretch and got up to win in the last stride MISS FURBFlOW raced into the lead with rush and showed the most speed but tirwl in the lant eighth KITTY YANSEN saved gronnd on the turns and finished fairly well DIVORCEE and TUYDOK raced gamely KENTEX bolted on the first turn and forced LOVELIKE out with her herScratihed Scratihed H041sElizabcth 10S 12807 Storm Maiden 103 13899 Turn On 103 Helen B 113 Globe Trotlir 108 Queen Royal 108 108Overweights Overweights Lady Kosabelle 2V pounds Edith Gray 2 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 Purse 1400 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 i Index Horses U Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 13388 = CAP1STRANO wr 5 116 1 3 1 Il 1J Il W Pool E B Elkins 360100 13793 DEDANS w 4 112 34 3J 3i 31 2k W Crump H P Whitney 140100 13752 SUSAN REBECCAwn 4 107 26 4h 4 4 3 S Stretton W H Whitehouse 330100 330100139033DARIC 139033DARIC ANGEL wit 3 108 61 21 21 21 4 A Anrson W F Hausman 1610100 14097 = 18 RUBENSTEINwn 5 112 73 8 8 71 O1 N Barrett Al Jolson 1570100 15701001389C 1389C WATCH IT wsn 3 103 S 7 71 61 6i 61 WLscher Estate of W Perkina 3300100 14011 FRENCH BURG wr 3 1CS1 4 5 51 5s 51 71 D Connlly Gallaher Combs 3040100 13855 GARETII WB 4 112 5 2 61 71 S 8 C Eversole Island Farm Stable 8450100 8450100Time Time 23 46 112 Track fast 2 miitnpls paid Capistrano 920 straight 440 place 300 show Dedans 320 place 240 how Susan Kebecca 240 show showEiiiiivalent Eiiiiivalent booking odds Capistrano 3CO to 100 straight 120 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Dedans 60 to 10 place 20 to 100 show Susan Rebecca 20 to 100 show Vinner 11 g by Hand Grenade Ia Sierra by Key del Sierras trained by J Hanover bred by Mr A K Macomlx r AVinner entered to be claimed for 2800 WENT TO POST 300 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingCAPISTKANO CAPISTKANO took the lead immediately after the start and making the pace fast was only lightly shaken up in the stretch to win going away PKI ANS was hard ridden to improve his place In the first quarter and saved ground on the stretch turn then swerved out in the last eighth but outfinished SUSAN KEBECCA The latter finished with a rush DAKK ANGEL away fast raced well to the stretch where she tired LOUIS KUBENSTEIN raced poorly and was hard ridden riddenOverweight Overweight Frenchburg 3V6 pounds I FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Moms Boy July 2 1926 141 5 107 Falmouth Purse Purse 1600 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1200 second 250 third 150 AWtPPStVi Str Fin Jockeys Ownrrs Equir Odds Strt 13503 = KENTICY CARD Lw 5 115 1 3 41 4 21 11 I1 S Griffin Crescent Stable 130100 13795 PROFITEER WB 4 112 4 5 6 51 5 3 2 ° S Stretton Le Mar Stock Farm Sta 1370100 13934 PERCENTAGE w 4 115 3 2 I1 I1 lh 21 31 W Pool J W Parrlah 210100 21010013G38 13G38 = MALV1NA B W 4 110J 5 1 2 21 3 4h 4 4k k W Lilley R A Falrbalrn 500100 5001001393G 1393G = SCIM1TAR w 3 115 2 6 31 31 4 5i 51 W Ischer W Reed 1620100 13900 FRK McMAHON wn 3 107 C 4 51 6 6 G G L McDott M Lowensteln 5160100 5160100Time Time 24 48ls 1124 138 143 Track fast 2 mutucls paid Kentucky Cardinal JGO straight 340 place 200 show Profiteer 820 place 3 SO show Percentage 2 GO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Kentucky Cardinal 130 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Profiteer 310 to 100 place J0 to 100 show Percentage 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch h by North Star HI Lucrative by Mordant trained by J S Middlcton bred by Himyar Stud StudWENT WENT TO POST 337 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start uood and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingKENTUCKY KENTUCKY CARDINAL was saved close up for the first half mile then got through on the Inside on the far turn and quickly passing PEUCENTAGE after reaching the stretch took the lead and won casing up PUOFITEKK began moving up after going a half mile saved ground on the stretch and finishing gamely nosed PERCENTAGE out in the last stride The latter suffered from pocketing on the first turn then took the lead quickly and after showing the most speed to the stretch finished tamely MALVIXA IS raced well SCIM1TAK tired after going threequarters threequartersOverweights Overweights Malvina II 3 pounds Frank McMahon 2 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Sun Flag June 20 1924 1095 3 107 Hotel Metripole Handicap Purse 1800 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1350 sec ¬ ond 300 third 150 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 13940 NOREASTER wn 3 107 3 5 I1 1s I1 Il L McDott J N Camden t60100 13G88GIBBONS w G 112 4 3 51 51 2h 2nk S Griffin Crescent Stable 390100 39010013940JPRCE 13940JPRCE OF WALE 13850 MOUNT BEACONwu G 114 68 6 51 4 1 D Connlly J McGee 550100 11770 ROTHERMEL w 5 1101 71 7 7J 7 51 W Pool J N Camden t 13798 = WITCIIMOUNT wn 3 109 5 4 21 31 4 G S Stretton H P Whitney SGO100 14101 COTLOGOMOR WB 5 113 32 S 8 8 T1 C Allen Coventry Stable 2340100 13817 CANTER wu 4 123 1 7 41 41 61 8 W Lilley J E Griffith 810100 810100tCoupled tCoupled as J N Caraden entry Time 23 46 111 Track fast 2 mntuols paid J N Camden entry 1320 straight 580 place 280 show Gibbons 500 place 2SO show Prince of Wales 2GO show Equivalent booking odds J N Camden entry 500 to 100 straight 190 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Gibbons 150 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Prince of Wales 30 to 100 show showWinnir Winnir Ch c by North Star III Bunchy by LUngwni trained by D E Stewart bred by Mr Johnson N Camden CamdenWENT WENT TO POST 405 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving XOREASTEK showed great speed from the start and racing into the lead in the stretch held It gamely in the final drive under good riding GIBBONS was forced very wide on the turns and bumped in the stretch but caine fast after reaching the stretch PRINCE OF WALES away slower than usual made liis way into third place quickly and challenged the winner when an eighth out but tired under his impost in the last sixteenth MOUNT BEACON finished fast on the inside ROTHEK 1IEL raced well COTIOGOMOK was racing fast at the end W1TCIIMOUNT and CANTER tired badly after running a good half mile i iOverweights Overweights Noroaster 2 pounds Kothermel 1 A Ctf7 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Wise Counsellor June 23 1923 59 2 110 Xudlow IJJt iO 4 Purse Purse 1400 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt i 6 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 14107GREENOCK w 115 6 3 Ill1 I1 I1 N Huff E B McLean 130100 14100 GOLDX RACKET wn 115 11 2 21 21 21 W Ischer R E Leichleiter 1900100 190010011851s 11851s LADY PARAMOUR w 112 85 3 31 31 31 W Lilley II P Heartley 1110100 1384 HUSH DEAR w 112 44 61 6l 4 41 S Stretton H P Whitney S401CO 13851 PINK LILY w 112 99 71 7J 71 5 K Hoffmn Foxcatcher Farm Stable 1210100 13499 HAILSTORM WB 115 32 4h 4 51 G1 A Johnson Kentdn Farm Stable 320100 13757 EASTER STOCKlGSw 112 10 8 5 61 7 W Crump Audley Farm Stable 2130100 141G7 LEATIl BREECHSwn 110 26 91 S1 S1 S1 S Griffin Million Downing 72SO100 72SO100ASSESSOR ASSESSOR CHARLIEw 110 7 10 10 10 9 9 L McDott M Lowenstein 13794 PURPLE FLAG w 107 57 S 91 10 10 L Fischer Audley Farm Stable f Coupled as Audley Farm Stable entry entryTime Time 23 47 100 Track fast 2 mutucls paid Greenock 400 straight 340 place 280 show Golden Racket 1180 place 620 show Iady Paramour 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Grcvnoek 130 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Golden Backet 490 to 100 place 210 to 100 show L ily Paramour 150 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by The Porter Starclla by Star Sboot trained by J F Schorr bred by Mr Ed frard It McLean McLeanWENT WENT TO POST 435 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingGKKENOCK GKKENOCK raced into a long lead quickly and saved ground when possible but was tiring in the last eighth and had to be igorously shaken up to hold GOLDEN RACKET safe The latter was in closest pursuit from the start and making a game finish was wearing the winner down LADY PAIIA HOUK raved well and finished gamely HUSH DEAR began fast but was outpaced and closed a gap In the last quarter HAILSTORM tired in the stretch LEATHER liUEECHES full slightly lame lameScratchid Scratchid 13391 Hengist 110 141G7 Mickey I 110 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Chilhowee Oct 6 1924 l42i 1500 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 1150 second 225 third 125 A Wt PP St J4 1 Str Fia Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 13593 MIKE HALL w 113 2 4 1 3 21 2 1 1 W Lilley II P Headley Headleywr 1393G HEED wr 110 552 = 11 I1 lh J Howard T C McDowell McDowellwllO 12959 Til tZA wllO 1 2 91 81 5 311 3 W Pool R E Wallace Wallacew 13932 SWORDSMAN w 103 79 10 91 61 5 4 C Walters H P Whitney Whitneyw 1391CJ KATIE w 100 4 1 71 71 4 4h 5 J Guerra J E Ixjwis 13932 TURQUOISE w 110 3 3 3 41 S 7 61 N Barrett E J Holland J3 3 JUDGE CVVERLY wn 112 S S 41 2 3 G1 T D Connlly J C Milam t 11459 VERNON wn 11211 10 8 105 y S1 S W Crump A L Taylor SJSO100 SJSO10013X90 13X90 ETERNAL MAGIC w lU7 9 7 61 S 7s 9 9 L McDott J D Weil 6900100 13932 PHIL FOTO van 103 G C 5 10J 10 10 W Ischer J L Knight 4SO100 13901 RAVING LADY w 102 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 C EaKan J J Troxler 810100 810100fMutiM fMutiM field Time 24 48 l13i l39i 146 Track fast 2 inutueln paid Mike Hall 1100 straight 720 place 420 show Heed 1GSO place 820 how Tirra 120 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Mike Hall 450 to 100 straight 2GO to 100 place 110 to 100 show Heed 740 to 100 place 310 to 100 show Tirza 110 to 100 show showWinner Winner It c by Hourlrss Clonakilty by Catmint trained by W W Taylor bred by Mr R M Eastman Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 509 AT POST 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second und third driving 1 MIKE IIAIL away well was taken under restraint and saved to the stretch then came with a rush and easily passed HEED The latter raced into the lead and set a good pace but began tiring n the last eighth TIKKA moved up fast after going a half mile but lost ninch ground on the lant turn UHTI iulKlay d SWOKDSMAX The latter met with interference and closed an immense gap JUDGK CAVEKLY quit HAVING LADY waa alwayu outrun outrunScratUicd ScratUicd 03V35 JSfeldee luX

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Local Identifier: drf1927060901_12_2
Library of Congress Record: