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JjlUr RACING FORM l BOWIE — —* BOWIE. MD., TUESDAY, APRIL 10. 1923.— Prince Georges Park 1 Mile. Seventh day. Southern , Mary:and Agricultural Association. Spring meeting of 11 days. Weather cloudy. Steward Representing Maryland State Racing Commission, G. .T. Brown, Jr. Stewards, G. .1. Brown. Jr.. B. Waters and P. J. Miles. Judges, A. G. Weston, J. II. Anderson, J. McLennan and J. P. Turuer. Starter, J. Mil Ion. Racing Secretary, J. Mclennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. OOOO-g FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. Too High. April 7. 1928— :46%— 2— 112. Purse ,200. 2-MuOOl year-olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; ; third. 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt : 23557 JUDGE STAYIXMt w IIS 9 3 in lJ Ik I, Morris K K Bryson 805-100 23646 LEW BL tK W 118 4 6 41 3"* 2- B Wkman II P Whitnev 143-100 23667 KII.AMAN w IIS 8 4 3* 4= 3l B Peternel Nevada Stock Farm Sta t-lOO 23639 = Viol. A I « wb 118 I t 2" 2H 4h L Jenner Nevada Stock Farm Sta f • 23667 SCOTCH MIXT wb 118 12 G» 5* 5U F Moon C, T Widener 4420-100 BLAZING CINCH wb 118 6 8 9 9 6»* N Barrett A B Hancock 3320-100 23646 CHESTER W 118 2 1 7ok T"* 71 J Shanks J S Herkness 585-100 FATIGUE wd 118 3 7 51 6»k 84 S ODnell A M Chichester 1613-100 K3639 ABIKGTON wb 118 7 9 Sl 8* 9 F J Baker J S Herkne.,s j I ftoupled as Nevada Stock Farm Stable entry; %i. S. Herkness entry. Time, :23*i. :47*5. Track fast. , MUTTJELS PAID , EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-JUDGE 1 STATLOR 8.10 .20 .60 805—100 310—100 30—100 J LEW BLACK 4.00 2.40 100—100 20—100 NEVADA STOCK FARM STABLE . ENTRY 2.10 5—100 Winner 15. c, by Leonardo II. — Ruth Carter, by Handsel trained by T. Lynn; bred by Messrs. Carter A Simaist. WENT TO P03T— 2: S3. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. J IHWtf STAYLOR began fast and. taking the lead soon after the start, was under hard riding throughout and gamely outfinistied LEW BLACK. The latter was always close up. but swerved to the inside in the stretch and crowded VIOLADO. then finished gamely and was gradually wearing the winner r down. KFLAMAN showed a good order of speed and saved ground on the stretch turn, but tired right | at the end. YIOLADO had to be taken up in the final sixteenth. FATIGUE began slowly and raced wide . all the way. * QUO SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Centrifugal, Nov. 25, 1927—1:18—4—114. Purse | Al0004 ,200. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt I 22594«FLYIN ; TOUCH w 109 9 r. B*| 3"k 2= 1- C Landolt H T Archibald 203-100 j 23055 HONKYCO wb 113 8 3 1- lJ lJ. 2s R Peternel Nevada Stock Farm Sta vGSO-100 J 23177=SHIFT w 114 C 7 4» 4" 4J 3J F J Baker W T Anderson 1980-100 | 21315FAIK LARK w 108 12 1 9» 9 7: 4" R Leonard H G Bedwell 493-100 | 21315 GIRASOL wb 116 2 6 2 | 2* 31 5J L Schaefer C C Smithson 390-100 j 23556 SIRDAR wb 110 3 11 S1 51 5»k 6» G Fields Mrs J F Richardson 2990-100 9 2 3654 * IK AN K wb 111 11 12 G»* 6»* 6J 7t A Robsn Mrs A Swenke 2410-100 D 21257STAR KING w 111 4 10 11* 10* 10* 8* P Godwin P S P Randolph 9385-100 I 19465 HIGH SF.AS w 103 13 4 7 i 8= S4 9= A BcrftJr T R Perry t f 18679 RUTH FBBIDAY w 113 10 2 10"kll= ll5 10= N Barrett P II Faulconer 2163-100 [I SCHLEY B. wb 116 7 8 3 ? 9*11 K Barnes A S Bowman t 23654 BEPENTER wb 114 1 13 13 12= 12°12;» H Shillick H P Whitnev 1620-100 23662 SMOKE STACK wb 111 3 9 M 13 13 J C Mergr W J Townsend t tMutml field. Time, :and3%, :47%, ItlSK. 1:0%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , EOUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS— FLYING TORCH .10 .90 .30 205—100 95—100 65—100 HONEYCO Field 5.10 4.30 155—100 110—100 SHIFT 7.90 295—100 J Winner Blk. g, by Torchbearer -Let Her Fly. by Pataud trained by G. L. Arvin; bred by Mr. J. L. Tarltoul. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:02. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. FLYING TOUCH worked his way up steadily on the outside and. coming fast through the stretch, passed HONEVCO and woo going away. HONEYCO set a fast early pace, but began tiring after going three-quarters. SHIFT raced close up and finished fast when released from restraint. FAIR LARK closed a gap f rt in a slow beginning. GIRASOL raced in closest pursuit of the pacemaker for five-eighths . and tired. RKPKNTER suffered from interference soon after the start and was knocked back. Scratched--2151G*Jim Bell, 109: 23562= Unladylike, 109: 23604 Taprika, 114; 21392sLily Sue, 113; 23GG4 Rhubarb, 113; 23662 Fraulein, 108; 23341 Captain Devil. 103. ■ — AOnOQ THIRD RACE— 4-4 Mile. Poly. Nov. 22, 1927—1:11—3—110. Purse ,200. 3-year-lt UOtJ olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 00; ; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt t IMS ntfireABP wb 6 113 3 5 3« 3* 3* 1" W Curran F H Smith 1180-100 0 23668 LADY MARIE wb 4 110 7 1 IV 1* lJ 2* R I-eonard ■ R Morehouse 100-100 0 23640DIGXUS w 4 113 2 3 2»| 21 2"k 3« II Little C L Whiting 373-100 a 23662 SALLYS HOUR w I 117 6 6 3" f.l 5« 4» F J Baker W T Anderson 5170-100 j SMWTBBTEB wb 7 118 4 4 4H 4= 41 3" R Wkman G C Winfrey 370-100 23640 ALL BLlK w 4 117 3 2 6*61 6» 6» ■ Barnes Mrs J M Black 3593-100 18578 BABTOGA MAJE wb 6 115 1 7 7 7 7 7 M Fishmn P F Joyce 5833-100 " Tims. :23, :4S15. 1:11*5. Track fast. , MCTKaVl FATD _W»WP» ■ IVJf* BOOKING ODDS— SUNSARD S25.70 .90 .00 1185—100 295—100 150—100 j LADY MARIE 3.00 2.50 50—100 25—100 0 DIGNUS 3.10 65—100 B Winner It. g. by Sun Briar — Rhajes. by Sardanapale trained by F. H. Smith; bred by Mr. Willis 3 Sharpe Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed lor $.5,000. WENT TO POST— 3:38. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MXNSABB mine fast after following the leaders closely for the first half mile and, coming through ! 1 between the two leaders in the final twenty yards, got up to win in the last stride. LADY MARIE ■ showed the most s; oed from the start and raced DIGNTS into defeat, but her rider became overconfident ! In the final drive and was prematurely easing his mount up. DIGNUS was not hard ridden when LADY 1 | MARIS took the lead, but was saved close up. then came again, but tired after making a challenge. ! SALLYS HOCK raced well. TESTER was outpaced and not persevered with. Scratched-3MM Tamiami Trail. 115; 23ti763Body Guard. 115. 9QAfi/l FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Sajidy. Nov. 26. 1927— 1:05%— 4— 140. Leneta Lane • AtlOUOT Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year olds. Fillies. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; i third, 00; fomtb. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt J,i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 1 ! 23641-SKYLIOHT wb 108 6 1 2i 2« 1* Is A Pascma H P Whitney 125-100 0 121194 POKTICCI.E w 106 I 5 1» 1«»2« 21 F J Baker E Arlington 2645-100 0 SlSM*MOISE w 106 1 2 4* 31 3* 3£ P Godwin Audley Farm Stable 250-100 0 ! 23543"KLOlSi: wb 110 7 7 7 7 5i 4h R Leonard Mrs S Mayberry 5GO-100 1 23239 ANGRY MOOD w 106 4 6 6» 6i 4 5* C Landolt E K Bryson 2120-100 0 23641FAIK ANITA W 108 2 3 3» 5» 6* 6« B Jackson II G Bedwell 3235-100 ii 1 20386 BOKHARA w 106 5 4 5» 41 7 7 O Brassa B A Longmuir 4683-100 1 Time. :23. A6%, 1:06. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID ,-EftUIVAL NT BOOKING ODDS- i SKYLIGHT .50 .20 .40 125—100 60—100 20—100 0 iPOETICULE 13.80 5.10 590—100 155—100 0 NOISE " 2.70 35—100 0 Winner— B. f, by Chicle — Transom, by Broomstick trained by F. Hopkins; bred by Mr. Harry Payne a . Whitney. WENT TO POST— 4:13. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SKYLIGHT set a fast early pace and. after being passe.!, crime again and. passing POETIfCLE, won going away, but had to be ridden hard to the end. POETICCLL showed great early speed and took i i the lead for a time, but could not withstand the winners rti h. NOISE raced ou even terms with the 1 pacemakers for the first sixteenth, then dropped back, but finished with a rush. ELOISE lacked early t : s| eed and raced wide on the turns. FAIR ANITA quit early. IrtOJQBr FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sortie. Nov. 26, 1927—1:43—2—105. Parkway r Ml OOtl Purse. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000, second. 00: third, 50; fourth. 0. . Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt t L 23«5 MNAT ETBN8 w 5 112 7 3 2 * 2"* 34 3* 1" R Wkman G C Hall 125-100 23662»SUX DE MKUR w 4 105 6 8 3» 41 24 21* 2« J C Merg r M J Cremen 1090-100 23663 SIGNOLA wb 4 100 8 4 P 1»J 1»» 1»* 3» A Robs n F P Robie 2125-100 J 21217 BANTON wb 5 113 2 2 6 34 4« 4» 4» A Pascma K R Morehouse 1310-100 I 23663 CHAIRMAN wb 4 105 3 7 8 0"* 64 5* 5* R Leonard H G Bedwell t 23650 SETHS HOPE wb 4 110 4 6 7* 8 8 6» 6« F Moon J A Parsons 2150-100 0 123657 GOLDEN BILWSwb S 103 i 5 4-* 5"! 5 7 * 7« A BcrftJr T R Perry 2900-100 n 16520 THOMASIXK wb 7 108 1 1 5°* 71 7l 8 8 O Brown C J Meister 503-100 0 tCouplcd as B. K. Morehouse and H. G. Bedwell entry. Time, :23H. :48. 1:13%, 1:39%, 1:44%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-NAT EVENS .50 .20 .50 125—100 60—100 25—100 I SUN DE MEUR 6.10 4.40 205—100 120—100 J I SIGNOLA 5.70 185—100 Winner Ch. h, by Flittergold -Mint Drop, by Irish Lad trained by J. Jenkins; bred by Ilimyar r i Stud. WENT TO POST— 4:39. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. NAT EVENS raced close up to the stretch and, coming with a pood burst of speed, finished fast on I i the outside of the leaders and got up to win right at the end. SCN DE MEUR moved up gamely after r | rounding the far tnrn and made a fast and game finish. SIGNOLA set a good pace, finished gamely and 1 I rm a good race. BANTON raced wide on the first turn and worked his way up to the leaders, but tired. . I CHAIRMAN had a rough race while going to the first turn. i Scratched— 23663sTh* Freshman, 105; 23657,Honest John, 100; 236CS Fairymau, 102. Overweights — Nat Evena, 2 pounds. Golden Billows, 3. , ; : f • j I 1 J . r | . | I j J | | j 9 D I * QaRQaQ SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sortie. Nor. M. 1927— 1 43— 2— 105 Puna AODOD ,200. 3-year-olds. Claiming Net value to winner M; second, 00: third, 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % || ft Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equlr. Odds Strt 23651 LICIK ANN w 115 7 7 7°k 7* a* 2* 14 O Brown J E Beal 860-100 23664 "BLUE FLAG wb 114 8 G 6"k 4»* 2» 3 f P Godwin W J Salmon 180-100 23664tELF.VATi: wit 108 6 4 2l ll ll !• 31 R Leonard J H Patterson 220-100 23664 ROCKLAND BOY w 110 3 2 3"k 34 31 4 4* G Fields N S Hurd 5300-100 IMS4*PAGANETTA wb 104 2 1 1»* 2l GJ H J C Mergr J Booker 1900-100 101M*JfENNY JUNE w 100 I I P G»k 4" ? ff» A Robsn F P Robie 5983-100 23654*JAPOXICA w 103 15 4 V V- 74 74 V Moon G D Widener 895-100 23662 JIM BAXOLA W 114 9 8 8* 8* 8- 8J 8» C Phillips Blue Ribbon Stable 4733-100 23664 ROI-TAN wb 112 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 N Barrett J P Jones 1235-100 Time. :24. :49%, 1:14%. 1:41. 1:46. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , -EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-. LUCIE ANN 9.20 $ 8.20 .90 860—100 310—100 95—100 BLUE FLAG 3.80 2 80 90—100 40—100 ELEVATE 2.50 25—100 Winner — Ch f. by Sea Rock — Rose Margot. by Peter Quince trained by K. Brown, bred by Mr. K. B. Jacobs I. Winner entered to Ik- claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST— 5:11. AT POST— 1 minnte. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LUCIE ANN worked her way up steadily ou the back stretch and closed I gap when taken to the outside cf the leaders and. racing into the lead, won going away. HI. IF. FLA ; raced iuto second place with a rush, but was unable to withstand the winners rush. BUCYATC raced into an easy lead, but tir:-d rapidly in the final quarter. ROCKLAND BOY raced well and was goiug fast at the end. PAOAN-ETTA showed speed lor three-quarters. Scrat h?d— 20770 Black Bottom. 110. Overweights — Paganetta. 3 pounds: Japouica. 2. = — — OQCQ7 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. lock. Nov. 14, 1927— 1 :44%— 3— 123. Purse ,200. aitiOOl 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00: fourth. 0. , Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23659 -MAXIL* wb 7 111 7 9 84 64 54 2 I* D Merger D L Rice 113-100 23673 *DENT ARIA w S 104 12 7 34 4l 3l 54 2"k J C Mergr H L Munson t2130-100 23661* LUCKY BEGGAR wb 3 110 8 5 4"" 3"k 4°k 411. 3»k P Godwin P S P Randolph 3190-100 23665 DONNA MOXA w 4 101 10 G 14 1» 1» 1 44 O Brassa P L Ciceri 1730-100 21245*YIE w 5 104 6 3 2* 24 24 3* V M Mergler Mrs W Robinson 615-100 23659*GILBERT COOK w 6 106 9 8 5* P Gl G and A Robsn C Wolfe tt003-100 23658 HARRY CABBOLX.W 5 113 4 12 9 94 74 7 7»k E Barnes S Louis 1245-100 23658 -GAY PABISIAN w 4 110 2 11 12 10» 8l 85 8* A BcrftJr L K Crist 490-100 23661 "LAUREL w 4 101 1 2 6" 7J 94 9i 9"k C Shea Miss R Christmas t 23659*JIXGLE wb 6 110 5 1 7» 8 10* IP 104 F Moon J A Parsona 3000 -1 00 tll41*DAVXNPOBT W I 108 3 4 IP" 11= 11« ll"!!-" A Maning S Hesseltino t 23096 DELUSIVE wb 8 106 It 10 10 12 12 12 12 R Leonard T Francis t fMutuel field. Coupled as C. Wolfe A S. Hasseltine entry. Time, :24, :48%, 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:48%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID . ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-. MAXIE .30 .00 .60 115—100 50—100 30—100 DENTARIA Field 9.00 6.80 350—100 240—100 LUCKY BEGGAR 6.70 235—100 Winner — Ch. g. by Ogden— Phantom, by Star Shoot trained by B. K. Chapman; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Winner entered to he claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 5:40. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MAXIE, shuffled back when going to the fiist turn, made up ground steadily after rounding the far turn and. racing into a long lead with ease in the final eighth, was easing up at the end. DENTARIA raced close up all the way and made a game finish. LUCKY BEGGAB, always close up, saved ground where possible and outfinished DONNA MONA. The latter sprinted into a long lead on the back stretch, but tired badly. LAUREL caused a bad jam when he ran out on the first turn. Scratched— 236733Everglade. 115; 23659 J Hoi Polloi. 101; 23659 Bonny Castle. 110; 22976 Johnny Canip- bell, 110; 23C43 Sun Rajah. Ill: 23673 Speedy Prince, 111; 19311 Toiler, 106: 23oT.9 Sam Smith, 106. Overweight — Davenport. 2 pounds. Corrected weights — Dent aria. 104: Vie. 104. — i