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Billy Kelly AMERICAS FOREMOST INFORMATION EXPERT Dally Last-Minute Special by Telephone Daily ode Horse at Each Track Burton Britt in Maryland Burton Britt. who compiled a remarkable record during the period when he was substituting for Billy Kelly at Jefferson Park, is on the ground at Bowie spotting hot horses lor Billy Kellys big following. He is concentrating his efforts on the last-minute specials, which have proved such a remarkably successful feature of Billy Kellys service. TUESDAYS L.AST-MIXUTE SPECIAL: Maxie, .30, Won LAST-MINUTE SERVICE BY TELEPHONE Billy Keliya T.ast-Minut. Special.- are available by telephone in the following cities at 12 ::.0 p. m. Central Standard Time 1 ::j0 p. m. Eastern Standard Time : CHICAGO Ri:ADKRS: LOUISVILLE HEADERS: CIXCIN-NATI READERSt Call WABash 4830 Call Main 9370 Call Main 4200 ST. LOUIS READERS: OMAHA READERS: LEXINGTON READERS: Call Garfield 1365 Call Jackson 2512 Call 9220 DETROIT READLRS: MILWAUKEE READERS: INDIANAPOLIS READKRS: Ask Your Newsdealer Call Broadway 2843-44 Call Riley 6789 Be sure to ask operator for Billy Kellys Last-Minute Special to avoid mistakes. In the CSM of both code horses printed in this paper each day and last-minute specials released by telephone first two and last two letters of horses name are given in code, except where two horses in the race have names beginning and ending alike. Jn such cases, the first three and last two letters are given. BILLY KELLYS CODE BOOK NUMBER 34C Good for One Week Beginning Friday, April 6. Now on Sale at All Newsstands — Price . If your dealer is not supplied, wire and book will be mailed to you direct by first class mail. Make remittance payable to WM. BURKE KELLY, 25 E. Congress Street, Chicago, III. GET-AWAY SPECIAL goes next Saturday at BOWIE. If this does not win at 4 TO 1 or better we will give you a WEEKS SUBSCRIPTION to our DAILY 2-HORSE WIRE, on which we had 4 NICE WINNERS out of last 8, aud also 3IONTHS SUBSCRIPTION to the STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Indian Love Call. . .8.80, Won Aucilla $ 6.70, Won were last Saturdays XX SPECIALS Just answer this question : Did you ever have anybody wire you two ike the above, regardless of price? Doing business 22 years under the same name and management. You will have to get your subscription in at once as next Saturday is the big day. Todays Code Special No. 0o«, Book No. 1090. HBBEjI j--iMg«,iiHM 4»S— 22 W. QUINCY ST. CHICAGO, ILL. * EVEKY MAK AND WOMAN * who reads this advertisement and who would like to pile up easy im.n.j without it interfering with your daily duties, send name and address at oace and nothing else. BANK PAELAY DAILY. There are no strings attached to this offer. You will thank us all your life. We will also show you how other people praise us. Do it today. FINAL WORD SERVICE. 200 Hudson St., New York. N. Y. n L VV n n U age and you will be rewarded wilh a tree copy of TBE SECRET M DEAXING THE RACES." a 10 -page oooklet cf real inside information. No charge. No obligation. ia/11 I IP 5122 N. W. 18th Ave. J|/ . K. WILLI O MIAMI. TLA. DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES Play horses that FKUltE to win. Accurate handicapping is simple when you know how. There is no ."ci-use for any one not knowing how to handicap. Full particulars FREE — no strings attached. Secure your fr e copy of "Pick Your Own Winners. Learn to handicap, and be a winner. Write TODAY. E. 3. BELL 10407 Clifton Blvd. Clevelan . Ohio CL0CKER N. ROGERS TODAYS FREE CODE: BOWIE: Braiil-Hubber-Wheat. "BILLWINSTON THE MAN WHO KNOWS! BEATEN— BUT "NOT DISGRACED!" Yesterdays ui HORSE* PARLAY LOST We are not ASHAMED to advertise when we LOSE. What YOU get is what WE advertise. Mondays "2 HORSE" PARLAY: REA .00, Won SINGLE STAR .70, Won We sure $ WON PLENTY $ on this "Parlav" And "last week" WE % WON $ every day lDont Miss Todays "Parlay" YOU CAN WIN A $ B-R $ "TODAY" A 0 BET on our "2 HORSE" PARLAY today should net you over 00 "WINNER," and todays "PARLAY" comes "100 PER CENT" RECOMMENDED TO US. So dont pass it up. "RUSH" by telegraph and inside of half an hour YOU will get our "WIRE" with above "PARLAY," and every day for next SIX DAYS. "Last Minute" Long Shot Again it won yesterday — "Big odds." Call at our office today and get this "LONG SHOT" WINNER. If you cannot come, phona WABASH 8594-8595. Out of town readers also phone. "BILL" WINSTON .-.06 S. Wabash Ato., Room 612, Chicago, III. BILLY KELLYS Code Book No. 346 BII.I.Y KKl.LYS CODE FOR WEDNESDAY: BOWIE: P. -46-31-11-48. A new book with new code published every Thursday. Price, two dollars. Sold by your dealer, or direct from WM. BURKE KELLY 23 EAST CONGRESS STREET CHICAGO, ILL. TODAYS FREE CODE: BOWIE: Jack-22-20.