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PIMLICO PIMLICO. HO.. FRIDAY. MAY 11. 1928. il Mile. Tenth day. Maryland .Iocl:ey Club. Spring meet I ing of 11 days. Weather cloudy. Stewards. A. il. Weston. O. Brewa, Jr., and A. 11. Harris. Judges, .1. B. Campbell, F. ;. Mags ■nd II. P. Conkling. Starter. J. F. Milton. Kacing secretary, J. B. t ampliell. I Kacine starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 2:30 p. m.t. W ladfeates whip, S spurs. ■ blinkers. Fig-arcs in parentheses lollouing the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track re«oid, age of torse 1 ■nd weiglit carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. C jOfJO FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Dignus. May 13. 192G— :532s— 2— 111 Purse ,300 f-iOQO 2-year-olds. Maidens. Net value to winner D0; second. 17; third, 68. Index Dorses AWtPPSt i Str Kin Joekejs Owners E iuiv. Odds Strt W w 119 6 1 li l"k 1» S ODnell Salubria Stable t"0-HM HM1 *SHi£PHKKDRS3 w 119 7 5 :j 21 2»k J C Merg r S Ross + 24244 PAIR THORN w 119 5 2 31 i* 31 K Barnes II Q Bedwell 716-101 24213 MINT SMASH n 122 1 4 4"k 3"* 4« A Abel K ■ Hitt l"r.-10J 24213 TKMPC8 FUGrr w 122 3 3 and 5« f,« A Johnson A II Morris 470-100 24210 WHTTR POP w 122 2 6 6 6 6 J Shanks I.inton Farms Stable OB-MI 23750 SCOTCH MIST w 122 4 Left at post. L Morris E K Bryson 775-100 tCoupled as Salubria Stable and S. Koss entry. Time, :233i. :48%, :£5i. Track fst. MUTUELS PAID -EQUIVAL NT LOOKING ODDS- 8ALUERIA STABLE AND S. ROSS ENTIIY .40 .20 .60 7C— 100 60—100 30—100 FAIil THORN 3.40 70—100 Winner — C. f, by High Time — Wings, by Thrush trained Lr William Cnrth; bred by Messrs. Dale ft Dalziel. WENT TO POST— 2:31. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and fast for all but Scotch Mist. . Won driving: second and third the same. WE began quickly and won all the way, but ran out on the stretch turn, then had to be ridden out to the end. but won going away. SHEPHERDESS raced in nearest pursuit of the winner throughout and finished gamely. FAIR THORN saved ground on the turns and finished fast through the final eighth. TEMPTS FLCIT raced well. SCOTCH MIST refused to go and was left. Scratched— 24330sSingle Step. 122: 24084 Dare Knees. 11.. O/l * GCb -PCOND RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Shuffle Along. Nov. 3. 1023— 1:42V5— 3— 110. MriOOo Furre SI. COO. S-year-o!ds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second. 31; third. ?£04. Index Horses AWtPPSt % i-j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 24005 -SCAPA FLOW w 4 119 1 4 ll l f li l4 l7 V Stevens W M Jeffords 35-100 2!U;:5 HONKER WB 3 103 4 2 2" 2" 3- 33 2- A Kobtsn H P Whitney 720-100 S424S*CHARLEa H. w 3 10.". 5 5 4h 3» 21 2nk 3h J C Mergr R L, Freeman 177.V100 841— »ALAN*8 BAY wb 3 107 2 3 3:lk 41 41 43 4° E Barnes Mrs J S Dean 1445-100 240883WiLI.lE K. Vim t 1 I o 5 5 5 M Garner W Keating 993-100 Time, :24, :4S?5. 1:13%. 1:39%, 1:44%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, SCAPA FLOW .70 .40 30 35—100 20—100 15—100 HONKER 3.30 2.90 65—100 45 — 100 CHARLES H 3.10 55—100 Winner — R. c, by Men o War- Florence Webber, by Feep o Itav i trained by S. P. Harlan; bred by Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords. WENT TO POST— 3:05. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. rC.UA FLOW rushed into the lead on the first turn i;nd. keeping it, won in a canter. HONKER raced clsea up all the way r.iid finis!. cd gamely. CHARLES II. was forced to race on the outside and was holding HONKER safe, when his riders stirrup irons broke in the last sixteenth and lost him second place. ALANS RAY raced well. WILLIE K. was crowded hack early and could not recover. Scratched-24214*i:ucky Harris, lit; 24245 Dignus, 114; 24240-Corporal, 105; 24290 Humdinger, 105. Overweight — Alans Ray, 2 pou::ds. «T» /f«3r7fN THIRD RACE— C-4 Mils. Mainmast. Kay 6. 1924— 1 TO4:— 6— 116. Purse ,300. 4-"xO « IK year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt % £ Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 2424C*KHMHDY wb 5 115 8 4 l3 1« l2 l3 A P.obtsn O W 1oreraan 230-100 2124G*I.AI»Y MARIE WB 4 Ml 7 3 2»k 22 23 2 R Jackson E K Morehouse 380-100 23975 BING1 K STAR vvp. 4 107 1 5 4" 41 311 31 J Smith H R Dulaney 1410-100 23717 FANTASTIC w 4 109 5 7 51 3h « 41 ■ Barnes Mrs J S Dean 850-100 24050 STICK wa G114 6 8 8 8 53 5» J Callahn A Barklie 290-100 24086*CLOCK GOLF w 5 109 3 6 f» 6"k 6" 6" S Palumbo Mrs W J Giblin 5605-100 24248=*H« CK THORN w 4 103 4 1 7 1 7" 7| 7" H Little G L Whiting 1400-100 21214*X RWKSTKR w 6 Ml 2 2 3 5"k 8 8 J C Mergr X Case 2730-100 Time, :23, :47%, 1:13%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-REMEDY ? 6.60 $ 3.E0 .00 230—100 75 — 100 50—103 LADT MARIE 5.10 4.60 155—100 130—100 SINGLE STAR 7.70 285—100 Winnr— Ch. h, by Apothecary- Herophihi. by Roi Bsratfe trained by j W. Campbell; bred in England hy « apt. T. L. Wall. Winr..-r i.teie l to he claimed for ,500. WENT TO PC ST— 3:41. AT POST— 2 mir.ut:s. Stait ::o "! and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. REMEDY raced into an arly lead and er.sily kept it to the end. LADY MARIE was always close up. made a rush and got within a length of the winner, but was eutfinished. SINGLE STAR saved ground on all the turns and finished gamely. FANTASTIC raced well. COLD STICK ran a poor race. ROCK THORN was woiked out to a mile. Scratched— 24171 Mariner, 112: 21212 Saratoga Maje. 110. Ov-rweights — Lady Marie. 2 pounds; Single Star. 2. * /4 0TTj FOURTH RACE— 1 3-lG Miles. Big Blaze. Nov. 13, 1924— 1:58%— 3— 118. Tlrirty-Aid 4 JL Eighth Running PiiEAKNEES STAKES. 0. GOO Added. 3-year-olds. Colts and Fillies. Wcisrht for Age. Net value to winner 0,000; second, ,000; third, ,000; fourth, ,C00. Index Horses AWtPPSt t h? Sti Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23922 VICTORIAN wb 126 7 1 li l1 I3 23 ln R Wkman H P Whitney 933-100 24053 TORO w 126 8 10 12J 8,k 5" 1J 2-| E Ambrso E B McLean 2170-100 24247 SOLACE wi: 1-0 3 M IP 15« T" 4" 33 L Pichou Seagram Stable 3725-100 242-17 STROLNG PLAYERw 1-6 4 4 3h 6, 3* 3»k 4h G Fields Salubria Stable t455-100 S4S47 SUN BEAU WB O* J 13 K* E* 41 5 5« J Crgmyle W S Kilmer 1785-100 24247 PENALO w 12J 17 12 Hi 11= 8"k 6" 6" W Kelsay L Waterbury J1555-100 24087 TYPHOON w IE 14 15 141 !;= 9J 8 74 L Schaefer Kenton Farm Stable 2130-100 B41tS*BATEAU W 1-1 1 3 7"k J 10 H1 8i F Stevens W II Jeffords 2335-100 23922 DISTRACTION WB 126 12 5 2J 2 2" 71 9»k 1 McA ffe Wheatley Stable 1135-100 24247-1 ON Q. W IS lo U IT- IT1 16s 16* 10nk P Walls Sagamore Stable 6135-100 X41C3NA8SAK W 9 6 4l 5h 6" 10- llJ L Fator Rancocas Stable 235-100 23978 SORTIE wb 12.1 11 14 MU9 12" Li 12" C Rummer A C Schwartz t 23978 P.or.ASlIF.LA w 13 IS 11 N 7" 13 13 13i H Fisher Audley Farm Stable t 24125 FRIARS HOPE w 126 in 17 18 18 18 17 11 E Barms Mrs J S Dean 11393-10 24005 KNAPSACK w US li 7 9 4: U! ISllVJ S ODnell Salubria Stable t 24121 Oil SAY W 126 2 2 E* IP. 151.H51 167i A Pascn.a lair Stable 9265-1C0 2397S PETEE-WRACK W« IE 18 8 6i 3;" 11J 9" 17s M Garner J R Macombcr 1SG5-10C 240S:O BROOMS w-B L6 5 9 SH3i 17J 18 IS II Elston Prockmeade Stable 1SS3-100 tCoupled as Salubria Stable and Audley Farm Stable entry; L. AYaterbury aid A. C. Schwartz entry Time, :23%, :47%. 1:13, 1:C8:5. SO1. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , EaUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-VICTORIAN 520.70 SIC. 20 .50 935—100 410—100 275—100 TORO 22.00 14.20 1000—100 610—100 SOLACE 19 50 875 — 1C0 W. nner R. e. by Whisk Rrocm II. — Prudery, by Feter Fan | traincil ly J. Rowe, Jr.; bred by Mr. Barry Pajrae whitmy. WENT TO POST— 4:27. AT POET— 4 minutes. st:,rt good and slow. Won driving: second and third easily. VICTORIAS took the lead at once end. making the pace fast under hard riding, withstood a challenge from DISTRACTION in the first seven-eighths, hut. lost the lead at the eighth, but came again and. uinler a rousing ride, got up to win in the last stride. TOKO closed a big gap while racing on the then came to the outside and raced into a small lead, hut his tider became overconfident and did not do his mount justice in the final drive. SOLACE, ■baffled hack soon after the start and far back early, closed a big gap and was racing fast at the end. STROLLING PLAYER was always a close up contender and made a fast ai.d game finish. SlN BEAD v*as forced to race on the outside all the way. KA8SAK was in early trouble. OH SAY and DISTRACTION quit. The others were never prominent. Scratched — 24000 Yito, 120: 24214"Snnfire. 120; M3M -Honker. 120. f/IQT5? FIFTH RACE— C-4 Mile. Mainmast. May C. 1924— 1:10%— C— 116. Druid Hill Purse. t3 6 and Purse 500. 3-year-o!ris and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000: second, 30; third. S220. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 24214-P.UCKY HARRIS wn 5 117 4 4 5 4J 21 1* J Crgnnb.- Justa Farm Stable 620-110 i S4S4SDIGNUS w 4 112 2 2 lJ 2i 3 -J 2 k H Little C L Whiting 17 1 I I 24087 GREENOCK w 3 117 6 3 2! l"k 1" 31 G Fields E B McLean 210-10" 24212 KAMI ANITA w 3 101 3 1 3" 3"k 45 4s J Callahan H G Bcdwcl] Ma Nf 23706 CI. KAN PLAY wb 4 117 1 3 4 | 5 5 5 A Rob ts n Mrs V M Duncan 650-100 Time, :22%. :47. 1:13. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID . ECUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS— BUCKY HARRIS 4.40 .03 .00 020— 100 150—100 50—100 DIGNUS 3.40 2.50 70—100 25—100 GREENOCK 2.70 35— 100 Wiumr — 15. h, by DaaitaH Cltf de Fir. by Yerwood tiai,..! ly . i. Merioti; bred by llimyar Stud. WENT TO POST— 5:11. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easilv : s. ■ ond and third driving. BUCKY HARRIS, away wett. bat outpaced for the first half, came on the outside when called on and, passing the leaders, drew iwaj into a long lead. DIGNUS set n fast pact, saved ground where pn—SllB and finished well. GREKNO K. lard ridden tbraoichoat. took the lead, hut tired badly in the f aal di i ■_ FAIR ANITA ran a good race. GLEAM PLAY ran well. RICKY HARRIS was kicked while at the post and suffered a h:id cut on his left hind leg. Ser:it. hid tMW Storcoitieon. MO. Ow-rwoight— Fair Anita. 1 jifunil. O |OryO SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Shuifle Along. Nov. 3. 1923 — 1:42%— 3— 110. Jmi xfii 4 •! Chesapeake Handicap. Furse SI. SOD. 3-year-olds aad ui.ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 50; third, 30. Index IloifcoH AWtPPSt, . % Str I .n Joekeys Owacn Equiv. ddds Strt 241713vi:llas w 5 112 4 4 l1 i» i3 l5 i6 B Baraea H ; Bcdweli Ma-1 I 2424K SKTHS HOPE WE 4 105 C 5 7i 73 5i 3i V A Pobtan J A Parsons HS-106 1EM TAZEWELL ws 5 114 3 2 8 8 8 4- V D Mergler AV A Smittwon K 18 24171FLYINO TORCH w 3 180 8 6 2" 3" 31 23 43 S Palumbo O Chancy 930-luO I I 1 24171 MARINER w n I 112 2 1 6i 6i 7" 7i 3 S Ol/nell S Ross 1380-100 t41?SsLAROCK wn 3 100 I 7 5i 5i 6i 5" 6s P Godwin II W Maxv.ell 380-100 21215 STORM KING wb 6 118 7 8 4 43 4" 8 7i L Pichon J E Iav.s 1070-100 24171 ALL BLUE WB 4 103 1 3 • 2" 2" 6 8 J C Mergr Mrs J M Black 1640-100 Time, :24. :49. 1:134;. 1:40. 1:45. Track bat, , MUTUELS PAID , -EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS—, VELLAS 1.20 .80 .70 460—103 193—100 85—100 SETIIS HOPE 6.30 3.60 215—100 80—100 TAZEWELL 3.20 60—100 Winner — Ch. g. by Sonime Kiss — Tcrceira. by I/embcrg trained by n. G. Didueil, b.ed in England by Sir W. B. .lardine. Winner entered to be claimed for ¥".000. WENT TO FOST— 5:51. AT POST— 1 mir.ute. St:irt good and slow. Wo:i easily; second and third driving. YELLAS rated Into the had quickly and led under lestraint for the first thru aaartwa, then Increased his had when clM on and won in a cantor. SETIIS HOPE, knocked off !. I Trite by LAROCK when going to the first turn, was lon-fd wide on the turn and. eleafafl ■ Big g-P. finis. : I guniely. TAZEWELL began slowly and came fast through the last half mile. FLYING TORCH slowed vet. but tired in the final drive. ALL RLLE raced well, but quit when put to a drive. LAROCK eould never improve his position. Scratched -24214 La Marie, 105. Ove. weight- Mariner. .1 pounds; I.arock. 3: All Blue. 3. 9/IQT/J SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Shuffle Along. Nov. 3. 1923— 1 .42»0— 3— 110. |-_i«Land 4 TC Purse ,300. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to w.nner 00: second, CC; third. 50. Index BaiaM AWtPPSt % % :,4 Str Fin Joekeys Mvners l ]iiiv. Odds Strt 24215 KING CARTER WB S 114 5 10 91 C" 6" : 1« S Palumbo W Wi iglu 410-100 242!!0 IMPERATOR w r. 3 111 3 1 1" 3- li l»k 21 A Abel K E Hitt 1383 100 24211 BAYOU W 4 114 i 5 6"k 7" 5" B| 31 L Schaefer J E Griffith 11545-100 24248 Si i.N AMI WB 5 114 11 7 2i l"k 2"k 3i 4 A P.obtsn J M Coins 1481-100 24055 FRAULEIN* W 3 103 7 4 4i B| 7"k 6- 5"k H I.ittlo C L Whiting 1440-100 2128G JlSTA PAL -wii 3 110 8 9 5 4k 4i 41k 6" J Cigmyl* Joata F;.ii:i B ..hie; 875-100 S4tll*JAFONICA W 3 103 4 1111 105 8= 7" 7J M Mergler J B Mellor 1810-100 237!5*FOREHEAI w 4 109 2 2 10" 11 11 10 8i R Jackson II G Badwell 22C5-100 24290 •HUMDINGER WB S ME 13 8 Si 9 9nk !"k P McGiais I J Scanlon t 24007 BRAHMAN wa 3 115 9 8 74 9"k10" S" 103 J Smith Breridnridse Lane 293r,-100 21172:-LI IHE BUCK wn 6 119 10 6 3. 2h ■*!! 11 JClittfr Weodlawn Stable 160-109 tMutucl field. Time, :24. :4955. 1:14. l:40l/5, 1:47. Track fa?t. , MUTUELS PAID . EQUIVAL NT BOOKING ODDS- KING CARTER 0.80 .20 .90 44C— 100 16C— 103 65— 100 IMPERATOR 16.00 7.60 702—100 280—100 BAYOU Field 6.91 245—100 Winner — Br. h, by Sarniatian -Aile dOr, by apt. Hancock traimd by W. Wright; bred by Belair Stud l. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 6:30. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good i-nd slow, ~-n ta-iiy: second and third driving. KING CARTER, cntrun in the early stages and racing wide on the bark strcbh. improved his position fast and, finishing with a rush, wore down IMPERATOR and drc away into aa :; y lead. IMPERATOR lost command momentarily when SON AMI was te%t to the front, displaced the latter to regain the lead, but tired fast in the final drive. BAYOU, on the outside all tii" way, finished fast. SON" AMI was made teio much use of and tired. FRAlLEIN raced well. JLSTA PAL ran a ge od race. The others were always outrun. Scratched — 24211 Deposition. 105: 23»72 Suck?-. 107. Overweights — Imperator. 1 pound: Japonica. 1; Fraulein, 1.