untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1928-05-21


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Clocker Leslie Blair I MfKIUTrcf I Last Minute Telephone Specials j 0/fj/4lJ 1 L/iAl Li l3- Sold On Newsstands — Daily T,,E 1A" AV K,N" ■ I SATURDAYS RELEASE: i I have signed with the Central News I llf|QOf*f| n*| t Wftll i If Ull UUlIOCU *|J« I TT , U? Co. to release my two Last-Minute I j Specials for the small price of I and Ior«1ta Broo*s ™n ont ►••■■» ■• ™ *»e !» •*• j , n ., ... , ■ , However, one losing parlay is made up many times by one winning parlay, j daily. Sheets will be placed on news- , 0ur record Fpcaks for itself I stands with the entries and our code , Fridays release: ! numbers. You phone our agents at j RAGUS $ 9.66, WON EVERLASTING Withdrawn noon for your information. Write j I THURSDAYS RELEASE: me care ot f j ROXIE WEIDEL 3.50, WON ! j WELL TURNED 5.82, WON • Central News Company ivh-mixm. MONDAY i Room 901 --108 W. Washington • | f * ww w w my f w | f there are two horses entered at Churchill Downs. Our connections know the || Ci W I ■ / I _ I 1 8 1 I 8 W C w I I capabilities of these horses. They know when they can win. I have personally j * * * ™ ■ * " * * * * * * seen them being prepared and, from all indications, both should win by a city block. !: ■ | It is your loss and the bookies gain if you dont get on them. Call or wire , then make your bet with confidence and rest easy as to the result. I Wire or call at my office. No waiting. Service rendered immediately! j illl Iwlm HI || Cj£ %Jlf 123 WEST MADISON STREET, ROOM 1120 CHICAGO, ILL. j DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY WE RELEASE STRICTLY TWO HOKSKS EACH DAY TO ALL OUR CLIKMS. THESE aw v _j _ TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED IN THIS PUBLICATION. WIN OR LOSE. HONEST. ■ ■ m H B A ■ LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION IB fl 1 1 I BM 9 SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: IB ■ mA **. fe Jk SHI Ji fl mA aE ww ffit* fSSwi Honest Uld Andy If you want to subscribe to a legitimate concern, where you receive HONEST TURF INFOR- UKCOG5IZED AND HESPECTED TLRF KING MATION. SUBSCRIBE TO JOHN UcAlUrTI ft COMPANY. A FAIR AND SQUARE DEAL 1908 to 1025, Rates 50 Weekly — For This Week Only, 0 Daily ASSURED. IT Monday— 0- Probable Win Parlay— Monday "M I MAKE NO FUSS. NOTHING NEW! DO NOT MISS THIS BIG PROBABLE WIN PARLAY Code: Bill-A Nell-N John-M Red-S Louisville-Aurora. Two probably good-priced winners. Subscribe today. Do not miss this big parlay. SATURDAYS FREE HORSE TO CONVINCE SKEPTICS : We have a special department to handle out-of-town subscriptions exclusively to Insure mmmm—mmm—mmm— Immediate service. Under no consideration should you miss our information. It makes no difference bow small or how big a bettor you may be, you cannot afford to miss our two-horse ANITA M. " 5.62 " WON parlays. SURSCR1BE TO A LEGITIMATE CONCERN. HONEST TURF INFORMATION. AN — — nONEST. FAIR AND SQUARE DEAL IS ASSURED TO ALL OUR CLIENTS. EVERYBODY NOTICE: Many of the folks that went to the track plaved this horse heavy in IS TREATED ALIKE. NO PARTIALITY— NO DISCRIMINATION. BONA FIDE. LEGITIMATE tjje machines I expected a little more price Well such is life TURF INFORMATION— NO GUESSWORK OR HANDICAPPING. MONDAY FRFF FAMOU*? nPPAinNAI Remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the advertised two horses mvm un I , rntt I nmuuo ucyonoiuivrtL within an hour. These occasionals made me famous some years ago. This occasional will be . free of charge to each human being who gets »■ . ■■■ ii-i-i- o rr rrr n j m w ■ /-.•. given absolutely my daily super-special. I,/., JOHN McAULIFFE and CO., 200 Broadway, New York City no strings and no catches to this offer. My word is my bond. MONDAY, BIG SUPER SPECIAL— 8 TO 1 i- .n i i I,, I dont promise you 50-1 shots or 100-1 parlays. There are no such animals loose. Id fill you up with hot air to make you explode. I do promise you hot horses that are aPPreciated °y intelligent players. No tips — the only place for tips is on the gas f* 11 y W+k. V V * V WT ■ C* Fi 9 .«** a ildllUU O I lsv««|%|/v i/A Vl AIT cAl * fBT OlX 1/dyb xL. I**. * You know how often men ask: •Have you got a match?" Thats how people ask: o »i fltlllllr1 I /IE 1/1 V ¥lf1rll4 O • HI "Whats ANDY GOT TODAY?" NnPPlJH I/vUK/lv JL UlSUl IT VvA* NPFVITA ttfU Wire all remittances to address below. Please include your address. My upCl/Ull J UCI VlvC I trusted clerks will give you prompt and courteous service. Please report any inefficiency. Beginning next Saturday. May 26, we will have a SPECIAL, DOUBLE PARLAY %/„„• r. o* c„i+« inn/l **—-- v~-Lr M v "WEEK. Starting Saturday. May 26, to Friday, June 1, inclusive, we will wire subscribers AlMUY, O VariCK Ot., OLllte JUl*f, IMeW YOrK, IM. Y. two distinct parlays each day for 6 days — one parlay from Aurora and one parlay from Churchill Downs. Our price for this special Double Parlay Week service is only . Both Parlays Will Be Wired Daily on One Telegram - For years the regular price of our daily TWO-HORSE WIRE FROM ANY ONE ■ "W T" ¥T* O TV/| TVT T" TRACK has been for six wires, but during this special Double Parlay Week subscribers *3 m %J o 1 3 W g |j At A J Xl 1 M will receive two horses from Aurora and two from Churchill Downs each day for a week for . f— — — "— mmmm — *"— ,MM — — «" i Act quickly to get your subscription to us in time. You can send cither by mail or wire, 1 DAILY — TWO HOUSES DAILY I but SEND YOUR ADDRESS, WHERE WIRES WILL REACH YOU QUICKLY. Just send | | ?5 and say: "For your special Double Parlay Week." You Have Subscnbed t0 the Rest-Now Subscribe FOB 1HE BEST! 1 THIS SPECIAL OEFER EXPIRES POSITIVELY SATURDAY, MAY 26 .D0 BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE ON THE SOUARE" GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS bacing public beware— imitators i have plenty, but competitors none Same name, same address for years. We do not issue daily sheets or "tips" of anv kind for TO THOSE WHO MERELY READ MY AD, READ AND WEEP ! ! sale through newsdealers. Use air mail for quick service. WE RECEIVE MAIL. SATURDAYS TRANSACTIONS: !* PEGGY LEE 9.00, WON *M %B~ TOP NOTCH 0.70, WON "«■ ■ ■ f JT n| JkM A 1VTJO C ¥B" " ¥ A ¥ 8rMOXD.Y- SO-l PROBABLE WIN PARLAY— .MOXDAY-W 1—1 I 1 g r I VI / 1 % % WT r I I / I 9» REPRESENTATION AT ALL MAJOR TRACKS -*Q Mk A r M. . UJLI 1T1 JL SL. A +J *J Mm JLfl JL JL JL JL The two linrsps that you receive are t lie horses that are advertised— win or lose. If you are seeking bona fide, legitimate turf information, subscribe. One days trial will DIRECT FROM RACE TRACK convince you. Once a client, always a client. Out-of-town clients receive the advertised two horses within an hour after their money Is ws-vit i-» a w ««i- * i— w-p-i-. xrr.1, ••.... YOU PAY ME AFTER YOU WIN received. No waiting for my service. I ask no money in advance as I anticipate an easy winner at a long price. A FAIR AND SQUARE DEAL ASSURED EVERYDODY On Wednesday. May 23. an old-fashioned clean up will be attempted. The horse hns worked as fast LEGITIMATE INFORMATION — NO GUESSWORK .stressed lightning. Here appears « chance for you to m.ike a nice winning at a long prfee Wire or wjre via Western Lnion or roandtal Telegraph and receive the advertised two horses wnte«me your correct street address and I will wire you the name of th.s horse early Wednesday Immediately Service six days a week morning. PLAY MINE STRAIGHT ONLY J* ,# DESM0 D 1123 broadway, suite 301, new york city ™" ~ — — ""—- " ~ : — __— My Terms — You Wire Me the "Winnings of the Day After My Horse Wins. Address ANDREW HORSEMAN, 616 Masten St., Buffalo, N. Y. - Wire early as I expect to leave for Toronto, Tuesday night. I will saddle this horse for this race SETTLE AT THE END OF A WEEK myself. As racing news publishers we are in constant touch with all tracks. Every d;iy we hear of a few — ■■■■ — — — ■ — — — mm — good things that are about to take place, and we do not hesitate to spend as much money as necessary .—.-».. to £et n on them. The moro we have to pay for information, the more we play ourselves, tnd in that INSinF INFORMATION IlllOlUC IIMrUniVIHI KJH Wp also lmvH u yery JarKe cUenteJe lf soli1 bu8lness ,„,,„. playing the horses wo telegraph them I11UI1/U »M1» UlUlinilUll IS ALL THE BUNK— Write today for a copy of each day. We are endeavoring to increase our clientele, inasmuch as it m:ikes no difference how many ■■ ■ ■ »■ ... ■■■■■■■■» "How to pick the horse that carries the cash"— men play tIie information, provided the play is well distributed. Our way of doing business is "fair and «»«. NO IVIiIWIjV IW AnVAnli k ll 1S FREE- U tel,s J0U a" abou the game a"1 square." Every day at « otlock we wire our clients two horses to be played in a parlai After six 111/ llIV/ilLI 111 ll/ frill V/ Jul explains the new superior method of handicapping. davs tuey remjt to us by telegraph 00. provided they are ahead more than $.100 on a daily win wliiih will show you how to pick winners with sur- parlay. Most of our clients play iuuWi more than a day. thereby making more for laiaaaill — I HAVE INFORMATION FROM A REAL I ri»ing regularity. Write for it today. The rpason wi,y we mention solid business men is because one week, just five weeks ago. we didnt INSIDE SOURCE ON A PROSPECTIVE SUPERIOR PUBLISHING* CO. do so well as usual, and the winnings on a $.1 daily parlay for the week on the horses we wired our "WINNER THAT WILL START AT LOUIS- Munsey Building. Washing, D. C. clients amounted to a little less than 00, yet all of our clients, with a few exi -eptions, wired us the W ■ust t,lc same Bs always, even though under our terms we were not entitled to same. It certainly YIL IF — — — — — — — rTTZ is gratifying to do business with fair-minded men, and we never let money interfere with our getting H/FrYMTCIY 1 7 R/I k7 OO l/I W* B ll I j rr% r t li I * _r_t IT D °" r,ai :oo1 thin*-s KO tliat we *;l" »lways make money for our clients. If " r iJlMl 15/ A Y IVI A Y / I IVJiJCll !• J*. V ■ J IJW JL jEL JL If our terms arc agreeable to you. telegraph your name and address with $.". for expenses. If In I Hin a Ld%J J ■■■• iliUl/n ... town, call. Information wired to out-of-town clients immediately. No proposition other than above If you nave 0 capital you can beat the , H I have not space to go into detail regarding horses weekly, monthly, yearly. You can acwpea- . . ... . , , . ... released the fol.owing horses last week, which tends to the kind of information we of this horse, but will say this is one the make to 0 daily January 1 1928 to prove best betting propositions I have handled in date EDC;E PL,AYS made ,960. Special con8ider ** gjjy Thursday: Tuesday: some time. sixty-day trial. Write me. Its worth a ANITA M 5.G2. Won ROY 9 4.10. Won VOLT $ 5.40, Won This horse must win for me to profit and stamp. VERMAJO $ 9.83. Won MONASTERY 1.14, Won PAUL BUNYAN $ 5.78, Won L!-?rirrfiTMr RICHWILLIS - - • - Dayton.Ky. . ™!?!W MoDda.;.$«,i8. l*-" J0Y BAIX ;.,„.„, Won „„„, *. ,oy ball won ZCSZiSr SANCTI°N XSSTLllSSL ™"AX°" ****» ENORMOUS WINN1NO POSSIBILITIES! and can and will make you money if you FREE! There are Men who FREE! GREELEY SQUARE NEWS CO. ■will wire or write me immediately and meet FREE! will tell you that the FREE! 209 WEST 38TH STREET, ROOM 211 NEW YORK CITx" FREE Races canno. be beat FREE! your obligations promptly. My offer is: Bet for me, wiring me the Beat the Mutuels Every Day — i winnings after you collect. Wire or write i.et IMe thow 3011 what I have found— mail tt,i« ad RAH Y RAPIMP f*"""lC M II |lS|t k tfflE3Hl!f3IV5fWI8V9 Immediately for service. for quick information. Possibilities simply wonder- UAlL-l tlMUIltJU Ul"Uv , SIBHBBlflHHHiBSUUHBOSUSXaH fol to run a "shoestring" into a "roll." For Sale At AH Newsstands. l.v WIT rnT jam«.» u. wiiua. j c WOODSt «Gaston» UAC TUC WINNERS todays fkbe cooes: Watterson Hotel, Louisville, Ky. UBBANA, ILL. Dept. A. 885 MHO I H C. WIIHIILnO /Chnrchill: Spade-28-23, Aurora: Flush 1-7.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1928052101/drf1928052101_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1928052101_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800