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HAMtLTGiM OHIO ENTRIES Racing starts at 2-:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:13 p m. Hamilton 1-2 Mile. Tirst Race — About 5-8 Mile. Douatiou 00. 2-year-olds. Todays Ind. Horseand Post Pes. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han 24801 Ravelle Front;, 5. 118X723 24913 Ok Me. 9 "... 118.. 720 252671 Miss Beaverkill, C US.. 715 252673 ]..,,. 0 M 7 .. 107.. 710 24913 Saury Poll v. 4... 118X70,-. 24680 Elbce. S 118.. 700 24913s Rack? Den M, 2 107.. 095 25267 Arvilla II. Ms. 1 107.. G90 25095 Nanny Carroll Mi 8 107.. 085 Sscond Race — About 5-3 Mile. Donation 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 26217- Little Avon. 11... 9 1120723 24803s Foretop, 3 4 10... .720 24970s Vacation Time, 8 5 115X715 24870 Bengalese, 10 10 H 5®710 25097 Unde Bert, •.... 10 110. .705 25097 Guy Clayton, 7.. 0 110:-: 700 25097 Tie-V Abe, 4 7 105. .095 24869 TliHm Armor, 2. I1K..M 24644 Mulligan, 12 5 105X090 24805 Friendlike. 9 4 110X0% 25097 Blasi»« Fire, 1.. It 10SXC85 22737 Palm-tto, 5 9 110. .085 Third Race — G 1-2 Furlongs. Donation i 0. 3-ycar-: lds and upward. Claiming. 25101 Mr. Plaid. 11 4 103.. 725 24915 Happy Ilobo. J... 5 113 720 25098 Dart, 1 0 108x713 25101 Occidcnta, 4 9 108x710 25216 *Sempronia, 8 9 106.. 705 25216 *White Wash. 9.. 6 108.. 700 25217 Watch It. 10 4 108x695 25216 Lady Shaw. 12... 5 100.. G90 25152 Col. ThatclierM , 3 4 113.. 085 24970 Will 1$. M. 5.. 11 113.. 085 250S3 Our Dicker Ml, 0 3 101.. MS 25032 Leanna M, 7... 3 100. .085 Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Donation 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 25156= ATADOR, 7 4 108.. 735 25219 Gladstone, 8 0 113X725 25220s Angleplaue. 12Lex 110 1:10 5 102.. 720 25272 Northern Star, 2. C.F 115 1:49% 7 108X715 24696J Old Tom, 3...0ma 108 1:47% 5 113x710 25221 Tom Hayes. 4. Lex 110 1:47% 3 107.. 705 25154 Florida Castle, 5. 3 101.. 700 25272s Don T., 6 3 109.. 095 2b2i3 Rob Spalding, 10. 5 1090090 25272 *Shelton, 11 3 98.. 090 25100 Wrack Ray, l.Lat 117 1:40% 7 104X085 24695 Static M, 9 3 107.. GS5 Fifth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs, Donation 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 25155 Red not. 9 4 108.. 725 25037 Queena Mario. 2.. 6 100X720 25152s Manipulator, 5.... 4 113.. 715 25097= Havana Electric, G 8 108X710 25152 One Gold Buck. 7. 5 108.. 705 25220s Margaretta E.. 10 G 106.. 700 25101 Sabattus Maid, 1. 5 10GXG95 24485 Trust Official, 3.. 10 113X090 25157 Singlehand, 4 G 108X690 24975= Equity, 8 7 108XGS5 25151 Ivy, 11 7 111.. 085 25216s Harp of the North, 12 10 113X635 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Donation 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 25273 Wrack Maid, G... 4 106X725 25272- Little Clair, 7 7 106X720 25221* Pavman, 4 Ken 111 1:45 7 108X715 251542 Snappy Pal, l.J.P 110 1:49% 3 103X710 25154 Wine Jug, 3 6 102x705 25224 Miss Ilogan, 2... 3 100X700 25324 Honsky, 5 5 109X695 25220 Sound, 8 5 101X690 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Donation 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 25223= Walespa, 6 9 100.. 725 25101= Dr. Barnes, 12... 4 100.. 720 25224 • Mighty, 8 6 111X715 25155 Nine Sixty, lO.Lat 105 1:48% 5 114X710 25152 Rill, 3 4 104®705 25157 Liberation, 5.Hav 110 1:50% 4 111x700 25034 Grandson, 7 9 111X095 25151 Faber, 9 8 111X690 25152 Ho-Horry, 11. .J.P 105 1:51% 7 111.. 090 25273 Jai-Alai, 1 4 111.. 685 25269 Trevls, 2 4 111. .085 25220 Sunsprite, 4 5 104x085 Eighth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Donation 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Horses and Geldings. Claiming. 25327 Wapiti. 5 J.P 101 1:53% 10 111X725 25273 Brunell, 4 8 111X720 25157 Hardman, 7 7 106.. 715 25327 Marvelite, 6 .C.P 105 1:54% 5 111X710 25327 Triumph, 3 8 114X705 25271 Salvage, 1 6 100X700 25323 Thomas Piatt, 10 6 111x095 25328 Transfer, 8 ..Was 96 1:56 5 111x090 25328 Dr. Mac Millan, 9 Win 105 1:58% 6 100X690 25223 Spring, 2 F.E 101 1:54% 4 111. .685 25328 Bonfire, 11 .Ken 102 1:53% 8 106x685 25326 Stargo, 12 7 111X685