Daily Racing Form Charts: Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1928-06-26

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HAMILTON HAMILTON, ONT., MONDAY, JUNE 25. 1923— 1 1-15 Miles, C8 feet. First day. Hamilton Jocker Clnb. Summer meeting of sewn days. Weather clear. KtOWardS Representing Canadian Racing Associations. F. Kelson and B. S. Gillies. Stewards of Meeting. J. K. B. Ross, K. T. Bawes. P. P. Cowans and B. Raymond. Judges. .1. JBLennan. J. 1*. Turner. W. J. Morrison anil E. C. St. Tore. Starter, Marshall Ca-sidv. Raeinn Secretary, .1. McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30 p. Be.. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance cf each race indicate horse, date, trck record, age of horse 8nd weights carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. r £*ETOO FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Little Nephew, June 25. 1913— :5S-»5— 3— 1C8. Juvenile Purse. £A,s_S £and*d Purse ,C0C. 2-ycar-oids. Maidens. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtlISt ij V2 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equ.v. Odds Strt 25613 LEN SWEEP w 112 6 I l"k l1 l1! V- P Groos Maryvaie Farm S:uble ;10-10tf 24«61 BRITISH w 103 I 1 21 25 23 2° A Tryon Thorncliffe Stable lO.VlOO 2039! LA QUERIDA W 112 11 4 3nk 31. o11 ■ Zh 9 Bohcrty B II Thomas 1340-100 26072 CLEVB 1IERCE w 112 8 2 6* 411 41 4- II Bittle V P Robie 1935-100 26335 MAB1E BANK w 112 9 5 4" ."! 5« 5s T Burns A J Sansono t600-10C 25DC0 GUARANT wb 112 3 10 11 91 V* 6"* A Dyson J Arthur 3895-100 MULATTO w 112 10 11 103 83 85 7« M Fishmn E Weiss 237V100 ARIADNE W 112 7 6 5» C 61 8° B Schaefcr V J Salmon 36.-.-100 ROSSWTN w 105 5 9 9» 11 9» 5« P Mann J C Fletcher 3775-100 24779 OUTRAGEOUS wn 112 2 8 7i 71 103 103 W Harvey Middleburg Stable t HEART SONG w 112 4 7 ffhP 11 11 J Robson O F Burkart f tMutuel field. Time, :24. :50=5, l:03Vi. Track slow. ,. MUIUELS PAID— EaUIVAL NT BOOKING ODDS- LEN SWEEP .20 .30 .95 310—100 65— 1C0 4: J— 100 BRITISH 3.15 2.85 67i— 100 42J— 10O LA aUERIDA 5.10 155—100 Winner — Br. f, by Leonardo II.— Furieuse, by Ethelbert trained by J. D. Mooney; bred by Messrs. Simms and Smith. Winner entered to be cla:med for ,500. WENT TO POST— 2:37. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LEN SWEEP, showing the most speed and clear of intcrfcrei.ee. raced BRITISn into defeat in the first half milo, then raced ir.to a long lead and won in a canti r. BRITISH raced closest up all the « , but was under hard riding to outfinish LA QUERIDA. The latLr. always clove up. finished gamely and would have been second in a few more strides. CLEVE FIERCE raced well. MARIE DANK had no mishaps. ARIADNE was not persevered with when she tired. S rat led— 2C19G Ironmaster, 11.7; 203D9 Lucky Tide. 112: 2«32C Bolt of Th;:r.der, 115. wl ET*?0 SECOND-RACE— C-4 MileTl PriscTliian, June 19. 1911— 1:11— €—113." Pur7e~".bbb~ iu Oe3iatfO y:ar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valve to winner 5700; second, 00; third, £100. Index Horses AWtlISt j Jj Mr Fin Jockeys Owners gpniv. Odds Sir » 26215 CARE FBEK wis l.» 10c 0 4 1" 1" 1.. li B Scb.iieicr Mrs A H AlexatiUra T--.OO 263273SANTA SWEEP wn 3 105 9 1 2] -J". ",1L"1G Ralls J A Parsons E96-1M 25550 CEDAR CREST wc 3 102 12 5 f» r," i| f J Cwynne J P White 58.0 100 26265 LAI Y CHILTON w 5 113 8 2 33 33 3 45 N Fodcn W O Campbell 1610-100 20J01 PETER WHLFFLEwa S HI 10 6 6 63 .V 5". R Toarow H Giddings UK hW 256661 rARCEUR wu 3 109 3 3 4"k 4« 63 6= J Biun-icr C Fenaro MS-M 26336 FINISTERRE wb 3 100 18 9" 9". 71 T| W Smith Woodlav.n Stable 1 1 .".-1 00 2530: TROMPELAINE w 3 100 2 7 81 101 85 85 P McGinis Maryvale Stable JisiO-lOO 25S00 BOKHARA w 3 101 4 10 711 8. 93 93 H Little B A Langwralr f 2567 DONNA afONA w 110 11 11 12 1 103 101 R Fisher PLV,n 3360 100 £•321 NORTH WOODS wb 3 103 6 12 ll"klli ll3 11» J Robson O F Burkart t 25791 SHUP W 4 HO 7 9 10 73 12 12 M PtshiaB F P Robie 1373 106 t.Mutuel field. Time, :24,5, :49%. 116. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID s EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, CARE FREE .45 .95 .80 72J— 100 47J— 100 40—100 SANTA SWEEP 3.90 3.15 95—100 57J— 10O CEDAR CREST 9.C0 380—100 Winner — Ch. g, by Colin — Domino Noire, by Kingston trained by A. E. Alexandra; bred by Messrs. Head lev ,V; Miller. Winner entered to be daiased for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:14. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. CARE FREE raced into a brief lead at once, stalled off determined opposition from SANTA SWEEP in tie first five-eighths, bore out badly during the stretch run and was slowly drawing clear. SANTA SWEEP, a keen factor throughout, was forced out during the stretch run, went into the ir.side and hold on gamely. LADY CHILTON raced well, but came wide in the houie stretch. Scratched — 2S003 Swept, 110: 2 12.,J Bucephalus. 112; 28264 Snperline, 102; 2G20D Jamie, 109; 25989 Sweet Way. 104: 21065 Helen Handsel, 101: 19796 Laagaor, ICO: 23CS3sSelt1ah, 110. Overweights — Santa Sweep, 1 pound; Cedar Crest. 3; Finnistcrre, 3; North Woods, 1. r /G»CT r /d THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Priccillian. June 19. 1911—1:11—6—112/ Mount Hope Purse. dnflVOdnfX Purse .0C0. 3-year-ods and upward. Foaled in Canada. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. ladei Heroes a Wt PPM U . Btr Pta Joe nays owners Eiw:v. odds str t 2366.1 KN CKANT w 6 106 5 1 I" ]"L ll li V Whifkr li Pondhag i,:-leb 25552 SPARUS wb 3 102 4 6 33 32 2 2- J Gwvnne F jTRegan 3M3-1N S62C1*MEERAN wb 1 109 6 3 51 B«l V 31 B Schaefer J E Smaliman 320-10C 2 C3351 BREVET wb 5 102 7 7 7 i* 41 48 L Wstocii P Gorman 15S0-10O 20110 SERGirNT MAJOR vv 3 97 3 2 1"* 21 S* 53 R Fisher J P White 1710-100 26-302 BLOOMTIP w 4 107 2 4 4h 61 63 6» E Fleming AV II Wright BaS-X* 25888 BLSTERINE wu 4 102 1 5 fii 7 7 7 R Tonrow II C Hatch 890-100 Time. :C4=i. :49H. 1:16. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID , EQUIVALNT LOOKING ODDS, KNOGKANY $ 3.25 $ 3.20 $ 2.45 62i— 100 60—100 22J— 100 SPARUS 12.10 4.85 605—100 142 — 10O MEERAN 2.45 221—100 Winner — Ch. g, by Cudgel — Canice, by Bridge of Canny tiair.ed by R. Pending; bred by Mr. j. K. L. Ross. WENT TO POST— 3:53. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won driving; second and third the same. KNOCKANY took the lead while under slight restraint and easily kept it to the end. SPARES raced close up and made a gome finish. MEERAN worked his way up on the inside and finished gaasely. BREVET, outpaced for the first quarter, came to the outside and finished fast. BERCEANT MAJOR showed speed for the first half mile. EISTERINE wonld not extend herself. Scratched — *Hv74ltad atallah, 101: 23Ml*Haaaa Deehe, 100; 2 334Grey of Dawn, 100; 20339 Princess Pat Coventry. 102; lOO.M2 Forecast II., 104; 25210"Sveetcst Song, 03. Overweights — Knoekanjr, 2 pounds; Spams, 3. 2anditZ6J fZ, FOURTH RACE— 5-3 Mile. Little Boahow. Junoo. 1913— :53 ,— C— 108. Uountaia 0 3«3 Valley Plate. Purse 52.0C0. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner S1.4C0: r.ccotid. 00: third. ZZZQ. Itidex Horses AWtlISt U l-2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 2554»REL*E OF GOVANSw M8j « J 2| li 1" 1- B Schaefer J J Fair ell j,- 8." -100 2544«PIN WHEEL W 99 3 5 4h 3»k 21 2" P McGinis Thorncliffe Stable 640-10O 2*259 EQUATION w 107* 5 6 5 4 33 3" J Brunner C V B Cnatunaa 24",-10O 25611 ROSE SPOT w 93 4 1 1"» 21 IMT. Fisher Maryvale Farm Stable 1330-100 25790 PINE I.AHV w 101 2 3 3" 5 5 5 V Mann J C Fletcher 4f 90-100 26259 GIBBED YOUTH Wl 105 1 4 Lost rider. C Ralls E F Sanford HSO-100 Time, :24. :483i. l:013i. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID ; EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, EELLE OF G0VANS .65 $ 2.50 $ 2.10 82i— 100 25—100 5— 10O PIN WHEEL 4.25 2.40 1121—100 20—10O EQUATION 2.25 121— 10O Winner — B. f, by Campfire — Pixy, by Peter Pan trained by H. Simond; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson. WENT TO POST— 4:30. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and. third driving. BELLE OF ,OVANS took an easy lead, was rated nloag until reaching the stretch, was shaken up and ci.iue away easily in the final stages to win with inn. h in reserve. TIN WHEEL finished well to outstay th« others, but iid not menace the winner. EQUATION began slowly, moved into contention on the last turn, but did not respond when put to a drive. He was kicked in the month by ROSE SPOT and suffered the loss of some of his teeth. ROSE SPOT tired. GILDED YOllII stumbled shortly after the start end after a sixteenth of a mile lost his rider. Scratched— 2 n.»;Kai Shek, 100: Li.tT" Crown I.ard. 110: LUl.M", Ironmaster, 103. Orel weights-— Belie of Carina, li pounds; Bqaatloa, 11: Fine Lady, 1; Gilded Youth. 2. «" £» Er*?£ IIFTH RACE— 1 Milo and 70 Yards. Flag of Truce, Aug. 1, 1 924— T: 43 *!— 4— lloT iOtPJU Salisbury Purse. Purse ?I,203. 3-yeai-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second, S203: th:rd. C0. Index Horoee A Wt lI"t % j. •., Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiuiv Odds Strt 26069-EOlSTO WB 0 11". 5 5 5 5 5 T» J Smith Seam-am sTaCTo ].,o-09 26262 LACTARIUa wu 4 110 3 4 45 4« 4* 3l 2 B Schaefer II C Hatch BS-Mt 2632!-.LANS BAY wn 3 105 2 3 21 23 2» 1* 3» C Bills FJ F Sanford 310-1W 25901 BIGNOLA W3 4 101 4 2 3 3 3» 5 4* F Mann V P Robio 1210-106 S8dMROCKADT w 4 103 1 1 1 1 1 43 5 A Tryon Thorncliffe Stable 275-109 Time, :24=i, :49. 1:U%. 1:44 = ;. 1473-5. Track slow., , MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-» EDISTO .00 .45 .35 150—100 721—100 171— 10C LACTARIU8 5.25 2.50 1621—100 25—100 ALANS BAY 2.45 22J— 100 Winner B. h, by Johrcn — Tuuuin, by Broomstick trained by J. Whyte; bred by Mr. L. S. Thompson. WENT TO POST— 6:01. AT POST— 2 minutei. Start pood and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. EDISTO was reserved back of the pare, followed the others to the far turn, gained rapidly when pat to a drive, displaced ALANS HAY midway of the stretch and won ■■tag away at the end. LAC-TAR1US responded willingly in the final drive and fought it out gamely. ALANS HAY. under restraint in the early stages, disposed of ROCKADY, but tired badly near the end. SIGNOLA raced well. BOCK AD Y displayed good speed for three-quarters and quit. Scratched— 20009Bucky Harris, 113; 20199 Tatricia J., 108; 20451 2 Remedy, 100; 26320 Tolls, 100; 26476-Noiue, 97. Overweights — Signola, 2 pounds; Alans Fay, 5. rt/JPOIT SIXTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. Jouett, July 30, 1923— 1:45%— 6— 104. Purse ,200. 3-AlDtM 4 year-olds and xipward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtlTSl *,* Mi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv Odds Strt 26405HIJO WBAUS 1 3 3l 3" V 1"" Is P Groos J A 1 arsons 167J-100 25451 BUM KIN w 3 103 2 2 l1 1» l1 2« 2« P Whitker It rending 190-100 26198MASCARA w 3 105 6 I 4" 4* Si 3* 3J F Doherty S P Taylor 1110-100 25842 LINGER w 5 110 5 1 6 6 5n* 5« 41 H Little P P Robie 695-100 263303HANKY RICE wrt 6 112 3 6 Pk ? 2n* 41 5" C Ralls C R Fleischmann 485-100 25393 BETHLEHEM w 4 109 4 4 5nk 5" 6 6 6 C Jackson H M Dixon 2270-100 Time, :24%, :50, 1:16%. 1:43%, 1:51. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID * - -EOUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS— HIJO .35 .60 .45 1671—100 30—100 22J— 100 EUN KIN 2.65 2.70 321—100 35—100 MASCARA 4.00 100—100 Winner — B. g, by Spanish Irince II. — Speariana, by Assagai trained by J. A. Parsons; bred by Mr. J. K. L. Rossi. Winner entered to be claimed for ,800. WENT TO POST— 5:36. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. 111.10 raced close up from the start and, taking the lead in the Etrotch, won in a canter. SUN KIN began fast, but lost ground on the first turn, then set a good pace, but could r.ot withstand the winners rush. MASCARA saved ground on all the turns and outganied LEGER. The latter came fast in the last quarter. HANKY RICE quit. Scratched— 2s;3S9-Irawmg I.onrd, 116. Overweight — Mascara, 1 pound. ~*y€Z. K. fQ- SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile On the Turf. Lunetta. June 27. 1924— 1:38%— 7— 112. Purse Af* © «3 _uil 3 ,000. 3-year-olds and upwarS. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index liases AUtliSt V, y % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqmv. Odds Strt "2579«ji;i lE.l LETON w 8 109 7 6 5"" 52 4* 3i 1 H Little K P Kobie 60i-100 26486JIMMY BKOWNwb 5 109 4 2 3 and 32 21 2S J Robson H Hasledon 1810-100 N4M BANK JR. wrs 5 111 3 8 f 21 21 lnk 3l T Burns A J Sansone |S60-100 26331 LAWLESS w 6 111 2 1 4h 7« 61 4« 4* W Parton J M Hubbell Jr 595-100 26206 = 11 AVE A CARE we 3 99 6 7 lh ln* lnk 5« f"» P McGinis Mrs M V Daly 1040-100 25312 MYSTIC STAR wb 3 ft 9 4 2»k 1»* 51" 6* 6* J Maciver Thomcliffe Stable 1800-100 26263COMER CAHILLwb 5 116 10 3 7* 6» 7* 7-k 72 P Groos J A Parsons 125-100 26067 "I-IRST EDITION w 5 106 8 5 81 95» 9= 8"k 8« R Fisher P L Ceceri 800-100 26412 DELUSIVE w 8 106 110 9« 8J 9 9=° 9" A Dyson T Francis t MISS FLYING COLUMN w 3 92 5 9 10 10 10 10 10 F Gunn W F Wright t fMutuel field. Time, :25, :523i, 1:18%. 1:47%. Track slow. , MTJTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-,, ED PENDLETON 4.05 $ 6.65 $ 5.40 6021—100 2321—100 170—100 JIMMY BROWN 14.25 10.10 6121—100 405—100 BANK JR. Field 5.05 1521—100 Winner — R. g, by Light Brigade — Santa Susanna, by Top Gallant trained by J. Howard; bred by Mr. A. W. Young. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 6:11. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. EI PENDLETON raced into a contending position, gained stoutly on the outside when placed under punishment and finished with excellent courage to get up right at the end. JIMMY BROWN, a forward factor throughout, displaced BANK JR. and HAVE A CARE and continued with good courage to the end. BANK JR. followed the pacemakers closely, shook off HAVE A CARE, but tired in the final strides. LAWLESS, poorly handled and allowed to drop out of contention, came wide into the stretch and gained on lr* own courage Scratched— 25388 Son Ami. 109: 2fiOC7 = Jubal Early. 116: 262632rrieeman, 112; 26137 Cut Bush. 109; 26108Reigh Shot, 107: 2G474A1 Kripp, 107; 25902 Lazibones, 104; 2582S Sun Swept, 109; 26205 Balsam Lake. 106: 2G208 Pauketa, 91. Overweights — Jimmy Brown. 4 pounds; Delusive, 2.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1928062601/drf1928062601_12_2
Local Identifier: drf1928062601_12_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800