Daily Racing Form Charts: Omaha, Daily Racing Form, 1928-06-26

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OMAHA OMAHA. NEB.. MONDAY, JUNE 25. 1928.— Ak Sar-Ben Field 1 Mile. Twenty-first day. Ak-Sar-Ben ExpoMiion Co. Spring meeting of 29 days. Weather clear. Steward ttepreaeuting the Nebraska State Racing .omuii.-sion, N. J. Rot. in. Stewards of Meeting, H. 1*. D— Ulan. N. J. Ronin and P. Reed. Judges, J. Carey and J. S. Rothert. Starter, E. Thomas. Rarmg Secretary. J. Carey. Racing starts at 2:00 p m. Chicago time, 3:00 p. in.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weights carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. «r r»jrrpQk FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Edmon. July 1, 1926—1:00—4—114. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. J£ff_s!t? Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Ftn Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 2450.VDOLL DANCE w H C 5 E| C* 3h I2 L Trimble Jor.es Stock Farm Stable 410-100 26250EUNICE ATWELL w 102 1 3 62 5£ 45 2nk J Scurlock J C Gillem 790-100 26058 •QUKERQTJILL W 107 4 2 3s 2i 21 ? J Conirore Mrs J W Smith 620-100 04310* •DANBAUlf w 105 7 4 2"1 V I2 45 C Critchfd J A Hall 190-100 26127 HANI I MAIDEN w 103 5 6 42 4» 5« 510 E Steffens J Noel 3590-100 TIXXIi: w 105 2 1 D 3H Pi C!0 J Inzelone C A Hartwell 410-100 BIG SINK w 110 8 8 7 7s 7* 7« A Yerrat K S Cleveland 1790-10 •LYNE A. w 103 3 7 8 8 8 8 T Malley L B Thompson and Bio 7600-100 26127"RED ROBE w 101 9 Wheeled. P Bnhardt R S Castle 2C90-100 Time, :25. :50%, 1:05. Track slow. , MTJTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-s DOLL DANCE 0.20 $ 5.40 $ 4.40 410—100 170—100 120—100 EUNICE ATWELL 8.00 6.40 300—100 170— 1C0 QUEEEQUILL 3.60 80—100 Winner — B. f, by Nutcracker — Harrigans Dolly, by narri ;an trained by H. A. Jones; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:01, AT POST— 2 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. BOLL DANCE came fast through the stretch and, taking the lead in the last twenty yards, won going away. ELNICE ATWELL saved ground on the stretch turn and made a game finish. QUEER-GlII.L raced fnrwardly and finished fairly well. DAM.AI M and ILUNIU tired after setting the early pace. LYNE A. and BIG SINK had little chance at the start. Scratched— 38230 Jack Crain, 105; 2C250 Sonnys Girl, 102; 20472 Dino Gold, 100; 2C172 Esther Wheel, 108 Overweight! — nand Maiden. 1 pound: Red Boh". 1. OfQETOA SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Fmlonsr. CcnUrnetsr, June 16, 1927—1:05—9—112. Pur? . S700. _v5£5ftivt 3-year-olds ard upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third. S6C: fcurtY S25. Index Ibises A Wt ll St , L_ Str Kill «oei;e. s owners E |uiv. Odds Mr t 26251 PAN VAX w 4 llo l 2 1- 1= D 1- T Malley J j A Moore 1080-100 26393*M RICE MLLCAHYw 7 107 2 11 8 E| 4s 21 C Crltehrd L Pope 230-100 25957*K.LlKO w 5 110 6 4 31 42 31 3 L Trimble D Mack 580-100 26394*F NMORE w 6 101 11 3 2* 21 2l 4 ° G Floyd J A Hall 290-100 2018»*BUDDY CLARK w 4 110 9 8 10» !* $ S| E Steffens G L P.ilmquist 1920-100 263M»U. LOSS wl 96 5 6 71! 8h 6h G5 J Inzelone C Holt t570-100 25958 RUNAWAY W 7 105 7 5 6» 62 F* 71 E Ury L Ury 1580-100 2:.9.-7 GRT FINISHER W 7 112 12 1 6* 71 10= 8h E Legere P. Monihan 1760-10 26189 LADY ELEANOR W 4 101 I ! 9h 10« 71 94 J Scurlock Minnesota Stable t LIBERAL LAD w .1 101 4 7 41 31 fli 101 A Ternft II K Snyder + MS9S*RED SETH w 6 113 8 12 12 12 ll1 11* R Grmvd E R Spicer 2160-100 26251 BENNTE POX w S .05 10 10 11* U* 12 12 C S Hindle JCIhilpot 123C0-100 tMutuel fidd. Time, :243i. O1, 1:0*%, 1:10. Track slow. , HUTUELS PAID , -EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS PAN YAN 9.20 3.40 .23 1860—100 670—100 260—100 MAURICE MULCAHY 3.20 3.00 60—100 50—160 KAL1KO 4.00 100—100 Winner— B. ■. by Paahasdler — Nameless, by Woolwinder trained by D. A. Moore; bred by Mr. A. atcRndree. Winner eatered to be el. timed fer 00. WENT TO POST— 2:S1. AT PC-IT— 1 minute. Start good and slow. OTon e::i!y: s ejnd and third driving. lAN VAN quickly raced lata the lead and held it to tlie end. MAURICE MULCAHY closed a big gap aad finished fastest. KAI.IKO raced furwardly. FONMORE tind. BIDDY CLARK closed a gap. LIBERAL LAD showed early peed. Bcratehed— 23803 Ouecn Bess, 105; 28309 Amen, 109; 25958 Black Angel, 107; 2C398 Mi Amigo, 02; 2C392 Brown Ben. v. W. Overweights — Fosaaore, 1 pound: U. Boss. 1: Great Finisher, 2; Red Scth. 1; Bennie Fox, 5. "■ m d v ■:• t— Bed S -th, 113. * £2.K*y~t TIIrD CACE— 5 1-8 Fprleacs. CsatfaMtsr, June 16. 1927—1:05—9—112. Purse 00 •vPt-SO A c-year-olc aad Bsward. QalsdnS. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, G; fourth, 5. Index Horses » AWtlISt 1i M Sir Fm Jockeys Owners Emiiv. Odds Str t MltS**Kat*A HOAGLNfnv E US M 1 6" 4- 2» 11 C Critchfd L Elandcr 00-100 20251-MISS OMAHA w 5 110 5 5 31 1" lh 21 A Yerrat E K Murray 200-100 26324 SLOW TIME w 5 101 8 7 7« 7« 7« 31 G Floyd R Scoville 910-10. 25605= LITTLE JENNIE WB S K 7 3 1 21 31 4» C Lyons O Klot/. tl3S0-10 0S41?*DOVE8ROOST we 9 101 9 10 8» 8» 85 B" J Scurlock Rose -bud Stable t 0«3O3*BALEFm.L wb 7 104 2 4 51 51 41 6» J Inzelone A S.haffer nO-100 264 69 3 IDA NEWELL w 3 96 6 2 2" 31 5 1 7« L Trimble Z Barnett OaVl 25956 M..r.GL BETH w 5 105 1 6 4h 61 6» b2 II West Akli ic!i and Winans 0-1 W- 26392 MIINIGT CHIEF w 5 112 3 9 9* 10 9» 9" F Dou.glas J A Dority f 15450 BETHS AK-S.-BN W 7 105 4 8 10 9110 10 A Hess W T Hess and Son 4200-100 tMutuel field. Time, :25. :61, DOS1*. D10H. Track slow. — MUTUELS PAID , EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODD3-, EMMA HOAGLAND 510.60 .60 .00 430—100 180—109 10C— 100 MIES OMAHA 4.00 3.60 100— 100 83—100 BLOW TIME 6.80 240—100 IV ii. r BIk. m. ly Wisty Hegaa— EHaaheta n., by M:ir:i Santa trained by D. Elandcr; bred by Mr. Walter 8. Payne. Ain:u-r entered ta be claisaed for $:.oo. WENT TO POST— 3:02. AT POST— S minutes. Rtarl toed aad alow. Won drlviBc: aecoad and third th -ame. EMMA HOAGLAXB was forced wide on the Btretch t irn bat finislid f.ivt and headed MISS OMAHA Bear the end. The latter r:ie, ,| eSoaa U and took the lead [a the Btretch, 1 it coaM ii"t M I staid the wiaaer. BLOW TIME made a fast finish. LITTLI JENNIE tired. DOVE8B008T fii with a rash. BAI.EBULL ran poorly. : -..t I .I 260392Two Lin-s. 90: 26324* Nim.tte. 9C: 20322 Barberry, 112: 26061 Glassfull, 108; 2.."..I2 Can i •■.•: ii 07; 26103 Minnesota. 98; 2.".J.".; Guinea Cold, 100; 25078 General Kr.vi r, MM. Overw i.lrt — Slow Time. 1 pound. Corrected weight— Mhtalsht Chief. 112. f £»CrO* FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Realist. June 25. 1227— 1 l— 4— 108. Purse 5703. 3-_tUU«J year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0: fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtlISt y3 Str Fin Jockeys Owners E |ui v. Odds Strt 26252 SHASTA KIT KLLXw I 104 8 I 3« S | 1 D A Yerrat W O Whealdon NOO-MO 26192 BKN AHAMO w3 99 11 8 6!1 53 41 2» J Inzelone B F McClain 990-100 26469 B1M w 6 112 5 3 4- 4J 31 3» E Lafan Minnesota Stable 420-100 261 70 » CAMPUS FLIRT w 3 97 7 1 lh lb 2 4J L Trimble G P McNeil 200-100 25676 LAIY LENA w 4 105 9 6 91 » 6 5* E Steffens R W Sheldon 24S0-1CO 25996 GIPSY BELLE w 4 102 10 4 3l 5» 61 C Critchfd H N Cooper 400-100 24867 KINGS ROW w 3 109 6 2 5*1 61 71 7B T Shaw F Hayes flCOO 100 26393*15 LE RANKIN II. w 4 102 3 9 101 8* 8» 8J A Schenk T Lance t WMITOM DENNISON w 5 112 2 11 lla 911 910 97 P Bnhardt W A Fight 5H0-10O 25957 RED BOB w I 106 1 7 71 10" 10» 103 T Corn M Lowo r"0-100 25996 AFRICAN MINT w .1 99 4 10 81 111011» 11* J Congore F Walker 31CO-100 ADA LOIS W 3 101 12 12 12 12 12 12 G Floyd L B Thompson and Bros f tMutuel field. Time, :24 j;, :50V5, l:17«i. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID , EOUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, SHASTA KU KLUX 3.20 $ 9.80 $ 5.20 1060— 1C0 393— 1C0 160—100 BEN AHAMO 9.00 6.60 350—100 230— 100 BIM 4.20 110—100 Winner— Ch. g, by Solomon — Charmeuse, by Mazatnn trained by W. C. Whealdon; bred by Mr. H. D. Brown. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:37. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. SHASTA KU KI.UX began fast and, heading the others wl en the stretch was reached, won easily. BEN AHAMO gainer steadilv and finished fast, but did not threaten the winner. BIM easily disponed of the others. CAMPOS FLIRT and GIPSY BELLE tired. Scratched— Brown Parcel. 107: 26252 Van Deusen, 99; 25785 Bonnie Beau, 104; 15097 Highland King, 104; 26392 Ike Davis, 99: Paraloma. 99. Overweights— KingR Row. 2 iwunds; Red Bob. 2: Ada Lois. 2. Corrected weights — I.ady Lena. 105; Tom Deni.ison, 112: Red Boh, 1Q0. *y£*£Z y y FIFTH RACE— 1 WOm. Shasta Gold. June 11. 1927— l:S7o— 3— 105. Purse 00. 3-_00i 0 year-oMs and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, §50; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtlISt1* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 25959:«PALOI.O wb 4 104 6 7 7 7 63 41 I1 C Critchfd Thompson Bros 210-100 20323 *NOSE DIVE w 9 103 4 5 5 4h 21 2" 2h G Floyd Irwin L S and S Co 290-100 26064 RAPIER w 5 101 5 4 61 61 41 32 V II West J Roberts 1330 100 26194 THRACE w 4 103 1 1 lh ll Hi lh 41 J Inzelone B Creech 230-100 26323 "PIUTE WB 3 96 3 2 21 3i 5" 6» 5= L Trimble Syufy and Graham 1470-100 26323 = KINGMAN w 6 99 2 3 4= 51 3 5h 6l° A Lujan A L Jones 1000-100 26131 MAXIMUS WB 3 100 7 6 31 21 7 7 7 J Coiiyore B Johnson 21C0-10O Time, :24*i, :50%, 1:1814, 1:45%. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID , EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, PALOLO $ 6.80 $ 4.20 $ 3.40 240—100 110—100 70—100 NOSE DIVE 4.00 3.40 100—100 70—100 RAPIER 5.00 150—100 Winner — B. g, by Rodgcrs — Mangonel, by Carbine trained by B. C. Sebum; bred by Mr. A. W. Carter. Winner entered to be claimed f-r ,500. WENT TO POST— 4:12. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. PALOLO, always within striking distance of the leaders, came with a rush in the stretch to pass NOSE DIVE. The latter took command in the final eighth, but could not stave off the winner. RAIlER finished well. THRACE tired in the final drive. KINGMAN was in close ipiartcrs on the first turn. MAXIMUS quit after rushing up to the leaders in the back stretch. Corrected weight— Thrace, 103. OnQKO /i SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 YarJs. Mary B.. June 15, 1928— l:434s— 5— 103. Puiso v5Dtt»"X 00. 3-year-old? and upward. Claim:ng. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtlISt % Va *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equi v. Odds Strt 26193 PANOREL w 7 107 2 1 U 1* ll l3 ll J Congore Aldrich and Winans 4S0-100 261 33 SCOTSMAN w 4 105 3 8 8 6h V- 4* 21 L Trimble A Ross 1510-100 26133* DETERMAN w 4 103 7 3 2» 2 21 3 33 J Wise M Keliy 1430-100 25959REALIST w 5 107 8 5 5i 53 31 21 43 J Inzelone B Creech 140-100 26255JUST PEATT w 4 102 4 2 61 71 9* 53 ."1 T Malley E W Paddleford 2200-100 254003SEA FAIRY w 6 101 1 4 71 8" 8 6s 6* P Bnhardt G W Fritz 1290-100 26471 QUICK ASSET w 3 95 5 7 4s 31- 61 8 73 C Lyons Irwin L S i S Co 610-100 25960OSEDA w 5 102 6 6 and 4* 4h 7* 8 C Critchfd H H Chopin 620-100 % Time, :24Ji. :50, 1:18, 1:45*4, l:504i. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- PANOREL 1.60 $ 7.00 $ 5.40 48C— 100 250—100 170—100 SCOTSMAN 1100 7.00 450—100 250—100 DETEEMAN 5.40 170—100 Winner— Ch. g, by El Oro or Panacea— Sis L.. by Hastings trained by J. Winans; bred by Mr. W. H. Crumlen. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:43. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PANOREL set a good pace and. despite going wide on the first turn, led easily to the end. SCOTSMAN came fioni far back and was running fast at the finish. DETERMAN v. as close an from the start. REALIST tired after racing into third place in the last quarter. QUICK ASSET was in close quarters on the back stretch and tired. OSEDA quit badly. Scratched— 26473Liberty, 00; 2r,it Shasta Grande, 107; 2G473 Feysun, 104. Overweights — Determan. 1 pound: Sea Fairy, 1. — ■ OnQECOEf SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Seths Premium. June 25. 1927— 1 :45s:,— 4— 101. Pursa DDOO 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5.100; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt Vs % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 20132 ALAMOUE w 7 1C6 7 5 5= 3i 3s 24 D II West M 3 Hayes 13 0-100 26393 = PRIVATE SETII w 5 114 8 6 32 2" 21 lh 21 A Yerrat E afcCown 210 100 26002JOLLY CEPHAS w 11 106 3 7 6 5i 63 63 3» C Critchfd E C Sutton o70-100 26469ENGADINE ws 4 101 6 8 73 75 Gh 41 45 J Inzelone C E Davison 360-100 26195 = ARABY WB 5 111 1 4 8 8 7* 7i .".» N Stevens Syufy and Graham 44M0O 26397 2 ANTIQUITY w 7 104 5 2 1* Is 1| 33 61 G Floyd B F McClain Jr 890-100 26256 YELLOW PINE wr. 8 111 4 3 2J 43 43 5" 7" P Kefover E D Slavin MOO 100 25894*BL"CKLAIDE w 11 10S 2 1 41 6" 8 8 8 G Shindle J C Philpot 5340-100 Time, :25, :51V.. 1:19. 1:4344. l:53«i. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID . ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- ALAMOUR 8.00 $ 7.80 $ 4.20 1300—100 290— ICO 110— 100 PRIVATE SETII 4. CO 3.00 1C0— 100 60—100 JOLLY CEPHAS 3.60 80—100 Winner— B. m, by Belamonr— Ala n., by Marchasoat II. trained by M. J. Hayes; bred by Mr. A. N. Bajrdeal Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:16. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and tlird driving. ALAMOUR saved gronnd at the stretch turn and. taking a good lead in the run home, held it. PRIVATE SETII raced close np, but could not resist the wiaaer. JOLLY CEPHAS finished fast. EN-GADIN1 made up ground. ARABY was badly outrun for the first part. ANTIQUITY tired in the final quarter. Scratched — 26470 Home Run. 10.1. - 3 6X£?ET* £5 EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Seths Premium, June 25. 1927—1:43=;,— 4— 101. Purso /mi 5 «3 tl vP S700. 3-year-o"c!s and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 26; second, 00; third. 0; fourth, 5. Index Horsts AWtPPSt U H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 26169- *LZONA w 3 93 3 2 4 Ch D l2 1* F Douglas J IfcBride 410-100 25610*PLIN ROCK w 4 106 5 5 8 3h 1* 21 4 L Trimble G P McNeill 1110-100 263001* •POMPOUS w 8 103 2 3 71 7= 3 4S 3 C Critchfd W Caywood 4M-100 S5807*BLACK MASK w 7 105 113-8 7= 6"» 4h E Stcffcn W Rope* 2120-100 26397 ESCORT W 0 101 8 8 6h 4h 411 3h 55 J Inzelone Mrs J Nightingale 230-100 ■6256 SNOWFALL wl H8 7 7 and 5" 5* 511 62 A Yerrat W Maadera 350-100 B«12S*MATTNEE IDOL w M 105 t 6 2» I1 8 7" 7h G Floyd Out West Stable 9."0-100 20470PROGRAli wn 7 106 4 4 1» D fih 8 8 J Ooasore B F McClaia Jr I O10O Time, :2S3i, :513£. l:184s. 1:463:. 1:53. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVAL NT BOOKING CDDS, CALZONA 0.20 .80 .80 410—100 130— 1C1 90—190 PLAIN ROCK 8-80 4.40 340—100 120—100 POMPOUS 3.60 83—100 Wiaaer— Br. f, hj War Si. ot— Vain Chick, by Rock View trained by J. McBride; bred by Dr. C. E. Jones. Wiaaer eatered to be claimed for ?boo. WENT TO POST— 5:4G. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third Hip same CALZONA rot throash an opeaiaf! after turning out of the lack stretch and. getting to the front on Ike last turn, won easily. PLAIN ROCK moved up ttrOBglT afur BoiBC half the way and was-1 t of the others. POMIOIS made a game finish. BLACK MASK came again after dropping back at the last turn. ESCORT «as on the outside all the way and tired. - Corrected weight Oalao— , 93.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1928062601/drf1928062601_13_1
Local Identifier: drf1928062601_13_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800