untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-05-31


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£«£»§£■» A RE YOU interested in a tried arid proven i M n s- handicapping system? Are you fully in- Bafc8 I formed as to the records of owners, trainers, I nHi9 jockeys and horses racing on American tracks? j Mgv Would you like to have the track records of all . HF *ne N°rtn American race tracks, with diagrams I | w a Jl II of the principal ones, rules of racing, bookmak- I I H W l| ng Percentage table, record pay-off odds, scales 2 I I L p* i of weights, history of national and international ! [ ...Z-Zr r..li "* stakes, a detailed explanation of pari-mutuel i .♦. wagering, remarkable jockey feats and a com- j * prehensive statistical review of 1928 racing, etc? ! . If you ARE interested — and all lovers of the "sport » 1 of kings" are — you will find all the above — and a great I deal more statistics and important data — contained in j 1929 | American i Racing Manual ! Now On ! I Sale American Racing Manual answers every question iThe concerning racing in 1928 and previous years. It stand3 j alone as the greatest racing publication in the world. j I Although an ever-increasing number of copies is printed ! " each year, the demand has always exhausted the supply. j I To delay ordering is to risk disappointment. Early pur- i I chasers have their choice of three bindings: Paper, .50; j ■ Special, .00; De Luxe Leather, .50. If ordered by j l mail, add ten cents additional for wrapping and postage. i j Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. j PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ! !441 • CUT OUT AND FILL IN THIS BLANK NOW! j" ~v"" DAILY RACING FORM PUB. CO., /**and£ ! 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago: JL*j 9J Enclosed please find % for which , / 4- .ySandJffifcV | please send me .copies of American Racing Manual 1 ■■ r f , , for 1029 in binding. ! Jjand *;■•*andand | Street and Number • £ii3andt£andJE£§L ■ triease PRINT name ;:e ] iidri ns plainly t pSi, and£and I

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929053101/drf1929053101_12_2
Local Identifier: drf1929053101_12_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800