untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-05-31


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Liberty Turf Guide ETiT5FTiirand Published Weekly, a Copy Sold at All Newsstands BBS BM B 1 I B B I fi_ E YESTERDAYS SYNDICATE! HORSE: .SB B H B B Si BBLf bW. EBk B .sSb! CORAL BEACH. . 7.52, Won W fci | |1 |jff # li fcTTg All followers remit winnings coming, bo we can forward you todays probable long shot winner. ImH 9BB jBj B -| Hk k Vasfl Ski tH 9 BB SH The alio-.e horse gives ample proof to turf followers the caliber of information forwarded to us by SBbI BVJ IE I B HtV A sBsl BBb BBb! k »B IfiBH 13 the by BBsl * S E9I A S H »Bk A Bh lErS flPI A B BH HBB I JOHN J. SLOANE, JR. Sll5 5 BBBBBM mmMXmauand+JUmRJk 1 1 . This syndicate, known as the most successful operators in the country, forward to us one horse is«ssl»«lll»ll«»»l»«lliislllli»liss»sllllllls»»llillssl»«»lls»»»lsllls«llisi»«s»»illslsllsll«lss»l«lll«llll«»ssli»l • day, and we, in turn, forward this information to all our followers in good standing. * S°,d C M 0" *" II Newsstands Kl + #4 Pnce D *1 C-1 TODAYS SYNDICATE HORSE From the conversation with Mr. John J. Sloane, Jr.. over long distance phone, will be returned an BlI lMI iCCl Tl ■ ■ I lH AllllMf easy winner at odds that should be pleasing to all participants. If you are desirous of receiving this lu M Ulf ll I W ■■■II lUI I Iff/ information today, you can easily do so. I M t II 1lJLJiJM-J j U 1 ll%# If DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY IN ADVANCE . _ Get your copy of The Ring Turf Weekly today. Get it before they are sold out. An that la necessary is to send us your correct name and address „ and agree to remit ,„ the __ , . . ... . , , . , . , 7T , ... winnings of a Trie, demand for this booklet has reached enormous proportions and the supply will THRFF HOI I AD TRAIPHT PI AY e mite - By ° means, dont get shut out. Go to your dealer at once and get this new issue. •a the horse we forward you. For immediate service, telegraph ~ " name and address at once. City , ___ , clients may call. I YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: TUESDAYS FREE CODE: _ -_ -_ CLEORA 4.14, Won ¥ - J rf ¥ _ WTLirr And allow us to remind you that a few weeks ago we put over fourteen straight free code winners, a B ■ BJ BB jt B 86 fl a»f3sL w and we are sanguine we w.U accomplish this feat again, so by nil means, get a copy of the LIBERTY bSW ■■k BBsns» afsBi ■asss** BBS* slsBLP_r TUBF GUIDE, sold at your newsdealers, a copy, for big winnings. •■J r TODAYS FBBE CODE: BT% *fl BB flTI BTBl C IK 7 CHURCHILL-Flush-19-9. ft 1 U.*---« " W OF! TWO-HORSE PARLAY TODAY will be released to nil LIBERTY TUBF GUIDE FOLLOWERS and, when the result of these two races Wednesdays Free Code: Tuesdays Free Code: are official, we will have plenty of cash, for these two horses should win easily today. rnnirtrc r*rrif a r ■* n ki "rtr A /vnA/M/rn H a c£ ai If you want to win yourself a bankroll, get this parlay today and our parlays for the next fire days. I FRAIMCtO KUCI..$ 9.14, WOI1 TtA V/KAOr.LK. .»r.OO, WOil Subscribe to this Cpppf AI nPPFR Mondays Free Code: Saturdays Free Code: ortiAL urr jciv | l|STQ Won QWL $ Won All clients subscribing to six weeks copies of LIBERTY TUBF GUIDE, at tbe special terms Of I , will receive free, six advertised parlays. City clients, call. Out-of-town clients, wire *5. Look at the above winners. We pay thousands for this information. These Free I |DI7DT,V TTI TRF 41 HOF I Code horses have become the sensation among turf followers, and each and every LIDILIV 1 I 1 UI.r JLJ lUIZ, ; f rea jer Bhould get this advice every day. EABLE BUILDING, BOOM 315. 52XD ST. AST BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY n,*.o rD™ nw - WASHINGTON PARK— Viking-32-16. g *BB g gi| " 8C IF" Decipher this code, then hop aboard for a limit bet. This horse is goinp; riht £Tf * JBl BBsV I and1 wk tandW r~~~~~T*m "T to the front today and will never look back. And, whats more, the odds should pay I U-S / m I ml bt ■ T J 1 at least 10 to L QaT -O M*and 1 B B JW Jand OTO»"— J YESTERDAYS 00 RING SPECIAL.: AMERICAS DADDY OF PAST AND PRESENT TURFMEN 11 tC Win or lose, prices big or small, my two horses are advertised in this publication every day. WMMWMWmmmMW M0 mmW V PLAYERS SHOUT "MORE"— LAYERS YELL "STOP" VVT 4 f% bT £**%/and YESTEBDAYS ADVEBT1SED HOLIDAY DOUBLE: 3k . £mM— m/mf fllBklBl T ▼ JM E CORAL BEACH 7.52, Won %p%J*£mM—* JUDGE HAY.. .... ........ .... .3.22 AVOII Wednesduys ?500 Ring Special: Tuesdays |500 Ring Special: A NONE 9.46, 2nd CLEORA 4.14, Won judge hay first time out and i gave to win— am i wisEt | Wednesdays Double: Tuesdays Double: Mondays 00 Ring Special: Saturdays 00 Ring Special: COY 4.46, Won DUMPY 9.92, Won LATCH KEY ... .5.40, Won BLK ON WHITE. 1. 04, Won FRANCES ROCK . .$ 9.14, Won ATOI 0.08, Won No waning for my service. No delay. Service every single day of the week Monday to Saturday, T%W/" tF ll TBkTaf 01! A T Inclusive. Telegrams sent out of town clients early each morning. Not one minutes delay In render- ■£ I fl W%l I I Bm I IV I T B I I /■ 9 lug service to clients, regardless of whether jou live in the city or out of town. ■L#M%.M ClJcF VV j M.WM.R. m 1 k JM ■ it J 1 f» ■ A TODAYS POST-HOLIDAY DOUBLE * FOLKS. NO HOT ALB AND NO BULI-GO THE LIMIT TTBi B s. L Tliese two horses are going to be turned loose at prices that should knock your book silly. The I III £L m light dough is planted in New York about a thousand miles from the track. It is so strong that the big afl jW alssi JL JssV sflk •hots advise ■■■fc PLUNGE ON THE NOSE WIN ONLY "BE We nave P0116 to a tremendous expense in obtaining the advice on todays horse and clients will show their appreciation of our efforts by getting this 00 Ring SlBjP"" Again Expected tO Win 50-0 "PE Special at once. These Specials are absolutely free to clients. Read our wonderful TEHKS— DAILY AND YOT/H NAME AND ADDBESS Offer below. ■BT ADVANCE NOTICE ~Bjl CDCr1! A I BIG DOUBLES BEADT FOB SATTTBDAY, JUNE 1. AND MONDAY. JUNE S W W* I JjL I Will be the years best bets. Wire for both days now. ANDY, 6 Varick Street, Suite 1001, New York City An players who "ribe « 8ix issues of Th!uRi"gnnT"r JTSSLfT, *5 ZO. " J the 00 RING SPECIAL. This receive absolutely FREE for six consecutive days, ■ offer is for a limited time only, so take advantage of this opportunity at once. Braxted Brothers The Ring Publishing Co. 35 South Dearborn Street, Suite 412 Chicago, III. 202 Broadway, Room 1518 New York City 3«r DAILY— TWO HORSES— *BJ| - Our terms are ¥«-ry wmm ill i t n ..dennjj the jiifor:n:ition that we release. Yon will never regret MM — "~~~ . — — i —— —— — — ~m doing busim-S!- with l.raxteil ltro.litr A rHfcbic i.jr: Uuri.iu. ir::nizcd for the benefit of the small as YESTERDAYS TWO-HOUSE TABLAY: IM WWbBMF iT B C# CflMBVllL cListo, .94,Won-ai D. HtWlll and M«5 . DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES— DAILY nffl B CI I /I 1 11/ _. r-— ; ~r% Strictly Two Horses Each Day Released to Each and Every One of Our Subscribers _ m If 4gT~ I VI Iff OsOIsU 1 11 / B I W fiSfl A d*- |1 Thcso two horses are advertised in this publication win or lose. Honest, legitimate turf information. ** |~— wd *■*** If 111 OljiCo, UJ I * I • ifl » 3+ f I Oil W»» »W"Ha, Washington 1ark information exclusively. Subscribe. *»/a/J T W YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: If you want to receive sMscat. kfsTltlmate turf information, subscribe to tliis office. We state noth- Llo I O J O.J7*t, WOil lng but facts. Our word is our l ond. Subscribe today. Dont wait until tomorrow. The day y°°iQFNERAL GRANT 0.84, Won ■niss is the day you lose. We Advertise Our Horses Every Day — Win or Lose ms_. SB Qir BIG pdooa PROBABLE n p v*/«m WIN padi PARLAY av nriFQ UOEb TODAY TnnAV *m "Bfll /Bd tl/„. Honegty lg the best Tbat ha8 wiU WI motto. Advertised two-horse parlay rc..-s d 10 ah oi:l-of town rlkata iinmedir.tely. No waiting for R I f* PAPI AV POFQ TfiHAY DIU rHriLnl VJWtlO I JUr I service Ko delay whatever, ln bm i I nii ioum.ou.- servue to ever hody. ,, _..,. ADVERTISED PARLAY WIRED ALL CLIENTS PROMPTLY rNij-rr uj TrUuV.uinOSS— A AO Square Deal tO Everybody Honesty— Regardless of how mm or big a bettor jou may be, you cannot afford to miss todays big probable THAT HAS EELH, AND ALWAYS WILL BE. OTJR MOTTO ; limit parlay. Roth horses should win easily. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. Fubscribel There is no double meaning, no half tiuth, no false note in any statement appearing in this adver- Subscribe! Subscribe! tuement. gg- Do Not Miss Todays Big Probable Limit Parlay "TBS! Information from Fairmount and Washington. Honest-to-Goodness : both horses should win unextended and pay limit odds , , .- ., l, .. . Subscribe Today. Do Not Pass Up These Two Big Probable Winners ■B««.!m STnn!l"v tIT Ld, CHICAGO PLAYERS-NOTICE-CHICAGO PLAYERS! £BF «. oUBoC/i-vltit I UUAY .no rUK I Mlo DlU rAKLAY 4v — "PtS Dont ;,-o to the race track today unless you receive our big parlay at Washington 1ark. Two An honest, square and fair deal is assured all our clients. Everybody is treated alike. Nc probable winners. jertiality. no discrimination. Bona fide, legitimate turf information. No guesswork or handicapping TERMS DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY itemii Itemit »o So Tia via Western nesieru Union uui or Postal Telegraph and recoive the advertised twe horses. * " . _ . - — — - -- . „ . _ _ Wire via Western Union or Tostal Telegraph. Our New lork office open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. gBf DAILY TWO HORSES DAILY "BJ| Telegrams sent early each morning. Everybody receives the same two horses. Our parlays- are released to clients at 10 a. m. eact JBFTHIS * IS A LEGITIMATE AND REPUTABLE TURF AGENCY"B82 Morning by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Remit and receive todays big parlay. , Duly registered under the laws of the State of New York, County of New York. BRAXTED BROTHERS, 202 Broadway, Room 1518, New York City j B. HEWITT and SONS, 200 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York City SUBSCRIBE FOR MONTHLY FORM BOOK AND INSURE DELIVERY CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPHS HANDICAPPERS ARE SUPREME

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929053101/drf1929053101_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1929053101_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800